A Cinderella Story???

A Cinderella Story???

A Story by Karli

The story of Cinderella...with a twist.


    I giggled lightly to myself as I watched Libby and Gabby pace around the room furiously. They were still hungover from the previous night's festivities, and were angry about what I'd done. Thankfully, they didn't even know I was the one who did it.

    "He's looking for this girl!" Libby snapped. "I can't believe he's actually searching for her! He should just leave it alone. They danced once! Even we danced with him!"

    "Libby, he's so clueless! We have to do something!" Gabby growled, plopping down on the floor next to me. "Cindy, you really should've been there last night. Libby and I both danced with the Prince."

    "From what I hear, he likes another girl." I smirked, crossing my arms slowly.

    "He doesn't." Libby hissed. "At least, he won't. Gabby and I have been planning on marrying him since we first saw him as a guest star on Elmo. One of us will marry him."

    I bit my lip to keep from smiling.

    They thought they were so slick, making sure I couldn't go to the ball last night. Well, thanks to a little magic, I made it. I danced with the Prince for a solid four and a half minutes, too. They'd barely danced with him at all.

    The Prince was much deeper at heart than I'd anticipated. We'd spoken of our dreams and aspirations, as well as our passions and families. We had connected so quickly. He was about to kiss me when the clock struck twelve, forcing me to leave him. It was one of the hardest things I'd ever had to do.

    The one good thing that came out of it was upsetting my seriously ugly step-sisters. They were absolutely livid about the whole thing, but could find zero ways to blame me! I sat there, content with myself, but a feeling of emptiness crept inside of my heart. I really wanted to see Prince Aaron again.

    "Let's go find him!" Gabby suggested.

    "Perfect." Libby nodded in agreement. "Cindy, drive us around."

    "Your Mom said I have to stay here and clean all week, remember?" I protested.

    "Cindy, you're basically our servant. I'm sure Momma will understand if you drive us somewhere. It's for a good cause." Gabby explained. "Go get the keys."

    "Fine," I groaned and slipped on my shoes and sweatshirt.

    Luckily, I actually enjoyed driving my sisters around. The kingdom was so scenic and gorgeous, I loved driving with the windows down. The smell of fresh coffee always filled the air, and sounds of laughing children and horse carriages were always heard. The only time my sisters ordered me to do anything was when they needed to stop somewhere. I didn't really mind it at all, honestly.

    "Where exactly are we headed?" Libby asked Gabby.

    "The castle," Gabby tapped my shoulder. "We need to sneak in."

    "How do you know he's there?" I tilted my head to one side.

    "Where else would he be?" Gabby snapped.

    "I don't know, but he's always going to give speeches and stuff, isn't he?" I challenged.

    "Let's just try the castle." Gabby sat back in her seat.

    "Oh, here it is!" Libby pointed to the large castle we were approaching.

    Whoever married Prince Aaron would be so lucky. The castle was so spacious and beautiful. It stretched towards the clouds, with it's copper towers. The Golden doors and windows accented the beautiful palace nicely. I felt regret building inside of me for not having the courage to stay right there in Aaron's arms.

    "What's the plan?" Gabby asked.

    "There's no guards outside." Libby examined the castle. "Let's just walk in, and if anyone asks who we are, we'll say we're maids looking for our uniforms."

    "Good idea!" Gabby patted her back. "Cindy, come with us. You're going to do all the talking so that if anyone gets in huge trouble, it'll be mostly you."

    "I'm happy to help," I snapped under my breath.

    Our plan to just "walk on in" didn't last too long. We made it up a flight of stairs before a guard noticed we didn't appear to be a member of the Castle. He stopped us short, and immediately, without questions, dragged us into his office.

    "Sir, we are maids." I said sweetly. "We were looking for our uniforms, and got lost. Could you please direct us to the maid's room?"

    "Miss, we've hired no new maids. Every maid we have is on duty at the moment. That card is outplayed." The Guard sighed. "I'm afraid I'll have to throw you three in the dungeon for the night."

    "Can we please just have a moment with the Prince?" Gabby blurted, clapping her hand over her mouth.

    "The Prince is very busy, you know." The Guard answered. "He's in search of some girl he danced with, having every female in the Kingdom try on a glass shoe. Who ever heard of a glass shoe?"

    I have.

    "Well, is he here? I'm sure he could spare one moment." Libby added. "Please?"

    "Very well," the Guard walked to the door. "I'll summon him. Stay put, or you'll be in prison even longer." 

    A few seconds later, he took his seat again, and folded in hands on the desk. We heard footsteps coming towards the door.

    "You summoned me?" a voice boomed.

    Prince Aaron.

    "Yes, these ladies would like a word with you. I'll leave you to it." The Guard exited the room, leaving Prince Aaron with us.

    He took a seat in the Guard's chair and grinned at the three of us. His eyes met mine for a brief second, forcing my heart to cease its beating.

    "So, you snuck into the castle?" he chuckled.

    "Prince, I'm the one who danced with you last night." Libby batted her eyelashes.

    Was she serious?

    "What?" Gabby arose from her chair. "Prince, she's a liar. It was I who danced with you last night!"

    "Ladies, calm down." Prince Aaron blushed. "I've got the shoe right here. We'll just test it out."

    Good, now I'd just have to wait until he'd tried both of their feet. It only fit me, thankfully. I sat there, waiting for my moment to prove to him I was his girl, and we'd run off into the sunset.

    "It doesn't fit, miss," he told Gabby.

    She blinked hard to keep the tears away.

    He slipped it on Libby's foot, and I watched with excitement as it...fit perfectly.


    "Oh, Aaron!" Libby threw her arms around his neck. "It fits!"

    "What?" I accidentally blabbed. "I mean...congratulations, Prince Aaron. You've found your princess."

    I was about to break down right there. At least he didn't look too thrilled, either.

    "Aaron, this is destiny! We're destined to be together!" She kissed his cheek.

     He stared at her, unknowing of what to say.

    Luckily, the Guard re-entered.

    "What's going on here?" he demanded.

    "I...just found my wife." Prince Aaron sighed. "Show these girls their rooms. They'll all be in the wedding."

    "I'll get on that straight away." The Guard grabbed our arms and lead us upstairs.

    What happened to my life? Just last night, the Prince and I were falling in love. He smiled so sincerely, gazing into my eyes. I was supposed to be the woman he married, not Libby! I couldn't believe this was truly happening. Libby was getting her way...again. The one time in my life something good was happening to me, everything went wrong.

    Maybe this was just fate. I'd meet that perfect guy someday. Truly the Prince was so amazing. I felt a fresh, but strong love for him, and I didn't want to let him go. Libby didn't deserve him.

     "Hi," a voice said behind me. I turned around to see Aaron and Libby walking, hand in hand, towards me.

    "Aaron, this is my step-sister. She's our maid." Libby flipped her hair over her shoulder.

    "Hi, I'm Cindy." I smiled and arose from my bed. "It's nice to meet you."

    "Why don't you two get to know each other? I'm taking Gabby shopping for her bridesmaid dress." Libby rubbed his arm.

    "Sure." he nodded and kissed her cheek.

    Gag me with a spoon, someone.

    "So, do you and your sisters get along?" he asked as we began a stroll around the castle. "It seems you're kind of left out."

    "Truthfully, we don't. Libby and Gabby are very close, usually, but I don't get along with them." I explained. "I'm...happy for Libby, though. She's always had a bit of a crush on you."

    "I couldn't find to find my princess," he gazed straight ahead. "Libby's nothing like the way she was last night. Maybe I was just misreading her."

    "I'm sure you'll have a great life with her." I nodded.

    "Hope so," he shrugged. "You know, you look familiar. Have we met?"

    "I don't think so," I answered almost too quickly.

    He turned his head as we walked, gazing in my eyes.

    "Don't take this the wrong way, but you're so much more beautiful than Libby lets on." he grinned.

    "I'll take that as a compliment," I giggled. "Do you like her so far?"

    "To be honest, I'm not sure." he sighed. "I did last night. I was falling in love with her last night. Now, she's so much different. She's not as kind and gentle. I'm sure she's just stressed that we're getting married so soon."

    "Maybe that's it," I nodded.

    Without warning, the Prince grabbed my hand.

    "I hope to see you around here often, Cindy." he winked. "There's something about you...I feel like we know each other."

    "Aaron," I began. "I'm not who you think I am."

    "Cindy!" I spun around to see Gabby racing towards me. "Libby wants you to come try on dresses. The King is making Libby let you be in the wedding."

    "Uh, okay." I nodded. "I'll...talk to you later."

    "It was nice talking to you," he grabbed my hand.

    "You, too," I managed to say before walking off with Gabby.


    What happened to me that night? Libby had forced me into an ugly pink ballgown, which I'd have to wear the day of her wedding. I ate dinner by myself on the balcony outside of my bedroom, which over looked the Kingdom. I allowed myself to daydream about living here with Aaron, sitting out here every night, whispering words of love to each other. I sighed, knowing that was no longer a possibility.

    Aaron had brought Libby back to the room that night, and saw me on the balcony. He came and sat outside with me, telling Libby he was asking her about wedding rings. Really, we had a simple conversation, knowing exactly what to say to each other. After an hour on endless chatting, Libby asked Aaron to leave so she could get her beauty rest. The wedding was planned for tomorrow.

     I decided to sleep outside in a sleeping bag. My eyes refused to shut. All I thought of was Aaron, and his beautiful ways. His amazing eyes, and how chocolate-like they were. His smile, how warm and innocent it was. His laugh, how deep it sounded. His personality, how perfect he was.

    As I gazed at the stars, one seemed to grow brighter. My immediate thoughts were that it was the North Star, but it was also coming closer. I sat up and watched curiously as it grew bigger, brighter, and closer.

    "What's going on?" I whispered.

    "Cinderella," a light, angelic voice called. The star was forming into blue fabric, until it was a dress. A person emerged, sparkling from head to toe. "It is I, Fairy Godmother!"

    "Godmother!" I stood up and hugged her. "Everything's gone wrong! The glass shoe fit Libby!"

    "That's where you're wrong." she shook her head. "The shoe fit you. Libby switched the shoes before you came to the castle today. Aaron is in love with you, and he doesn't want Libby."

    "She switched the shoes?" my eyes grew to the size of quarters. "I'm not surprised. Everything could be great, but they're getting married tomorrow. I don't even know where the real shoe is."

    "That doesn't matter. We'll find a way to fix this. Tomorrow, just speak up during the wedding. Trust me, everything will work out." she patted my shoulder. "Goodnight, Cinderella."

    "Goodnight, Godmother." I climbed back onto my sleeping bag.

    Love really could be like a fairytale. I loved Aaron, I knew it. He loved me, I could feel it. Tomorrow, hopefully, everything would work out in my favor.

    The next morning, I hid from my sisters. Eventually, Libby called off the search for me and threw the hideous dress into the trash. I slipped on the most beautiful wedding gown I could find, and curled my hair. I wanted to look beautiful, for a change.

    I hid in the back of the garden where the pair were to wed. Libby floated down the aisle like a simple fairy. She looked a mess in her wide dress, and screwed-up make-up. Aaron forced a smile as she took his hands.

    "If anyone has any objections to this marriage, speak now, or forever hold your peace." the preacher began. I spotted Fairy Godmother sitting in the back, winking at me.

    I gathered up enough courage to stalk my way towards the altar. Libby's eyes were sending me death threats, and Aaron was looking hopeful.

    "Aaron, she's a liar." I began. "She switched the shoes before we came here."

    "Prove it." Libby challenged.

    "Would it be this shoe you're looking for?" Fairy Godmother stood up, holding a glass slipper in her hand.

    "Yes," I nodded and slipped it on. It fit perfectly. "See?"

    "Cindy! You always ruin everything!" Libby charged towards me, but Aaron grabbed her.

    "Guards, take her away!" Aaron ordered.

    She was shipped off without another second passing.

    "Cindy," he took my hands. "Why couldn't I realize this earlier?"

    "It's okay," I shrugged. "How would you know?"

    "I should've known. I knew I was in love with you, but I was so dead-set on marrying the girl who fit the shoe. It...it really was you." he stroked my hair lightly.

    "Aaron, I love you." I smiled, a tear falling.

    "I love you, Cindy." he kissed me with as much emotion as he could. "Will you marry me?"

    "Yes," I hugged him tightly.

    Luckily, I knew to wear a wedding dress.


© 2011 Karli

Author's Note

So, I know they "fell in love" really fast. Well, they're supposed to. It's Cinderella.
Anyways, I wanted to write something different...I know it sucks big time, but that's alright. It's nothing serious.

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It's so sweet! I love it... :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

yea i agree it was fast pace and it was a good twist, the shoe fitting one of the step sisters and all, at first i thought it would end bad for cinderella, but luckily, everything turned out ok.
how was she able to sneak in th castle and switch the shoe? did she even know what te shoe looked like and where they kept it? maybe you should have the real glass slipper have a certain marking or desing on it, to tell the diferrence between that and the fake.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I liked it :) I thought it was kind of cute. It was definetly a different Cinderella story. Nice job :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 1, 2011
Last Updated on February 1, 2011



My name is Karli. Jesus. Youth Ministry. Europe. "He has told you what is good...do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."-Micah 6:8. more..
