The Fire In My Heart <3

The Fire In My Heart <3

A Poem by Karli

a poem about the Love inside of you


This frightful weather is overwhelmed by my flames

They match the Love in my Heart, which can't be tamed

The Flames begin with a cackle, but end with a roar

All silence in your Heart has long ceased.


The aroma blankets you with warm memories

of Love past and present day

It's not a Fire you can see, only feel in your heart

You have a wonderful gift of warm passion.

What exactly is this fire?

Is it Hope?



Maybe it's combined into a family.

Perhaps it's God, your amazing Savior.

The real answer lies inside of you.

Everything good is in Love itself.

Remember the Hope, the Peace, the Fire.

The Love.


© 2010 Karli

Author's Note

I know this sucks. I wrote it in study hall, where I couldn't concentrate too well. So, I want to do a re-write if you guys really think it's that bad, because I think it's a good concept. So, please don't give me harsh reviews, but give me advice! Thanks:)

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Clearly a piece that is full of passion - and in that sense it is strong... and I think it is a great concept too. Some nice word choices too... "The aroma blankets you with warm memories" - that would be my favourite line of this poem
Nice work.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh, this isn't even CLOSE to 'suck'! It's amazing! You couldn't have written this any better than it already is. Trust me, it's great. (:

Posted 13 Years Ago

This . . . This does not suck.
I can feel the passion coming from it.
I like the flow and I like the way you wrote this.
You did a very nice job on this poem, as well.
Keep up the good work!
Favorite line;
"The aroma blankets you with warm memories
of Love past and present day
It's not a Fire you can see, only feel in your heart
You have a wonderful gift of warm passion."
Though the rest of it is beautiful, as well. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on December 14, 2010
Last Updated on December 14, 2010



My name is Karli. Jesus. Youth Ministry. Europe. "He has told you what is justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."-Micah 6:8. more..


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