The Journey Begins

The Journey Begins

A Chapter by Kitsune

CHapter 4 for ya!


The Silver Moon Key:

Chapter 4:


The Journey Begins:


Kitsune caught the pack that Aki had thrown softly at her, turning to follow him as he walked out the door. Silence echoed through the halls, the only sound heard was their quiet footsteps, padding slowly. Kitsune's head throbbed from the pain that numbly shot through her leg at every step. Every once in a while, a step would hurt more than the others and she would let out a squeaky, short whine. Even though she tried to conceal the sounds, Aki seemed to have noticed, and would sneak a glance over his shoulder but would quickly turn back around as soon as her eyes met his. This continued, along with the silence, for a good five minutes until she let out another squeak and he stopped walking and turned to face her.

"Are you okay, 'cuz you keep squeaking back there and i could carry you if ya' want..." he said, then suddenly turned all red and started babling, " 'Cuz i know you had all those injuries and that you're probably tired and stuff and it's not like I'd mind 'cuz I'm pretty strong and I could do it if you needed me to, you know.." He ended with raising his hand and scratching his Chocolate colored hair.

I answerwed  with a slight blush and a rushed "No, it's ok, you don't have do to that for me..." I smiled a bit to let him  know i was alright.

"Uh, okay... If you're sure that you're ok, i guess we can, um, keep going."

The silence returned, this time only continueing for a couple minutes until we arrived at a white door, with lots of shouting comeing from behind it. Aki pushed it open to reveal Hina, along with two other people. One was a girl that looked to be about my age with medium-cut onyx black hair, dark emerald eyes, and a beautiful face, that looked almost snooty enough to be called mean. Her hair was cut un-neatly and, even though it was in a pony-tail, pieces of it fell into her face and covered one of her eyes. The other was a slightly muscular man with tan skin and auburn hair. Unlike the girl, his face was kind looking and his brown eyes seemed friendly. He looked like he was around the age of 28.

"Hmpf, so you finally got here," Hina said, her dark red eyes glaring into Aki's puppy-like brown ones, "took ya' long enough."

"HEY! It only took us like EIGHT minutes to get here! Plus Kitsune's injuries still hurt," He must have realized that it sounded like he was blameing Kitsune, so he quickly added, "It was NEITHER of our faults!" He looked over to Kitsune to make sure he hadn't hurt her feelings.

"Ohh, stop making escuses and get to work loading supplies, lovebird!" Hina said sarcasticly, but still loudly and commandingly.

"Yes ma'am!" Aki shouted, raising his hand to his forehead like a soldier. He then set off with helping the others with loading supplies onto what seemed to be horse-like animals.

"I supose it would be only right to tell you everyones' names seeing as they're to busy right now to introduce themselves." She said, her eyes taking a gentler look. "That's Karou," She said pointing to the black-haired girl, "I would be careful around her, because-- well, let's just say she isn't the nicest of people, and I have a feeling shes not going to like you too much, considering you being who we think you are, and that's Soubi." She pointed to the man, "He's my boyfriend." She added.

"Your boyfriend? But aren't you older than him?" As soon as i asked that question, I realized it was a bad deicision.

She got a mad look on her face and said "Since when do you know everyone's age?" She was obviously trying to hold back anger.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I swear!" I shouted.

Aki looked over with a protective look on his face, and shouted "Hey! She's new here! Go easy on her!"

"I thought i told you to get to work..." she said, looking over to Aki, who had stopped working.

"Woops, s-sorry!" He yelled running to get back to work.

"You better be!" She yelled.

KItsune just put a hand on her forehead, this was going to be a long day. Well, at  least she thought it was day, until she realized, soon after they came out of a secret passage in a boulder, that it was night-time.

"Ok everybody! Saddle up! Time to get moving!" Hina shouted, which sent everone, besides Soubi, scurrying to find a Moxie to ride. Aki motioned for Kitsune to come over and ride with him, seeing as she was injured and didn't know how to ride. She felt Karou giving her glares as Aki helped her onto a Moxie and then hopped on behind her and grabbed the reins. The reason for this glarring, she had yet to know or understand. They took off through the woods at a guick and bumpy gallop which gave caused her to sqeauk, as she was unused to ridding and wasn't expecting it.





© 2010 Kitsune

Author's Note

I hope this is long enough cuz 4 sum reason i always write short chappies.

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Added on August 2, 2010
Last Updated on August 2, 2010



London, United Kingdom

I luuuv cats and dogs!!! i hav 2 dogs 1 cat and (hopefully) 5 fish. I luv anime, alot!!! more..

Feelings Feelings

A Poem by Kitsune

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Kitsune