The Ruins

The Ruins

A Chapter by Kitsune

Next chapter of the two i said i'd write! Woot!


The Silver Moon Key:

Chapter 5


The Ruins:


As they rode along through the forest, her eyes got more adjusted to the dark and she started noticing their surrondings, or if you could call them surrondings. Most of the trees were burnt, some were toppled over and beggining to rot, but instead of the smell of the rotting forest, a smell of rotting flesh was in thick the air and made it hard to breathe. She started looking at the ground to try to ignore the scent, but then she noticed the first of the corpses. It was entirely mutilated, the only thing identible was the eyes that seemed to stare up at them as they passed. She immediately felt her stomach clench and she turned away and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to force the image from her head. Suddenly a warm hand gripped onto hers and held hers tightly.

"Hey, are you ok?" Aki asked, obviously worried.

She brushed off the shivers that were trembling through her body to give a weak nod along with a small "Yes," that she formed with quivering lips.

"Well, you don't look ok, did you see one of them?" He asked, worry in his eyes.

"Yes.. It was horrible." I said, the words forming weirdly in my mouth, as they mixed with a taste of vomit and they came out small, and scared. Tears began at the bottom of my eyes.

He must've noticed, because the grip on my hand tightened, and he leaned into me, as if to comfort me.

"I'm sorry, it'll be alright, don't cry, please don't cry. There's no need to, I'll protect you." He said, the last words sounding oddly protective of me, and part of my heart warmed oddly at them.

I sniffed, and swallowed the tears along with the taste of vomit, "You promise?" I asked, almost as if i needed to know he'd be there.

"Yeah, I will always say what i mean. Well, at least to you I will." He smiled kindly at me, making my heart burn even hotter.

I blushed and looked away, hoping he didn't see the red that tinged my cheeks.

"Hey, you stupid, lovebird," Hina said startling me "you realize we can all hear you right? So give us a break and shut up!"

"Oi, your just jealous 'cuz Kitsune's cuter than you and you want Soubi and you to be more like that." Aki retorted, a smirk on his face. I just blushed harder, about the same color as a tomato.


"WHA-!? Hold on there, buddy! How do you know how Soubi and me talk, and she maybe cuter than me, but there is NO WAY she is hotter!" Hina yelled, obviously embarrased, but obviously ready for a fight.

"Yeah right, you old hag... I think neither of you could compare to me." Karou said, ignorance within her voice.

"Yeah right! Both of you have NOTHING at all compared to Kitsune, I mean, Hina's an old hag," Hina interuppted him,

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?!" He ignored her and continued.

"Karou's an ignorant snob, and both of you just go on about how pretty you are, but Kitsune hasn't said a word about herself being pretty, and if you were to ask her, she'd probably deny it and say you were being too kind, right Kitsune?" He turned to me, but my focus was completely on the shadows that seemed to be looming closer, watching from the trees.

"Aki.." I said, my voice breaking, "Be quiet, they'll hear us..." I grasped his arm, my own shaking.


"Oh, we don't need to worry about them, we can take care of them!" He said, grabbing his sword.

"well, we have to find a place to stay by morning so it'd be a good idea not to get into any unnesscary fights, lets do as Kitsune says and be quiet, this includes you, you stupid lovebird." Hina commanded, soon after, the eerie silence echoed through the air once again.



© 2010 Kitsune

Author's Note

Tell me what you think! (and yes this means you, Buddy, so don't even THINK of not reiveiwing!!!) And yes, this was short, but now I'm tottaly in the mood to continue the story so maybe I'll write another chapter tommorow!

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Added on August 7, 2010
Last Updated on August 7, 2010



London, United Kingdom

I luuuv cats and dogs!!! i hav 2 dogs 1 cat and (hopefully) 5 fish. I luv anime, alot!!! more..

Feelings Feelings

A Poem by Kitsune

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Kitsune