![]() Chapter one: Running empty.A Chapter by Kirbyfactor
The forest was dark, soft moaning of zombies could be heard. Warren was running, behind him was a group of men and women with flashlights. 'GET HIM' someone yelled, they were closing in on him. Warren's legs hurt, he felt as if he had been running for hours. Someone threw a spear at him, it landed a few inches right of him, into a tree. The noice they were making attracted the zombies, and one popped out behind a tree. The group of people were only a few meter away from him, Warren grabbed the zombie en threw it to the group, then he continued running. He heard that his zombie trap was effective, he heard a woman screaming and then the sound of a blade slicing skin, now he knew that atleast one of them was dead. He jumped down a hill, it was higher than he expected and he lost his balance when he landed, he stumbled forward and grabbed on to a tree to avoid falling any further, he looked down and saw a 50 meter drop. 'Definatly not that way' he said, and continued running along the hill. The hill started going down, Warren also heard the group catching up, one of them said 'f**k this, this one is for Jenni b***h' pulled a gun, and shot it. The bullet his Warren in his shoulder, he lost his balance again and fell down the hill, after falling almost 30 meter he landed, his vision was blurry and his entire body felt painful. 'Think that killed him?' said a female voice far in the distance. 'Definatly' replied the same voice that shot him. 'Alright, let's go before the zombies show up' said the female voice. Warren heard the group moving away, when he no longer heard the walking noices he found a stick, and used it to get up. He could barely get up, he used the stick and a rock to not fall over. He moved his hand away from the rock and grabbed this stick with both hands, and slowly started walking to a light he saw in the distance. He walked over, his entire body hurt and moving took all his energy, he had to focus not to fall over. He was almost near the lightsource, it was just a small part downhill. 's**t' he said to himself, in his current state he would not be able to go down without falling and probably passing out. He stood there a minute, leaning on his new stick, thinking about what he should do. He decided it would be best to head back to the place he landed, and then hope nothing would get him in the night. He turned around, and stood eye to eye with a zombie. It grunted and moaned, it tried to grab Warren. Warren let one hand go to push the zombie away, but it came back faster than expected and Warren used the stick to shove the zombie back, but by doing that he also shoved himself backwards, causing him to fall down the hill. He hit the ground, his vision was slowly fading to black, the last thing he heard was a dog barking, then he passed out. Cole Cole was checking his supplies in the kitchen cabinets, at this rate he would have to make another run into town in two weeks, which was good because the town was a dangerous place now. He heard his pitbull bark, which means that something had come from the hill into the garden, he grabbed a flashlight and a machete and walked outside. He turned the flashlight on and saw a man lying on the ground. 'Are you okay?' he yelled, the man didnt respond. 'Easy Bobby' he said to the dog, the dog stopped barking but was still looking at the man. Cole walked over to the man, kneeled down and had his machete ready to strike. He shined the flashlight on the man, he was laying face down on the ground. Cole slowly turned the man around, and saw that he was unconscious. He turned the flashlight off and put the machete away, then he picked up the man and carried him inside. He layed him down on the couch, took his weapons (a glock and a knife) and handcuffed him to the couch, he put the key in his pocket and grabbed medical supplies to support the man. The man had dark blond hair that came to his chin, he wore a bandana around the lower half of his face, he wore a leather jacket with wings on the back. Cole had healed some of the wounds on his face, he wasn't planning to help him further until he was conscious again. For now Cole decided it was enough, he dubble checked to see if the injured man was secured to the couch, and then he went to bed himself, keeping his machete close to him in case he would need it. Warren He woke up, not on the ground where he passed out, but on a not-so comforable couch. He wanted to get up, but was stopped by the pain in his body and by his hand that was cuffed to the couch. 'hey' he said, he tried to yell but he couldnt make a lot of noice. He started pulling his left hand trying to losen the handcuff, but had no succes. 'Calm down, you're destroying the couch' a man with a light brown skin tone walked into the room, he was wearing a brown shirt with the sleeves rolled up and normal jeans, he had short black hair. 'I'm not used to being handcuffed to a couch in the middle of a f*****g apocalypse, excuse me' Warren said. 'I know, but I prefer not to be stabbed to death by a man who fell into my garden in the middle of the night, you seem pretty shaken up' the man replied. 'Yeah, I got shot and fell about 25 meter, then, thanks to a zombie, I fell into your garden. .' Warren told the man. 'You got shot?' he said. 'Where?' Warren tried to point with his right hand, but couldnt reach the place, so he just said 'Right shoulder' The man walked over, and took of Warren's jacket on the right side. 'Im going to take it out, it's probably going to hurt.' Warren grunted as a sign he understood it. A few hours later the bullet was removed and the other wounds were treated as well. There was bandage on most of his body. 'Thanks man, that stung like a m**********r, my name's Warren by the way' he said. 'I'm Cole' the other man said. Cole took the key out of his pocket and removed the handcuffs. 'Why the sudden change of heart?' Warren asked. 'In your condition you won't get far anyway' Cole replied. 'I'm going to the town and make a run, get some painkillers for you, if there's trouble the dog will bark.' With that said Cole grabbed his machete and walked out the door. Cole He closed the door behind him, it was chilly outside. He put his jacket and backpack on, then started walking towards the abandoned store. Ever since the attack started people had been looting the stores for supplies, but because this was a relativly small town most of the people died before they could loot this one. The only other person Cole knew of that was alive, was Crazy Dave. Everyone always said he was crazy because he had his own bunker with supplies in case an apocalypse would happen, guess he wasn't crazy after all. Cole could see the store in the distance, the big, bright letters above the store once said 'welcome', but the paint had gone dark and some of the letters had fallen off, so only 'wel' remained. 'We certainly aren't well' Cole mumbled to himself. The door to the store was closed and chained up, but the doors were made of glas and the glass was smashed, so the chains weren't much use. He walked into the store and saw a dead zombie laying on the ground, he was shot in the head. A few meter further was a zombie, this one was alive -as alive as a zombie can be-. 'Not again' Cole said, and in one clean movement he cut the zombies head off its body. The body fell over, and it sounded like it fell on something heavy, Cole heard it and moved the body, he saw it had fallen on a revolver. He whistled, he didn't have a lot of guns, he saw that there were four bullets left. 'That'll come in handy later' he said to himself. He put the revolver in the back of his pants, and contineud searching the store. He found a box of crackers, a few bottles of painkillers and some water bottles. He put them all in his backpack and started making his way back to his own house, when he stepped out of the store he saw something he did not want to see: an entire horde of zombies in the street. He looked around the street, he knew he wasn't able to outrun the zombies, fighting wouldnt work either because he was outmatched, and there was only other way to get home, but road had been set off by Crazy Dave. He saw a car, knew that if he could crack the windows the alarm would go off, and the noice would attract the zombies, he also saw an old bike, it looked rusty, but rideable. He grabbed the revolver, aimed at the car window and shot, the glass broke and the alarms went off. The entire horde turned to the sound of the car and started walking, Cole ran to the bike and picked it up, he jumped on it and rode away to his own house. Warren Everything had been quite since Cole left, Warren had been looking out the window for a while but didnt see any zombies, he wished he could just leave, but he knew that leaving would mean his death, so he stayed. He had a feeling he could trust Cole, he knew he wouldnt be saved if Cole was planning on killing him. He looked around the house, it wasn't very big, in the living room hung some pictures of Cole and various family members -or atleast, that's what he thought- the rest of the walls were empty. In the cabinets were some supplies, probably enough to last two weeks with for a single person, maybe a week and a half for two people. He walked into the hall and looked out the window, he saw Cole riding a bike to the house, and Warren couldnt help but laugh. ´You scavanged a bike?' Warren asked, he couldnt believe a bike was the best way to get around. 'Had to, too much to outrun' Cole replied. Warren nodded to explain he understood. 'What did you find?' he then asked. 'Some food, some water and some painkillers' Cole said, he threw a bottle to Warren. 'Thanks' he said, and took a pill, he hadnt noticed before but he started getting pain again. 'here' Cole said, and threw a pack of crackers at Warren. 'Maybe you're used to better food, but this is all they had at the moment' Warren looked at the pack, there were four crackers in it. 'Don't worry, Im used to crappy food, my own group didnt have a large choice either.' he said. 'You have a group?' Cole asked. 'yeah' Warren replied. 'I was thinking of brining you to them once Im fully healed.' he said. 'yeah that sounds good, we're almost out of supplies' Cole said. They at their crackers together, planning on how they would handle it. Two weeks passed, and Warren was finally patched up, and all their supplies were gone. 'Let's go' Warren said. 'Yes' Cole said, he had packed all his personal items in his backpack, and supplies in another bag. 'Before we go I suggest we stop by Crazy Dave's house. He has plenty of supplies and maybe we could get some of them.' he said. 'Crazy Dave?' Warren asked. 'One of the people that believed in the apocalypse before it happened.' Cole answered, 'he has been gathering stuff for years' Warren nodded. 'Alright, we'll go to Crazy Dave and get some supplies and then we'll go to my group' and with that said, they left the house and started walking into the city. © 2013 Kirbyfactor |
Added on August 30, 2013 Last Updated on August 31, 2013 Author![]() KirbyfactorRotterdam, Zuid Holland, NetherlandsAboutNot much to say, I write stuff. more..Writing