![]() Chapter TwoA Chapter by Kim-Kims![]() Kimmy finds a new group she can live safely in. She hopes to find her friends and to find out the enemy still lurking the school grounds...![]()
I, Dasha, am now completely tired.
Don’t say that it’s my fault, because it isn’t. Creatures have been bombarding us ever since we woke up this morning. And it is freakishly annoying! With that very thought I kicked all my inmates’ lazy bums (only to be bitten by Tuyen) and cried out in my toughest voice:
“Today, we have training day!”
An automatic moan came from almost everybody, which really irritated me. “Gah, do you really want to be beaten by Tree Pineapples again?? DO YOU?!”
Good. That shut them up.
Chris yawned and laid back in the grass. “Can’t we have more free time?” Tuyen rustled his brown hair as if she wanted me to know that she was agreeing with him. “Nuh-uh,” I narrowed my eyes. “Now, who wants to be the first opponent in battling?”
When no one answered, I suggested Allison out loud.
The newbie walked up to the battlefield slowly and shyly, and I couldn’t stop myself.
“Awww, look at the wittle gurl being all shy!” I squealed, and I must have frightened her, because Chris said: “Don’t worry about that, she’s done that a lot of times to me.” And he shuddered.
Ignoring that comment, I announced the second opponent: “Er…Tuyen, make sure you go easy on her. Use those Ash Bullets.” My partner nodded and flipped out her sleek guns. I went up to Allison and whispered: “Okay, Allison, Tuyen’s a hard opponent, ‘cause she’s got guns. Nowadays a lot of modern rogues carry guns and some mystical enemies can throw stuff at you, you gotta be prepared when you go against a long-range target.”
“B-But I seen those guns, the bullets go so fast!”
I went closer to her ear. “Bullets only go straight.”
I left the quivering girl and yelled: “Fight!” I thought, Allison twirled her staff and added a hasty Shield on herself. Tuyen let off her gun a few times, breaking down Allison’s Mystic Shield. She jumped and put Shield on herself again.
“Don’t just waste the Mystic by using defensive spells!” I shouted out to her. Everyone could actually see her fear in trying, but I had pure confidence in her.
Allison stabbed her staff into the ground and muttered a spell.
“Let the Winds go North and carry the power of Destruction with them, let the Fires of the South break free, let the Earth of the East bring down her mighty rocks, let the Water of the West drench the flaming enemy!”
Her eyes lit brightly and yelled: “Compass Cross!”
A rainbow serpent shot out from her staff and came raging towards Tuyen, who demolished it quickly by sweeping it away. “Forget about the basics; focus on dodging the bullets,” Tuyen added gravely, stretching her arm in the direction of Allison.
I could sense terror from her. Come on Allison…
Tuyen took the first shot with her pistol. Allison was so focused on where the bullet was going that she fell backwards.
“Don’t look at the bullet! Look at Tuyen’s aim! Bullets only go straight!” I said again. This time she understood and relaxed her shoulders a bit. Tuyen shot the second time and the moment she heard the sharp sound, she swerved to the left, missing the gunshot. She became slightly mirthful and then smiled weakly. “I did it!”
“Idiot, that was only one bullet you missed,” Sagar took note. I sighed; this was going to be a long day. Chekwube ran up to them. “Dasha! I found—!” “Considering what a pirate you are, Chekwube, I bet you only found one myu.” Tuyen twirled her precious gun around her finger. The air pirate glared at the malicious gun-handler before going back to her sentence.
“A girl, Dasha, I found a girl!”
“Good, we could use a combat partner for Allison,” I nodded. “Where is she?”
“Not far from here, come on!”
We dashed through the trees and purposely stumbled upon the girl Chek was talking about.
It was a strange girl (at least, no stranger then me and Tuyen) who kept mumbling to herself (all I heard was: “Why is it spring here when inside is winter?”) and pointing at the different trees. She was an Anicoorian in fact: lustrous black cat ears and a silky tail. She had a stern look, might as well have good capability too.
“Hello.” I reached out my hand with a feline smile rolled on my face. “Did you wander out of Sorim?” She shook it and I pulled her up. “Ish,” she said, wiping her glasses with her school-tie. “I really need help finding an Inn tonight.”
“You can stay at our group,” Chek said nicely. “There’s another Anicoorian named Chris…”
“Chris, really?! He made it out?!” She seemed excited. “But I saw him getting dragged away!”
“Uh…yeah, he made it out,” I said. Why is she getting worked up on what happened to Chris two years ago?
“I’ll go,” she decided quite rashly and then added, “—because the sun’s coming down, I don’t want to be alone out there. And thanks, though it must be strange to let in a person like me.”
“Welcome to the group, I’m Dasha and this is Chekwube,” I said, pointing to my chocolate-colored friend.
She gave me a sort of a conceited grin.
“Call me Kimmy, Kim-Kims, Edgar, I don’t mind, ‘cause I’m happy to be of service.”
“This isn’t good,” Vivian paced around. “That girl escaped, Sabrina, we did it again!” Sabrina said nothing as she watched idly at the prisoners. “There’s a reason they named me Captain of the Frozen Elite, and I just shattered that title with my own hands!” Vivian punched the dirt wall with tremendous strength for such a short girl.
This was the Genma Mines, where the prison resides. Cold dirt, shivering temperatures, and a gloomy atmosphere topped negatively on the grainy environment, it wasn’t a place anyone would want to be in.
“Now believe us about what happened at the school?” Chris poked through the bars.
“No!” Vivian slapped his hand away. “Don’t expect us to believe your crap!”
“Psh. Rude,” Chris nudged up his glasses. “That’s not how a lady acts.”
A Sorim Soldier ran in and gave Vivian a letter, shakily; she opened it with her thumb.
“Please…” Sabrina closed her eyes.
She stretched the letter out and read it.
Concerning the Lieutenant and the Captain,
Lord Felix the IV invites you to come to the Dining room in the palace, we request for you to come immediately. This meeting contains the matter of the capture at the West Gate.
-Mistress of the Ministry of War
Helga Crokenbraush
“Oh no,” Vivian whispered as the letter fluttered to the floor.
I was happy to know that just one of my friends made it out.
My school uniform was torn and smudged with who-knows-what on the edges, I doubt they have cleaning service in their group. I looked admirably at the Leader, Dasha, and the air pirate, Chekwube. Both were tall, lean figures and had something unique and interesting about them. Like the little cute accessories on Dasha’s outfit, or the gleaming transparent sword by Chek’s side.
I could easily tell they weren’t shy about anything and would take any challenge thrown at their feet. I was still observing their amazing qualities until Dasha spoke up.
“Say Kimmeh,” Dasha said with a mischievous smile. “You seem like a very nice person.”
“Huh,” I said sort of snobbishly. “Do I? And I don’t recall saying that my name was Kimmeh.”
“But it’s so cute!” Dasha receded, a little taken back.
I winced at her reaction and cleared my throat. “I didn’t mean to say it rudely, I just asked a question. I could add it on my collection of nicknames.”
“YESH!” Dasha punched the air, scraping Chekwube in the process.
“Watch it!” The pirate then swept away the collected dust on her clothing. “Kimmy, we’re almost there.”
I nodded and realized how warm this place was compared to the freezing temperatures in Sorim, and how perfect the scenery was too.
The beams of dim light were angled accurately through the trail of trees. Some leaves dotted the path and a gentle breeze brushed our skin. The path winded and we suddenly came to a huge, empty, circular spot; the trees blocking the road in the back. The evening sun twinkled at us.
“Here we are.” Dasha moved her curly hair away from her eyes with her sleeve and then she touched the air. A gush of wind emitted from the touch which made my stomach lurch and my hair blow in all directions. When I opened my eyes again I saw a campsite filled with little people.
“Oi, Dasha!” A boyish girl walked up, she had violet short hair with her bangs pushed to the side, her bottom lip stuck out as if she was pouting, and her scary look slaughtered me to the bone. “I finished training Allison and I sharpened your scythe, now can we have a break?”
“Yeah, but Tuyen, I need to introduce someone first,” she said, she grabbed my arm and pulled me up.
“Everyone! Meet Kimmeh! She’s a new recruit so be nice to her.”
I was slightly red as a very small group of people came up to see me.
The first one to greet me was Sagar. He was polite as he gave me a quick handshake and then he ran off.
The second one was Tuyen, and she didn’t seem that scary as I thought.
The last one was Allison. Very shy at first, then I realized that she had more talent then I thought.
“Where’s Chrissy?” Dasha scrutinized the campsite; Chekwube told her that he was sleeping and she didn’t seem to look surprised. She turned towards me. “Well, Kimmeh, time to reunite with him again!”
I nodded quickly and stayed right behind her as she went to a tent and peeked in.
“Chris! Wake up!”
I peered in too. He was sleeping in a very awkward way with his joints bent and his mouth gaping open, but I noticed something: He wasn’t the Chris I knew. Instead of the regular, emo Chris with black hair, fox-like ears, and his almost dorky glasses, this Chris had messy russet colored hair. He also had light brown Anicoorian ears that barely show out beneath the un-brushed madness. From the looks of his appearance, I’d say he’s not very organized.
Dasha sighed at my disappointment and kicked Chris hard enough to the point to where he opened up his bleary eyes.
“Taking a sweet nap, are we?” Dasha said in a sharp, old-fashioned accent.
He moaned, rolled around, and then went back to sleep.
She huffed and then went back outside the tent. “TUYEN! GET THE HECK OVER HERE!” Chris jolted up abruptly and yelled, “I’m up! Just don’t get Tuyen!”
Dasha smiled at her victory and then patted my shoulder. “Okay now lookie here, since you’re not the right guy you’ll have to make up for this young lady’s trouble by protecting her from ambushes.”
He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. “A newcomer? Man, Dasha, if you keep recruiting people so quickly like that then we won’t have enough money to take care of ourselves.”
“Including washing the dishes and doing the laundry!”
“You asked for it.”
I crossed my arms stubbornly. “I can take care of myself, I don’t need a bodyguard; I can’t fight but I sure can run away.”
Dasha leaned towards me and murmured to me softly. “Don’t worry; he’ll do ALL the work.” My smile curled as I looked down at Chris. “Oh.”
“Why are you so mean to me?” Chris squinted at Dasha and she rustled his hair wildly. “Don’t worry, Sagar’s gonna help you too, ‘cause he’s the one that lost the food.”
A voice called over the distance: “I heard that!”
She laughed maliciously between short breaths and I couldn’t help but laugh too. After we regained control of ourselves, I remembered Eric’s stupid giggles and felt the revolting home-sickness deep in me. I went silent and then said, “Dasha, can you help me back into Sorim?”
“You passed the gate so they’ll probably capture you in a flash. Do you really want to go to the Genma Mines?” Chris leaned in a chair.
“But still, there are some…enemies that would destroy the kingdom, I need to get back! My friends are there too!”
Dasha thought for a moment, then replied, “Other then the two gates, there’s a path to the Shrine of Mysterm which is inside the castle, but the place near the entrance is heavily guarded like the gates. However, far from here is an underground road that leads to that path, if you take it, you’ll pass all the guards, gut the ones that are near the entrance, and go in the Shrines. All you have to really worry about that plan is to actually get out of the Shrines alive.”
I soaked in the information and looked up at her. “Alright, all you need to do is to tell me where the underground road is and I’ll take it from there.”
“Hold up,” Chris said. “You aren’t getting there alone are you?”
“No,” Dasha disagreed. “It’s too dangerous, everyone will go with you.”
“That’s too selfish of me― to drag everyone with me on my issues.”
“No sweat, besides, I need to go to the village that’s east of the road and then Chek needs to ‘pick up’ something from the Genma Mines in Sorim.”
I still didn’t want them to go with me, but I wasn’t stupid. With them, I could make up for my weaknesses and hopefully find my friends. “…Okay.”
Dasha opened the tent flap and went outside. “I’ll tell everyone. Pack up and go to sleep, we’re moving north tomorrow.”
Sabrina’s hands shook uncontrollably as an image of Lord Felix the IV appeared in thin air.
“Sorry girls,” a rusty voice came from his lips. “I’m out in a mission and cannot come right now, but the Mystic should keep the conversation long enough for what I have to tell you. Go ahead, drink some tea.”
Vivian looked calm as she slipped the pale porcelain cup in her mouth while Sabrina glowered at the honey colored liquid.
“I heard that you let one of the citizens go. Now, my girls, you will be expecting punishment.” Maids cleaned the polished floor and candles dimly lit the room as the faded image of the King mystified.
“You are in the Frozen Elite for a cause, in fact, you are too young to be in it. Now I want to see better of the Captain and the Lieutenant. So I am giving you one final chance.”
Sabrina held her breath tightly.
“You know our dear, friend,” he then spat spitefully, “Etern? Lady Anahi and her…assistant?”
Obediently, they acquiesced.
Hairs of gray and gold swept the King’s face as his covered eyes directed hatefully through the window that showed a distant Kingdom.
“I want you to kill them.”
Vivian took off her black uniform thoughtlessly and threw it upon her bed; however, Sabrina neatly folded hers and laid it in her drawer. “This isn’t going to be easy,” she remarked. “Lord Felix always tried to kill Etern’s Royals for thirty years and failed. Now he expects us to do something he’s never succeeded? That’s like a prodigy telling a regular kid to pass an exam that he himself was disastrous on. Everyone knows how skilled Lord Felix is!”
“Pride runs through the Royals here,” Vivian pointed out. “The first Lord Felix created the Frozen Elite out of dignity, we are their honor.”
“That’s the most reasonable thing you ever said since I met you,” Sabrina said, bewildered with admiration.
“Actually, I quoted that from someone.” She scratched her cheek.
Sabrina was too focused to have heard that, she noticed how dark it had gotten and how horribly long this day was. It was pitch black outside, midnight maybe? The door opened with a creak and the anxious messenger scrambled in.
“Uh…I’ll escort you secretly to Etern, get ready.”
I zipped my bag and swung it over my shoulder. Time to move.
Allison walked up and sat by me. “It’s a pretty day, isn’t it?” She smiled.
I gave a hasty reply, “Oh yeah! Very.”
“I’m kinda a new member too, from two weeks ago.”
“Really? How’d they get you?” I asked like Dasha was a kidnapper and we were her victims.
“I ran away from home. Found Tuyen.”
“Tuyen, eh? Must’ve been scary.”
“Do you know how everyone else joined the group?”
“Hm….well, I knew that Chek was chased by her own crew and Dasha saved her. In the end Chek’s whole air ship…exploded.”
She thought some more.
“I think that Sagar joined because he was broke and had no money.”
“I’m guessing, but Tuyen was probably with Dasha when she started the group.”
“Whatta ‘bout Chris?”
She shook her head. “I haven’t been around him that much to know his past.”
I scrutinized the campsite. “How old is everyone? They seem very young like me, but they are more mature then what they look like.”
Allison smiled. “Yeah, we’re all around the same age as you, twelve, thirteen, and fourteen. And when you’re living with no adults, we all tough up and take care of ourselves.”
“Come on!” Tuyen clapped. I got up tiredly and helped Allison up too. “This is gonna be a long trip.” We hiked through the arched trees. I curved my neck to see tiny critters jumping around in the sunlight.
“When will we set up the campsite again?” Sagar asked.
“Four more hours,” declared Dasha and right when she said that, the bushes to the left shuddered.
“Wha?” I fixed my eyes on the gray streak that shot across us.
Almost immediately, everyone else unsheathed their weapons. As I took a step back, my heart rate increased. What is going on? “Crap!” Tuyen muttered when another flash of white-ness darted in the way of the road. Ten sleek wolves formed from the earth. They all growled at us, and what’s worse, all of them had an ‘X’ on their forehead.
Like her.
Unfortunately, I had very good memory and could recall everything that happened yesterday. Everything from when I woke up on the first day of school to when I closed my eyes in a tent, miles and miles away from my home. It was a lot to remember, and there was one scene I couldn’t stop thinking about.
I motioned for the others to follow me and a blinding glow illuminated the hall. There stood the girl with an ashen colored robe and her golden hair tied up neatly in a bun. Pale blue feathers fluttered around her. Her eyes, however, completely ruined the peaceful image: it was a solid indigo color and she had an ‘X’ on her forehead.
I wasn’t stupid enough to believe in ‘pure coincidence’. These wolves belonged to her. But why come all the way here?
The first wolf lunged at Dasha, who whipped out her scythe and blocked the dog-like fangs from chewing her head off. Every other wolf except the remaining three had its own target: Sagar, Chek, Tuyen, Chris, Allison, and me.
Chris had two gleaming swords connected together by a sturdy chain; he swung it around dangerously, making the wolf recede, but not for long. Sagar had spiked rings and attempted to stab a nearby enemy. Chekwube wielded a mythril sword which sparked a mysterious aura; she had amazing speed as she tore down her victim’s defenses. Tuyen equipped a tiny pistol and shot multiple times from long range and Allison went for Mystic spells.
Yes, what about me? I had one going after my leg. I was defenseless. I had no weapons. Everyone was driven so close to the dangerous edge to even notice me.
“I-If you eat me you’ll go to Hell!” I stuttered, feebly dodging the vicious attacks. I tripped on a rock and fell backwards; unluckily the wolf took this as an advantage and began to strike as I yelped.
Was this the end of me?
Apparently, it wasn’t (So many life and death situations, just END it will you?!). I saw a lifeless stuffed green doll near my hand and I picked it up curiously. A frog. A stuffed animal frog. It took a few milliseconds after I touched the chubby frog that my uniform’s pocket was glowing.
It seemed like time halted when I pulled out a flower out of my pocket. It was the same flower that Eric had mentioned yesterday at the Bridge of Eden. Had I picked it up when I merely went for some dirt?
Words suddenly slip out of my mouth, before I knew it I had finished saying: “Eden Bomb!”
The flower flew from my hand and rested neatly on the frog’s head. The wolf’s fangs had just reached my pants until an explosion occurred and blasted it away.
Blue light emitted from the doll. I looked at it and muttered with dumbstruck surprise:
“Is this the power of Eden?”
Someone screamed.
Still trying to butcher the wolf with my scythe, I tilted my neck to see who needed assistance. Apparently, Kimmeh had finished the wolf that was after her. She started poking a green doll with wide eyes. What the Hell is she doing?
Someone called for me. “Dasha! Move to the right!” Tuyen shouted. I snapped back to my victim and noticed that it was ready to lunge again. “Oh, no you don’t!” Digging my blade into the wolf and performing the coup de grâce, a simple laugh fluttered weakly out of my mouth. We were far from over (Go figure).
Twirling my scythe proficiently, I glared at the extra three; wondering if I should run straight in like an idiot or just finish this once and for all.
Okay, you got me red-handed: I don’t know what to do. I have this frog and a flower, and here I’m just sitting, doing nothing and looking like I’m going to hallucinate. I should help the others, but I try to comprehend the mystery of this jacked-up frog and the crunched-up flower. Dazed at what just happened; I cocked my head to see numerous battles with my friends engrossed in them. I had just realized that they were struggling, something was wrong. Every second each person stumbles even more in blocking, every moment the wolves’ muscled bodies seem to form into a mass blur…
They’re getting stronger! But how?! Why?!
I grabbed the stuffed animal and I find myself giving a strained cry when I see the wolves grabbing on any flesh they encounter on my weakened friends. Blood then starts to dot the ground, but it isn’t only ours.
Tuyen blasts off a wolf after it bites her ear, “How do you like that, *****??!! Come here and I will molest you!” The wolf yelps in pain, and backs off. However, Tuyen didn’t let it go and stabs it with her icy stare before concluding the battle with a fury of bullets. She drops onto the ground gasping and smiling at the same time, wiping the blood off her brow.
I didn’t look at her any longer; I continued watching, helpless, at the still battling allies. Chris had finished his target and worked on helping Dasha with the wolves; they were losing rapidly and wheezed whenever a new wound formed on their bare skin from the foes’ huge teeth. Red seemed to be the common color on the narrow battlefield.
Allison, Sagar, and Chek (who were not too far away) had no extra luck as they try to diminish the number of foes, the enemy’s agility and defense was growing, and I was watching them fail. Tuyen grabbed my shoulders and huffed, “The frog—is that—?” “Eden power, yeah” I said, startled at her sudden action. Tuyen plucked a petal from the thriving flower and stuffed it into her gun. “EVERYONE DOWN!” she nearly ripped her throat from screaming. Dasha grabbed Chris’s head and both hit the ground. Chek guarded Sagar and Allison as I covered my head with my hands. Tuyen giggled at the stunned looks on the wolves and let her gun go off.
The hair on my skin bristled. I had no idea what happened, except that the last thing I saw was a blaze of white and then nothing.
© 2008 Kim-KimsAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on July 19, 2008 |