Chapter 4: The hunt.

Chapter 4: The hunt.

A Chapter by Kirbyfactor


´You want to look for bedding areas, that´s where you´re most likely to find a deer.´ Warren was teaching the others about hunting, he was hoping that one day he wouldn´t be the only one to have to go out to hunt. He held up his hand, and held up two fingers. Before they started the hunt Warren had shown everyone some signals, hold up a hand ment wait, one finger ment danger, two fingers ment a prey. The group saw a deer standing in the middle of the forest. ´I´ve got it´ Warren whispered, he got his crossbow ready and aimed at the head. He pulled the trigger and the arrow went straight through the deer. ´Nice shot´ Cole said. ´Thanks´ the hunter replied, he couldn´t help but smile. ´Max and Sandy, carry the deer.´ he then commanded, he took the role as leader seriously. Max directly walked over to the back of the deer, Sandy stayed. ´Why me and him?' she asked. 'No offence, but you two are the least effective against zombies.' Warren really didn't want to make into an arguement. 'I can swing a weapon, let Abby carry it!' the girl said. 'Abby is highly pregnant.' Warren replied, he was starting to get angry. 'oh, yeah, right' she said, her face turned red. She walked over to the front legs of the deer, and picked it up together with Max. 'Alright, let's return to the camp' they turned around and started going back. Abby walked next to Warren. 'Thank you' she said, loud enough so the group didn't hear it, but Warren did. 'No problem' he replied. 'You have a way of fixing problems it seems.' Cole had also come walking next to Warren. 'With a group like this it is nessecary.' they grinned. 'Look out' Tyreece suddenly said, a group of three zombies was walking to the group, their moans were soft. The leader already raised his crossbow but Tyreece stopped him. 'Let me' he walked up to the zombies, took his sledgehammer, raised it above his head, and then in one movement he hit all three the zombies, all of them were dead. Warren could see that Cole was impressed by Treece's strenght. He was happy that the man was on their side.

They were walking towards the bridge, Billy suspected this was the base of the men who just resceud him. The gate went up, he walked inside and saw everyone look at him. 'Who is that?' a man with a crossbow asked. 'I'm Billy!' he said. 'Steve resceud him, he has supplies' Charlie said, he walked to his own room. 'Is he always like this?' Billy asked. 'yeah, don't get used to it' the blond woman said, she walked towards the campfire, the man with black hair followed her without saying anything.
'So how'd you end up here?' the man with the crossbow asked. 'Me and my brother Jimmie went looking for our runaway horse, when we stopped our horse got bit, my brother tried to fight them and I ran and and..' he couldn't finish the story, his eyes were filled with tears and he started crying. He was hoping someone would comfort him, but everyone just sat there, looking at him. 'and that makes two of these in the group' crossbow man said. 'Oh give him a break' the woman with short black hair said. 'Why should I?' the other man replied. 'He just lost his brother' the man leaned back. 'whatever' he said, and looked at his crossbow.


Warren woke up to the sound of someone knocking on his door, thanks to the voice yelling 'get up, I need you' he knew it was Charlie. He walked to the door and opened it. 'What's up?' he asked, not on a friendly tone. 'I need you' the leader said. 'I didn't figure that out myself when you were knocking on my door.' he sarcasticly replied. 'I need you to take that farmer boy back to his farm.' Warren nodded, he grabbed his crossbow and keys to the harley davidson bike.
'Here he is' Charlie pushed the blond boy forward, he was blindfolded and almost lost his balance. 'You want to remove the blindfold.' Warren said, without paying too much attention. 'And why's that?' Charlie said. 'How else is he going to point the way?' Charlie roughly took off the blindfold. 'Now get going' he brashly said. 'Let's go then' Warren said, he got on the bike, Billy also sat on the bike. Warren turned the bike on, Charlie lifted the gate and Warren rode off. 'Where do we go?' Warren asked. 'To the highway' the blonde farmer boy said.
They got to the highway, Warren sped up his bike to the maximun speed. 'Isn't this a little fast?' Billy yelled. 'Not like there's rules anymore' Warren replied. They rode on the highway for about an hour, then they took a rest. 'How far were you looking for your horse?' Warren asked. 'About a few hours' the farmer boy replied. 'Crapton of efford for a f*****g horse' Warren replied, he walked over to his bike, opened a bag and pulled out a piece of bread. 'Could I have some?' the boy asked. 'Sure, whatever, just take it.' Warren waved at the bag. The boy walked over to the bag and grabbed a piece of half, tore it in half and put the other half back. 'Just take it' Warren said, he wouldn't die of half a piece of bread. 'Thank you' they ate the meal in silence, then they contineud the trip.
'There, that's the farm.' there was a large farm up ahead, right on top of a hill. 'It looks like all this zombie crap never happenend' Warren mumbled, more to himself than to Billy. They stopped, got off the motorcycle and Billy ran to the house, Warren followed.They got close to the house when a blond woman that had the same age as Billy opened the door, and ran outside yelling 'BILLY' she hugged him, after her an old man walked out, probably his dad, Warren thought. Then a woman a little bit older than Billy or the blond girl walked out, she had red hair and a shotgun. Warren immediatly raised his crossbow, and she pointed the shotgun at him. 'Drop the weapon, and Ill spare you' she said. 'You first' the man replied. 'No one has to get hurt, Betty lower the shotgun will you' the older man replied. 'How do we know he isn't here to loot the place' the girl name Betty replied. 'Bet please, he brough Billy back.' the blond girl said. 'Sis, you've got to understand I'm looking out for all of us, it's already bad enough was lost Billy and Jimmie, Im not losing them again.' the oldest sister said, still holding the shotgun. 'You've already lost Jimmie I'm afraid' Warren said, still with his crossbow pointed at the girl. 'oh my god, Jimmie?' she said, her eyes began to get wet, she slowly lowered the shotgun, she then dropped it and started crying. The father then walked over to the girl, and hugged her, soon the younger sister and brother joined in. Warren had put his crossbow away and was now standing awkwardly in the field next to his bike, after a while he said 'well, guess I'll get going' he had already grabbed his bike when the older man said. 'No please, stay here for a while, you must be tired.' he looked at the daughters, they were still crying. He let go of his bike and walked towards the house.
'Please, refresh yourself, I'll call you when dinner is ready.' the older man pointed to the bathroom. 'Thanks' Warren said. 'And I'll give you some clean clothes.' the main said, he walked away to his bedroom, Warren got in the shower. It was nice having a hot shower, he hadn't had one in months. He scrubbed off the layer of dirt he had build up in all those months, washed his hair and face, when he got out he felt really clean. When he opened the door he saw some clothes laying on the ground, nice folded into a package. He took the clothes and closed the doors again. The man had given him a red shirt with long sleeves and jeans. He put the jeans on and walked to the bedroom to put on his shirt. As he was standing in the bedroom the door opened, it was Betty, 'oh Im so sorry' she said, when she saw him without shirt. 'It's okay, come in' he said, as he was buttoning up his shirt. 'So what's up?' he asked, he sat on the bed and she sat next to him. 'I just wanted to thank you for bringing Billy back.' she said. 'No problem, it's nice to get away from my group, and thanks to him I was able to shower and put on some clean clothes.' Warren said, and he smiled. 'No really, thank you' she said, and kissed him on the cheek. Then she got up and walked to the door, as she was about to walk away she said 'oh by the way, dinner's ready' and walked away.
'You can put your crossbow away, you won't need it.' the old man said, 'sorry, force of habit.' Warren said, and put his crossbow away, then he sat at the dinner table. 'Thank you for saving Billy' the old man said, and he put a plate of food in front of Warren. It had some turkey on it, and a glass of milk. He began eating. 'I forgot what good food tastes like.' Warren said after he was done. He looked at the old man, he had once had brown hair, but it was slowly turning grey now. He had a beard and his left eye was grey. 'I don't think we've met yet, I'm Joe' he and Warren shook hands. 'These are my daughters, Betty and Cindy' he looked at the blond girl called Cindy, she had green eyes and a friendly face, Betty's face was much more serious. 'Nice to meet y'all, I'm Warren' he said. 'Alright, it was nice meeting, now we have things to do. Betty and Warren, could you inspect the yard for zombies, Cindy and I will be doing the dishes.' Warren nodded, got up and grabbed his crossbow, he saw Betty grab the shotgun. 'Come on' she said. They walked out of the door and stepped to the yard. 'So what're we suppose to do?' Warren asked. 'You kill any zombie you see, but do some without making noise' Warren held up his crossbow. 'Not a problem.' they walked around the farm, but there were no zombies. They went back inside 'Any trouble?' Joe asked. 'None at all' Warren replied, 'I think I'll sleep, it's a long way back to my group.'  he walked upstairs and went to his temporary room.
'You can stay if you want to' Joe said, 'nah, I have a place' Warren said, he put on his jacket and got on his bike. 'I'll stop by sometime, see you!' and he drove off.
He stopped the bike to take a break, he sat on the ledge off a hill and looked down over the valley. He noticed he could see his 'house' in the distance. He looked down and saw that there was someone laying in the grass, with binoculars. Warren grabbed his crossbow and silently walked down. Even though he had new clothes, he still wore his boots, but remained silent. When he got close enough, he saw that the person was a man, he hadn't noticed Warren yet. Warren pointed the crossbow at the mans head, put his boot on his back and said 'Mind telling my what you're doing?'

© 2013 Kirbyfactor

Author's Note

Before you noticed how Abby is all of the sudden in Warren´s group, I edited the previous chapter.

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Added on September 8, 2013
Last Updated on September 13, 2013



Rotterdam, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Not much to say, I write stuff. more..

But But

A Poem by Kirbyfactor