So Far Away

So Far Away

A Story by Karli

    Happy birthday to me.

    I gazed out my apartment window out on the courtyard full of  students. Senior Year had finally arrived. Next year, my college days would be a thing of the past, and I'd be moving on to the adult world. Honestly, I feel that transition happened a long time ago. I've matured so much these past few years, I can no longer refer to myself as a child.

    This year needed to end. It hadn't even really started yet. Tonight was the last night of summer. My boyfriend, Richie, hadn't been here since the beginning of June, which meant I hadn't seen him in two whole months. I most likely wouldn't see him again until Christmas break.

    I missed him so much. He was that school boyfriend that sappy, romantic girls like me just didn't forget. We'd began our relationship in the eighth grade, technically. We weren't too serious about it until sophomore year. I fell for him fast, but he was the first to say those three magic words. Every weekend from then on was spent together. I dragged him to the mall and chick flicks, and during the summers, he'd force me horseback riding and surfing. I enjoyed every second of it.

    He promised he'd call me today, but he hadn't. It was already seven o' clock, and my phone sat silent on my bed. I sighed with sorrow, slipping on my thin white sweater.

    Finally, I heard his ringtone, Strawberry Wine. I fumbled my way across the room and quickly answered his call.

    "Hello?" I tried to play it cool, but I knew he'd be able to tell how excited I was.

    "Happy birthday, beautiful," his cracking, deep, sexy voice responded. I could practically feel the smile in his voice, so warm, and loving. "How was your day?"

     "It was pretty good." I shrugged. "My sister took me shopping, and to lunch. I wish you could be here, though."

     "You have no idea how much I miss you," I heard the smile fade.

     I had to catch my breath for a second before I ended up crying. I took a deep breath and smiled.

    "Christmas isn't too far away," I attempted to seek a bright side. "We won't be apart forever."

     "It feels like forever," he sighed. "I sent a little surprise for you though."

     "You didn't have to do that." I laughed.

     "Believe me, I wanted to." he answered automatically.

     I reached in my purse in search for a picture of us. The first one I found was my favorite. We were on the beach, barely paying attention to the camera. Our faces were bright with love, and laughter. His arms were tight around me, and mine were simply slipped around him. I wanted to go back to that moment and never let him go.

     "I just found our favorite beach picture." I told him. "It makes me sad."

     "Don't be sad." he told me, his voice comforting me like a warm flannel blanket, or a long hug. "I'll tell you what. Next time I see you, and we hug, I promise I won't let go for as long as possible."

     "I can't wait for that day." I giggled. "I can't wait until we're done with school, and we can be together again."

     "Me neither." he said. "We can get a place near the beach."

     Oh, how I missed North Carolina, and our beach days.

     "Sounds perfect." I lied my head back.

     A knock sounded at the door, interrupting my phone call with the love of my life. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

     "Hang on, someone's at my door." I ordered.

     "Hurry back," he chuckled.

     I set the phone down on my table and got up to answer the door.

     In front of me was Richie, his phone closed in his hand.

     He was wearing that big red sweatshirt I'd bought him for Valentine's day, and baggy pants, making him look insanely huggable.

     "Hey," he gave a sweet, closed-mouthed smile.

     Without giving a second thought, I jumped into his arms, holding him tight. We stood like that, outside on my doorstep, for a long moment. He kissed my head a few times, and each time, I tightened my grip. We were squeezing each other with as much strength as we could gather, not holding anything back. Before pulling away, I allowed a tear to fall.

     "What are you doing here?" I refused to remove my arms, but looked up at his face.

     "My classes don't start until next week," he shrugged. "I wasn't going to miss your birthday."

     "I love you," was all I managed to reply, and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I love you so much."

     "I love you, too." he pulled back to kiss me gently.

     Something about me knew this love would last forever.

© 2011 Karli

Author's Note

Simple story, really wanted to write something. :)

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Awww :) When Richie said he sent something, I totally didn't expect it to be him!

This is too cute :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 1, 2011
Last Updated on February 1, 2011



My name is Karli. Jesus. Youth Ministry. Europe. "He has told you what is justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."-Micah 6:8. more..
