![]() Chapter FiveA Chapter by Kitty_RawwrEventually I had given in to a deep sleep. It felt like I had been sleeping for a long while when a sudden crash woke me up. I jumped up in my bed where I had been curled beneath the sheets and quickly looked around the now dark room. I could see Cody on the bed sleeping and the door was shut. As I listened the sound of the rain pounding on the ceiling answered my question to what was going on. Another loud crash of thunder followed by a bright light of lightning filling the room caused me to jump. Cody flew up on the bed in a sitting position and in a small state of panic. I quickly jumped on the bed burrowing beneath the covers and came up beside his head snuggling close against him. his tense rigid body began to relax against me as his arms reached out holding me like a teddy bear. He held me tight until his grip loosened as he fell back sleep. Taking in his scent and feeling his body heat next to mine I too felt more relaxed. I moved closer laying my head across his chest allowing some of my body to be on his side to be close. Soon the thunderstorm wasn’t as scary as I began to fall asleep it was nonexistent. Another sound awakened me for the second time. only this time it was a soft soothing sound. As I lifted my ears followed by my head I met the gaze of Cody who was awake and sitting up in bed. I was across his stomach as he lay propped on the pillow petting me and looking down. I turned my head slightly"the way I always did when I knew something was up. And the look on his face told me he was in thought and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking. I let out a soft whimper pushing against his hand as it ran along my head. He smiled softly and let out a sigh.
“…I said, I’m sorry I kicked you.” He said with his small smile on his face. I stared at him wishing I could phase just for a second. Tell him I was sorry I had scared him, but I wasn’t sorry I went for the girl’s feet.
“You know…I read something on the computer last night…” He began cutting me away from the pleasing thought of phasing just to speak my mind.
“I actually wanted more information than what my dad gave me. Can you believe that? But anyway I looked up the whole thing. Like how you look at social status and what not. How you may see me as an alpha…you do see me as an alpha. You were just protecting me. So I can’t blame you really. You didn’t know any better…” he said gently to me while petting.
“But! Could you try not to bite at the feet of the girl I have been crushing on since the beginning of high school? I’d really appreciate that. Messing up a moment…man I can’t believe we made out!” He said laughing lightly and then getting close to my face in excitement and ruffled my hair. I snorted and moved away slightly causing him to laugh.
“Awww…jealous Colby?” He asked nudging me lightly and then laughing and petting my head.
“Don’t worry. You’re still my girl.” He said with another laugh as he pet me and leaned closer kissing me on my muzzle.
I moved away feeling suddenly embarrassed. He didn’t catch it and stood on his bed stretching animatedly. I stared at him as he yawned and then got off the bed. I looked to the window saw it was cloudy outside and still raining. But I looked to the time and saw that it was already six. We had gotten up late. He seemed to realize what I was expecting and smiled at me walking to the bed where I now stood up on. he pet my head moving his hand behind my ears.
“No run today girl. We’ll work hard tomorrow and all day it’ll just be us. Alright?” He said with a smile and then paused as if I would answer. I sneezed leaving my head dropped low and let out a happy whine. He smiled and turned heading out of the room heading to the bathroom to wash up.
I went downstairs while he showered knowing it would be a while. The sound of the rain was louder down here because the window in the kitchen had been left open a crack. As I walked onto the tile I couldn’t help but shiver. The cold was chilling. I went to my bowl drinking up some water and then moved to the food bowl. Someone had refilled it and I was pretty hungry. I chewed on some of the food imagining it tasted like bacon or some other delicious meat substance. After a bit I finished the bowl but still I was pretty hungry. I ignored the hunger and went back up the stairs. The bathroom door was open and dark but the warmth I could feel from the beginning of the hall. Cody’s room light was on and as I walked in I spotted him at his dresser. He was in his boxers moving around the room trying to find clothes.
“I can’t find those dark jeans!” he hissed seeing me walking in.
I stared a few seconds as he swam through the clothes. I knew what jeans he was talking about. It was the pair Erick had bought but didn’t want after the first time he wore them. According to Cody he believed they gave him an “awesome butt” and also were comfortable. I walked over to the bottom drawer where I remember he had put them so he wouldn’t misplace them. I sat and let out a whimper. He looked to me and I pawed at the drawer. He frowned slightly and looked like he was about to dismiss me but then a glow came over his face as he seemed to remember.
“That’s right!” he said giddily jumping over a knee high mountain of clothes that had been tossed in the closet floor and ran to the drawer. He got on his knees and went through it. Not only did he find his pants but he also found a dark blue long sleeve shirt.
“Good job Colbs!” He said pulling his shirt over his head and moving his hair back causing it to fall back into place. He stood and put on his pants and then put his shoes on. We got out of the room and went into the kitchen where Rachel was barely starting to make breakfast. She did a double take seeing Cody and smiled.
“My my, I thought you and Colby were out for your run…” she said with a smile and walked to him kissing him on his cheek and placing an arm around him for a hug. He laughed as she backed away to cook and he took a seat on the stool at the island counter.
“It is pouring outside. No way am I running in this!” He said motioning to the window and then shook his head smiling.
“Well alright honey. Since you’re up, what you want for breakfast?” She asked turning to him and smiling. It took him less than a minute to figure that out.
“French toast, eggs, and bacon.” He said after a split second of a fake look of thought.
“Alright.” She said with a shrug and turned around beginning to work her magic.
“So are your friends going to come over again tonight?” She asked looking at him expectantly. He shrugged and snatched a piece of plain white bread. He chewed it and was about to speak when he was interrupted by the doorbell. My ears lifted and I turned to the front door as Cody got up. I followed him as he jogged into the living room. I knew before I got on the couch to look out the window who it was. I could already smell him.
“Uncle Jerry!” Cody said with a huge smile on his face and began laughing as he ran forward hugging his drenched uncle as he walked into the house.
“Hey nephew. Looks like you’ve actually grown since the last time I saw you!” he said holding him out at arms length taking him in smiling and laughing along with him.
“Yeah well, you look older!” Cody said with a laugh earning himself to be put in a head lock and a fist to the top of his head.
“Boys!” Rachel said in a mock warning tone coming into the room witnessing the wrestling display.
“Colby get off my couch!” she snapped seeing me still up.
I quickly got down but didn’t take my eyes off Jerry. He let got of Cody and moved away stopping his laughing and smiled down on me. He kneeled down to my level reached forward putting a hand on my neck. I stared at him a couple of seconds before moving forward and setting my head on his chest. he laughed his deep laugh similar to Allen’s and patted my pulling me into a discrete hug.
“Looks like she remembers you…” Rachel commented with a small awed tone. Jerry laughed patting my side and standing back up.
“Well she better.” He said with a laugh and followed Cody and Rachel into the kitchen leaving his bags behind.
I followed them and anxiously sat beside the stool Jerry was now perched in. He was here and I wanted to talk to him. But he was occupied with laughing and talking with them. Of course he was occupied. He hadn’t seen them in nearly a year. I completely understood that. But he needed to understand, I hadn’t phased in almost a year, I hadn’t spoken! I seriously hoped there wasn’t an expiration date on speaking and phasing. I didn’t want to be stuck like this forever!
Just when I thought he was about to get up and head outside for a “walk” signaling we could go speak in the woods, Allen bounded down the stairs. His eyes nearly popped out of his head as he took in his older brother standing in his kitchen. He ran to the kitchen and wrapped his brother into a manly grizzly hug. I had to step back not to be stepped on. it was followed by greetings and bellowing laughs. Erick and Justin both came into the room with smiles on their faces knowing the who the laughs belonged too. I settled back down knowing it was going to be a while.
A while later after the family had eaten breakfast and finished talking the boys realized the time. it was already seven thirty and they were running behind. As they began rushing about Jerry sat back and laughed a few seconds before he shouted them to stop and told them he’d drive them. They got into his car and drove away. I stayed on the porch waiting patiently for him to return. I was getting frustrated and began pacing. Finally his car pulled up and he got out and ran to the porch and hurried into the house holding the door open for me behind him. He shed his coat on the coat rack and shook his short brown messy hair free of water. He looked at me with the same eyes as Allen and smiled a bright smile.
“We should go take a walk…once the storm stops.” He said with a nod. I huffed and stomped my front paw letting out a low growl. I wanted to talk now. I didn’t want to wait. He sighed his smile dropping and shrugged.
“Hey brother. I’m going to have to go in early so I can get out early. Rachel has to go back to grocery so she’ll be gone a while. Feel free to use the shower, pantry, stove, washer, dryer, anything. My house is your house.” He said with a smile and patting his brothers shoulder. Jerry smile and nodded.
“Thanks.” He said as Allen left the house. A few minutes later Rachel was out the front door and then it was just me and Jerry. He stood at the front door staring out for a few minutes after before he turned back to me being sure they were both gone.
“Alright lets talk.” He said with a nod and his face turning serious.
I didn’t hesitate. I stood from where I had been sitting on the floor and willed myself to change. At first nothing happened and I felt slightly panic. Even spent a second wondering if I was doing it right. But then I felt the familiar feeling come over me. Suddenly as I pushed off the floor I quickly phased losing the fur and paws. I was still hunched over feeling stiff at first. Without thinking I stood up teetering slightly from the almost forgotten feel of being on two legs. I moved my fingers in and out of fists wiggling them loving the feel. My toes moved too and I loved it. I felt the smile stretching my face and my cheeks seemed to want to burst. I looked up happily to Jerry who was staring at me with wide eyes. Confusion for a second turned to complete shock realizing what he was staring at. I was naked! © 2012 Kitty_Rawwr |
Added on January 29, 2012 Last Updated on January 29, 2012 |