![]() Hamilton's Story | Chapter ThreeA Chapter by The Hatter Girl![]() Rose, Benedict and Kira escape the camp because of a crazed shooter. He shot Rose in teh leg, and while escaping into the forest they crash. Rose is in a coma. Alan and Phi find out more about the 'murder'.![]()
“As I’ve already told you, the information on our campers is not to be shared to anyone, even the police.”
There was a click as the door opened, interrupting Alan’s pleading. “Johnson, we have to go.” Phi was smiling, which meant he already beat Alan to the punch. “Fine,” he said stubbornly.
“I wasn’t finished, so I don’t owe you anything.”
“Aw, famous words of a sore loser.” Phi said with a haughty tone.
“So what’d you find?”
“Flame and this other kid.”
The red head was running after a chubby kid. As the two policemen approached the two children, he hid behind the other kid. “The police already asked him questions.” The brunette said confidently, but there was definite nervousness in his face.
“Well, we’re just here to ask a few more questions.”
“He’s not answering anymore of your questions. Go away, don’t you think you people have done enough.” with finality the kid spit on Phi’s shoe. Alan backed away slowly, hoping that Phi wasn’t about to repeat the incident at the airport.
“Look kid we just want to ask where this guy is.” Holding out the picture of Benedict, the kid quickly snatched it away. “He got transferred over to the girl’s camp.” The kid’s statement was sharp and to the point, with a slightly angry edge too.
“See, now we’re gone.”
Phi shivered. The girl’s camp was surreal. Everything seemed a bit too cheery and perfect. It just screamed: something bad is going to happen. “Phi, come over here. You should see this.” Holding in his gloved hand was a bullet, and below him was a small pool of dried blood. “Careful, try to get some of that blood, and save the bullet.”
Alan nodded his head. “I’ll have to go back to the car for the bags.” Phi continued to trail the blood. It smeared at the end, after that it was reduced to small droplets. That means someone picked whoever got shot up, and they tried to do it quickly. And that’s what caused the smear. So that means they were being chased maybe?
The trail of blood abruptly stopped and had formed a puddle in one of the parking spaces. Phi read the sign indicating who was supposing to park in that space ‘Tu.’ He knew it, Tu had something to do with Loreas. He would’ve asked for the security tapes to catch a license number but even thing was confidential. Trying not to dwell on that, his eyes followed the tire tracks piloting out of the camp’s east entrance.
“Phi, I bagged everything.” Alan held up the bags as evidence. “Come on, we have to follow wherever these tracks go. They already had four days to plan whatever they’re planning.”
“Sir, can you please leave the premises.” A very buff man was behind them. “If you don’t Miss Myra will call the police on you for trespassing.”
“Actually, we were just leaving.” Alan sent Phi a confused look and was ignored. “We just have to drive the path over at that entrance. It’s only goes one way I assume.”
“Problem genius, it’s still private property and Knabs won’t just let us ride through her camp over to the exit and that’s about the only way to the path.”
“We can walk.”
“They were in a car; it could take us days to catch up with them.”
Phi shrugged, “I think one of them was shot and that will slow them down.”
“Okays Sherlock, so how are we going to get into the camp?”
“Tonight, besides we’re going to need supplies for our hike.”
“We cannot just leave him here,” Kira argued, choosing her words carefully.
Said him was connected to a small ensemble of machines, actually said him was Rose who was currently in a coma. Small repetitive beeps sounded through out the room, alerting Kira and Benedict of Rose’s stability. Thick white blankets hid Rose’s unmoving form.
“We cannot just stay here. That lunatic was shooting after us, and will most likely come here and try to shoot the heads off everyone here.” Benedict of course had another reason for rushing their exit of the secluded town. And that reason was Travis. Really Benedict couldn’t blame Travis for trying to hurry the murder; after all it was a perfect chance.
The town that they had crashed nearby to was far from civilization. Miles away from the camp, it was a true miracle that they had survived. The icy paths of the abundant forest combined with the dangerous speed that they were driving at would've put most unfortunate souls to their graves. While Benedict and Kira bore small scars from the crash, Rose had lost a huge amount of blood which resulted in the coma that plagued her at the moment.
“Fine we'll leave tonight, happy?” Kira gave in and watched Benedict leave the small hospital room. She paced over to Rose’s side, placing a sealed envelope on the small dresser. Brushing aside Rose’s blonde locks, Kira whispered a message that fell upon deaf ears. “You have to wake up, Rose. Or else Flame will never remember.”
They were in the middle of a blizzard, or at least that’s what it felt like. Bosence police officers do not like the cold, Phi thought bitterly as he trekked after his brother.The snow was beginning to pack on his shoulders, making him tire easier. The path went only in one direction and it led straight into a forest. The forest that he and his brother had been hiking in for the last two days, sure they had lots of food left but the question was more of their endurance.
Especially with the storm coming, he was worried that their simple tent would not hold up against the inevitable strong winds. Gray lights shone in the distance. “We have to hurry,” shouted Alan. The snow was falling faster and faster. And their pace was gradually slowing. A small thud fell from behind him. Crawling with his sodden gloves, Phi could feel the heat radiating from a cabin. Shouts were heard and the door opened, using his last bit of strength Phi gestured behind him. Hopefully someone would go out and save Alan too.
Groaning Phi enjoyed the warm bed beneath him. It was a welcoming change to the forest’s bumpy ground. He glanced at the bed next to him. Alan was sleeping peacefully. A nurse walked by, clutching a clipboard.
“Wow, we’ve never had this many patients. Even if there’s technically nothing wrong with you. I mean first there were those three kids from a few days ago. Then two of them left and now the two of you are like replacing them.” The nurse gushed excitedly, the clutched clipboard bouncing until it was matching her voice. She spoke quickly.
“Three kids?” Phi was intrigued. Could one of those three kids be Loreas? “Excuse me miss? You said that there were three kids, but two of them left. Can you tell me when?”
“Why they only left yesterday. A shame too, the black haired kid looked like he didn’t want to leave the blond one. But the brunette one was in such a hurry; he seemed like he wanted to leave the day he got here.”
“So it’s the blond they left behind?” Phi lifted himself from the metal frame, gladly realizing that his clothes were still intact and only his heavy jacket had been removed. The nurse nodded, obviously bored with Phi now. “Can I see her?”
“Her?” The nurse’s red hair popped up at Phi’s mistake.
“Sorry I mean him.” Phi corrected himself though he knew he was right. But giving away Rose’s identity would alert the town. And he didn’t know where his badge was at the time, besides accusing children of murder probably wouldn’t go well with the small towns’ folk.
His bare feet sliding on the tiled flooring, the nurse hummed while turning a corner. The door clicked open. “Well I have to go. Can you find you’re way back when you’re done?”
“Yeah” Phi nodded, he was so close. Finally he was face to face with Loreas. After a month of diligently working on the case, Phi seemingly had reached his goal. He saw the letter that was placed by her bedside. Walking over, Phi observed Rose for any moment.
“She’s in a coma, you idiot.” A voice interrupted the silence of the room. Another nurse by the looks of it, “Are you even allowed in here?”
“Well, you see, I was just, going to, uh, pick up this envelope!” Phi snatched the envelope, avoiding the glare sent from the dark nurse. “See I’ll be going now.” True to his word, Phi jogged back to his own room.
Alan yawned while giving Phi a confused look. “So, where are we exactly?”
“I’m not sure, just some small town. Loreas is here too, but she’s in a coma.”
“Really? Wow, we finally found her. What’s that in your hand?”
“It’s some letter that the other two left. I haven’t got a chance to read it yet.”
“Okays, so what have you found out so far?”
“Well, I’m pretty sure that Loreas was in a car crash with two other individuals. The other two left yesterday, and one of them was in a hurry. I think that one would be Tu’s nephew because he was described as a brunette. So that could mean that Tu is planning something. The other one is still a mystery, but I’m guessing that he left this letter behind.”
“Phi, I was wondering something.”
“What?” Phi was in the process of opening the letter. “I was thinking, Phi, what if Loreas isn’t guilty?” Phi paused, he had thought of that too.
“Well there isn’t much we can do about that. Tracey Fiher is the only witness, and she has already confirmed that Loreas pushed Julie. And if Loreas is indeed innocent, we have no evidence to prove it.”
“Okay then. So what does the letter say?” Phi had at last opened the letter, promptly scanning through the letter. “Let me see,” Alan reached for the letter. Phi handed the letter to Alan solemnly. Alan read it. “This can’t be true. If this is true then…” Alan did not continue his sentence.
“It would be the end of the Fiher Industries.” Phi finished, nodding. “Well what are we going to do?” Alan asked, rereading the letter.
“We can’t turn this into HQ, they won’t believe us. We need more evidence.” Alan gave Phi back the letter. Phi read it again.
The Letter:
Dear Rose,
I am sorry, Rose, but Benedict is insisting that we leave now. So I will make this letter short. I know about your disguise, Flame has told Ry and me already. The reason I leave this letter is to inform you that Flame has not truly forgotten you yet. Ry hypnotized him because of Julie Fiher. She is alive, Rose. And she truly believes that you pushed her off that cliff that caused her disfigurement and handicap. The Fiher family has vowed revenge on you. They sent people after Flame that was when he asked Ry to hypnotize him so he would not release any information on you. There is a big battle going on between all big companies and suddenly you are a part of it now. I myself am in danger, so I leave you this locket. Do not in any case lose it. I hope you will find justice in Hausa.
Sincerely, k.kray
P.S Do not stays Still for too long. Avoid the Angels, Drakes will switch at will.
“I guess we’re going to go to Hausa. What are we going to do with the letter?”
“Give it back to Loreas. Whoever wrote this letter was telling the truth, and it’s obvious that they didn’t write it in some kind of code. And does the name Kray ring a bell anywhere?”
Alan stopped and thought. “Isn’t Kray the name of that one woman in the legend?”
“Yeah, Iva Kray the woman that found a treasure cove. It’s not a legend either, it’s real. She was going to marry Eric Tu, but ended up having an affair with Vick Deresy. Together they found a treasure map in one of Tu’s house. Then they found the treasure and never told anyone the location of cave. HQ researched Tu after the bombing.”
“You don’t think that, Tu’s after the treasure?”
“No, he’s after the revenge. At least now we know why Tu’s nephew is with that other boy. But why was he with Loreas?”
“So why don’t we just make the trip with Loreas?”
“Because Loreas may be innocent but we’re the only people that know so we can’t be seen with her or her disguised figure. And she’s in a coma, we have to hurry. Kray said that Loreas should find justice in Hausa, meaning that Fiher might be hiding there. If we find Fiher and get a picture, we can prove that Loreas is not a murderer.”
“Won’t she still be charged with something?”
“Not if we can try to charge Tracey Fiher for meddling with the evidence. The little Fiher princess won’t want to go to jail. We’ll leave today.”
“Phi, doesn’t it bother you that you’re just going headfirst into another wild goose chase?”
“Not a bit.” Phi grinned.
Rose turned, and was then suddenly aware of her surrounding. Pain shot up from her right shoulder. “Where am I?” she croaked out to the not so empty room. “Wow, you’re awake!” A cheery nurse rushed to her side. “You’ve been in a coma for the last five days.”
“Where am I?” Rose asked the nurse again.
“You’re in Helb; we’re a relatively small town though, so you probably haven't heard of us.”
“Oh, um, there were two other people with me. Can you tell me where they are?”
“I just remembered! I have to go get the doc, since you’re awake now and all.” The nurse practically skipped out of the room. Okaaayy, Rose noticed a letter next to her bed. Her fingers stretched out to the letter. A loud boom interrupted her. Glancing over to the door which was the base of all the noise, she met the gaze of a short doctor.
“Well you look fine, a lot better then the last time I saw you. Your shoulder should heal up in a few days. Can you remember your name?”
“Ro—Cyrus.” Rose stumbled with her words, finding it difficult to talk after so many hours of silence.
“Honey, we know you’re a girl. But for whatever reason that you are dressed up as a boy, is none of our business. I just want to know if your brain’s still working.”
“It’s fine then, um. Sir, what did you people do with my stuff?”
“Oh well it’s over there. The nurses found a bag for you too. Okay, since you seem fine I’ll be leaving now. If you need anything come to the front desk.”
Wow, am I lucky or what? I’m in a car crash and end up in a town where they ask no questions. Amazing, simply amazing. Now that letter. Clumsily opening the letter, a locket fell from its contents. “What the-“Rose lifted the locket from her white bed covers. She read the letter and cursed.
“Damnit, I can’t believe that Benedict left me. Or that Julie’s alive, it was an accident. Man, think of the scandal that would form if I could prove my innocence. I have to get to Hausa.”
Picking up the bag, her shoulder ached slightly. It’s not too bad, I can deal with it. Besides it’ll heal up in a few days. Dragging the bag to the bathroom, Rose felt an eerie feeling as she dressed in front of mirror; watching her self transform back into Cyrus Hamilton. Slinging the bag on her good shoulder, Rose made her to the front desk.
“Excuse me?” The receptionist was busy typing away at an imaginary report, until she heard Rose’s fake voice. “What would you need, honey?” she smiled brightly at Rose.
“Um I was wondering—“
“Oh you must be the coma child. Well this hospital will miss having new patients. But I imagine that you all must be getting back to where you came from. So what do you need?”
“I was wondering if I could get a ride back to Hausa.”
“Of course, I’ll call Roger up.” The receptionist fingers curled around an old fashioned telephone. “Hey Roger, the coma girl is awake. Yeah, I need you to drop her off. Oh, you busy? Well do you know anyone going near Hausa?” She paused, and listened silently. “Thanks send Ed over.”
Rose stopped, these people knew she was a girl and was seriously not asking questions? “Um, how do you people know I’m a girl?”
The receptionist smiled again, “Well I imagine that I would know after they removed your mask, corset, fake tooth, leggings, should I continue?”
“Oh, so everyone else in the town knows?”
“Honey, this is a small town. You sneeze in the morning and by sunset everyone thinks you caught a cold.”
A small tanned man entered the hospital. “Name’s Ed, nice to meet you,” he spoke with a hyper tone and a country accent. “I’ll be your chauffeur for the day.”
The nurse from before ran over to Rose, hugging her tightly. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you’re leaving. I’m going to miss caring for you.” Caring for me? I was a coma patient for only five days…what is there to care for? Rose smiled back at the nurse anyways. “Wait let me see your bag before you leave!” Not waiting for an answer the excited nurse took the bag and rushed off.
“Well that’s Maitri for you. She’ll be back in awhile.” Ed chuckled.
“So Ed, why are you going all the way to Hausa?” The receptionist asked. Is Hausa that far away or something? Rose waited for an answer too.
“Delivering a bunch of horses for their fair, you know them Husains. They party all night long. I’ll enjoy the peace and quiet of the seven hours to get there, then the hour I’ll have to spend in the actual city.”
“Seven hours?” Rose repeated.
“Well, yeah. You’re welcome to sleep, and rest that shoulder.”
“I’m back,” announced the nurse. She gave Rose the bag back, which was heavier then before. “All the nurse and I packed a bunch of stuff in there for you. After all your friends left you and now you’re going to face the big city all by your self.”
“Erm thanks.”
“We better start going. Long ride.”
Seven hours later in silence, Rose yawned from boredom. They were approaching the city, the smog already viewable on the horizon. She and Ed had driven in the last seven hours in silence. “I guess this would be our stop. Do you have a specific place you need to go to? Or can I just drop you off wherever I’m headed?”
I really don’t know where I’m going. Kira just said to go to Hausa. Rose sighed. “Where ever you’re headed would be fine.”
Ed pulled up to a rather dark alley. “Is this really where you’re unloading the hor—“A rough hand grabbed Rose. She struggled under the callused fingers. “I brought her to you, now let him go,” Ed shouted towards Rose and her captor. Another set of hands released a small boy, who looked vaguely like Ed in a younger version. Rushing back into his truck, the two left. Rose wiggled once more, but the hands kept her in place with inhumane strength. She bit down. Hard. The boy though seemed unfazed by the action. “I’ll go get some rope, you can tie her up.” The one holding her down, nodded in acknowledgment.
Violently pushed to the ground, Rose was not spared a moment to escape. Her arms securely bounded, she was pushed through an invisible door. A group of twenty or so boys were huddled around an old television set. Another group was bickering among each other. Each and every one of them had a dark aura, dangerous. Their poverty was evident in their stench and expressions.
“Oi, is that the one that the Boss is looking for?” a shout from the crowd.
“If he is then, wow, I guess little Fang-ie here don’t know the chicks form the dudes.” responded another.
Fang, the one holding Rose, ignored all the comments. He pulled her to another room, darkly lit. A metal chair was the center of it, and Rose distantly thought of an interrogation room in one of the movies she used to watch with Flame. Except now she was the one being interrogated. The metal was cold on her fingers and back. Her shoulder throbbed from so much contact. Fang disappeared from behind her, leaving her seemingly alone.
“Hello, Rose is it?” A skinny boy stepped towards.
“My name’s not Rose, it’s Hamilton.” Rose tried to speak without hesitation.
“That’s not my real question though. I really want to know what the Angels want with you. Are you going to tell me, Rose slash Hamilton?”
“Are you sure about this, Phi?”
“You read the letter; Kray was leaving the end coded. It’s definitely about the gangs, so we’ll just join one of the gangs to gather information.”
“And we can’t go to the Hausa Police Station because?” Alan’s clean skin felt awkward against his new clothing. The new set of jeans and t-shirt were slightly dirty to add to their dodgy image.
“We can’t, because half of the force probably has been bribed by the gangs. Do you want us dead? Besides, the other half will send people in and look for Loreas. If she is in the city and if she’s innocent then I don’t want her to go to jail.”
“Okay and how exactly are we going to get into the gangs? I mean, aren’t you a little too old?”
“I am not too old,” retorted Phi, “You’re going to join the actual Drakoes, and I’m going to Hades.”
Phi causality didn’t rub off on Alan though. “And you know all this stuff about gangs how? And Hades is?”
“Hades is the adult gang, usually the hard core Drakes will move over there when they turn twenty. After twenty, you either move on to the next gang or you get out of the business.”
Alan backed away from Phi. “And you know all this how?” Phi’s cast knowledge about this was starting to scare him a little.
“I used to be a Drako. But that was before I joined the force.’’
“Wow…. So how are we going to get into these gangs?”
Phi grinned.
Chapter Three: Welcome to the Gang
“Who the hell are the Angels,” Rose spat at the stranger, “and who the hell are you?”
“I am Tom Brer, current leader of the Drakoes, duh.” A smug expression shrouded his lean face.
“And the Angels are?” Rose tirelessly fought against the brittle rope, while waiting for Tom’s answer.
“They’re our rival gang, and for some reason they’ve taken interest in you and why would that be Miss Rose?”
“I am not this Rose you’re talking to.” Rose replied coldly, hoping to scare away Tom.
“Let’s see,” Tom paused as if thinking, “Rose Amelia Loreas born fourteen years ago in Hetra, Bosence. Parents deceased. Resided with youngest sister on mother’s side in Latona, Bosence, has five cousins on her mother’s side, seven on her father’s. Eight aunts and nine uncles in total. Blonde hair, blue eyes, approximately one hundred fifty two centimeters, bra siz—“
“Stop! Who ever she is I don’t care. I don’t even know her!” Rose was blushing fiercely, wishing that the room was darker in order to hide it.
“I know you’re Rose, admit it and I’ll be nice,” he titled her chin up so that his hazel eyes would meet her own.
“Really,” Rose’s male voice took an innocent tone. “Well I don’t lie,” her voice suddenly took a comical turn, changing to a rude tenor.
“Aw, do you really want to see my bad side?” Rose ignored him and tried futilely to escape. “I could just start to undress you here on the spot, and then we’ll see if you do lie. After that, who knows what I’ll do.” Tom’s hand slipped from Rose’s face to her chest. She flinched under his touch, though she thought he was surely bluffing. He wasn’t. His hand snuck below her shirt, caressing it as if teasing her to scream in retaliation. A path of light attacked the darkness, Fang’s shadow and voice following it. “Hey sorry boss, but Angels called up a meeting. They want to meet right now.”
“Damnit, I was just getting started over here. Guess we’ll have to wait, won’t we Hamilton?” Rose couldn’t help but sigh in relief. “Take him to the dungeon.” Rose felt a quick sting to the back of her head, and then the darkness returned.
The ground was dry and dusty; there were a collection of whispers around her. Rose opened her eyes. A few thoughts penetrated her mind. One of them was where she was now. And the other one was why didn’t Tom tell Fang that he was a girl? After all Tom referred to her as him. She felt something shift next to her.
“Hey you awake?” a small pale boy said.
“Yeah, who are you and where am I now?” Finding that shackles had replaced the rope that had restricted her earlier, Rose once again struggled. The other boy crouched next to her, prodding at the shackles. “You have to be the only one here that’s bound. The rest of us are only here for punishment.”
“Punishment?” Rose examined the boy some more, squinting in the shadowy cage. He had spiky black hair and deep dark eyes. He kind of reminds me of that one detective, with the black hair. Well actually if the detective shrunken a foot or two and was loads paler.
“Duh, you know, like when you mess with the higher ups.”
“The higher ups?” Rose decided to just relax, she obviously wasn’t going anywhere. And the runt next to her could be helpful.
“Leader of the Drakes or at least people around a Cap rank. They get pissed off at you one day, the next morning you find yourself here. Of course you eventually get out but it all depends who you are and what you did.”
“What? So they like rule the city? As if,” Rose scoffed.
“Wow….Do you have any idea where you are? Heck, do you even know about the gangs?”
“I have no idea. I came into the city looking for this one girl, and then some big guy came out grabbed me. And now I’m here.” Rose shrugged causing the shackles to sound.
“Okay…maybe I should start from the beginning. Name’s Cory.”
“Name’s Hamilton. So about these gangs, what do you know about them?”
“Only as much as everyone else, excluding you. You don’t know anything.”
Rose ignored him and said, “Well go on about the gangs.”
“In Hausa there are two main gangs. That’s the Angels and Drakoes. Angels headquarters are somewhere on the other side of the city. Technically it’s on another city, but they’ve been fighting for forever for Hausa. You’re here in the Drakoes headquarters, and they’re right smacking in the middle of Hausa. They own pretty much all of Hausa, but the Angels cover Hausa’s borders. The Angels are trying to close in the Drakoes. So far we Drakes have been holding off the Angels pretty good.”
“Okay, you said main gangs. Are there more?” interrupted Rose.
“Well the other two are Hades and Halo. They’re kind of like the brother gangs of Drakoes and Angels. Hades and Halos members are usually older; their recruiting age is around twenty. Imagine them as the big brother gang, they come around here to help their little brother gangs once in awhile. Hades members usually are Drakoes before they join up, same for Angels and Halos.”
“So why don’t Hades just take over Hausa? Or Halos? Why are they leaving it for the little kids?”
“I have no idea but I have a theory. I think that this is just a training ground, until they head off to Hades. But who knows? Anyways, continuing. Drakoes and Angels compete with a score board. The way it goes is that who ever scores the most points by the end of month gets another piece of land, property, sidewalk or whatever. There’s a bunch of ways to score too. Usually they score with a vedil game. Or they hold hostages and negotiate points. Killing another member of the opposite gang scores too.”
“What is this all a game to them!? Killing and holding hostages? Just for territory? That’s just stupid.”
“Hey its how it’s been going on for the last decade, you can’t really just ask them to change now.”
“Well at least now I know why I’m here. Damn b******s are trading me off.”
“Hmm, at least that explains why you’re chained up and I’m not.”
“What you a Drake? Why would you join them? You could be killed. This is just some sick game to the higher ups and I’m not talking about the leader. It’s just some sick game that Hades plays.”
“I have a roof over my head and food every night. They provide you with housing, food, and all you have to do is just follow orders. Not hard.”
I guess in some way he has a point, it’s just survival. “Cory, do you have any idea what they’ll do to me?”
“It depends, what did they want?”
“They asked me what the Angels wanted from me, and I have no clue. This is the first time I’ve ever been in Hausa.”
“They don’t just operate in Hausa, they’re pretty much everywhere. Have you heard of Gott?”
“Yeah, they’re that one medical company.”
“They’re oldest son, Michael, is the leader of the Angels. Hausa is just their main, Angels are loaded. They can afford to be pretty much everywhere. Drakes have connections everywhere too. The leader has only about a million relatives. Most Drakes are related but there are the ones that got recruited like me.”
“Anyways, about my question: What are they going to do to me?”
“I imagine torture, maybe worse if they wanted the information really bad.”
“I didn’t even know about the Angels or Drakoes. How am I going to know what they want from me?”
“Look they’re here! You can just ask them,” exclaimed Cory. And true to his word a group of thugs appeared. “You, boss wants to talk.” Fang pointed at Rose, instructing the other two to grab her. Making sure that she could not get up, Fang unlocked the shackles. “Hey bro, try not to get in trouble again. I can’t keep bailing you out.” Fang greeted Cory. Cory smiled and disappeared to the doorway. “Let’s go,” he redirected his attention to Rose.
Rose found herself once again presented in front of Tom. “You two can leave.” With a wave of his hand, Fang and the other guy left. Once he was sure that they were the only ones in the room, Tom spoke.
“Rose, my dear, how have you been?”
“How great can I be when I was locked up in some jail cell?”
“Well, I no longer need your services. You will be released, although I do wonder how you will survive. Best of luck, Rosie.” Tom opened a door, welcoming a foul stench. “This is your way out. And here’s your bag.”
“Okay.” Rose took the bag and exited the room. She felt the whoosh of the door behind her, and with that she was alone. Shifting her shoulders, Rose cursed. “Damn b******s took my stuff.” The back given to her by the nurses felt considerable lighter. “Well I hope whatever they were looking for, I hope they found it.”
The bag hit the ground with a soft thud. “Let’s see,” Rose hand scrambled in side the bag, “at least they left me the money. Everything else is gone though, all my clothes and food.”
She briskly jogged through the dark alley, heading for the bright city lights. As she made her way down the alley, logic begins to course in and out of her brain making her stop in her tracks. Drakes! Angels! I heard of them before! In Kira’s letter! Almost ripping the letter out of her jacket, surprised that it had not fallen out, she reread it. Avoid Angels, Drakes will change. Drakes and Angels. Did that mean the Julie could be among one of the gangs? Tucking away the letter safely in her pocket for it was her only clue left, Rose ran harder.
I have to join one of the gangs, get some information. Find Julie and convince her that I‘m innocent. I have to change my appearance; Tom already knows what I look like. Guess I’m going to be a brunette for awhile.
“Please Phi; I really don’t think this is a good idea. We’re policemen, this is illegal.” Alan tried to run from his brother’s grasp.
“The ends justify the means, Johnson. Don’t worry about. Besides this will probably be the worse thing you do when you’re in a gang. We’re just trying to catch their attention, so they’ll recruit you. Now here just light it and throw it around that building.” Phi handed Alan the firecracker.
“Wait, why don’t you do this? Don’t you need to impress those Hades people too?’’ He’s really lost it this time. The airport thing doesn’t even compare to this. This is crazy, thought Alan as he spoke.
“Nope, I made Reaper when I was back in the Drakes. Reapers and up can be initiated into Hades after they meet passing age.”
“Why do I have to be in a gang too? Can’t you be the only one investigating?” Alan did not want to do this. Even if Hausa’s police force was a group of lazy bums, and most were being paid off by the Drakes or Angels, he could still be caught.
“You read the letter,” Phi was rather enjoying this. Alan was nervous with a deer in the headlights look, and with Phi teasing him it only made it worse. “It said Drakes. I’m twenty-five, too old to join the Drakoes now. But, my dear young innocent brother, you are eighteen. Still young enough to be a Drake. Now go light it, I already made sure that no one’s in the building.”
His palms were sweaty and he was secretly hoping that that would put out the fuse. With a flick of a match, the skies became littered with flames. Giant booms were heard throughout the city, the building slowly piling on top of it self. “I hope you’re happy, Phi.” muttered Alan as he lit another.
Police sirens zoomed there way, a good hour after Alan had lit the first firecracker. “That was wicked, Johnson. You should light more stuff on fire another time. Well let’s go.” Phi yanked Alan away from the now tumbling building. “That better have worked, maniac.”
The next night:
“Hey, kid! You the arsoner?” A tall boy had appeared out of the shadow with ease. Its arsonist, you ignorant kid. “Yeah, you like the show last night?” Alan replied. The kid looked him up and down, like he was older than Alan and knew what he was doing. Well he most likely did, but Alan didn’t. Phi, being the vague person he is, simply said that a Drake would go find him and recruit him. So he had been walking around the city aimlessly all day, waiting on the Drake. Said Drake was younger than him by at least a year or two. He was greasy haired, acne plagued and fat as an ordinary acorn.
“Boss might like you, come on.” Alan didn’t say anything to the kid’s statement. “You want be Drake or not?”
Silently Alan followed.
Rose left the shop a different person. Quite literally too, and fortunately the shop keeper didn’t say a word. She had entered the shop a blue eyed blond, and she had left it as a brunette with brown eyes and a cut on her chin. Yes, the cut had hurt when she had inflicted it on herself. It still throbbed, but her shoulder was better so it was the only pain she had to deal with. Hopefully the cut would scar and add more to her disguise. She had removed but kept the contacts and bought a new bag. Her voice was now a deeper in pitch, compliments of Flame’s ingenious invention. It fit into her mouth like an invisible retainer, affecting her voice making it deeper or higher depending on where the dial was set.
“Okay, all I have to find out now is how to get into the Drakoes.” Stepping out the store, Rose collided with another two boys. One was your average lowlife of Hausa besides his weight and the other looked pretty clean even if he was hiding under a pair of dirty clothes.
“Eh watch where you’re going! You don’t want to piss off me, I’m a Drake. And no one messes with us,” the lowlife warned.
“Hey, dude, I’ve wanted to join the Drakes for forever! Come on, do a new buddy a favor, and let me in.” Rose elbowed the lowlife playfully, hoping he would give in.
“What’s in it for me?” The lowlife had a greedy expression on his face, and it was obvious that this wasn’t his first time cheesing off rookies.
“How about fifty ruugers? It’s all I got.” Rose was fully concentrated on the fat one and didn’t focus on the other one.
“Hmm, that’s kind of low. But I guess I’ll take what I can get today,” he bluffed. “Well come on you two rookies. I’m Kevin by the way. I’m going to be the next leader some day, so you can start kissing my a*s now.”
“My name’s Alan,” softly said the other boy. Rose turned her head and came into a small panic attack. Alan, if that was his real name or not, was one of the policemen that were tailing her. Well, if he hasn’t arrested me yet, then he must not recognize me. “Uh, I’m Hamilton.”
“Hey, you two, hurry up!”
Rose found herself back at the Drako headquarters once again. “Joe’s going to be mad if I’m late.” Kevin scowled.
“You’re late, Skucs. So how many do you have for me today?” Joe was a big man. Probably not a boy, he was just so big. He had to be around his mid twenties. Carrying a branding iron, he looked dangerous as the next serial killer.
“I got two. Hope you can handle a little pain.” Rose and Alan flinched at the inevitable pain.
“Well which one of you is going first?” Joe had the iron ready.
“Um I guess I’ll go.” Alan stepped up first. This is crazy, is he really going to do it? Rose thought sympathetically even though she would be in the same situation as him in a few moments. “Water’s over there, so are the bandages.” Joe gestured to a barrel and a table, both of which were a good three yards away. The pathway there was cleared and was noticeably used many times.
Alan yelped in pain, failing his arm against Joe as he ran to the bucket. “God that hurt.” Nimbly he wrapped his hand in the provided bandages. “Pretty good there, rookie,” complimented Kevin.
“Well, you know, got to be good when you work around fire. Even though that still hurt, never thought I’d burn myself intentionally.” Alan said smoothly.
“Well you’re next kiddo.” Rose gulped. Alan was at least three years older than her, and he still yelled in pain. “If it helps I’ll count to three for you.” Joe suggested.
“Okay.” Holding out her hand, Rose silently counted along with Joe.
“Ready? On the count of three. One, Tw—“Quickly placing the branding iron on Rose’s hand, Joe took a step back in precaution. Lunging over to the barrel in desperation, Rose tried to ignore the pain. Dipping her hand in the cool barrel, her left hand pulsated in its depth. “What the hell happened to three?” her glare was sending evil messages to Joe.
“Kid, it hurts more if you expect the pain. Think of it as a favor.” Joe retuned the iron to its stand. “Welcome to the Drakoes. You’re officially Rooks. The lowest of the low.” Kevin announced.
“What, this is a test on whether you can get in the Drakoes or not?” Rose asked menacingly.
“Yep, most kids chicken out when they even look at Joe with the iron.”
“How am I not surprised?” Rose said under her breath.
The headquarters was an old hotel that the original leaders bought. Overtime the Drakoes became popular and begin bringing in some money. They were able to spice up the place, and buying certain illegal merchandise for their own personal use. Kevin explained this all as he led Rose and Alan down the long hallway of rooms. “It’s two to a room. Right now there are two rooms with only one roommate. So pick a number between one and two.”
“One and half.” Picked Rose, she was still a little mad at the stupid test thing. Even though it wasn’t Kevin’s fault, it was just how they initiated boys in the Drakoes. “Okay wise-a*s you can deal with Fang.” Kevin threw the key to Rose, “Room 695. Have fun.”
Rose entered the room, frightened. Fang was the one that had kidnapped her earlier. Instead she opened the door to see Cory. “What the—“
“I thought I was sharing a room with Fang.” She said aloud.
“Well you’re looking at him,” Cory said offended.
“I was kind of imagining someone bigger?”
“You’re not talking about my brother are you? He’s in Hades, you dimwit. Dominic only comes down when Tom asks his big bro a million times.”
“And his big brother is?” Rose asked stupidly or at least to Cory.
“What, you a retard or something? His big bro the leader of Hades. Duh. My brother is his right hand man,” Cory stated proudly.
“Oh, how’d you even get a nickname like Fang? Shouldn’t it be runt?” Rose mocked the smaller boy. He looked younger than she was, maybe around twelve or thirteen, but he was actually sixteen. A year older than Rose.
“I would shut up if I were you. You don’t know what my big brother can do to you.” He threatened rather cheekily, but Rose had already formulated a comeback. For some reason she just felt like insulting the runt, something about how superior he acted made her insult him more and more.
“Is that right? Does he fight all your battles for you? I thought he only comes here when Tom begs his older brother. And then Tom’s brother commands your big brother to come down here. You’re brother is second to Tom’s brother, and you’re second to everyone.” Okay, maybe she hit below the belt with that one. But it felt good to let the stress out a bit, even if it was on the wrong person. After all it was bubbling inside of her, especially once she found out Julie was alive. And having Benedict abandon her didn’t help either.
Growling, Cory dove at Rose. She fell backwards to his punches. Fighting back, Rose rolled on the carpet floor dodging Cory’s hits. As both of them stood up, not breaking the glare they sent that held both of their eyes. Their heavy panting soon changed to curses and grunts. Her hand was in excruciating pain, after they stopped fighting and was just staring each other down. The soreness of the burn was forgotten for the short time span that their initial fight had begun, but after all was done it hurt more than ever. A mob of laughter made them both jump.
“Wow even if the other guy can’t use his left hand, you still can’t win Fang.” heckled one of the people in the hallway.
“Bah, he doesn’t look that strong anyways. You should have a rematch, Fang!”
“Hey what are you all doing out? Don’t you have any missions to be getting to?”
“Aw, come on Frankie be a pal and let us go past curfew. Just for a bit.” The unknown voices pleading with a commanding one. Cory looked like he had calmed down, and Rose was just looking at her hand like it had seven fingers.
“No, and don’t try pulling that: But Frankie I have a mission tonight thing. I have the list of who’s got what tonight. And the list says that none of you Rooks got anything tonight. GO TO SLEEP!”
Frankie was a blonde kid, with green eyes and a hard expression. His stature was short but still taller than Cory. Tanned and stoic, Frankie questioned the newbie. “You the new Rook that Skucs brought in?”
Rose nodded, her hand still weighing her down. “I’m a Ghost rank. That’s –“
“That’s because he haunts the hall,” someone yelling out, interrupting Frankie. Rose almost expected a throbbing vein from Frankie or something, but he didn’t answer to their annoying shouts. “There are five ranks in the Drakes. The top one is obviously Leader. After Leader, is Cap. Below Cap is me, Ghost. We Ghost ranks have the crappiest job in the world,” He yelled to whoever was still in the hallway. “We patrol the hallways for anyone that’s breaking a code. Next are Reapers, who are the scorers and Skulls, the clean crew. Right now you’re at Rook. Which is the lowest rank of them all; you guys mainly take on the jobs no one wants.” Frankie finished talking and inspected Cory and Rose.
“Try to be civil with your roommates Fang, it’s the least you can do.” With that, Frankie left ushering everyone out of the hallways and to their rooms.
Fang just ignored Rose, and limped over to his bed. Clutching her hand, Rose tried to sleep with her injured hand.
The next morning:
“Hey, Hamilton wake up.” Cory yelled impatiently to her. Her hand hurt considerably more than it had yesterday. “I would change that bandage too, bathroom’s that way.”
Okay, he’s being nicer. What is it? Mood swings? Rose shook her head, entering the bathroom. Opening up random drawers, Rose scavenged for the bandages. “WHAT THE –“A giant plastic, and sharp looking, fake snake jumped from the toilet. She backed away from it. Fang on the other side of the bathroom door was laughing his pants off.
She came out of the bathroom very mad looking. “What the hell was that?” Disappointment shrouded his face for a moment. “Aw, it didn’t even touch you.”
“When this hand heals, I swear I’m beat you up so bad that you won’t be able to see straight or eat solid food for a week.”
“Really? I could beat you any day anytime.” He pushed her back to the wall.
“Humph, like you could. I could beat you any day anytime.” Rose pushed back.
“Then it’s on, Hamilton.” Cory stormed out of the room.
“Bandages.” Rose turned back to the bathroom and continued looking for the bandages while muttering about how she was going to kill Cory.
“So you two are the new Rooks?” Frankie asked again. They both nodded. “Well then, first good luck and second you just made Bob a very happy person.”
Uh, who’s Bob? Rose continued listening to Frankie’s instructions. “I hope you don’t expect doing any of that gang stuff you see in the movies now. You have to build your way up because at the moment you’re limited to picking up other people’s crap. Today, you guys get to clean up the mess the Leaders left from their meeting two days ago.”
The room was scattered with soda cans and broken glass. Rose gave the room a raised eyebrow. Must’ve been some meeting, it looks like two people lost it in here. “Sometimes they kind of get mad at each other, and the girls like to throw things. So sweep up the glass, trash cans’ are outside.” explained Frankie as he left.
© 2008 The Hatter GirlAuthor's Note
Added on July 19, 2008 Last Updated on August 14, 2008 Author![]() The Hatter GirlAustin, TXAboutMy name is Vi-Vi-An.... Few things about me: 1.) I love wearing and drawing hats. 2.) Writing is my passion. 3.) Im bored easily. 4.) I will sometimes stop drawing or writing and start sleeping.. more..Writing