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Compartment 114
Compartment 114


A Chapter by Kimmiekit

"Nyaaaa-n!" It was a cold winter night; the kind you'd expect in the middle of January but are finding in March. I looked out the window I just opened to the tree whose branches always wanted to shake my hand. "Not tonight, tomorrow's the first day of high school." I told it, but the branch kept shaking, beckoning me to forget about the future and enjoy the present. "Oh, alright." I gave in with a giggle.

I slipped on my new shoes; they were Nike brand or in other words the expensive brand, and I had to beg my dad to buy them for me. "Daddy, Daddy, I want them. It's high school so new shoes are a must have!" I mimicked myself as I propped my back against the trunk of the tree.

"But, I just bought you new ones!" I jolted and would have fallen off the branch if not for the other limb that hung above me that I caught onto.

"Hi Dad!" I smiled and waved casually with my right hand while pushing hair out of my face with my left. My dad was the only one left. My mom died giving birth to me, but it was okay because Dad was the perfect Mr. Mom.

"What are you doing up there little lady... or should I say little monkey?" He chuckled as if it was the funniest thing he'd said all day. He was carrying in groceries that he must have gotten on his way home from work. He was a security guard at the mall and worked second shift so he had to work right up until closing at 8:30 PM. I was wondering why he hadn't come home earlier, it was now almost 10:00! "You're gonna get yourself hurt so you better crawl right back into that window!"

I stuck my tongue out at him. I did this every night and didn't get hurt, if I get hurt now I'll blame him for being unlucky since it's the one night that he actually witnessed it. Besides the wind felt great! It weaved in between the branches and tossed glimmers of snow around, some of which caressed my face.

"Lacie, I'm giving you the count of three to get back inside the house."

"Oh, c'mon Dad, aren't I a little old for tha-"

"One... Two..."

"Okay, okay, I'm going!" I heard a chuckle from below and decided to pick up some snow, roll it into a ball, and throw it at the chuckle.

"Hey!" He tried to retaliate but his hands were still full with the groceries.

I giggle some more and reached my hand out to grab my windowsill. Dad reached his hand out to open the door. An invisible hand reached out and closed my eyes as the wind whispered, "Please sleep."

All I remember is falling. The crashing of grocery bags on the ground along with the sound of breaking glass of a jam jar. I also heard calls from down below. They were too soft to hear. Then everything was dark.

© 2010 Kimmiekit

Author's Note

Bleh... I really tried to be descriptive but it just didn't come V-V anyways please please please critique because I definitely want to get better!

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hey "A"

this was cute, like Aleeke said (And i need to get better at this) some pencutation issues(Which by the way, is that who i think it is)

And i agree with you, the discription needs some work but all that takes is some practice. other wise really good, you should add more

Posted 14 Years Ago

Oh! Send a message to The Perfectionist asking him to review your story--he gives great reviews, he's like the Simon Cowell of writing ^.^

Posted 14 Years Ago

Work on punctuation, girlie! xD Besides that, keep writing--I wanna read the rest :P

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 9, 2010
Last Updated on February 9, 2010



not there, IA

Hihi minna-san!!! ^-^ I'm 14 years old but I've been inspired to be a writer for a reeeeally long time and I just recently (New Years Eve night '09-'10 to be exact) had a dream and I decided I wanted .. more..

Emotions Emotions

A Story by Kimmiekit

Too Late Too Late

A Story by Kimmiekit