![]() Hamilton's Story | Chapter FourA Chapter by The Hatter Girl![]() Rose has joined the Drakoes, so have Alan. Phi is off in Hades. Cory is still planning to beat Rose's a*s.![]() He couldn’t put his finger on it but something about Hamilton was familiar. Alan continued to drag a thick black bag over to the directed can. Upon returning to the room, his partner decided to small talk after their two hours of silence. “So, how long have you been in Hausa?”
“Just got here a week ago, you know for relocation. Don’t want the cops on my tail,” Alan lied to Hamilton.
“I just got here like yesterday. Been wanting to join the Drakoes ever since my dad told me about it.” Hamilton spoke smoothly and confidently to Alan. Together they had finished cleaning the once disorganized room. Outside of the room, Alan could hear broken pieces of someone else’s conversation.
“Find—“commanded one voice.
“Yes—we’ll go—She—in—“another answered.
“Oh, let’s go find out what they’re saying,” Hamilton grinned. He crept behind the doorframe, diligently leaning his ear against the wood. Alan sighed and thought, somehow he reminds me of Phi.
“Damnit, why’d I let her go again?” questioned a lanky brunette around Alan’s age. “That’s Tom, our leader at the moment,” Hamilton whispered informatively. Kevin walked down the hall, dutifully following Tom.
“Well, if I remember right. You let her go because you said that the Angels probably only wanted whatever was in her bag. So then you had Fang empty out her bag.”
“Shut up, Skucs. It was a rhetorical question. You said she might be in the city, how close are you imbeciles to finding her?”
“Sorry boss, I know there are only so many blondes in the city but it’s a lot. We’re doing the best we can.”
“Well find her!”
Their voices droned out as the continued down the hallway. Curiously Alan asked, “Who do you think they were talking about?”
“I don’t know,” Hamilton said coolly as he left.
Wiping her hands, Rose tried to calm down. They’re looking for me. What do the Angels want with me anyways? Cory entered the room, observing his roommate’s panicked state. “Aw, you scared already?”
“What would I be scared of, short stuff?” Rose glared at Cory.
“This,” Cory presented a small tablet, no bigger than his knuckle.
“And that would be?”
“Oflar.” Rose shot Cory a blank look. “Shucks, you don’t know what Oflar is, do you?”
Rose shrugged, waiting for Cory’s long-winded explanation. “This stuff heals any injuries you have and it doubles your strength.”
“What’s the catch,” Rose now held the pill in her hand, fiddling with it as Cory spoke.
“Takes about twenty years off your life and has a secondary side affect that depends on your genetic structure. You know, it could mess up your pigmentation, one of your five senses, or stunts your growth.”
She couldn’t help the sympathetic look that shrouded her face. “No way, you took it?”
“My dad was testing it on me. Well you know good riddance. My brother and I left him after my mom died and he was fired.”
“So that’s why you know so much about Oflar. I think that taking Oflar is a bit much just to heal a burn.” Rose offered the pill back to Cory.
“Half the guys here have taken Oflar. It’s only twenty years, you’re just lucky you don’t die tomorrow. I mean, today you’re cleaning up glass. Tomorrow you’re out playing vedil and WHAM you’re dead. Twenty years is nothing, it’s just twenty years of your natural life.”
Whoa, half the guys here will probably only live up to like sixty. “Wait, your dad only tested it on guys? What if a girl took it?”
“Well, Oflar only runs through Hausa Underground. We didn’t test on girls because, if you haven’t noticed that well, not many girls hang around here. They’re all off in some boarding school the state requires them to be. But I think my dad had one female subject.”
“Really, and what happened when she took the pill?” Rose knew that if she kept digging like this Cory would most likely realize that she was the Rose Loreas.
“Nothing, she was just fine. But all the positive affects of Oflar were present. Usually Oflar affects the heart and the brain which shortens the life span. When test results came back, there was nothing except for her renewed strength. You should take it, though. Joe gave me the pill. It seems like he likes you. That and I already told everyone that you’re taking an Oflar and we’re having our match today. So if you don’t then the guys will think you’re a wuss.”
All positive effects of Oflar were present, nothing except her renewed strength, Rose quoted in her mind. “I guess I have no choice but to take it.” Grabbing the pill before she could change her mind, Rose felt a sudden electric shock race through her body. Then a sudden itchiness plagued her hand. Instinctively she raised her hand, for closer inspection.
“It’s peeling!” she exclaimed. “Well looks like you’re done. Fight’s in a few hours, after everyone’s done with their missions. I would peel off that dead skin if I was you too.” Cory said. “And we’re going to Ring. You probably don’t know where that is, do you? I’ll just come back for you before the match starts.”
Rose meekly nodded, continuing to stare on horror. A perfect patch of peeling skin was around her burn, in the shape of the Drakoes emblem. It was like sunburn healing around a selective area. Cautiously she picked at it. Wow, this is exactly like the after affects of sunburn. Rising from her bed, Rose made her way to the bathroom.
Later that evening:
“Hope you’re ready to lose,” greeted Cory.
“In your dreams, I’m feeling more alive then ever. No one can bring me down today.” It was true too. Rose felt more excellent then she finished peeling. Her hand completely healed, and a new rushing feeling flowed through her veins. Though she had not yet tested her strength, she could feel it brewing beneath her skin.
“Bah, that’s the after high from Oflar. Besides that I’m guessing you’re probably weaker than me. But then practically everyone is.”
“Right, we’ll just see.” Rose followed Cory to the Ring.
“Hey Bernie, how’s the family doing?” inquired Cory to the bulky doorman.
“Good, but Little Fang you know I’m not allowed to let you in this week. Big Fang’s orders.” Bernie blocked the door, hoping to discourage the small boy.
“Fang’s gone and I have a match today.” Cory pushed away Bernie’s outstretched hand. He gave Cory a raised eyebrow, “Really? And who would be the idiot this time?”
“Him.” Rose felt awkward just standing there listening to the two acquaintance’s conversation. But now that she was included, she only felt even more out of place. “He doesn’t look like anything special. Actually, he doesn’t even look like he could survive a minute against anyone.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell him all this time,” Cory said condescendingly. Rose rolled her eyes, finally entering the room of yelling males.
The room was dimly lit leaving everything a brownish hue. The middle of the stadium was spotlighted; detailing the fighters’ sweat glistening as they persistently pummeled the other. “A boxing ring,” Rose said obviously, “and a gambling one too.”
Behind the pair was a gigantic scoreboard that archived the recent fights along with the number of ruugers betted on all fighters. A pudgy man stood at one corner of the scoreboard, shouting to a skinny man on the other side. “Five hundred on Fang, two fifty on the newbie, and six on Bronx’s second.” Scribbling down with a neon marker, the skinny man attentively listened to his opposite. “VINNY!” Cory yelled through the masses.
The fat man turned, facing Cory and Rose. “How’s it going kid? Haven’t seen you in awhile, brother must’ve been in town. Man I miss your brother; he kept green on the scene.” He spoke in a fast pace. “I think you’re next, better find your gloves. Here’s the key. Well gotta keep the bets coming in, see ya kid.”
“Let’s go,” Cory snuck his way through the crowd with ease, Rose clumsily followed. Identical lockers covered the wooden paneling of the walls. Swinging open a seemingly random locker, for none of them were numbered, all painted the same indistinguishable neutral peach color. Cory threw over a pair of boxer gloves.
“You got to be kidding. I’m boxing against you with,” Rose stopped and exhibited the gloves once more, “these?” The gloves were striped in the most random colors of red and white.
“Only extras I have. Besides does it really matter what you wear when I’m beating you, princess?”
“Like you could,” equally challenged Rose. A loud ding of a bell was sounded from behind her. “Well that’s our cue,” Cory disappeared among the crowd once again.
The crowd had parted for the two new contestants. Climbing over the thick brown ropes, Rose instantly felt regretful. She had never even punched someone but yet she was here in a boxing ring, in front of about a hundred people, expected to be able to at least land a punch on Cory. To make matters worse, Cory looked to be all too familiar to the boxing scene.
“Ready princess?” Cory brought his sky blue gloves together in anticipation.
“Hell yeah,” Rose voice leaked confident but her conscience was crawling into a dark corner to hide in fear. I can do this. I’m bigger than Cory so that must an advantage, some how. A loud ding signaled them to start.
In a flash, Cory was in front of Rose. She soon felt the first of a combination of small punches. Grimacing, Rose tried to distance herself from Cory.
“Looks like we might an out-fighter on our hands,” a random person shouted. Following that comment were more barks to Vinny on betting in Cory’s favor. “He looks like he’s rushing though.” Another one remarked about Cory. “That’s okay. The other guy is obviously a rookie.”
The crowd is sure supportive, Rose thought sarcastically, damn I can’t believe that Cory is like a freakin’ celebrity here. He also seemed more focused now, Rose sighed in the middle of the match. She hadn’t even thrown one punch. Well no time like the present, and with that Rose waited for Cory to come charging at her.
Practically face to face, Rose managed to hit Cory once. His face was in shock for a moment, and Rose took that chance. Using all her unused strength, Rose mustered up a single punch to Cory’s side. Suddenly a referee started counting. Rose stood there stiff, wondering what had happened. I only hit him once. In the crowd someone whistled and called out, “Wow, who would’ve thought that the newbie would be a slugger.” The rest of the crowd wasn’t that enthusiastic. They booed their hearts out at Rose. “TEN! AND HE’S OUT!” After the referee had announced the drunken gamblers turned into angry gamblers. “FANG LOST ON PURPOSE!! THIS IS ALL RIGGED I TELL YOU!!” The shouts of the fuming losers seemed to wake Cory up from his unconsciousness.
Groggily he stumbled upwards, realizing he had lost. “What the hell?! I can’t I believe I lost to a first timer!” He stormed out of the arena. “S**t,” cursed Rose. I have no idea how to get back to headquarters. She ran after him, gloves still intact to her hands. She felt the cool cover her face as she exited the room. Swinging her head, Rose looked for Cory.
“Damn, I lost him,” Rose cursed slamming her fist against a nearby brick wall, her striped glove absorbing most of the impact. “Hey, Seuss? You out here kid?” Bernie asked.
Rose turned, though it wasn’t her name. “I’m talking to you Seuss. You want to know how to get back to the Drakes or what?” Oh, he’s talking to me.
“Me?” She pointed at herself. “Well, kid, who else here is wearing the red and white striped gloves?”
“Well how do I get back?” While Bernie instructed Rose on how to get back, Rose remembered that she had not brought her room keys and would be locked out when she got back. Damn, I guess I’ll have to deal with that when I get to it. “Okay, thanks Bernie. Another question, though, why are you calling me Seuss?”
“Well Little Fang didn’t tell me your name. And I heard about your little victory inside, so all the guys decided stop calling you a rookie. Since Little Fang was the only one that knew your actual name, we chose to call you Seuss. You know, like cat in the hat? With your gloves and stuff.”
“Oh, well name’s Ham—“
“Ha! Green eggs and ham!” quoted Bernie. Are you kidding me? All the guys here can remember reading Dr. Seuss? I got a dumb nickname and Cory got Fang.
“How’d Little Fang get his name?” asked Rose.
“He fights like his big brother. Looks nothing likes him but they’re both real champion boxers. I can’t believe you won though; you must be a natural, a real bloody excellent natural. First time and you beat the champ. I got to go now, don’t want the boss to get off his a*s and yell at me.” Bernie left with Rose struggling to remember all the directions to headquarters.
Rose breathes deeply from her short run back. It had started to rain on her way back. I really have to thank Flame for his inventions when he remembers. Her shirt was soaked, clinging to her stomach. Flame had devised an invisible bra for Rose. It hid her breasts and blended in with her skin and body. It really was like a second skin to her now after two months. It’s been two months; I’ve been a runaway convict for two months now. Shaking of her thoughts and the rainwater, Rose entered the building.
“Hey! I heard about the win, congrats.” A stranger said to Rose. He high-fived her and continued on his way. Hmm, word sure travels fast. I wonder how pissed off Cory is. Climbing the stairs, Rose groaned as she remembered that she was on the sixth floor.
“Let mein, Cory.” She banged at the poor door. Currently Rose had stood outside the door for the last hour. Cory refused to open the door, still moping about his loss. “My name’s not Cory. It’s Fang, but thanks to you ain’t no one’s gonna call me that again,” he cried to Rose.
Rose sneezed loudly. “Damnit, I’m going to get sick if I stay in these clothes any longer,” she muttered. “LET ME IN!” A digital clock glowed at the end of each hall. At the moment it read 12:37. People were starting to come back from their missions and others were returning from partying. She was attracting quite a crowd outside her door.
“Well that’s not unusual, Fang’s roommate locked out of his own room. I wonder if this one will get in. How about five kopes that Seuss here will get in?” What the hell? They’re betting on whether I can get inside my own room or not? Cor-Fang must do this a lot then. I guess calling him Cory will only piss him off more. Damnit, the best these guys could do is at least offer me something dry to wear.
“I’m in for two ruugers.”
“All I got is ten ugns but Seuss won’t make it.”
“How about you guys stop betting and help me freakin’ get inside the room. I’m still wet from the rain earlier.” She scowled the group of boys.
“Sorry, no can do; after Fang’s third roommate, he made it pretty clear that if we help his roommates then he’ll kill us afterwards. So you’re on your own here, Seuss.” said the boy who started the betting.
“The how the hell am I suppose to get in?” she questioned angrily.
“That’s for you to figure out and us to watch.” He smirked along with the other annoying pests, buzzing about how they were sure to win big tonight.
“Let me in Fang,” she said calmly holding in her frustration.
“Never,” he hissed. She could see his shadow at the bottom of the door. The rain pitter pattered outside a window below the clock. “Is there a fire escape on that side of the building?” she asked the boy from before. “Yeah, but—“
“Wow, you really want to get in that room don’t you?”
“I really don’t want to catch pneumonia.” Opening the window was easy, but holding onto the railing outside was nearly impossible. It was slippery and difficult, but the fire escape was not far form the window. If I jump, I should make it. Holding onto the inside of the window, Rose tried to find whatever balance she could gather on the small platform below her.
“You know if you want to get in the roo—“She didn’t hear the next words over the rain. Trying to keep her eyes open, Rose jumped. This is crazy, she thought in the middle of jumping. All a sudden life seemed to fast forward, going too fast. The harsh and quick blow of the metal fire escape immobilized her for a second. Her hands were numb with the rain, her eyes red. She pulled herself up, struggling with wet metal. Her arms sore to the bone, who would’ve thought that jumping took so much out of a person?
“God, please be open.” Rose window slowly the window was old and squeaked from not being used in so long. Rust had already formed at its sides. When it was opened enough so that Rose could fit through it, Rose collapsed on the carpeted floor. She inelegantly stumbled over to the dresser, revealing a silver copied key. “I am never leaving this room without this.”
Fang obviously angry at Rose lurched forward bringing his arms to her neck. “This is my room too, runt.” Punching back, Rose found herself slowed by her still wet clothing. “Get off of me; we already know who would win in a fight. I need some dry clothes too.” She sneezed again.
“That was a fluke. You got lucky. That was it.”
“You keep saying that,” Rose grabbed a towel.
The next morning, Rose couldn’t feel her nose. It was clogged up and turning slightly purple. Her eyes were still red from taking in so much water. Sweat poured from her pores as her body started to heat up more and more.
“You look like crap,” commented Fang. His black hair was neatly combed and his attire was different from his everyday wear. “Guess you won’t go to the meeting today.” He grinned. “Too bad for poor little Hammy-ton.”
“This is all you fault. If you had just been a good loser and just let me in I wouldn’t be sick today,” it hurt to talk. A weird itchy sensation ran inside her throat. “Don’t worry. Oflar will take care of it in a few hours. Makes your immune system work faster. You’ll be fine tonight but you’ll still miss the meeting this morning.”
“What’s important with the meeting?” Rose limited her words due to her aching throat.
“Only comes once a month. It’s when they decide which gang wins for the month. If we win this month then that means a big party to celebrate. If we don’t then a bunch of us are sent on missions to ruin the Angel’s celebration. This month you’ll miss it though. It’s loads of fun though, getting to sneer at those rich-a*s Angels.”
After Fang had left, Rose slept off most of the day. Between naps she woke up and stared around the room before returning to her slumber. In one of these few breaks that she was awake, Rose could’ve sworn she saw Alan poking around. At least I think it was him.
Gradually Rose felt better, until eventually she was back to her normal self. The others were still at the meeting, so she decided to explore around the complex.
I really do miss this, I shouldn’t but I do. Phi thought as he finished punching the man shackled to the wall. “You finished yet Phi?”
“Nah Johnny, I’m having too much fun. And this little rat ain’t talking. But I can fix that,” he answered his teacher grinning. The man on the wall groaned. “So rat, you gonna tell us who you ratted to? Or do I have to keep going?”
The man gave Phi a look of disgust and looked away. He mumbled something. “Phi we better hurry, boss wants his results now. You can’t have fun all day,” Johnny told Phi.
“Fine,” Phi sighing backed away from the man. Johnny smiled, this was his favorite part. Flicking open a knife, Johnny threatened the man. “If you don’t tell us, whatever they promised you must be pretty great if it’s worth your family jewels.”
The man remained silent, but squirmed away from Johnny in fear. Adjusting his knife closer, Johnny laughed. “They must be pretty rich, eh? Is it the Haloes? Or is some underdog gang trying to take Hades on? Tell me.”
The man whimpered and gave in. “It’s a small gang.” Johnny released some of the tension on the knife, “Continue.” The man was quiet again. Johnny pressured the knife again. “Which one?” he growled.
“I already told you what you wanted to know.” He was struggling against his chains, desperately trying to avoid the knife without hurting himself.
“No, I want to know which one you leaking information too. I want to know now, or else you’ll be missing more than just your balls.” I don’t miss that though. The entire tough guy thing, if I’m not careful that’ll be me. Phi took a few steps of safety away from Johnny. Johnny was assigned his mentor at the moment. All the rookies had a mentor of some sorts, to help them get used to the Hades lifestyle. The Hades lifestyle involved a number of illegal things and they were dead serious when it came to moles and rats, quite literally too.
At the moment he was assigned to be a tormenter, someone who dealt with the rats and moles. It reminded him of his senior days at the Drakes. “It’s the Stills,” he yelled out when the knife came too close. “The Stills? Hmm,” with that statement Johnny stuck the knife inside the rat.
“You okay rookie?” he asked Phi as blood dripped down form the dead man.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?” Johnny pulled the knife form the man, “Oh, well most rookies get kind of sick after seeing someone die.”
“I’m fine. Don’t see what the big deal is,” he shrugged. Damn, I’m going to have to be careful.
The gym was amazing. At the moment it was deserted, but that only added more to its extraordinariness. A pool of fifty feet long banked itself on the right side of the gym. Various gym equipments scattered around the gigantic room. What made it truly amazing was that it was all two stories below the run down building that the Drakoes called headquarters. Who would’ve guessed that this was here below all of the crap upstairs?
When she was aimlessly roaming the hotel she had ran into Bernie from last night. He had praised her for her talent and informed her that Vinny, his boss, had decided to train her for future matches. Actually Bernie was going to train her, leading her to the underground gym reserved for Drakoes members.
“So how do you have access to headquarters?”
“Boss worked out a deal with your boss. Your boss wants some good boxers and Vinny wants some too. Your boss wants them for whatever matches you and the Angels have and Vinny makes money off all the guys he trains and lets them loose into his boxing ring.”
“So how many people does he usually train?”
“So far five, I’ll answer more questions after you run couple laps around the track.”
“There’s a track down here?” Wow, these Drakes are richer than I thought. If they’re considered poor, I wonder how freakin’ loaded the Angels are. Rose was led to another room, west of the gym.
The track was equally astonishing as the room before. Fake grass had been installed giving the track an outdoor feel. “Twenty laps, I’ll answer any questions you have along the way.”
“You’re going to run with me?” She gave him a disbelieving look. Bernie was at least in his late forties. The track like the pool was huge and both looked professional. “What? You think I’m old? Bah, you wouldn’t last past the fifth lap. Trust me kid, you still need to train your a*s off before you get to my level.”
“Right, whatever you say old man.” She took a deep breath and begun to jog slowly down the track. Behind her Bernie snickered and said, “Anything else you want to know?”
“Who are the five people you’ve trained?”
“I doubt that you know them all, you’re obviously not from here. But they’re: Benny ,Fang, his little brother, Styx, and now you.” He picked up some speed leaving Rose trailing behind him.
Matching his pace Rose asked another question. “How long do I train?” They were closing in to the beginning of the track; neither of them had broken a sweat. “About three or so weeks, then we’ll put you on in the Ring and see how you do.”
“And if I do well?” The air conditioner rumbled in the background. The plastic grass rustled as Bernie answered his pupil’s inquiry. “Your boss might rank you up and mine will be a happy man. But if you do badly then well my a*s is gonna be hurting.”
“And that would be because?” She was in the middle of her second lap. He thinks I can’t do three laps? Hah, I’m still not tired. I could do ten and more. If I rank up I might be able to find out where Julie is, so I better do well. “And why would Tom rank me up?”
“Well all my students turned out to be the best, even if they aren’t the best they are still competent in some kind of fighting skill. Boss doesn’t expect me to fail him; he knows I see the best when I see it. I’ve been working for Vinny for the last twenty years; he depends on me you know?” Bernie jogged faster, his breathing still steady. Rose started to struggle in to her fourth lap, trying to maintain her speed. “Well excluding Little Fang, everyone that’s turns into a champ from me end up being a Cap or Reaper. Tom usually puts his best players into a luxurious life. You know what they say, happy players are scoring players.”
“Wait why not Co-Fang and what do you mean by players?”
“Fang stills a rook rank, that’s why he’s your roommate I hear. It’s not his fault, it’s his overprotective brother. His big brother refuses to let him in any matches, so he can’t compete in any of the games. Players, you know the boys that score for their home gang. You know how the score thing works right? With the territories, the reason why everyone’s missing at the moment.” Remind me to kill Fang when he gets back, Rose thought as she remembered her reason for not going to the meeting. “Well both gangs have a set of players who play whatever games they have scheduled. I guess they’re what you kids call missions. But then you call picking up trash to spying on the Angels missions,” Bernie continued.
“Wait, so if I keep training with you I’ll move up in the ranks?” Better be one hell of a training regime, her breathing was rough and uneven. She was tripping over her own feet. “Yep, you getting tired already kid?” Bernie smirked. Damn the old man for not getting tired. “No,” she scowled him though he was right. She pushed herself forward; her lungs were starting to burn. “So how often am I going to be training with you?” She tried to calm herself by continuing her questioning.
“Three in the morning and seven at night. Remember that’s for two weeks here in the gym. You better not be late either, or else.”
“Whoa three in the morning? Come on, old man why so late?” Rose whined.
“I don’t get off bouncer duties till three at the Ring. And I don’t start till ten, so three and seven are good times for me. And don’t call me old man.” Rose clumsily fell, her face painfully hitting the track pavement. Two thoughts surged through her head she made her descent.
One, damn this is going to hurt.
Two, I hope my mask doesn’t come off.
Her teeth bucked at the sudden white pain that seared all through her face. It felt like she was getting burned, and she was in a way it was a track burn. She felt individual gravel embedding them within her skin. Her mind seemed to be under attack of a major migraine as she tried to get up. “God, that hurt,” she remarked simply. Fingers coated in blood, Rose remembered that she wasn’t wearing a mask. Oh yeah, I had to take it off because I didn’t want the Drakes to recognize me. Damn, if these cuts scar ain’t no one gonna recognize me. “Woo, that’s some number you did on yourself kid,” Bernie whistled. “You should learn where your limit’s at. Well training starts in two days. Tomorrow’s going to be hell for you. Sore muscles and a ripped up face.”
She cursed herself. At least now I know why the old man was laughing at me earlier. I forgot to stretch. “Well come on, kid. I’m not going to leave you to die out here. We’re going to go to old Bee to get you some meds.”
Damn, I couldn’t find anything. Alan crouched behind a bed. He had heard voices earlier and wasn’t keen on getting caught. I still don’t want to be here. Phi had better be right about this recon stuff. Alan had been spending the entire morning searching each room for clues. He had skipped the meeting, finding it more beneficial to research his surroundings first.
So far he had came up with nothing. Most of rooms were messily kept but then all of them were the rooms of teenage boys. Surprising him in one room was Hamilton. He was apparently sick with some kind of bad cold. Gossip travelled fast around the Drakes and Alan had already heard of his jumping fiasco. What worried him at the moment was that Hamilton might’ve seen him. The rest of the boys were coming back and he had to leave the room or risk being caught.
Exiting the room, Alan soon caught sight of the stairs. Flinging himself to the stairs, Alan advanced downwards only to run into Hamilton again. “Whoa what happened to you?” Hamilton’s face was patched up expertly as possible to let him see and talk. That though didn’t stop anyone from seeing the severity of his injuries. There were three main cuts: the first one cut through the end of his right eyebrow it almost reached the one that was growing on the left side of his chin, branching up to his eyebrow almost, and the last one stretched diagonally across his nose.
“The one on my eyebrow is the only one that’ll scar and I, uh, fell.” He said sheepishly. Must’ve been one hell of a fall. Alan couldn’t help but stare at the puffy red cuts that sprinkled over his face. “What’d you fall on?”
“The track downstairs, I got tired and fell. I think I’m going to go now. Bee told me to just sleep it off and the meds will do the rest.” Hamilton left after he had explained his dilemma. I would hate to be him at the moment. Alan continued down the stairs to his room. © 2008 The Hatter GirlAuthor's Note
Added on July 24, 2008 Last Updated on August 14, 2008 Author![]() The Hatter GirlAustin, TXAboutMy name is Vi-Vi-An.... Few things about me: 1.) I love wearing and drawing hats. 2.) Writing is my passion. 3.) Im bored easily. 4.) I will sometimes stop drawing or writing and start sleeping.. more..Writing