King of days

King of days

A Poem by M.Kilani

Published in the book of "Jordan Poetry : The Departure"



By my story you'll be impressed … as I lost all I never had

By demons I have been possessed … from love I went mad

In black I'm now dressed …crowned the king of wasteland


In desert now I stand… I stand upon my throne

Counting grains of sand … I stand all alone

For help I seek a hand … and the one I found was bone


I stand all alone … for my queen every day I wait

And my friend is a stone … stones I began to hate

One day will come that dawn … but what if I came late


Yet I grief and curse my fate … if fate stands true

I stand alone and wait … and I have nothing more to do

Though never I had a mate … but my mate I miss you


And I stand without a clue … each day like the day before

A ship without a crew … a jail without a door

And here I wait for you … but what are you waiting for


© 2010 M.Kilani

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Easy to fall to a wasteland. To hide from from the truth. I believe every person in this world have responsibility for his fellow man. No-one should want a child or man to die. To be saved is our choice. I believe in the karma of living is fair. A good man will find good people with the same desire and purpose in life. Someone the other people are waiting. You must go to them. A outstanding poem. You made me think.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


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Well said. The very first line is my favorite, especially "as I lost all I never had". Striking.

Posted 13 Years Ago

nicely done....this is another good poem:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

King of the wasteland, in the desert, on your throne, you might find that your eyes decieve you and your desert is in fact a thriving kingdom.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Ah..I love the title...and the piece as well, of is easy to fall into nothingness...You've captured that in almost story-like mode :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is really good. I love the wording and the old time feel to it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love the fisrt stanza here, a great write hon!
Powerful imagery, even more so, the emotional element to this is captivating!
The yearning but realisation is raw and inviting!
A wonderful poem love

Posted 13 Years Ago

Easy to fall to a wasteland. To hide from from the truth. I believe every person in this world have responsibility for his fellow man. No-one should want a child or man to die. To be saved is our choice. I believe in the karma of living is fair. A good man will find good people with the same desire and purpose in life. Someone the other people are waiting. You must go to them. A outstanding poem. You made me think.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Added on September 25, 2010
Last Updated on September 25, 2010



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