Chapter Three

Chapter Three

A Chapter by Kitty_Rawwr

On the way home I took my time. I wasn’t in the least bit in a hurry. I knew Rachel was the only one home and I knew when she was on a cleaning binge she usually either sent me outside or forced me to remain on Cody’s bed while she cleaned everything else. A couple hours later I moved away from a small stream I had been laying at after rolling in to clean myself off. I was already dried now and moved through the forest. As I walked into the opening of the backyard i made my way up the back porch. I was hoping Rachel was in the kitchen. The back door was closed. I walked to the back porch seats and jumped up to peak into the window. The kitchen was empty. I got off the seat and left the porch moving around the side of the house to the front. I knew the front door was going to be locked but there was the door bell. Raising myself from the floor I pawed at it scratching until it pressed down and it rang inside. I head shuffling inside and then the front door opened. I saw through the screen it was Rachel in her cleaning get up. Yellow gloves and white booties and all.


“Oh Colby, come on girl. Get in here.” She said opening the door letting me in.


I entered. The house smelt clan. A mixture of lemon scent and bleach filled my nostrils. It was irritating to my senses but as I sneezed a few times she got the hint and began opening windows and opened the front and back door locking the screen. I moved over by the coffee table and sat as she continued dusting singing along to her music she played on her kitchen radio. She stopped a few seconds as I leaned against the couch.


“You know better Colby...stay off my couches.” She said waving the duster at me. I lay my ears back and lowered my head signaling i understood. And i did. I learned my lesson about not being on the couch�"when she’s home anyway. Last time she caught me on the couch i was asleep thinking she was upstairs napping as well. She hit me with the broom all the way into the kitchen then back out around the living room up the stairs and into Cody’s room.


“Jerry is going to stay with us for the weekend. Won’t that be fun?” She asked smiling at me as if I was going to answer. I stared a few seconds. Jerry coming here...that would be interesting...I wanted to ask about the current status on my father. He hadn’t visited in over a year.


“He’ll be here by tomorrow...maybe noon I think.” She said nodding to herself again while she continued cleaning.


I moved away from the couch and then headed up the stairs. I needed a nap. As I entered Cody’s room I shut the door not wanting to hear the vacuum go on loud downstairs. I checked the time seeing it was barely ten-thirty-seven and then jumped onto Cody’s bed burrowing myself into the covers and then moving so that my head stuck out. I let stared awake at nothing clearing my head letting my thoughts settle. Soon my eyes became heavy and i fell asleep.




I woke up to the sound of shuffling. I raised myself on the bed feeling alert and confused at the same time. I looked around and spotted Cody moving around the room. I was confused and whimpered to get him to look at me. He stopped suddenly breathing heavily.


“...we’re working on a project for English tonight! Here!” He said giddily motioning to the room with a clump of clothes in one hand and few papers in the other. I looked to the clock where it read it was just barely turning three. He got out of school at two-forty-five. He must have ran the entire way. I whimper again tilting my head slightly. As if to ask who adn what he was talking about.


“...Sarah Marshal! Coming to my house!” he said throwing his hands up excited. I stared again and sat on his bed giving a tilt of the head for him to carry on.


“I didn’t actually talk to her today...but when the teacher assigned our group together...and she asked me if it was okay if she came along with Audrey, Kenny, and Philip. I said yes. It was fine. It was a few words but still. She smiled at me.” He said again in his giddy tone before tossing himself back on the bed. I stared at him as he smiled up to the ceiling.


“How was your day Colby?” He asked as if I could answer.


I wanted to tell him what a pain it was I had slept the whole day and his mom had cleaned. And how tomorrow his uncle was going to come and i was excited that i might hear news about my father and twin brother. Instead I whined a little and licked his face causing him to laugh and pet me.


After a few minutes of petting he smiled and riled me up ruffling my fur and neck before taking off down the stairs and out the back door. He allowed me a few minutes of privacy in the woods but then we were back to playing. I stalked him along the outing and then stalked along the floor as he sat on the floor faking like he didn’t know I was coming. I pounced on him sending him to the ground and began playfully nicking him. He wrestled with me a bit throwing my head away as i tried biting him playfully. He attempted to pin me to the ground but I grabbed onto his leg pulling his pants with it causing him to turn slightly. He was laughing so hard as i pulled him across the floor and he fought to keep his pants on. After a few minutes i heard the crunching of footsteps coming from the side of the house. I stopped tugging his pants and made my way towards the sound. I heard a few of the footsteps change from dirt to wood. I made my way by the side of the porch and walked up the stairs. I was immediately surprised by a high pitched shriek.


“WOLF!” It screeched causing me to cringe.


Once the initial shock of the high pitch screech that froze me momentarily I saw there were two girls and two guys. One of the guys stood tall and muscularly heavy in front of all of them while one of the girls gripped his arm much like using him as a shield. The other guy’s light blue eyes were wide as he took me in. My attention went back to the older one as he moved forward waving his arms above his head yelling.


“GO ON! GET OUT OF HERE! SHOO!” He yelled at me.


Thinking he was about to kick me with the way he brought his foot back behind him, I let out a growl. They were on our porch! I bared my teeth as I saw that other guy grabbing the flowering fork that Rachel used on her porch garden. He held it in front of him shaking slightly as the other guy continued to shout.


“GET! GO! SHOO!” He continued as the girls continued to scream in a high pitch voice.


“WAIT NO!” Cody said running out the front of the house behind them.


“Watch it Cody! There’s a wolf out here!” The big guy called over his shoulder staring back at me like he had everything under control.   


“Relax! Stop yelling Audrey you’re scaring her! You too Philip! Put that damn thing down geez!” He said quickly to the girl and then to the other guy taking his weapon.


He moved in front of the other guy�"Kenny I supposed�"despite the protest from the other. He moved beside me and reached down stroking my head calmingly. Shushing me and telling me everything was okay. I loosened up and stood from where I was crouching in defense.


“Audrey, Kenny, Philip, S-Sarah...this is Colby...” He said to them stuttering slightly on Sarah’s name. I could see her now standing behind Kenny quietly. Her eyes were big and on me darting back and forth between me and Cody.


“...why is there a wolf named Colby on your porch man?” Kenny asked relaxing slightly.


Cody laughed a little before explaining I was his present from his uncle when he was eleven. I was the family pet. He offered them to pet me but only Kenny was man enough to do so. But even him was hesitant and was tense as he ran his hand over my head. Cody invited everyone in he and I entered last. Rachel was upstairs possibly napping so it was Cody that offered drinks as they sat at the table in the living room and got started on the project. I followed Cody around the kitchen as he got cups and chips. He set the unopened bag in my mouth to take along with what he had. When we entered the living room and he placed everything down he took the chips from me and placed them too. The couches sat across from each other. Kenny and Philip sat on one couch to the left and then Audrey took the recliner chair that was usually Rachel’s during knitting. Sarah sat on the other couch. There was still room on Kenny and Philip’s couch and he was about to go over there and take a seat but i quickly shoved him towards Sarah’s couch. He shot me a look but then blushed as he took a seat and seemed to enter a cone of silence. I moved around the couch and took a seat between he place where Audrey sat and where Sarah sat. They both tensed up once I was beside them. I moved closer and lay my head beside Sarah’s laugh. She laughed nervously as I nudged her hand and shot Cody�"who had been watching a look. The talking grew silent as I stayed nudging her hand.


“S-she must like you...” Cody said after a few moments of silence. His voice broke slightly but it was cute. Sarah smiled and reached out running her hand on my head and beside my neck.


“Hey dude you have juice or something?” Philip asked shaking his head at the empty glass on the table apologetically.


“Yeah. I’ll be right back.” He said bounding off. As he turned his back i felt a nudge on my head and then a shove.


“Ew! I can’t believe I touched it! It’s probably rabid!” Sarah said shaking her head at me with disgust. I stared at her in disbelief. What a fake!


Soon Cody came back with Philip’s juice and their conversation got started again. Cody gave me a questioning glance looking from me to Sarah who was intentionally ignoring his gaze and overall him. He continued to be silent talking occasionally when a question was asked. After an hour they decided on a break and leaned back in the couches chatting. Kenny now wanted to know about me.


“So is that safe?” He asked pointing to me. Cody laughed light and shook his head.


“SHE is fine. Of course she’s wild and all dad always reminds me that. But she is nice. Hasn’t bitten anyone meaning harm...well she nearly attacked my brother once but he tried tying fireworks to her tail so he’s an exception. But yes she’s as safe as any pet.” He said explaining to them making a small joke attempting to get a laugh out of Sarah. He got one but it was fake. I could tell. She discreetly rolled her eyes. B***h!


“What about like...rabies?” Philip asked casting a glance at Sarah. She shot him a glare in return.


“Rabies?! No! She’s vaccinated. And bathed regularly...she and i go running a lot so it’s necessary for her to be bathed. And my mom hates mud on her floors or dirt so she demands it.” He says explaining and leaning back in the couch and motioning for me to go over. I walk around the couch and moved right in between him and Sarah making sure my tail hits her thigh as he pets me and it wags thumping harder than necessary on her thigh. She bites her tongue but its irritating her. Good.


“So can she like howl?” Kenny asks with a smile on his face. Cody laugh.


“Well she is a wolf. Try it.” Cody says with a smile and nodding at Kenny showing he is serious. Kenny hesitates a bit but then shrugs and takes and inhale of a breath before releasing a weird sound. I feel my ears go up and i probably look as if i’m checking if he’s okay and i partially want to know if he is. It sounds like he’s in pain and dying. Finally the sound dies with his coughing and they erupt with laughter.


“She doesn’t howl! You set me up jerk!” Kenny says turning bright red thinking it was all a joke. Cody shook his head not being able to speak from laughing so hard. After a few moments he caught his breath.


“No. She does. It’s just that was too funny.” He said shaking his head at him.


“Alright then wolf man. You howl then. Show me how it’s done.” Kenny said smiling at him nodding and egging him on.


“Alright then.” He says to him and clears his throat glancing at Sarah who i caught rolling her eyes. My back paw kicks against her thigh but i stare away like i didnt mean it. I so did. I watch as Cody takes a few breaths clearing his throat and swallowing. He pats my side a couple times as i wait for him to begin. He takes in a breath and then begins to howl letting his head fall slightly back. Kenny is about to deem my howling ability not there when I begin to howl with him. I let my head fall back releasing howl within me and move my head beside his as we howl together. After a few seconds he’s out of breath and I stop soon after him. He pets me laughing as the other stare in amazement. Even Sarah’s eyes are bulging out of her head much like a goldfish.


“Whoa. I want to try it!” Kenny says getting up from leaning back and scooting to the end of the couch intent on learning to howl.


“Me too!” Philip says scooting closer too.


The next half hour Cody teaches them the technique of howling. After explaining how badly he sucked at first too. Always so modest. Soon they had it pretty much down but nowhere as good as Cody. After a few minutes of them attempting to get me to howl i let them have it and howled along with them. As we were howling a couple other howls joined in with us and after they fell apart erupting with laughter it was me and Cody that continued on with the familiar howls. After a few seconds in walk Allen and Erick finishing up the ending of their howls and erupting with laughter.


“My my, i thought this house was being over run by wolves.” Allen said with a smirk smiling at Philip and Kevin who were still laughing.


“Hey dad.” Cody said still petting me. Allen’s eyes met mine and a smile crossed his face.


“Colby...” he said in a faux warning tone mimicking his wife. But it was all i need. I set my ears back as i got up and off the couch sitting on the floor beside Cody’s feet.


“So what is going on here?” Allen asked looking at the coffee table and crossing his arms in front of him being observant.


“Oh...English assignment. We have to do a paper on something...we just haven’t figured out what.” Cody said with a shrug. Allen stared thoughtful before turning and leaving.


“I’ve got it!” Kenny said after moments of silence. The group stared at him expectantly waiting for him to finish.


“Wolves!” He says with a large smile. Philip’s smile grew and nodded in agreement. Cody shrugged and as they looked to Audrey and Sarah they exchanged looks. Audrey shrugged too and looked to Sarah. She stared back at her a few seconds before huffing and rolling her eyes. She forced a smile on her face.


“Well...wolves are pretty beautiful creatures.” She said in a soft dainty tone and reached out to touch me. I stared at her hand and bared my teeth letting out a low growl. Cody shoved my head towards him away from her hand quickly giving me a "Hey" to stop. I stopped but continued to stare daggers at her as she did at me. A mutual understanding and i didnt even have to speak.


“Wolves it is then.” Kevin announced with a smile.


“What about wolves exactly?” Philip asked shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose like he should have thought it through.


“Intelligence? Endangerment? Captivity versus wild? Communication?” Kenny said naming off random subjects. They all just stared but as communication hit Philip and Cody shot each other glances.


“For our visual about an auditory aide!? We can howl!” Philip said pumping his fist in the air. I could only stare and watch as they began discussing how to split up the work.

© 2012 Kitty_Rawwr

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Added on January 29, 2012
Last Updated on January 29, 2012



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