Chapter 2: The Accent

Chapter 2: The Accent

A Chapter by Rron

Introduction to an Important character that will be crucial to the story.


The next day it was just the same as any other day I get cursed at by a construction worker, Nedack and I sit there and talk about random things and then food comes, but I was tired of this, just living same day over and over is what it felt like. I just want to do something I don’t care what it is just anything to get me out of this damn tunnel. And I bet you could guess that the next day was the same as any other day, but it wasn’t even though I wish it was now.

“Hey Rron, you awake?” said Nedack waking me up. “Yeah what is it?” I said yawning. “There’s a guy here claiming they know where your family is.” Said Nedack. “Wait, what really?!” I said starting to get excited. “Here I’ll take you to him now.” Said Nedack. “This seems quite suspicious are you sure he knows what he’s talking about and not just some liar playing some cruel joke?” I asked. “I don’t know but it wouldn’t hurt to just try.” Said Nedack. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt, but still this guy better be telling the truth.” I said. “That’s the spirit! Now let’s go already.” Said Nedack trying to rush me.

When we got there the guy was leaning against a wall in a hoodie, was probably a little taller than me, looked and look like he was a year or maybe two older than me, and the weird thing was I knew everyone in town’s face and no one had moved in recently so he must have had been foreign and I didn’t even see him enter with the rest of us.

“Hey kid, you Rron?” He asked me. “Yeah, apparently you know where my family is?” I asked. “Well is this one of yo parents?” He said in his weird accent.

He showed me my mother’s ID. “That’s my mother’s, where did you get this?” I said trying to not get upset. “Just follow me.” He said.

He walked slowly and I was thinking I’m going to get ambushed I know it but luckily I didn’t. He showed me some rocks on top of two bodies one big and one smaller.

“I think one of them is your mother since I had a construction worker scan her DNA and compared it to the one on the card, and they said it was a match.” he said. “Yes she is and I can bet the other one is my sister.” I said quietly.

I fell to the ground on my knees and everything was spinning everyone’s voices they all sounded so distant. “No, they can’t be dead I just saw the- then I remembered that I even gave up keeping track of what day it is.” I thought to myself.

“Kid, hey kid you all right?” He said shaking me. I didn’t respond, I couldn’t speak knowing that the only family I had left was gone.

I ran, I ran as fast as I could. I didn’t even know where I was going exactly because of the tears in my eyes, but Nedack eventually caught up to me and were at Nedack’s wall that we hang out around. Nedack followed me.

“Go away I want to be alone!” I said screaming at him. “You can’t just always just choose flight you have to at least try to fight the pain, so make sure you never forget them they’re your family even though they’re dead they’re still with you in your soul.” He said. “Hey when my mother died I wanted to bury myself in the ground but I didn’t, I fought against the pain, besides we both know you’re the better fighter.” He said with a sad look on his face. “It was just your mother who died, my mother and my only sister died and they were the only ones I had left since the rest of my family are all corpses.” I said with tears in my eyes. “Just shut up! Stop thinking about the sadness find the good in the world!” he said with tears in his eyes too. “Look I’m sorry ok?” I said. “And?” said Nedack wanting a better apology. “I’m sorry I made you talk about your mother since I know you don’t like to talk about that, and I know you’re going through the same tunnel I’m going through, get it?” I said trying to make a joke out of it. “Well at least your sorry and you mean it that’s all I care about even if it had a terrible pun.” Said Nedack smiling.

The hooded guy came to me to see if I was ok. “Hey you ok there kid?” he said curiously. “I think so.” I said trying not to remember what happened. “Well good because you have potential in you kid.” He said still in that weird accent.

 “Could you stop calling me kid please I don’t think you’re that much older than me.” I said a little annoyed. “I’m 18 going on 19, you?” He said. “16, so you gonna stop calling me kid now?” I asked. “I’ll stop once we become acquainted with each other more.” He said. “Ok then we probably won’t be speaking again any time soon.” I said trying to hint that I wanted him to leave. “You think I’m gonna leave you alone, that’s hilarious!” He said laughing his hood off. “What’s so funny and why are you not going to leave?” I asked being very confused. “Why so many questions? Can’t you tell destiny has something magnificent planned out?” He said trying to avoid the questions.

“Well since you’re never going to leave us alone tell us more about yourself, like that weird earpiece your wearing.” Said Nedack finally coming out of silence. “Let’s talk about the earpiece another time but I’ll explain more about myself once I think I can surely know that I can trust you.” He said still not wanting to explain anything to us.

 “I’ll go first, this is the jest of my life story-.” Nedack explained for several hours. “Wow that was very interesting, wait is Rron asleep?!” The hooded guy said waking me up. “I’m tried ok? And hey, can you tell us your name so we know how to address you?” I asked tiredly.

“My friends call me The Owl, so there you go call me Owl.” Said Owl. “What friends call you that?” I asked. “You two of course!” He said laughing. Nedack and I joined in laughing I don’t know why I did but he seems pretty friendly and optimistic so it felt okay to let my guard down. “Hey your less tense! Your adapting good!” He said. “Good job Rron! This is the first time I’ve seen you let your guard down in front of new people.” Said Nedack making me embarrassed.

“Hey who’s your new friend you guys?” said Nedack’s father. “Oh, me? I’m just your typically tourist traveling the world, and I got trapped here, but it isn’t that bad since I got some new friends!” Owl said loudly. “Well you three better get some sleep since everyone else is and you don’t want to wake them.” Nedack’s father said.

Owl slept with us and of course he slept next to me. It was the middle of the night when I heard Owl get up and walked a far distance away from everyone else. I hid behind a corner and watched him. It was quite for a while until I heard him speaking to someone but there was no one around him, I was confused until I saw his hand next to his ear. It was a strange the way he was talking; it was a completely different language than the one’s I had ever heard. He spoke for about ten minutes. When he ended his call I tried to quickly run back to where I was sleeping and pretended I was asleep. I sensed someone come up close to my ear and whisper. “I know you heard that, you won’t speak of this ok? Or there will be serious consequences, now get some sleep.” It was Owl’s voice, I was terrified of what was going to happen if I told anyone so I wasn’t going to tell anyone, not even Nedack.

I woke up later than usual since Nedack’s father had already went with the other adults to talk about whatever they talk about. I smelled bread which was weird because everyone usually has eaten breakfast by now. I heard Nedack and Owl talking about something.

“Hey sleepy head your finally awake, I saved you some of my bread.” Said Owl. “You didn’t have to I usually skip breakfast.” I said. “You need to eat you’re still growing, kid.” Said Owl trying to hold in his laugh in. “As soon as I thought you were done calling me kid, and just eat the damn bread I need some alone time this morning I’ll be back when I feel like it.” I said.

“Don’t worry he does this every once in a while, he’ll be back in around 20 minutes.” I heard Nedack say while I was in walking away.

Basically all I did was just sit there and try to forget my dead family, but I couldn’t especially that I knew that my little sister who had a life to live is dead. I eventually came back to where the two were earlier and they weren’t there so I waited there thinking they left for a while. I waited there for some time starting to get worried that something had happened to them.

Then I heard that strange accent again and I knew they were nearby. I followed the sound of the voice and he was talking to Nedack in what looked like secret for some reason. I think that I had heard them say my name.

“We’ll continue this conversation later, hey Rron we were just talking about some things.” Said Owl. For some reason Nedack looked concerned which he never does.

“Well I see your done thinking.” Said Nedack. “I see you got done talking to Owl about me.” I said. “We actually weren’t talking about you we were talking about this cave and there might be a way out.” Said Owl. “Yeah sure, ok what do you guys want to do today?” I asked. “I don’t know there is nothing to do down here in the first place.” Said Nedack. “Well we could talk, and that’s basically it isn’t it?” Owl said. “Well I guess we could get to know you more but you dodge every single thing we want to know about you, like your real name and etcetera.” I said. “Well you two I’m gonna go talk to the construction workers.” Owl said suspiciously. “Why are you leaving our conversation to talk to those jerks and what are you gonna talk to them about?” Nedack asked. “I’ll see you two tonight ok? I got business to deal with.” Owl said.

“Well there goes the only fun we’re probably are gonna have today.” Nedack said. “Do you wana play checkers like we do every day? I asked. “Sure, what else do we have to do.” Nedack said. 

© 2017 Rron

Author's Note

Sorry for the two month delay I've hit writer's block recently. The Picture is the new character named Owl.

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Added on January 20, 2017
Last Updated on January 21, 2017



The Third Shadow The Third Shadow

A Story by Rron