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Heart of a stone

Heart of a stone

A Poem by M.Kilani

Published in the book of "Jordan Poetry : The Departure"



A stone he was, never he had a heart

Until she came, the ending had start


Eyes she gave it so her beauty he could see

“It” not a “he”, for this stone was me


Not only beauty sees the eye

A prey inside so the eyes did cry


Later on to hear her singing she gave it ears

Songs into moans have turned and brought him more tears


Him or it … maybe it’s not the same

Maybe it’s not me … perhaps it’s a game


Lips she drew it, to speak and smile, not to kiss

Silent they turned as her voice ears miss


His body she carved from stone and dust

Almost it’s a he yet a body with no heart to trust


A heart is needed for it to be me

So a piece of her she gave to he


Heart she added and plugged the vein

Only that piece was full of her sin and pain


And I the stone couldn’t take that sorrow and sin

Suicidal he was until she told me not to give in


But now the life in her is dying

Leaving us alone bleeding and crying


Yet there is a cure, it was there from the start

Only to take back that piece of her heart


The stone has offered though she didn’t ask

She broke his heart and said “no” leaving me as a clay mask


Help her I can’t not even I can try

Hurts him her pain while her stone she deny


© 2010 M.Kilani

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To give your heart away is to die. So sad that is true. Sometimes pain is too great to keep, so giving it away is the only way to live but then without the pain, there is no joy... How the cycle goes round. Lovely write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

You vocalise emotions really well love :) That reaches out towards the reader:)
I have to say this is excellent sweet, quite tale like and thats great in a poem:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

a sad but meaningful and good poem...:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Even a stone man can be took apart by expert hands. A gentle tap will take down a laying of protection. A powerful poem. Sometime the pain we cause make us more cold and hard. When you hurt a angel. Your forgiveness of the deed you done must be forgiven by yourself. A strong ending to a powerful poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

a sorrowful and well written piece.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Piercingly sad...yet touching...

Posted 13 Years Ago

This would make an amazing story. I love that you are able to tell a story through poetry and it be so heart felt and just all around great.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hmmm very interesting. I like the putting you together piece by piece aspect. The sacrifice was nice and a sad ending to cap it. Nicely done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 25, 2010
Last Updated on September 25, 2010



Amman, Jordan

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