![]() NowA Story by Wolfgang![]() A conversation between two friends.![]() A conversation between 2 friends from an urban neighborhood in Boston Massachusetts.
1: Yoo 2: whats good brah? 1: Do you believe in ghosts and stuff? 2: Ghosts? Like dead people? 1: Naw man, like ghosts, you know? Like all that supernatural stuff and s**t. 2: Oh. Naw I dont f**k with that s**t. Why? 1: I don't know man. S**t just been weird lately. 2: Weird like how? 1: Like noises and stuff 2: So you're hearing noises? 1: I mean not really I don't know how to explain it, s**t just been weird. 2: (gives him a look of confusion) 1: Like last night at like 2 in the morning I heard this weird a*s f*****g noise. Like someone was writing on a chalk board or some s**t, mind you I don't have no f*****g chalk board at my house. So I like go check on my moms to see if he heard it. SHES DEAD ASLEEP. But its weird cuz that noise was loud as hell like i'm talking about loud as f**k. But when I checked there was nothing. S**t just been weird like that latley around here. Like I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't f*****g think straight. 2: (with a look of confusion) Dude you are like f*****g bugging the f**k out. You need to really relax. 1: *sigh* 2: I member hearing some s**t on the news about some schizophrenia type s**t. Like how it f***s with your brain. They was like doing a study on it 1: Dude I'm not schizophrenic. I know i'm not f*****g crazy. 2: Well you sound f*****g crazy 1: whatever 2: iigh look at this. Like a couple days ago I was sleeping. Not really sleeping but my eyes were closed and I was just chillin. But I heard people in my room. I heard footsteps, I heard breathing, I heard everything. But the scary thing is it wasn't my mother. 1: How you know it wasn't you moms? 2: Because, I just do. Like the way they was moving was so subtle. I felt something lay on my bed. I felt it. My whole bed dipped. I heard talking but I could like understand. But I did hear some s**t say something like “now now now now now” 1: Now? What the f**k does that mean? 2: Yo if I knew I would tell you but I don't know 1: (his phone starts to ring) Hold on one sec bro its my mom. Hello? Whats up ma... I'm just at thing's house … naw we're just watching tv... when? … right now?... iight i'll talk to you later.. iigh in like ten minutes I think.. iigh bye ma.. Love you too.. Yo my mom needs me to come home and watch my little brother for a little she's going out to some thing. 2: Iiigh man, just catch up with me later 1: iigh
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