Too Late

Too Late

A Story by Kimmiekit

A little bit of playing around using descriptive words.

The air was suddenly still, his body lay limp and lifeless on the pavement -- like a doll tossed across the concrete. The deer leaped into the woods on the other side, frightened, but unharmed. The blood oozed out of a gash on the forehead, seeping into his blank eyes, then falling into a crimson puddle that pooled around him.
Glass lay shattered throughout the upside-down car and dropping out the unhinged door. The child was screeching from his car seat, "Daddy! Daddy!" but it was cut short as the car engulfed in flames, followed by the wreak of gas that lingered in the air.
Sirens sent a promise in the distance, but it was too late; too much damage had been done.

© 2010 Kimmiekit

Author's Note

I'm not entirely sure what to think about this... so... what do you think? x3

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Um... Depressing? xD It's weird cause you're such a happy person--but I like the description involved--Continue it maybe? I was a bit lost at times :3

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 9, 2010
Last Updated on February 9, 2010



not there, IA

Hihi minna-san!!! ^-^ I'm 14 years old but I've been inspired to be a writer for a reeeeally long time and I just recently (New Years Eve night '09-'10 to be exact) had a dream and I decided I wanted .. more..

Emotions Emotions

A Story by Kimmiekit

1 1

A Chapter by Kimmiekit