![]() Chapter 4- Family ProblemsA Chapter by kaylin kingSusan awoke changed and
no longer herself. She felt empty. Dressing in all black, she reported to her
daughter, whom she now cursed. Susan was ordered by Mercedes to bring her some
human’s worthy of being her followers but she said not to bite them. Susan obeyed and went to change her clothes. When
Mercedes saw her again she was wearing black high heel boots that came up to
her knees, black stockings and a little, short black dress along with silver
jewelry while her hair hung down pass her shoulders. Going
to a bar across town, she parked in the parking lot out back. In front, there
was a giant neon sign flashing The Cascade out front. The line to get in was
down the block and around the corner. Susan walked up to the bouncer and he
stopped her from entering. She stepped back and looked hurt. He replied without
even looking at her. “In line with everyone else.” Everybody quieted down to
see what would happen next. She stood there as still as stone and waited for
him to notice. When he finally did look up from his clipboard, he looked her in
the face and their eyes locked together. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. Her eyes were blood red. The bouncer grasped the brass
pole divider and leaned on it. He felt dizzy and his head was spinning. He fell
to the ground and threw up. As he was lying on the ground shivering in a cold
sweat, she stepped over him and looked at the first few people in line. “Come in and join me, if you want to see what happens
next.” She said in a sultry tone. They shrank back from her. Just the sound of
her voice and the look of her eyes made the color drain from their faces. She
walked through the door and disappeared. The club was crowded with dancers who wore glow- in the
dark jewelry and tattoos. The music was pounding with the clubbers movement.
The bar was at the far wall and in another section there were tables for people
who wanted to sit down to talk and drink. Then there was a area filled with
couches for people who wanted to sit and hang out. It was smoky and she loved
the vibe, so many targets and so little time. She made her way over to the bar and ordered a Bloody
Mary. When the drink arrived, she sipped it and was extremely disappointed. She
spun around on the stool and stared into the crowd. Exactly,
she waited at the bar for anyone who looked strong and worthy. 45 minutes later
a man walked in and caught her eye. A man came in and stood by the door, taking in the
clubbers. He was 5’9” and had short black hair. He wore a black jacket with a
light blue shirt and a black jacket. He looked around and caught her staring.
He smiled and she did the same. She watched him as he made his way through the
crowd and take a seat in the back. She swiveled around in her seat and ordered another Bloody Mary from the bartender but this time she also ordered a beer. When he went to get the drinks, she reached into her purse and pulled out a small, folded piece of paper. The bartender set the two drinks down in front of her. Carefully opening the paper packet that contained a powder. She tipped it into the beer without anyone seeing. Picking up both of the drinks, she made her way over to his table. She came up behind him, leant in, “Need a drink?” She said it loud enough so that she was sure he could hear her over the sound of the music. He smiled and she set down the beer and took a seat. She pushed the beer over to him and took a sip of her own drink.
“What brings you over
here?” He asked.
“You.” He took a gulp of his beer. She smiled.
“Okay then what’s your name?”
“Susan and yours?”
“I don’t think it really matters. Does it?” He leaned
forward, interested in her answer. She smiled.
“Nope and you’re right. It really doesn’t matter. What
brings you out here tonight?”
“I’m looking for a good time.”
“Oh really?”
“Yep, and I think I found it?”
think I found what I was looking for too.” They were talking, when he finally
finished his drink. That’s when his speech began to slur. She smiled again.
“Sorry, I don’t know…” He cleared his throat
as if straining to get something out of it. It was now time for her to make her
you please walk me to my car?” She rose from her seat and held out her hand. He
rubbed his eyes because his vision was beginning to blur.
not sure.”
come on, it’s just out back.” She pleaded.
Uh kay.” He ignored her hand and put his arm around her shoulder. He tried to
balance his self. She helped him move through the crowd. People noticed them, but
they just he was drunk.
it was dark and humid, a bad combination on his part. She supported all of his
weight while he hung on to keep from falling. Susan tried to keep him from view
of others. She brought him to her car by way of a different alley from the one
people were taking to get to and from the club. By the time she had gotten him to
her car, he could barely stand up on his own two feet. He leaned up against her
you need to sit down?”
I think so.” She opened her car door and let him sit in the back. He leant back
and fell asleep. She pushed him farther in and onto the floor. Closing the
door, she went to the driver side and got in. Once she drove to another bar, she
started over.
stood in front of the second club of the night admiring the blue neon lights.
The lights were flashing the name, Oceanana Mist. She charmed her way inside
just like before.
the back of the club sat a women was lounging on a black leather couch. She had
a glint in her eyes that made her seen ominous. Everyman who approached her so
far had seen her eyes and turned back as if they were afraid of what she might
do to them. She was dressed in all black. Her hair was a light brown and came
down to her shoulders. If you didn’t see her eyes or sense her presence you
couldn’t even tell she was actually there She didn’t seem to be enjoying
herself very much. As she was staring at her drink, her eyes suddenly flicked
you smell that?” The man sitting next to her was just as scary. He was dressed
in all black and no one dared even to glance at him. He had his arm around her.
He frowned.
They searched the crowd with their eyes for the person who reeked of human
blood. Their eyes found Susan. They saw her talking to a human, a man who
seemed strong enough but was obviously desperate. A few moments later, they
both stood up to leave. The human followed her.
man and women stood to follow. Once they were outside, they saw Susan putting
the human in the car. The woman spoke up, “What are you going to do with that?”
referring to the human man who was now lying unconscious in the front seat of
her car. Susan turned around at the voice. She looked them up and down for a
moment and then turned back around, and finished stuffing him into the car. After
shutting the door, she started walking to the driver’s side of the car when the
man moved in front of her to block her way. She turned around to go the other
way when the women stopped her again. Susan finally spoke, “Move or I will kill
you both.” The man raised an eyebrow to this challenge.
human.” Susan’s hand went for the women’s throat. But the women grabbed Susan’s
wrist. She smiled.
you’re new aren’t you?” She paused. When Susan didn’t react to what she had said,
she continued.
our scent and look closely.” Susan took a deep breath and realized her mistake.
The women asked, “Do we seem human to you?” Susan removed her arm from the
women’s grip.
“We want him.” She nodded towards the
unconscious man.
take him.” She appeared by the driver’s side door and slid in. The man opened
the door and in one quick movement removed the man from the back seat of the
car. He laid him gently on the pavement. Susan put the car in gear and drove
what do you think?” The man consulted the women.
have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of her.” The women checked the man’s
pocket, found his wallet and inside that was his licenses. Once they knew his
address, they dropped him off at home and went their separate ways.
encounter put Susan behind on her schedule and on guard to avoid others of her
kind. She found two others bars, located, drugged and captured two men like the
first time without any more troubles or problems. The two men were both strong
when it came to muscle but were both weak when it came to will power so they
were easily seduced.
she finished, she went home. Taking them in one by one, she dragged them
towards the house. Minutes later, they were all upstairs and in Mercedes’s
opened the door to Mercedes’ bedroom, finished dragging the three men inside
and closed the door behind herself. She stood at the foot Mercedes’ bed and
called her, “Mercedes.” When that didn’t wake her, Susan said it again,
“Mercedes.” But this time she kicked Mercedes’ bed. It shook the whole frame of
the bed, waking Mercedes up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked at
Susan, “How dare you, you insignificant piece of garbage.” Susan stood her ground,
“Here is what you asked for.” Mercedes left her bed and Susan took a step back.
She bowed down on her knees. Mercedes shot her an angry look.
made her way over to the unconscious and unlucky chosen men. She knelt down
hovering above them. In one swift movement, she bit a lot them. She rose and
got back in bed.
them,” she waved Susan away while she tried to go back to sleep. Susan grabbed
the three of them and dragged them off to the guest rooms.
Mercedes woke up the next morning, she found herself in a darkened room with
four people surrounding her bed. She each gave them a task to do.
the best part about it is that it gets dark outside very early, stores are
still open and people still dare to walk around. Susan made a good decision
about the guy from bar number one. He stalked his breakfast as if he was born
to do it. They didn’t even see it coming. In about no time at all Mercedes’s
basement floor was littered with the bodies of three adult males, one adult
female and the body of a young girl, no older than ten who had been separated
from her mother only minutes before.
she got dressed, she followed the men and her mother into the basement, closing
the door behind all of them. First, there were screams then whimpers, and then
nothing but silence. Mercedes looked up and wiped her mouth.
the car to leave.” One of the three men rose, wiped his mouth as well and
ascended the basement stairs, to start up the black SUV.
she decided she was going to have a little fun. She was going shopping.
Rapids was a clothing store. It was very popular with the type of people who
wanted to fit in. So that meant it was basically popular with all people. Walking
in the store, she walked down the aisle. She bypassed racks upon racks of
clothes. People stared at them going by. They looked strange with her walking
in front of a woman and three strange looking men all wearing sun glasses.
Mercedes went to one of the racks and picked at the clothes. She had her own
particular taste. Each thing she liked she gave to her mother and every other
thing she dislike, she dropped it on the floor. When she decided she had enough
clothes to try on, she went and found a dressing room. She had tried on mostly
everything in the store but after about two hours, she finally decided that she
had found the perfect outfit. She was wearing a shirtsleeve red shirt under a
black long sleeve sweater. Her black skirt was over black leggings and lastly
she was wearing black shoes. She admired herself and was proud of her work.
Then looking at her mother and the men, she shook her head and smiled.
headed for the exit and tried to leave without paying. Right behind her were
the four following her every step. The clerk was a young man. The young man was
scrawny and seemed not to have much confidence. He also needed this job so he
would do anything. He ran around the store picking up after the little girl. He
wanted to tell her to stop but he was getting a weird feeling from her. When he
saw that they had all changed he went behind the cash register expecting them.
He was surprised when all five of them ignored him and passed him by.
wait, you have to pay for that stuff." Then he finally said, "I'm
going to the cops." Mercedes knew they didn't need that kind of attention
called to them. She stopped at the door and turned around. The clerk buzzed the
manager. The manager was a lean man in a suit, when he walked he waddled, he
had a gray mustache, and a baldhead. He approached them addressing Susan.
“Excuse me, you have to pay for that clothing.” Susan
looked at Mercedes. Susan answered back, "Why?"
this is a paying establishment and therefore if we were to let anyone come and
take what they wanted we wouldn't make any money."
not my problem."
it is because you're going to pay for those things or be thrown in
don't care." She said. His face began turning red.
of you must change out of those clothes right now and exit the store before the
police arrive."
sorry, but I can't do that." He was furious now.
why not?"
I don’t make the decisions here. I'm not the boss."
who is?" He surveyed the three burly looking men in black standing beside
her. Susan then stepped aside and said, “Her,” glancing at Mercedes, “and if
she wants something she can have it.” Again, they turned to leave but the
manager grabbed Susan by the arm and held her from walking through the door.
“If you don’t pay for those things, I’m going to have you
arrested.” Susan tugged back but the manager held on. Susan looked at Mercedes
and she nodded. He turned around and removed his hand from her arm. Grabbing
him by the neck, she drove her nails into his skin and she lifted him of his feet.
He was clawing at her hands and arms trying to make her stop. He tried to kick
her but missed. Mercedes was enjoying his pain but then said, “You should
always hang things up when you’re finished playing with them.” Mercedes turned
Susan pushed him onto a clothes rack until he was hanging
from it. They opened the doors for Mercedes then left. The clerk was in tears
by now and had ducked behind the counter. He pressed the panic button. The cops
were there in a matter of minutes. They were standing in front of their cars
with their guns drawn.
in my way.” Her followers killed everybody in her path. People were thrown left
and right along with their cars. The four of them slaughtered the cops. Different
pieces of different people were flying everywhere. You couldn’t help getting
drenched in blood. She waited in the car until they were finished. When they
got back in the car Mercedes thought she could prevent this from ever happening
again. She needed everyone to be under
her control, to achieve true control. The only way she could go about
this was to enslave everyone, the entire human race. To do that she had to
recruit, so she had a big job ahead of her. Even so, her followers were growing
rapidly and quite nicely from what she could see. In all of anyone's years,
even vampires, no one has ever seen a clan as large as hers. Vampires who went
against her clan often died or suffered for it. Innocent people were murdered
and many more just kept for entertainment. They were the most cruel and evil
breed ever created before. Everyone despised them and for good reason.
Family. That is a word that has
meaning. That is a word you would do anything for, it is something you would do
anything to get, it is something you would do anything to keep, and it is
something you would do anything to protect. So what would you do if your family
was ever threatened?
Darkness. That is something that is all around you. It is
something you are born into. It is something you cannot run or hide from. It is
something that comes after you.
Love. It is what overpowers darkness. It is what you have
for your family. It is the protection from the bad things in life. It is what
someone gives you no matter the consequence.
If you love your family and the darkness comes after
them, what would you do? Protect them, wouldn’t you? Try to keep them safe? The
question is how? Would you watch them? Would you steal them away? What if that
didn’t work? Would you live your entire life in fear of what’s to come? Would
you watch your back at every turn? Or……… Maybe just maybe……… Embrace the
darkness? Become what you fear the most? Well, that’s the ultimate decision,
that this daughter, this woman, this mother has to make.
for Marly life went on, the Mercedes problem had left her mind and she was
enjoying life again instead of worrying. She graduated grammar school and went
to a great high school. Once she graduated from that great high school and went
to an even better college. After, she moved on to get a degree or two. Fresh
out of college she moved out of her parent’s house and moved in with a friend
from college. She had loved at first sight and had heartbreaks. She had issues
and problems but overall she just had fun. She loved her life and she was
living it to the fullest. About after a year or two with her roommate, she
moved out and got her own place. In her apartment, she could do whatever she
wanted and she could do it whenever she wanted. She was free from any and
everything that was previously holding her back.
out to clubs and partying then going out to parties, clubbing, she had the life.
More sooner than later she met a guy named Johnathon and they fell in love. He
was the most handsome guy she had ever seen and he thought the same about her,
It was like they were meant for each other. He soon became her boyfriend and
she became his girlfriend and all was well. In three years time, they both
moved out of their apartments and they bought a house together. When their
wedding day arrived, so did all their guests, friends, family, parents,
roommates and uncles alike were so excited they couldn’t hide it. Johnathon
waited at the altar as Marly walked down the aisle. The minister spoke. They
said their vows and till death did them part. They sealed their pledges with 'I
do's' and a kiss. Everybody clapped.
the reception, Marly threw the bouquet behind her and someone caught it. She
was happy with her husband and she was happy being Ms. Johnathon Jones. After
their honeymoon, Johnathon carried Marly across the threshold into their new
home. They had high paying careers and were well taken care off. One day Marly
woke up sick, so she stayed home from work. Later that day when Johnathon came
home early for his sick wife, he got the greatest news of his life. Marly was
pregnant. Nine months later, Justin was born. He was a beautiful baby boy with
brown hair and dark brown eyes and you couldn’t get him to stop smiling. Exactly
one year later, Jessica made her presence known to the world. A precious baby
girl with light brown hair and luight brown eyes. The opposite of her brother
you could rarely get her to smile. They were the picture perfect family. Not
even a year had past when Marly found out that she was pregnant once more.
Another little girl the doctor told them.
Jamie was cuter thing anyone could have ever
imagined. She had her sisters’ eyes and brother’s hair and she would always
giggle at the simplest things. Marly dropped Justin and Jessica off at the
nursery while she took Jamie to the supermarket with her. She believed Jamie
was too young to go to nursery school yet. Then tragic struck her daughter had
been kidnapped. Marly was frantic. They searched and searched and nothing
turned up. Soon hoping to ever see her again was painful, so they stopped
searching. They never talked about her, Jessica was too young to remember her
at all, and when they told Justin that she just went away, he was too young to
argue. So he just agreed and soon forgot. They hid all of Jamie's things so the
kids wouldn't ask questions. But Marly and Johnathon never forgot and this put
a strain on their marriage. In the end, they separated and divorced. Johnathon
moved out and their happily ever after was over.
stood outside that midnight. It had all gotten very boring for her. She needed
to renew her excitement for the hunt. She thought of these humans as small and
feeble. They never escaped her and their running away and screams of terror
were annoying. They never ever escaped her not one, when she was a child there
was one. Her second attempted kill had, indeed, escaped her. Her only failure
and she admired the girl for that. She wondered if she would remember her. It
would be very interesting and exciting if Marly presented her with a challenge.
She hoped she wouldn't be bored anymore. After she finished off her kill, she
decided to seek Marly out and pay her visit.
morning Marly and her children's usual routine went off went off without a
hitch. Once she saw them turn the corner at the end of the block, she went back
in the house to get ready for work. She walked out the house, locked the door
behind herself and went to her car. Unlocking her car door, she put the key in
the ignition but the car didn't start. She tried again and again but without any
luck. Frustrated, she went back inside and called her job. She told them she
wouldn't be coming in today. The second phone call made that morning was to a
tow truck company.
hours later, she was waiting in an auto body shop with her car propped up. One
of the employees had looked under the hood and quickly figured out what was
wrong with it. Now he was fixing the problem.
you finished yet?" Marly asked impatiently. The man didn't answer. He was
ignoring her, so she kicked him in the shin. He flinched and cursed and slid
from under her car. His clothes were covered in oil. He stood up and took his
head phones out his ears. Wiping his hands on a towel he took out his pocket,
before he even looked up at her, he said, "What is wrong with
much longer?" He looked at her.
you would give me a chance, I can be finished in about twenty minutes but only if
you don't kick me again." Marly sighed.
I'm just in a little hurry. I have to go pick my kids up." He knelt down
on the floor and slid back under the car. Since, he hadn't put back on his
earphones, he could hear her pacing and sighed. While under Marly's car he
said, "Okay, this is going to take a little longer than I had originally
thought so take my pick-up truck, it's just out front. You can take it, go,
pick up your kids and I should be done by the time you get back.” Marly looked
at all she could see of him.
my keys are just over there on the table by my tools." Marly smiled and
picked up the jingling keys.
you, thank you so much. I'll be right back."
whatever." Marly picked up Jessica and Justin up from school and dropped
them off at home. Then she headed back to the garage. When she got back, he was
finished with her car and was standing beside it, wiping his hands on a
"How much is it?" "It's 40; you can go and pay in the office." She walked into the office, paid and was back in a matter of minutes. He told her what was wrong with her car and then handed her the keys. He also told her how to prevent it from happening again and told her to call the garage if it happened again. She agreed. The next morning when she got in the car to go to work the same problem occurred. This time instead of calling a tow truck, she called the mechanic, Brandon, from
yesterday who worked in the garage. He came right over to take a look. He looked
under the hood and made a slight adjustment.
try to start it now." She turned the key and she heard him groan. She
hopped out the car to see what had happened. He was covered in oil. She
couldn't help herself so she snickered. He looked at her,
"I’m sorry, you can go in the house and
get cleaned up." He followed her inside, took a shower, and Marly supplied
him with some new clothes. Once he was done, they went in the kitchen and they
talked for a bit. They talked about themselves and learnt things about each
other. They got along with each other and respectively wanted to see more of
each other. By the end of his visit they had talked, laughed and enjoyed
themselves. And Brandon had asked Marly out on a date. That Saturday they went
out and it was amazing. It soon became a regular thing every Saturday night.
Marly wasn't the only one who was enjoying Brandon's company. Justin and
Jessica loved Brandon and he loved them. But as much as he did he refused to
drag them into his past. Everything was going perfectly until one date went wrong.
tonight was great." He smiled and they kissed. Marly went inside with a
smile on her face. She turned to face the living room and froze. Justin and
Jessica were sitting there on the couch surrounded by vampires. Brandon had
only gotten off the porch when he sensed something wrong. He hadn't heard Marly
close the door. He went up to the window and saw them. At once, he entered the
house, and everyone turned to him. He just stood there and called,
"Jessica, Justin can you come over here, please?" They didn't dare
breathe let alone move.
"It's okay, just get up and walk over
slowly." They inhaled and did as he said and the vampires didn't
I want you to leave." He ordered Marly was worried about him.
you shouldn't..." Jessica started. She turned to the door and a vampire
tried to attack her. Before it could reach her Brandon caught it and broke it's
neck. The others advanced and Marly, Justin and Jessica watched as Brandon took
them all on and then took them all out. They stared at each other for a moment.
Brandon sighed and walked to the door. He didn't even have the door open when
two more vampires had jumped out of nowhere. He quickly took care of it. Brandon
looked at them and then at Marly. She stared back. She realized what they had
been but how could he have possibly known. She couldn’t take any chances with
her children so she let him close the door behind himself as he left the house.
afternoon like most others, they decided to clean out the basement. They went
through several boxes when Jessica made a discovery. She called Justin over,
her brother and Marly’s son. Jessica had found a sealed box. It was labeled,
“For Mercedes.” They carried it upstairs and showed their mother. She read the
label and remembered everything like it was yesterday. She had put the box down
in the basement when she and Johnathon, had moved into their new house. She
didn’t know why she kept it but she just knew she had to. Justin opened the box
and exclaimed, “Awesome.” The box was full of weapons. He began to pick up an
arrow but Marly swatted his hand away.”
it alone.” Marly picked up the box from between them. Jessica was curious,
“What’s it for?” Marly responded, “When I was a kid I made it for a friend of
mine.” She hadn’t thought about this stuff or Mercedes for a very long time. But
along with the incident with Brandon and the fact that her kids just brought it
back in her life now, was a bad sign that only added to her bad feeling about
went into both of their bedrooms and sat on the side of their bed. She told
them how much she loved and cared for them and told them that she would do
anything for them. After she finished tucking them in, she turned out the
lights and said goodnight.
night Marly got in her bed and for a couple of hours, she laid in bed staring
up at the ceiling. Her mind was racing and it wasn’t giving her any peace. But
sooner or later, she fell into an uneasy sleep.
swept across her mind of Mercedes and what she would do, and of what would
happen to her children and how they would react if they knew the truth about
her past. Soon but not as soon as she would have liked, she fell into an uneasy
up, she had a headache and didn’t feel very well. She felt bothered by
something and tried to push the feeling away but no matter what it was, it wouldn’t
leave her be. Then it occurred to her deep down inside, she knew the reason why
she had kept those things for so long. She didn’t think it really ended that
day felt like it took forever. Marly was cooking breakfast when Justin and
Jessica came stomping in.
wrong with the two of you?” Justin said, “There’s nothing to do around here.”
huh, then how about both of you go and clean your room.” They sighed and Marly
rolled her eyes.
about after breakfast you go outside and play?”
on, mom, who does that anymore.” She thought again.
about what?”
about, and listen carefully now, you go and sweep the basement,…” They moaned.
listen, I’m not finished yet. Sweep the basement and the things you saw in that
box,” their faces brightened up, “You can take those things out but be careful
and when you are ready, call me down so I can teach how to use them. Then I’ll
give you a history lesson of when and why I made them.” But she planned to lie
about the why part.
maybe after you finish practicing, and if and when you’re good at it, maybe
just maybe we can go and make you some of your own.”
kids with little practice and patience, they were good. They handled the
weapons as if they were pros and as if they were doing it all their life. As
if, they were born to do it. But even so, she showed them everything they
needed to know. She took them to the places she went when she was a girl to get
the materials. She sat down with them and showed them how to construct them.
She felt she had no choice.
had just finished his breakfast and had gone upstairs to watch TV.
finish your breakfast so we can go to the supermarket.”
did you teach us to use and make those things?” Marly looked at Jessica.
I learned the same things I’m teaching you when I was a kid and they came in
who taught you? Grandma Judy, Grandpa George?”
I taught myself.”
then why did it come in handy?”
it just did.”
Marly was starting to get flustered.
just did okay. Now, I want you to finish your breakfast and go upstairs to get
ready to leave.” Jessica slammed down her fork and pushed away her plate.
are you lying to us?” Marly calmed herself down.
not lying to the two of you.”
I do know one thing.” Jessica stood up from her chair and went to stand in the
doorway. Marly continued to stare at her.
what is that?”
sure aren’t telling us the truth.” Jessica left and went upstairs while Marly
continued to stand there heartbroken. After they went to the supermarket, and
shopped around for a while. Jessica was bored this time around and would have
rather have been at her friend’s house. So as usual, Jessica wandered off. Once
Marly and Justin noticed, they started looking for her. Jessica was still mad
at Marly so she was going up and down aisles just for the fun of it.
happened to be attracted by Marly’s scent. And she came across a wandering
child. She caught a glimpse of Jessica’s face and she felt as of something hit
her. She began trailing Jessica. Jessica looked familiar and she wanted to find
out why. The only reason she was even there was because this was the place her
search for Marly led her, too. But this child intrigued her so she pursued her.
for Jessica, Justin went to the other side of the store and called out her
name. She didn’t answer. About ten minutes later Justin found his mother again
with no luck on the other side. They turned down another aisle and that’s when
they found her. She was talking to a woman who was staring at her intensely.
The women had stopped Jessica. Jessica reminded her of someone but she couldn’t
place her face. She began talking to Jessica to find out who she was. Jessica
found the women strange and intriguing. She had found the lady standing there
with her back against the shelves. And the women was staring at her. They had
been talking for a while when Jessica heard a cart being wheeled behind her.
Jessica turned around and the women looked up. The women stared at Marly but
Marly immediately recognized Mercedes. Mercedes smiled and Marly said, “How
about you two go and get something for lunch.” Justin questioned, “Why?”
you can eat it. Now go and get anything you want.” Justin shrugged his
shoulders and called, “Come on, Jess, before she changes her mind.” Jessica
turned from staring at Marly to following Justin out of the aisle. But Justin
and Jessica didn’t go far because they planned to eavesdrop.
thought you were long gone.”
“Now why would you think that?” Marly was agitated.
“Why are you here?”
“I can’t just come to visit.”
“Leave me and my family alone.”
“Now you know I can’t do that. It’s not in my nature and
besides from what I can recall you’re the only one to ever get away.”
“If you don’t I’ll have to do something about it.”
“Don’t be that way. Remember what fun we had together.”
Marly just continued to stare angrily at her. Mercedes tried a different tactic
to provoke Marly.
“But what if something was to happen to your precious
“Leave my family alone or I swear you will regret it.”
Mercedes stood there staring at her as she walked away. She turned the corner and
Justin and Jessica were there waiting. She didn’t question why they were there
or what they heard, she just wanted to leave. She left her cart there, grabbed
them by the arm, and they are left while Mercedes was still watching their
backs. She started the car and took off. This new revelation troubled her. It
was worst then she had originally thought and it was starting all over again. She
needed to contemplate a new strategy. After seeing their mother like that,
Justin and Jessica didn’t question their mother anymore but talked among
wanted a partner, so she sought out someone who she thought would aid her best.
She sat on top of the car of the man she had chosen, while she waited for him
to come out of a store. When he did, she hopped down and leant against his car.
He spotted her when he unlocked his car.
there?” He said with a little curiosity.
“Hello.” She stared at him while he approached
you need help with something?” He smiled.
my car broke down and I was wondering if you could give me a ride?” His smile
He opened the passenger side door so she could get in then closed it behind
her. He went and sat in the driver’s seat. She leaned in close to him. He
asked, “What’s your name?”
what’s yours?”
She smiled, tapped him on the shoulder and said, “You know, that’s all I really
wanted to know,” and then she bit him.
and Justin sat in Jessica’s room discussing what they had heard that morning.
Justin began, “So what do you think that was all about?”
don’t know, maybe she was an old friend.”
likely because that doesn’t explain why mom told her to leave us alone.”
she’s an old enemy.”
Jessica and Justin practiced obediently and repeatedly until they got it right. After about two weeks, and four hours a day in a hot, sweaty basement, did finally, Marly said they were ready to go and get some weapons of their own. She let them make their own weapons, always watching what they were doing and to see if they were doing it correctly. After she expected them and once they were to her standard, she told them something she wasn’t even sure she believed but she knew would keep them safe, “Trust no one, no matter what they do and say.”
the first time at the market didn’t go so well Marly decided to go to another
grocery store. She was on guard and told them not to wander off and with that,
they started shopping. About forty-five minutes with only the cart half-full, they
were ready to leave. When they tried to go down an aisle, the woman wouldn’t
let them.
“Excuse me.” They tried again without success. The woman
moved closer towards them and came to an abrupt halt in the middle of the
aisle. She moved out of the way and they saw two men followed by Mercedes. They
all stopped. Mercedes smiled and they started backing up.
Jessica warned. Marly turned around. Four more were behind them. Mercedes drew
their attention back to her.
let’s experiment on how well you’ve trained your children.” She stepped back
between the two men. That must have been some type of signal because they were
attacked. Marly took her children and threw them up against shelves while she
was buried. They drew their weapons and began to fight. They stood up and
placed their backs against one another for safety but in all the commotion they
soon were separated. As much as they dodged, stabbed, and destroyed, the
vampires just kept coming. There seemed to be no end. Unexpectedly, the crowd
of vampires started to thin out and they could see each other again. But they
didn’t stop until there was just Mercedes. All that time, she had been sitting
on the top of the shelves crossed watching from above. She applauded them.
excellent, that was quite a show Marly. You were actually good, better than I
had expected, really.” She jumped down from the shelf.
next time that won’t be a problem. Trust me.” She smiled at the three of them,
“Next time.” She turned around and walked away, slipping into the shadows that
always seemed to surround her even in broad daylight.
left them there tired and worried for what’s to come. Marly didn’t want this to
happen again and She didn’t think her children could handle it either. They
were so exhausted, they could barely support themselves up right. That sight
made her ashamed and furious. She couldn’t think of anything else to do so she
did the only thing she did think of.
At home, she sealed the house. Closing all the
windows, and locking all the doors. Just in case. She opened it accidently. She
didn’t want anything getting in. Checking the front, Jessica and Justin came up
behind her and saw nothing. Nothing but the darkness.
pushed them back and took a step onto the porch. This wasn’t right. It was too
dark to be evening. Too quiet. No lights were coming from anywhere, not the
lamppost, not the houses, not cars, and not even the sky. This wasn’t good,
being surrounded by darkness. When in the dark, you never know what’s there. As
she continued to look outside, she saw a dark spot move. It was unnatural. It
was one of many. They there were coming.
in the house, there wasn’t anything they could really do. So they waited but it
didn’t take long for something to happen. First came the screeching and then
the banging. In the kitchen, they heard glass shatter. They ran. Up the stairs,
Marly looked backed. She didn’t see anything because the darkness had spread.
It was in the house.
noises. Screeching. Beating. Bats. The sound of their wings was deafening. Bats
attacked them. They ran inside Marly’s room. Bats bombarded the door. Still for
a moment, they caught their breath. After ten minutes, the noise stopped and
they relaxed some. Having nowhere to go, they stayed put ‘till night fall.
Soon, sleep consumed them and they fell asleep.
came and the sun rose. Sunlight came through the curtains and woke them from a
heavy sleep. Yarning and confused, they rose from the places where they had
slept. Justin and Jessica hopped off the bed to help Marly off the floor. She
looked at the door and from the little bit of light coming from under it, she saw
no more shadows passing by.
pressed her ear up against the door. Waiting for a moment, she heard nothing.
So she peeked outside and saw nothing. She pushed Jessica and Justin back into
the room and took a cautious step out into the hallway. A little farther out,
and she was in full plain view of the stairs. Justin and Jessica crept out the
room behind her.
studied the stairs for a moment then waved them on. They walked carefully down
the stairs looking in all directions. Anticipating for something to happen. They
were on edge. When they finally reached the bottom of the stairs, there was surprise
waiting for them.
© 2013 kaylin king |
Added on March 5, 2013 Last Updated on March 5, 2013 Author![]() kaylin kingJersey City, NJAboutI have always been interested in writing, it being one of the few ways I could express myself. I love books and movies and especially inventing. Some of my favorite books are the: Harry Potter Serie.. more..Writing