Saltwater tears

Saltwater tears

A Poem by ♥ Kinnixk



So crystal clear her saltwater tears

dripping down one by one

One for her hopes

The other for her dreams

Now bleak and unforgiving

forgotten long ago.


All alone

as she always is

No one to rely on

no one but the wide stream of saltwater tears


Now and again

the full moon rises

Her throat burns and aches

and the song is once again free.


So alluring and compelling

Even the strongest can’t deny

They must answer the call

they trip and fall

Never to re-emerge from the saltwater tears


Nothing but song

Compelling, beautiful, irresistible

waving through the air

On high notes of serenity


She longs for the song of the siren to end

She can’t stand another death

but lo-

the voice stills

and thundering silence echoes.


Another has answered.

She closes her eyes

Saltwater tears fall.


© 2013 ♥ Kinnixk

Author's Note

♥ Kinnixk
Reviews are lovely :)

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Featured Review

What a beautiful story!
How untypical for a siren to feel pity for her victims. But it's interesting to read and actually quite true - they sure must be lonely, because none of those falling for them ever get to keep them company.
So, what keeps her singing? What were her hopes and dreams? Seems as if she is as compelled to keep making herself miserable by being the death of her prey as they are to fall for her. How sad, but beautifully written.
I like how you repeat "saltwater tears", it's as if she's cried the ocean those she lures into their moist grave drown in.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


What a beautiful story!
How untypical for a siren to feel pity for her victims. But it's interesting to read and actually quite true - they sure must be lonely, because none of those falling for them ever get to keep them company.
So, what keeps her singing? What were her hopes and dreams? Seems as if she is as compelled to keep making herself miserable by being the death of her prey as they are to fall for her. How sad, but beautifully written.
I like how you repeat "saltwater tears", it's as if she's cried the ocean those she lures into their moist grave drown in.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dominant, powerful indeed.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

♥ Kinnixk

11 Years Ago

thanks (-:

11 Years Ago

you're welcome;-')
This is beautiful! I usually don't read poems that don't rhyme, but this one was an exception! Beautiful description :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

♥ Kinnixk

11 Years Ago

thank you :-)
This is really good! :) Keep it up! :) 100/100

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

♥ Kinnixk

11 Years Ago

thanks :-)
The Invisible Girl

11 Years Ago

You're welcome! :D

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4 Reviews
Added on January 27, 2013
Last Updated on January 27, 2013
Tags: saltwater tears poetry


♥ Kinnixk
♥ Kinnixk

Hello :) Enjoy your stay at my profile and feel free to message me~ **Currently my writings are ON HOLD as I work though a couple things life has thrown at me. Read requests are still open, and I .. more..

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