Chapter two: A long road ahead.

Chapter two: A long road ahead.

A Chapter by Kirbyfactor


Crazy Dave's house was in the middle of the city, and his bunker was underground. Dave blocked off the roads that lead to his house with wood or with barbed fences, it kept the zombies out. There were a couple of zombies standing at the fence, Dave had put pieces of animal meat around the fence so he could easily kill them. 'I got to admit, he knows what he's doing' Warren said. 'Yeah, means trouble for us, I don't think he's willing to give us some supplies for the road.' Cole admitted. The walked around the area a few times, there weren't any weak spots in the fence, and it couldn't be climbed either.  'Maybe we should give up and just go' Cole suggested. 'And give up those supplies? F**k no' Warren answered. 'Let's go up the road, it'll give us an overview from above and maybe we'll figure something out' Dave's base was at the bottom of a high road, which means you could almost see it from above. They stood there about half an hour, but they couldn't think of anything. 'When you were making that run two weeks ago, how'd you escape?' Warren asked. 'I shot a car so the alarm went off, then I stole a bike and went home' the other man admitted shamefully. 'It isn't stealing when the owners are dead' Warren said. He probably knew what Cole was thinking. 'thanks' Cole said.


'Yeah no problem' he said. 'I'm going to scout around these buildings for a bit, see if there's anything we can use, you should check the cars' with that said he walked to the nearest building and kicked the door in. He pulled his knife and walked through the hall. To his right was the living room, he walked in and saw a zombie. He stabbed the zombie through her right eye, it killed her instantly. 'Sorry m'am' he said.
  He looked around the living room, on the wall was a portrait of the entire family, a mother, a father, two boys and a girl. The zombie he just stabbed looked like the mother on the portrait. There were no useful supplies, so he decided he'd go upstairs. There were three rooms upstairs, Warren entered the first door on the left, this was the parents bedroom. Aside from some painkiller there was nothing interesting in the room, so Warren decided to head for the other room. This room was clearly a girls room, the wallls were pink, the bedsheets were pink and there were girls toys here, he already knew there wouldnt be any good supplies here. He turned around and walked out of the building again. He walked outside, and saw Cole sitting on the hood of a car. 'You found anything yet?' Warren asked.'No, but I got this car running and I got a plan' Cole said.


'Are you sure this will work?' Warren asked. They had put the car in the middle of the road. 'Positive, once we push it down it'll ride straight through the fence' Cole said, he sounded happy.  'And then what, we ask him nicely for the guns and hope he invites us in?' Warren said, he didnt like sounding negative but he had to ask. 'We'll get those supplies, trust me' Cole started pushing the car, Warren joined him. After a while the car moved forward a little bit, and after a while it rolled down the hill, with the speed it had build up it went right through the fence. 'Awesome, nice thinking' Warren said, he started running down the hill, Cole and the pitbull Bobby followed.
 The car had caused a big hole in the fence, big enough for two grown man to walk through without having to bend. Inside Cole saw that Crazy Dave had laid out some clever traps, he had multiple pieces of hanging in the middle of a bunch of pointy sticks, there were also some tripwires that caused a crossbow bolt to fly at your head. 'Say what you want about Crazy Dave but he doesnt look so crazy after all.' Warren said, Cole agreed.
A door to the left opened, and someone came running out with a knife in their hands. 'YOU B******S, YOU RUINED MY FORTRESS!' he was heading right for Cole. Cole froze with fear, he didnt expect the man to be so agresive. He was close now, only a few more steps and he would be in reach of the knife. However, before that could happen Warren grabbed the mans arm -in which he helt the knife- and kneed him in the stoumache. 'We just want to talk' he said. You could see Dave was not prepared for someone to do something to him, so he just looked at Warren and grunted. 'We want some of your supplies' Cole said, afraid that the man would attack again. 'Oh really now?' Dave said, he did not sound in the mood for giving away presents. 'Why would I do that?' he said. 'We just need a little bit maybe a gun or two..' Cole said, but before he could finish the sentance Dave already said 'Not going to happen, 'that gun or two' can cost me my life' he said. 'It's also going to cost us our life if you give them to us.' Warren said. Dave looked at him, he was still a little bit scared the man with the bandana around his face was going to hurt him, but he still said 'No, not going to happen, in these times it's kill, or be killed' the tone of his voice said he would not argue any further. 'He's right you know' Warren said, he looked at Cole. Dave looked at Warren. 'Thank you' he said, he looked at Cole again 'Now might I suggest you..' he said, but couldnt finish his sentence, there was a loud bang and blood flying out of his head, Warren had pulled his glock and shot the man in his head.  'Kill or be killed' Warren said, hut put the gun away and walked inside the building.


There wasnt a lot inside the building, some shelves with supplies, and a lot of bags laying in the corner. Cole also walked in, 'Bobby, stay' he said, the pitbull lied down by the door and kept gaurd. 'Thought you said this guy had a lot of supplies and weapons?' Warren asked. 'He does' Cole said, 'He probably keeps them in his bunker.' he started looking around for a possible entrance to this bunker. Warren walked over to the corner, grabbed a bag and began moving the supplies from the shelves to the bag. 'Found the entrance to the bunker, you go ahead.' Cole said. Warren could see he was shocked, he probably wasn't used to killing. 'You think it's wrong I killed him?' Warren asked. 'I'm not saying it's wrong, it's just that I think we couldve just left and he would still be alive' Cole said. 'And we would've died on the road because of starvation or because of zombies, is that what you wanted?' Warren knew Cole would agree, it would just take some time. 'I'll begin packing, take as long as you need.' he grabbed the bags from the corner and walked to the bunker entrance under a carpet, then he used the latter to cilmb down.
The bunker was filled with weapons, entire racks filled with weapons stood against the walls, above that were shelves that also held weapons, there was a crate filled with grenades and a few manniquins what wore body armour. There were cabinets filled with medicine. Warren could not whipe the grin of his face, and started loading the guns into the bags. Most of the guns Dave had were the regualair guns, but Warren also found some noticeable weapons, like a bow and arrows, a crossbow and crossbow bolts, a flamethrower and even an RPG. 'You found anything good?' Cole asked, he had finally come down to the bunker. 'He had enough guns to man a small army, help me fill these bags would you?' Warren threw some bags at Cole's way, and they both started putting guns in the bags.
After a few hours they had finally fitted all the supplies and guns in the bags, the bunker looked very empty. 'Good thing he also had three chests of ammo, or all these guns would've been worthless.' Cole seemed to be over the fact they shot the owner of all these guns and supplies, Warren was happy he moved on. 'We'll start driving tommorow morning when it's light, it's took dangerous to drive in the dark, escpecially with all those zombies, Ill take the first gaurd' He got up, took his new crossbow that he found and sat before the entrance to the bunker.


The first light was shining from under the door, early in the morning Cole had taken Warrens place as gaurd, and now that it was finally light it was time to go. 'Wake up, it's light out.' Cole yelled, he heard Warren getting up, and taking the bags out of the bunker one by one. 'There's a back entrance here, it leads to the parking space where our cars are.' Cole tried opening the metal door, but had no luck. 'Ofcourse' he mumbled. 'I'm going around back, try to get this door open, stay here.' he grabbed a pair of iron cutters and walked outside. The area set off by the fence -the same one they destroyed the day before- was still clear of zombies. Cole walked to the fence, and started cutting. After he made an opening that was just big enough for him, he put the cutters back inside, grabbed a fire axe and ran back outside, and walked out of the fence. The ran past the zombies in the main street, then he turned into an alleyway, he killed three zombies with the axe, then he finally got to the space where Crazy Dave used to store all his cars, and a motorcycle. The entire space was overrun by zombies, Cole ran to the door that was barricated with wooden planks and used the axe to smash it, once all the planks were gone he opened the door. 'Grab a gun, we're going to shoot our way out.' while he said that he grabbed a shotgun. 'Already got one' Warren held up his crossbow, and ran outside. 'I'll take the left side, you take the right' Cole said, he began shooting. BANG -kilk- BANG -klik- he shot two zombies, both died. Meanwhile he saw Warren do the same, except slower and more quite. I've got to learn myself to shoot a bow, he thought to himself while he kept shooting. They didn't have any trouble, and most zombies were dead before they could even turn to see what happenend. 'Open the gate, Ill be collection arrows for a while' Warren said, as he began pulling his arrows from the skulls of zombies. Cole once again picked up the iron cutters, but this time instead of cutting a hole in the fence, he broke the lock and openend the fence. He then ran back to the house and asked Warren 'Which car or cars do we take?' There were multiple cars, Pick up, A Sedan , a Harley Daverson bike, and a Honda. 'Let's take the pick up, put the bike on the truck, and then you take the Sedan and follow me.' Cole nodded, grabbed the keys -luckely Dave had marked them all with pictures- They quickly grabbed all their bags, put them in the kia, and then they rode off, starting their long journey to Warren's group.

© 2013 Kirbyfactor

Author's Note

Fixed the car thing.

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Added on August 31, 2013
Last Updated on September 3, 2013



Rotterdam, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Not much to say, I write stuff. more..

But But

A Poem by Kirbyfactor