![]() Hamilton's Story | Chapter OneA Chapter by The Hatter Girl![]() Rose Loreas is accused of murdering Julie Fiher. In roder to escape conviction she diguises herself as a boy, Cyrus Hamilton.![]()
“Julie Fiher of Fiher Industries was murdered last night. Police are looking for the murderer, Rose Loreas. She is described as a blond girl, approxmat-"
Chapter 1: Cyrus Hamilton
Flame turned off the plastic radio that sounded through the small dorm. He looked over to his cousin, Rose Loreas. Rose stared emotionlessly into the mirror placed in front of her, as if oblivious to the severity of the news. But Flame knew that that was how Rose dealt with trouble. Acting like it did not exist, to cut off all feeling. Flame sighed sadly, even with his help, Rose was truly alone. Rose was an orphan taken in by Flame's family reluctantly. Her parents died a few years back. Flame’s own parents had waited for any moment to get rid of Rose. They would stand up for her in the court; right, Flame grimaced annoyingly. Maybe he was thinking too hard. "Have you realized it yet, Cousin?" He gave Rose a puzzling look at the question. "What?" "Your folks, they aren't planning to hire a lawyer for a charity case." "They would! You are family," Flame said defensively. But in reality, Rose had spoken the words he had only been thinking a moment ago. Rose stood up, looking into the mirror one last time. Her transformation flawless, lacking only one thing. A new name. "Cyrus Hamilton." Flame's voice broke silence between them. Rose contemplated the name, a new sensation pounding through her. Life wouldn't be the same again for her. "What'll happen to me now," she whispered her voice soft with hesitation. Her hair cropped short, a mask covering her face; boy's clothing covered her. For an instant Flame forgot that Rose was a girl underneath the disguise. A disguise that he created. "I signed you into the school system. This would be the last place they search for you." If my folks aren't going to help you Rose, then I am. Flame gave Rose a wry smile. Rose smiled back. Having a cousin who was an inventor and hacker came in handy. But Rose knew that she still faced dangers. Falling asleep, she tried to ease herself into being Cyrus Hamilton. _______________________________________________________________________________ Rose woke to Flame's intense shakes. He handed her with trembling hands her schedule. "These are a few of my clothes," Flame blushed," and I couldn't get you into this dorm because you're in the tenth grade." Flame handed Rose a stuffed duffel bag. So maybe luck seemed to catch up with Rose after Julie's death. It had to be luck that Flame was a genius and small for his age, allowing Rose to fit his clothes and be disguised. Student Name: Cyrus Hamilton Grade: 10th Dorm Number: 13B Rose stopped reading for a moment, reality seeping in. This was her, from then on. Cyrus Hamilton. Wearily Rose followed Flame as he led her to her new life.
_______________________________________________________________________________ Garther Benedict combed his brown hair back; he sat on his bed opposite of another. His roommate moved out weeks ago and he was not expecting another roommate. A knock on the door, interrupted his combing. Benedict got up lazily; Saturdays do that to a person. Benedict peered down at the red-haired kid and his friend. The blond one carried luggage. Great, Benedict thought foully, already guessing what the encounter meant. "What," Benedict said gruffly. "Your new roommate,” the redhead said. "Hi, I'm Ro-" The blond stopped in the middle of his introduction. "Hamilton. Cyrus Hamilton, everyone calls me Hamilton or Ham though." The flame-haired freshman left as Hamilton entered the room. ______________________________________________________________________________ Argh, why did I almost say Rose!? My cover was almost blown; I have to start thinking of myself as Hamilton. Why did I even introduce myself like that?! Hamilton. Cyrus Hamilton. I must have sounded like a complete dork, Rose was panicking, describing her as tense would’ve been an understatement. She stepped into the room, neatly kept. Two beds sat parallel of each other, one unused and the other messily arranged. The wallpaper a beige color, two lamps glowed golden next to each bed, and another door leading to what Rose guessed was the bathroom. She sat down on the right bed, it creaked. "I'm Garther Benedict." Garther's face cold. "Everyone calls me Benedict." Rose was about to continue talking to Benedict, but he stopped her. "Look, I don't plan to be friends with anyone at this dump. So you wouldn't be the first to try. So don't take it personally I didn't want a roommate nor do I want to be here." Rose ceased her urge to talk, moving the contents of the duffel bag into a drawer. Opening a random drawer revealed to Rose a gun. It shined in the artificial light, making it look more dangerous. Benedict leapt at Rose, pushing the drawer. "Your drawer's on the other side." Rose had jumped back in surprise from Benedict's vicious voice. Benedict grabbed his book bag and left, leaving Rose to ponder over her roommate's oddities. The day was tiring for Rose. Looks of sympathy were directed to Rose, all acknowledging Benedict's harshness. Classes were different than those from the girl's school, which lied on the other side forest. The forest was the only divide between the two schools, and one step in the girl's school would surely mean the end for Rose. The classes were much more physical and demanding.
Rose collapsed onto the bed. Her book bag rested in her hand, which she let drop with a thump. Benedict walked past her. I swear I can feel an icy breeze as he walks past. "You still don't plan on telling anyone about a certain thing you found in my drawer, are you?" Actually, Rose had planned on telling Flame, but alerting the authorities would bring attention to her too. And Rose was avoiding that at all costs. So the guy had a gun, she was accused of murder; they kind of evened out in a way. "If you do, you'll be sorry." Rose remained unexpressed and quiet. She was in a position where any foe or friend would not help her. _______________________________________________________________________________ It had been two weeks, since the murder. Rose turned the knob of the radio while Benedict was being impassive to any other stimulus in the room besides the lamp lighting his book.
"It’s been confirmed by the police that a possible lead as to where the murderer is has been revealed in the Fiher Case. Police are diligently following this lead. Hopefully the killer can be apprehended." Rose let out a thin eep. Benedict showed no response to his roommate. "The Fiher families are still mourning the loss of their eldest daughter, Julie Fiher." We will do everything to bring this murderer to justice." “They are currently charging Rose Loreas with manslaughter.” Rose bolted up; surprise and fear powered this small jump. In her astonished startlement the radio flew, landing on Benedict. Benedict let out a small curse. A flash of suspicion glowered through his eyes, a feeling of dread flowed through Rose. He must suspect something, thought Rose. Instead of saying anything along the lines of what Rose was thinking, he simply said, "Cyrus Hamilton if you feel like jumping maybe you should go to a kiddies’ playground, you'd fit more in there." Smirking he returned to his book, aware of Rose’s panic, and flung the radio back. Rose blushed as she caught the radio Benedict had roughly thrown to her. _______________________________________________________________________________ Rose woke up that Sunday morning to Benedict's curious eyes peering intently at her. Crap, thought Rose. Benedict leaned closer, the bridge of his nose only millimeters away from hers. Oh my gosh, what's happening, flustered Rose pushed Benedict away. "Mmmm, you really are a girl aren't you?" The plain look of terror and alarm on Rose's face made it clear.
Benedict grabbed Rose's wrist, pushing her down back onto the bed. "Now, you better not tell anyone about that gun you found. You never know what I might be tempted to do when you're sleeping. Or I think that they might be interested why a girl like you is in a school like this." Benedict inclined his head, tilting Rose's head up, he's going to-, Rose's thought intercepted by the actual kiss. Then someone walked in. And they went, "Oh my gosh!" or something along those lines. Keep in mind what the intruder saw, as he was a total stranger that just happened to come in the room at the wrong place and time. The intruder saw two male roommates apparently making out. But in truth it was really a girl that was disguised as a guy to escape a murder conviction and a guy that was a guy blackmailing the girl that was masquerading as a guy because he apparently had some skeletons in his closet that no one was suppose to know about. And so this misunderstanding caused a small but snowballing rumor to start, which in turn gave the intruder a good slug in the face.
This is the scene of what happened next:
The intruder left.
Benedict looked at Rose.
Rose looked at Benedict.
Benedict left.
Rose panicked.
What am I going to do!? I have to go to Flame; he’ll know what to do. Rose clumsily removed herself from the bed. Ring! Ring! Ring! Then she remembered. It was Friday. A school day…with other people. And that was the bell, which meant even more people would be staring at her on this Friday.
Rose lost count. Innumerable boys stared at her, and not in a good way. Outbursts of insults were not spared. At first she tried to count them, trying to reassure herself that not many people knew. But that was a lie. “I bet Benedict owns your a*s every night, right Hamilton!” Head down and keep walking. Even with the blush on her face, Rose had to ignore them. What could she say to them? I’m a girl you idiots, she wanted to yell. There was two options yell that thought and go to jail for forever or ignore them and not go to jail.
The last bell rang. In a flurry, Rose was gone. Flame, Flame, Flame. That little chant had kept her going the entire day. The freshmen dorms were within reach, Rose took a turn. A volcano of papers exploded in front of Rose as she collided with someone.
“Sorry,” she mumbled.
“You won’t find him,” the wiry boy spoke as he gathered the fallen folders and their contents. “He got busted for hacking the school website again. I heard from the teachers that Flame’s being sent home. I think I saw him packing up all his stuff yesterday,” the boy paused, examining Rose, “Hey, are you okay?”
Rose was noticeably paler. S**t, S**t, S**t had replaced Flame, Flame, Flame. “O-kay.” She was not okay. Her feet seemed heavy, her gait sluggish. Flame’s gone. What am I going to do? Another stream of insults was released on her as she entered her own dorm room.
“Well, hello Rose Loreas,” Benedict greeted Rose sweetly.
“Hello to you too, guy with a gun in his dresser,” snapped Rose bitterly. She didn’t even care that Benedict knew her true identity. Wasn’t it obvious anyways?
“A little resentful, aren’t you? You know anger does horrible things to a young girl’s face.” Benedict grinned. Rose was beyond anger. She was fuming, livid, irate. She had literally snapped within her enraged mind. She flew onto Benedict, knocking him down to his own bed. Futile punches connected with his shoulders. Continuing his mocking smiles, Benedict grasped Rose’s wrists and performed a familiar scene. And like the first scene, someone had walked in.
“Oh…Sorry if I’m interrupting anything.” The second intruder blushed and left. Rose was left red in the face and Benedict still grinning like Cheshire cat.
“I’m going to kill you one day.”
“I don’t doubt that for a moment, doll face. Look at what you did to that poor rich girl, Fiher.”
“I didn’t kill her,” Rose was whispering, caught in the memory of what happened that night.
“Well, then what did happen? If you didn’t kill her then why are you here talking to me?”
Well he already knows my real name. I might as well tell him, after all there’s really nothing to lose. That and he might report me if I don’t. Rose took a breath and started the long tale.
“Last month I was invited to join the Stills. It’s an organization, where mostly only really rich kids get into. But I was an exception.” Rose paused. Benedict looked at her and spoke. “You know, you don’t look too smart.”
“I’m serious. I’m going to kill you, someday,” replied Rose. “I found out why I was picked. They just wanted to play with the poor girl on campus. As part of the initiation, as they put it, I was pressured in doing a lot of things. Including this one prank I had to do.”
“I was paired with Tracey and Julie Fiher. We were supposedly going to do a prank on these freshmen. The plan was to just give them a bad scare. I was holding a rope, which they were supposedly going to trip on. And Julie and Tracey dressed up as ‘monsters’.” Rose stopped talking. He’s not going to believe the next part.
“Well, come on. What happened next?” Benedict looked at her intently. Sighing Rose continued, “Julie tripped over the rope. Then she tripped over a rock and fell off the cliff.” Benedict stared at Rose. There was a silence and then the laughter. “You’re kidding.” Benedict kept laughing, spit virtually airborne. Rose frowned. “It’s not funny. When I told her cousin this, she yelled ‘Murderer!!’ Then I fled the scene. Went to my cousin, Flame, and he gave me this disguise. And now I’m here.”
11:49 read the digital clock. Benedict yawned dramatically, extending his arms. “Guess I’ll turn in, good-night Rose.” Wait a minute. Why did I say all that again? Because he might turn me in? Wait, isn’t this the same guy has a gun? I can’t believe I forgot about that while I was telling him everything. “Wait, what about you, Mister Mysterious?” Rose had been lying on Benedict bed through out the entire story, not moving since the second intruder intruded. She shook Benedict but the only response she got was a fake snore. “It’s late, go back to your own bed. Unless, you want to sleep with me tonight?” Benedict resumed to grinning madly. Rolling her eyes, Rose returned to her own bed and slept.
Light shifted through the blinds. Benedict argued quietly into his phone, whoever was on the other end was making him very irritated. “Just listen to me, Uncle. Why do I have to do this? Aren’t you worried about me, what if someone catches me? No, you stop talking. Listen to me!” Even if this Uncle wasn’t listening to Benedict, Rose could hear every single word he was saying.
This is what she heard:
“Murder is a crime. I could go to jail if I’m caught. Why can’t you just let your little grudge on her family go?”
“You’re rich now. Think about it, why chase her down if you don’t need the money? And once again, can’t you hire people? Why me?”
“Because I’m your nephew and you rescued me from garbage of society?”
“That’s bull. I’m not going to do it.”
“I’ll do it. But you promise.”
Benedict closed the phone. “You know, you’re not good at being sneaky.”
Rose remained silent. Benedict walked over and shook Rose. Rose remained silent.
“Hmm, well if you’re really asleep then I guess you wouldn’t know that I’m about to kiss you.” Rose shot up and crashed into Benedict’s face, which resulted in her kissing Benedict. “Ow.” Benedict rubbed his nose. “A little excited aren’t you?”
Ignoring his snide comment, Rose asked innocently, “So what were you talking about?” Benedict turned away from Rose. “Trust me you don’t want to know,” the coldness in his voice was similar to the tone he used when they first met. “Please,” Rose pleaded sweetly, “I told you stuff about me.”
“Do you really have to know?”
“Yes,” a smile replaced Rose’s pout.
“Fine, I talked to my uncle, Eric Tu, and he wants me to kill Kira Kray. And if I do, he’ll give me freedom.”
Rose was speechless. She wasn’t a murderer, though she was technically was a convicted one, but here was a murderer to be. “So a-are y-you go-going to-o,” she was stammering.
“Yeah I’m going to kill Kira Kray.”
Benedict was nervous. But then, what other feelings would you feel if you were about to tell a girl that your uncle was an abusive lunatic and the only way to escape his clutches were to become a murderer and possibly end up in the same fate as hers?
“I was living on the streets of Hausa, pick pocketing more like it. Unfortunately I picked the wrong pocket a year ago,” Benedict felt the entire story slip out of him, “He was a hired assassin and I had ruined his shot. Cursing, he dragged me all the way back to this big building. And inside was my uncle, yeah I know it’s a small world.” Obvious resentment filled his voice, “I didn’t even know it was him until he pulled out all these random pictures of him and my mom. I ended up thinking: ‘Hey this guy’s loaded, and he’s like my only living relative.’ He took me home and-“
There was no denying it; Rose was on the edge of her bed thinking evil thoughts of how Benedict wickedly ended that last sentence. “Well!? What’d he do?” Benedict had gone back into his cold lonely Benedict world. Rose tugged at Benedict’s shirt.
“He locked me up in a closet and beat me every night. Then two months ago, he proposed a deal. If I killed Kray, he would let me go back to Hausa,” Benedict gripped Rose’s bedspread, “When I talked to you last night, I realized why I’m going through all this. I was chained up in a dark room, getting the crap beaten out of me. And uncle’s using those memories against me. I’m not going back to all that.” Benedict’s face was pinched. Rose scooted over to Benedict, tossing her arm around him.
“Why don’t you just run away now?”
Then someone walked in. “Uh, sorry. I’ll come back later.” They chuckled and murmured something about Benedict getting lucky that night then left.
“I swear, I’m going to kill them all,” Rose hissed evilly. “Why do they keep coming anyways!? Can’t they freakin’ knock once in awhile!?”
Benedict snickered. “Aw, I wouldn’t yell, honey-buns. They’ll think we’re fighting like a normal couple.” He influenced certain words that would purposely get Rose mad. “I’ll kill them all.” A malevolent look shrouded Rose’s face with her repetitive statement. The tense environment was gone but not for long.
The police siren echoed through-out the empty halls. The majority of the student body had already migrated to their weekend visits to the near-by town. The teachers were nestled within their classrooms, grading papers feverishly. The stoic officer stepped onto the gray tiles, while the differing cheerily humming officer followed.
“Eh, Johnson who’s the kid that tipped us off?”
“Some kid by the name Fred something Ecgurt, cousin of Loreas. He got caught for hacking, expelled from the school. Once H.Q made the connection between Ecgurt and Loreas they sent an interrogator. I heard that the kid got chewed out during the interrogation. And ended up confessing a bunch of stuff how Loreas is inside the school dressed up as some red head in the tenth grade,” Johnson answered the stone faced Jackson.
“You sure he’s legit?”
“Yeah, I talked to Bryan Ach, one of the guys up at H.Q. He watched the kid break down. I trust Bryan, he knows what he’s talking about. So yeah, I’m sure he wasn’t lying.”
The policemen entered the main office. They held up a badge and informed the school that there was a possible chance that a murderer was currently in the building.
Outstretching her arms and fingers, Rose performed her morning stretches. The sun was shining, the birds chirping, and even though it was a Monday; Rose was positive that it would be a good day. Benedict was gone, a usual occurrence in the mornings. Peering over to the digital clock that glowed red within the confines of a mountain of soda cans and clothes, Rose decided it was time to leave; after all she couldn’t be late on a good day.
Arriving inside the classroom, Rose heard not a single comment about what had occurred a week ago. A little cheer was partying inside her head. Yes! They might not have forgotten about it but at least I don’t have to deal with embarrassing insults. It’s such a great day. Smiling Rose found her seat.
“All 10th graders must report to the front of the building, the school has been informed that a convicted felon is among you. Until this person is captured, the school is in lock down.”
Rose stopped smiling.
The announcement had shaken her, but she couldn’t show it. Yes, there were a million thoughts swimming within her mind but only two questions buzzed through her. Did Benedict turn me in? Or was it Flame? Who turned me in!? Okay, so maybe three questions, but when the mind panics, it most likely will have problems carrying out its job.
All the boys were instructed to line up. Rose looked at the rows and rows of teenage boys. A podium had been set up in front of them. Tamed black hair hid under the policeman’s cap, he stood on the podium staring at a bunch of teenager who most likely wasn’t going to listen to what he was going to say.
“Hello, my name is Phi Jackson. Last week a student named, Fredrick Ecgurt, was arrested and expelled for hacking the school’s main frame. As many of you may not know but he is related to Rose Loreas.” Phi smirked, he had their attention now. Actually if it wasn’t his dream to be a police officer then he would’ve became an actor. “As many have heard, Rose Loreas killed Julie Fiher. Fredrick was interrogated about his knowledge on her whereabouts. He informed us that she is presently among one of boys here today. So without further ado,” Phi swing his arm to his left for a dramatic affect, “all red-headed boys please exit your rows and onto your right.”
Phi slid off the podium. His brother, Alan, was eagerly climbing up it. He tapped the microphone excitedly, “The rest of you can return to class. We will investigate further tomorrow.”
Rose wasn’t planning on returning to class.
Benedict hadn’t left the room. He had spent the entire school day packing. Uncle had called, updating him on the mission. That’s what Benedict referred to it, the mission. Not the murder, or the killing, or the selfish deed of Garther Benedict. Calling it the mission was just a hell of a lot more easier on his sanity.
“Done,” he announced to no one. Benedict was in the process of leaving when Rose blew the door wide open, crashing into him. “Damn.” All the clothes previously crammed into the knapsack were dispersed on the carpet flooring. Exhaling, Benedict retrieved a near-by shirt and stuffed it back into his bag, while Rose waved a pointed finger in his direction.
“You’re leaving,” she glared accusingly at him.
“Yes, I’ll miss you too,” Benedict lowered his voice, “babe.”
“You turned me in and now you’re trying to cover up your tracks.”
It was indeed an awkward moment for Benedict. He was presented with the following problems:
One, he didn’t tell anyone about Rose.
Two, did that mean the police were coming?
Three, his gun was now on the floor.
Four, the police might arrest him.
Five, wait did Rose care if he was leaving?
“I didn’t tell anyone.”
“Then why are you leaving?” Rose gave him a skeptical look. Is that a pout in there, Benedict smirked then said solemnly, “My uncle called.” They both froze. Benedict struggling to explain what his uncle had said, while Rose slowly comprehended what that call might mean. “Listen, Hamilton, I was only here to gather information on your cousin.” Rose stared at him, wide-eyed in disbelief.
She wanted to scream. It felt like Benedict had betrayed, but actuality he didn’t have to tell her anything. They were practically strangers that coincidently shared a room, and also coincidently might be arrested in a matter of hours. “Why didn’t y-you t-ell m-e?” Rose was holding back tears. Not waiting for an answer, Rose continued to elucidate her predicament. “If you didn’t turn me in, then that means Flame did. The police are here, they’re searching every tenth grader. I’ll be discovered some time this we-“
“Come with me.” Benedict spoke with finality. “What?” Rose looked to Benedict as he proposed to the three worded deal.
“Come with me. That way you can ask you cousin if he did rat you out. Besides you can’t stay here.” He has a point and I have to find out if Flame did or not. “Okay, but where are we going?” Rose asked after Benedict had spoken.
“The school’s on lockdown.” Rose said as she raised her bag over her shoulders. “Don’t worry. My uncle’s planned everything out,” Benedict snapped bitterly. “Let’s go.”
The warm summer’s winds welcomed Rose. She briskly followed Benedict, who was making his way to the woods. Entering the groove of trees, Rose relished the protection from the thick heat. Practically flying over the chunky roots, Benedict sped through the forest with the ease of a ninja. Rose tripped multiple times cursing with each fall. In a flash, Benedict covered Roses mouth. “Be quiet or they’ll come over here.” Choruses of shouts were directed towards them. “I heard someone over there!”
“Crap. Rose, don’t yell.” Benedict lifted Rose into his arms. She growled a grunt of indigence. “Stop!” The group behind them was advancing closer and closer. A clearing came into a view, along with a circle of gypsies’ caravans. “Hello, I am Monica Alrag. You must be Mr. Tu’s nephew, he told us to expect you; although I’m not so sure about your guest.”
“I don’t care. There’s a group policemen chasing us, get rid of them or you won’t be paid.” Benedict tackled a door open. Rose met the eyes of a raven-haired police officer, both stared at the other, unblinking.
She blinked. Her new surroundings were dark and all she could her was Benedict’s shallow breaths.
“Johnson, check that one.” Phi saw the suspect. It was unmistakably a girl; he had studied face structure back at the police academy. And that girl was wearing a mask; it may have been well made but he could see right through it. His young partner rushed over to where he had directed.
“There’s nothing,” Alan Johnson pointed into the empty dark space. That’s impossible, I saw them. Phi kept his thoughts silent and inspected the caravan. Impossible, there’s really nothing! Running his fingers over the old wood, Phi felt for a trap door of some kind.
A mid-thirties gypsy quickly closed the caravan’s door, surprising Phi as he hastily pulled his hand out. “Don’t you need a search warrant?” There was definite venom in her voice. “We have one,” Alan chirped. Phi rolled his eyes at his little brother. Only Alan can make a search warrant cheerful. “We just don’t have it on us.” Oh yeah, it’s back in the principal’s office.
“We’ll come back tomorrow.” The two officers departed for the school, leaving the gypsy camp.
He is way to close, thought Rose uncomfortably. It was true. The space between could not be measured because it didn’t exist. “Um, Benedict, how long are we suppose to be like this?” Rose shifted from Benedict’s weight.
Benedict was having trouble breathing. He had never been this close to a girl, and for this long. It wasn’t like it was his fault either. It was just more convenient for him to be on top since he had to close the trap door. Did I just the word convenient to describe this situation? “I don’t know, it all depends on that gypsy.” He felt Rose shift again.
Her fingers were starting to get numb and her right ear was beginning to get wet. Benedict’s shallow breathing was adding moisture on her ear. It was annoying her, a lot. “Can you stop breathing?”
“Sorry, but I kind of need to.” That earned him an awkward slap on the shoulder.
“Stop breathing on my ear then, can’t you breathe through your nose?”
“Why should I stop breathing for you? I can breathe however I want. In fact I could breathe really lightly if I wanted to but I don’t.” Rolling her eyes, she tuned out Benedict’s breathing speech. It was boring lying on the hard wood and having to listen to him rant.
“Can you shut your mouth for a minute?”
“I could do other things with my mouth if you wanted,” Benedict gave a Rose a cheeky face.
“Ugh, you’re so perverted. I look like a guy, doesn’t that turn you off?”
“Not if I know you’re a girl underneath it all,” Benedict was having fun teasing the irritated girl.
“I can’t take another minute of this. Let me out.” Benedict smiled deviously, “Can’t, door only open from the outside.”
Rose pushed Benedict, it may not have opened the door, but it made her feel better knowing that the knots of the wood was causing him pain. “Stop pushing me, the wood will give me splinters and it’s uneven.”
He was trying to hold Rose’s arms back. “Get someone to open the freakin’ door.” As if on cue the trap door magically opened revealing the gypsy Monica. “You two fooling around in there?”
“Thank-you,” Rose exclaimed. Benedict soon found himself on the ground. “So about my money,” begin Monica. It’s really all about money with these people. “I have it here.” Acrimoniously, Benedict handed the gypsy her payment. “Your rooms are this way. And you’ll have to be changing.”
Robes of an olive green were handed to Benedict, and a smaller version of puce to Rose. “I’ll be leaving you two; the noon meal is in an hour. After that we’ll be leaving the school.”
“Well, turn around.” Rose was blushing, a deep red. Stupid gypsy, why do we have to change? I should’ve asked her if there’s like a bathroom.
The following day:
“What do you mean that the gypsies are gone?” Phi grumbled dangerously to the innocent lower officer. “I’m sorry sir. But they were scheduled leave.” The officer was backing away, edging backwards with every word.
Alan tentatively nibbled on a vanilla cracker, entering the small office. “Do you know where those damn gypsies went?” Hmm, Phi doesn’t usually display his anger in such a menacing way. Man, he must be very pissed off at something, thought Alan as he continued to listen to his brother. “What’s shakin’ bacon?”
Turning his head in an almost terrifying way, Phi announced in an angry but soft tone: “The gypsies have left the school, along with Loreas.”
“And are you sure that Loreas was actually in one of the caravans?” It was true; Alan Johnson was testing his brother’s patience. Phi didn’t usually get frustrated or mad, for he usually solved every case that came his way. With ease too, nothing came difficult to him. “I saw her go into a caravan, along with another person.”
“Is that so?” Alan paused for effect; he was just as dramatic as his half-brother. “Well I know where those suspicious gypsies are headed.” And once again Phi gained his cool back. “They’re supposedly performing somewhere in Rablarg in three days.”
“Is that possible? All they have is horses; Rablarg is an entire ocean away.”
Alan rolled his eyes; sometimes his aloof brother let simple reasoning past himself. “They’re taking a plane.” A huge ‘Duh’ hung in the air; with Alan itching to say to it. Alan was still a little kid at heart; really he had practically exited high school and ended up at the academy.
“When are they boarding?” The question came out desperate. Phi wasn’t going to lose his only lead in the case. The case itself had drawn out for more than a month, bothering him to no end. At some points, in the middle of a case, he would think about changing careers. Acting sounded like heaven at the moments of when he couldn’t quite figure out a case. Or when a lead turned cold, like this lead was about to be. Please don’t shoot the messenger, prayed Alan. “They, uh, are boarding today at BFK.”
Phi was silent. He was in the process of pulling something of his black coat. Please don’t be a gun, please don’t be a gun, Alan sent a silent prayer to whatever gods at the moment were listening. “Hey Chief, we have a lead in the Fiher case.” Pause, Phi listened and Alan gave out a sigh of relief. “Johnson and I are going to need two tickets to Rablarg.” Phi closed his cell and looked at Alan with a sideways look. “Well what are you waiting for? We need to go back to the flat. Remember to pack heavy, Rablarg is one of the coldest places on Tehra, or so I hear.”
The guards and policemen made her panic. Trying as she might, Rose couldn’t keep the squeak silent. Actually she ended up hyperventilating, but Benedict covered for her. Although the guards didn’t seem concern and the police was too busy ushering everyone in to the cargo hold. Benedict still took responsibility to tell Marge why Rose was panicking. At the moment Rose was giving evil glares at Benedict as he sat obscurely in front of her.
This was the story that Benedict told Marge as Rose was panicking:
When Hamilton was a child, he liked lollypops. One day a police was chasing a thief. He was trying to grab the thief’s arm to handcuff him but instead took Hamilton’s lollypop. And Hamilton ended up thinking that the policemen purposely stole his lollypop. As a result Hamilton doesn’t trust any policemen and often panics when they’re around. Oh, and he has developed a fear of lollypop thieves.
“You seriously couldn’t come up with anything better?” Rose continued her evil staring war with Benedict. “Hey, beggars can’t be choosers.” Crossing his arms only made Rose madder. “Oh s**t,” exclaimed Rose, breaking her perfectly malicious stare, “It’s the two policemen from the school.”
“Don’t worry about them.” Smirking Benedict had already noted them; he had also watched in fascination as the taller officer was calm then progressively became infuriated. “They can’t get on and investigate. The plane’s taking off in about five minutes.”
“Erm, I know I asked before, but where are we going?”
“Rablarg.” Rose’s expression was much like a deer caught in the head lights of a car.
“I’ve never been out of Bosence,” she gushed excitedly. “So how long’s the flight?”
Casually Benedict leaned against the metal surface of the plan, adjusting to the vibrations of the plane closing the cargo hold’s door. “About twenty so hours.”
© 2008 The Hatter GirlAuthor's Note
Added on July 19, 2008 Last Updated on August 14, 2008 Author![]() The Hatter GirlAustin, TXAboutMy name is Vi-Vi-An.... Few things about me: 1.) I love wearing and drawing hats. 2.) Writing is my passion. 3.) Im bored easily. 4.) I will sometimes stop drawing or writing and start sleeping.. more..Writing