![]() 1. RunningA Chapter by BrokenAngelicHeartSLAP! That was the first thing that greeted Iyana the second she stepped through the front door. Taking in the heavy scent of alcohol, the tall depressed man whose hand just left her cheek, the young girl dropped her school bag, trembling pale hand to her reddening cheek. The man swung out at her again, hiccupping as he stumbles towards her. "B***H! YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF EVERYTHING!" Ah… Another day at home, another day with her abusive….You got it. Father. Slipping in through the gap of the door, she quickly shuts it, dashing into the house while dragging her school bag behind her. Thinking that it was over, she turns around to check. Instead, her father had followed, hand raised, a menacingly look as like what that had always been there…since…her mother left.. So the girl couldn't defend herself. How could she? It is a sin to hit your own father, even if he is abusing you. There was no way she was going against her own morals, her principles. She ran. He followed. That was just too bad. Even in his drunken state, the tall and muscled father was fast enough and with her fear, she couldn't run from him. One smack across the cheek and she felt her head against the hard ground, the scent of blood clear, the taste of it…grossed her out. But it wasn't over. They had ended up at the kitchen and her worst fear, her nightmare…it happened. With a simple reach out of his hand, her father had grabbed the chopping knife, meant for meat and was now, shaking it at her horrified self. He lunged. She kicked out. She dashed out. Away. To where she would remain safe. To her room. Slamming the door behind her for her own safety and locking it, she slid to the ground, and promptly..blacks out. When she did awaken, it was to a pounding headache, and the painful memory of what he had did to her, his own daughter, his own flesh and blood. She couldn't stay here. In tears, and livid rage, the girl comes to a decision. To leave this place. Anywhere was better than 'home' with this..this…this crazy man! Sniffing and trying to hold back the flood of tears, the Japanese girl pulled her suitcase down from the top of her wardrobe, swinging the doors apart and taking all of her clothes that hung, throwing them into the now ajar suitcase. On second thoughts, she emptied them out onto the bed, turning back into the wardrobe and grabbing all the tidily folded ones and placing them, surprisingly carefully in her mental state and then placing the other clothes on top of them, stuffing her shoes into the corner of the case. Valuables, such as pendants, rings etc, she dropped them into a box, sealing them and hiding it into a hidden compartment of the bag. Moving on, she took whatever she wanted, whatever that would no longer fit into the suitcase and tossing them into an enormous duffel bag, taking another handbag to place her necessaries, phone, iPod, cash…passport. She wasn't going to leave anything behind. Quietly, she pulled the room door open, peeking out her head to check for her father before dragging her suitcase and bag behind her, handbag slung over her shoulder. All clear and the girl dashes off, face hidden behind shades and a face mask, hair bundled under a cap. Off she goes, out of the house, out of her personal hell. Where was she to go now? She didn't really have much of friends in Japan since she kept to herself, not wanting people to know too much about her broken and abusive father. Her only sanctuary..was talking to her boyfriend, overseas boyfriend… Her Canadian boyfriend so many leagues away. Gritting her teeth, she heads towards the train station, the only thought in mind was..getting to her love. He would make everything better. Finally at the airport though, the girl was hesitating if she should…go to him. He would be busy at work now..right? Even as the questions rushed through her mind, her feet was taking her to the travel counter where she purchased a ticket to the place. It was only after she had checked in her luggage, holding her handbag carefully against her side that she realized what she had done. By then, it was too late to reverse anything and she sat down, on a cushy seat, waiting, waiting, waiting to head into the plane. Half hour later, she stood up, the calling of passengers to their flights ringing in the air of the place. Trudging towards the gates, she spares Japan one last glance before she heads in, into the plane that would take her away from all these pain. One thing she never knew was that one of the air stewardesses found Iyana very familiar, as if she had seen the girl before. And then, it struck her. Even under the hat and shades, the stewardess knew Iyana as her best friend's little brother's girlfriend. She remembered that Susanna had proudly brandished a photo at her during one of her breaks, grinning and giggling at the beauty that graced her brother's side. That was definitely Iyana. The stewardess, Tina, immediately dashed off to the stewardess quarters, and at that time, the flight was about to land in mere half hour. Using the plane's phone to make a call to Susanna, she swoons, since she leaned a little on the bisexual side. "Oh my god Susanna! You were so right! His girlfriend does look exceptionally pretty! She has such wonderful curves! And she's on the plane here now! To Canada!" The poor confused Susanna took a minute to process the words before stunning. "What..? Iyana's on the plane?! But she didn't say anything about coming over! She didn't tell us anything!!! And you! Keep your fingers off her!!! I'm going to pick her up and you better be far away!!" Without much elaboration, she hung up the call, leaping into her car and speeding to the airport. It was a good thing that she was only at a nearby mall. While she drove, she made a call to the brother, who was stuck at work, informing him. When the plane landed, Iyana exited, only with that heavy burden in her heart. "A Dream? A Nightmare? Can I... Run from this nightmare into a dream..? I'm scared... So scared... It hurts... It hurts so much.. I miss you.... I need you... But.. Will you accept me now..? In this manner..? Please... Still love me..." Whimpering, she holds back her tears, weepy eyes still hidden behind the shades as the tears fell, drop by drop onto her blank tank top. She didn't think that he would want her…not in this state. She had never been pretty, and now, with the bruises and cuts, definitely not attractive in any manner. Pulling her luggage behind her, the girl dreads to think of the things that could occurred to her. Firstly, to get a hotel room to rest in.. And maybe then… Maybe… To go to him. Already planning her itinerary, all thoughts fly out of her head the instant she looked up from her boots, for Susanna stood before her, arms crossed. "Iyana… Were you planning a surprise? You know you should let us know when you come over!" The twenty-two year old blonde narrowed her sapphire eyes at the Japanese, before marching forward; hand raised….to pull the younger girl into a tight hug. "I miss you darling… He will be so delighted to see you.." The eighteen year old shook, both in pain and in fear. The hug crushed her, but it was merely because Susanna had touched the bruises that she hid under the jacket thrown over the tank top. Fear…? How was he going to react to her?
© 2011 BrokenAngelicHeart |
Added on April 8, 2011 Last Updated on April 8, 2011 Author![]() BrokenAngelicHeartAboutAbout me....? Well... I have no idea what to put in here.. I would possibly edit this in the future when I actually know what to put.. Till then... I am a writer, lyricist, singer...photographer, mode.. more..Writing