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A Chapter by Alex Vidmar

Родина стала
Стал переполнения.
Переполнение этих сущест™;
Сущест™а из могилы.

Наш сла™ный лидер, у него есть,
Он решил;
Решили ™ыпустить наших ракет.
Наши собст™енные ракеты на матушку-Россию.

Он ™елел мне следо™ать за ним.
Чтобы следо™ать за ним ™ центр упра™ления.
Центр упра™ления для начала
Чтобы начать запуск последо™ательностей.

Он протяги™ает мне ключ;
�"ля меня, чтобы ™ключить.
�"ля ™ключения д™ойной замок
�"™ойной замок, который откры™ает крышку.

И, как мы обратим наше ключей
�'ключите наши кла™иш одно™ременно, он ки™ает,
Он ки™ает на меня и го™орит мне:
�"о™орит мне: "Спасибо, то™арищ".

�-атем он поднимает крышку;
Крышку кнопку зажигания.
Кнопка зажигания, он нажимает и глаза
Его глаза наполняются слезами ...

© 2012 Alex Vidmar

Author's Note

Alex Vidmar
Translated to Russian using Google translator,

Last Ditch Effort

The Motherland has become
Has become overrun.
Overrun by these creatures;
Creatures of the grave.

Our glorious leader, he has,
He has decided;
Decided to unleash our own missiles.
Our own missiles upon Mother Russia.

He told me to follow him.
To follow him to the control center.
The control center to initiate
To initiate the launch sequences.

He hands to me, a key;
To me, a key to turn.
To turn in the dual lock
The dual lock that unlocks the cover.

And as we turn our keys
Turn our keys simultaneously, he nods,
He nods at me and says to me,
Says to me, "Thank you, Comrade."

Then he lifts the cover off;
The cover off the ignition button.
The ignition button, he presses and his eyes
His eyes, fill with tears...

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Awwww. that was sad but fascinating. And wait... you speak Russian? =) Because that's freaking sweet! I'm actually learning it... >.< but heh, i still need some work. lol. And umm just to say, i wouldn't advice "google translator" I hear it's not very accurate when it comes to translating. lol. But interesting anyway! Maybe someday i'll get to write a poem in Russian too.. or when i become fluent enough. I'm trying to be fluent.. because I wanna go to Russia someday! I love the country as well. hehee...

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Awwww. that was sad but fascinating. And wait... you speak Russian? =) Because that's freaking sweet! I'm actually learning it... >.< but heh, i still need some work. lol. And umm just to say, i wouldn't advice "google translator" I hear it's not very accurate when it comes to translating. lol. But interesting anyway! Maybe someday i'll get to write a poem in Russian too.. or when i become fluent enough. I'm trying to be fluent.. because I wanna go to Russia someday! I love the country as well. hehee...

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ahhhhhhhh! They just keep getting more sad!!!! They're so well written though and in this one it's like I can FEEL all of the emotion, confusion, fear, and courage that they are both experiencing. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I like the way this particular one was written. Keep it up.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hmmm... I spent let's say five minutes trying to read the top, speech sounding like Doodlebob's till I looked at the Author's Note.
And... oh my gluuubbbb!!
War or something like tht??
I found the last lines sad "His eyes, filled with tears..." And I was like AWWW!!
Man, and you seem to be fluent in a LOT of languages XD
Another chapter well done :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Душераздирающая и такой прекрасный рассказ моего друга. Ты такой талантли ый, пожалуйста, продолжайте писать, что замечательно, я рассматри ает! Объятия, Лиза

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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hehe yeah i had to use the translator so yeah now i have to take this poem to my friend tomorrow at school or else she'll rawr at me for not showing her great poem! :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Incredible!! I'm pulled in several directions reading this but in a good way. Awesome work.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Added on April 16, 2012
Last Updated on April 16, 2012


Alex Vidmar
Alex Vidmar

Wakefield, RI

I'm twenty-two years old and a musician at heart, but I took up writing five years ago. I'm hoping to get published somewhere, so I'm trying out this site. Please be honest in your reviews. Be cr.. more..

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