Life is a one way street With a graveyard at the end. There are no cops patrolling this road, And there is no speed limit.
On this street, there are No limitations. No speed bumps. No Off Ramps, and no On Ramps.
You can take this road as fast as you like Or as slow as you want. You can risk it all, Or risk nothing at all.
Along this street, You may pick up "Hitchhikers" And you can take them to the grave with you, Or drop them off where they ask you to.
You can choose to walk this street, Or drive this road. But no matter what you choose, You can't double back.
The road ahead starts off Smooth and easy But depending on what you do, Will change the terrain ahead of you.
Choose to live recklessly, And the road will turn rocky, With potholes and death every mile, Cracks, fissures, oil spills, black ice and other things vile.
But choose to live careful, And this road will remain smooth. And you're travels only plagued by death Sporadically.
Live dangerous, and the distance to the grave Will change every millimeter. Live cautious, And the distance may grow longer.
So be forewarned, As you follow this road. Your life is yours, So let it unfold.
But you pick your own fate Remember this well. I don't care if you believe In heaven or hell.
Just remember, this road is yours. And yours alone. Have fun, And avoid traffic cones.
Ha ha, i definately enjoyed this very much! It made me think of life and even my own.. how i'm steering my own life. This is amazing. =) I love how you wrote it.
It's true. It's our own choice how we take life.. fast or slow.. it's up to us..
No one else can direct us. Just our own.. decisions..
Thanks for this. Fantastic write!
Ha ha, i definately enjoyed this very much! It made me think of life and even my own.. how i'm steering my own life. This is amazing. =) I love how you wrote it.
It's true. It's our own choice how we take life.. fast or slow.. it's up to us..
No one else can direct us. Just our own.. decisions..
Thanks for this. Fantastic write!
I loved the story this poem told, very interesting. The warnings in your writing a great to and I like how it has a powerful message to it overall. The last few lines got to me because it was a clever way to end the poem, "Just remember, this road is yours and yours alone, have fun and avoid traffic cones." - favorite!
Very direct and good use of rhyme scheme. There is also, I think, a bitter-sweet irony to the innocence the rhyming gives vs the content. I like it :)
I'm twenty-two years old and a musician at heart, but I took up writing five years ago. I'm hoping to get published somewhere, so I'm trying out this site.
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