![]() Benedict's Story | Chapter OneA Chapter by The Hatter Girl![]() Benedict is a thief on the streets of Hausa. When attempting to steal from a man at a street fair, he unfortunatley ends up running for his life.![]()
The narrow alleys of Hausa were littered with thieves. Or you could say bubblegum. The thieves of Hausa were like chewed bubblegum; you couldn’t go ten steps in Hausa without stepping on one of the buggers. Among one of the many infamous Husain thieves was a very special thief, who is the main character of our story. His name was Garther Benedict and this is his story:
My name is Garther Benedict and I’m currently on trial for murder. So I’m here in my jail cell, waiting for an innocent verdict that I know I will get, even though I am guilty. I know I’m guilty, my uncle knows I’m guilty, and this other very important girl in my life knows I’m guilty too. But I think I’m getting ahead of myself, so I’ll start from the beginning.
It all started with a fat man, the fat man in the middle of a street fair at Hausa. I was a thief, I stole pretty much everything. I wasn’t an idiot either. The fat man was an easy target, just standing there eating his corn dogs like there was no tomorrow.
I crept into a small crowd, keeping watch on the fat man. The crowd was progressing to a juggler, meters from the fat man. If I didn’t make a move quick, I would lose the protection of the crowd. Snaking between a particularly tall girl and her twin, I arrived at the fat man’s backside. A leather wallet flopped from his pocket, and another hand. I removed my attention form the wallet to the other thief about to steal my steal.
“Oh no, you don’t,” I exclaimed, nimbly removing the wallet from the thief’s hand. Un-fortunately the fat man tipped over from the loss of the wallets weight. He was very angry, and I was positive it wasn’t the wallet but the gun that fell forms his corndogs. Glancing around madly, I realized the other thief was long gone and I was left to be the only one to blame. To make matters worse the wallet was long gone too. “This is a good time for an exit,” I spoke my thoughts aloud, tearing down through the fair.
A deafening cluster of sounds shot from behind me, literally. In my shocked mind, I slowly comprehended two things:
One, the fat man was shooting at me.
And two, he was a very fast fat man.
Silently I cursed myself, of all the fat men in the world; I try to steal from one that could actually win the Olympics. He was gaining on me fast, which meant a few things:
One, I could possibly get shot.
Two, I could die.
Three, he might have some mercy and let me go.
Four, I could get shot.
The man was practically behind me, so I did the only thing I could think of in a situation such as this one. I stopped. Yes, I stopped, right in the middle of my tracks. Hoping the momentum would keep him going forward and me from being caught. It did, but he recovered fast. I rushed into a random dark alley praying for a wall to climb.
Fortunately, the alley was dark. Really dark and I couldn’t see a thing. Looking back I guess there was a piece of paper or something that I tripped on. I think I cursed the people of Hausa for their littering ways at that moment. I’m also not sure what had happened next because I passed out from the fall.
© 2008 The Hatter GirlAuthor's Note
Added on June 23, 2008 Author![]() The Hatter GirlAustin, TXAboutMy name is Vi-Vi-An.... Few things about me: 1.) I love wearing and drawing hats. 2.) Writing is my passion. 3.) Im bored easily. 4.) I will sometimes stop drawing or writing and start sleeping.. more..Writing