“I have a plan.” James smiled at us, his most daring smile. Rainy giggled in response. Cal just smiled, probably not understanding what’s going on. Jude looked interested; he was waiting to hear the good part. I just smiled loving the sound of a plan.
We use to not be such a big group actually we weren’t a group at all, we were a pair. Rainy and I. we started early, the best pickpockets around, a talent we both still have to this day. We were the sad case of children without homes. Abandoned. Left to face the world on our own. Somehow we found each other both looking for a family and security. One is better than none.
She is a year younger so I made most of the decisions. Not that my word ever stopped her though. When we were just starting out we decided we didn’t want to sleep in a box like the stereotypical homeless people. We hid away in the mall till everyone was gone and slept there. At first we were scared of being caught so we barely moved, but as time went on we figured out where the cameras couldn’t see us. We began to enjoy ourselves, it was our normal, our home. No one suspected a thing.