If You Were A Starlit Journey

If You Were A Starlit Journey

A Poem by Melissa Ridge

If you were a starlit journey,
I would, with a compass etched into my heart,
Travel through the skies,
Toss pebbles to the ocean,
Tickle the earth and watch it grow,
Aimlessly searching for a face hidden in the depths of dreams,
Every time I catch a glance you sink back beneath the waves,
A cracked marble eye touching, so tender, yet frozen,
I would hug the earth and kiss its temples,
But I know it would not let me find you.

So I search again,
And again,
Once more;
Peeping into heavens,
Neck craned, gazing at the stars,
For you I would, with the universe mapped out behind my eyelids,
Salvage the voids of space,
Chasing the echoes,
From corner to corner,
From surface to surface.

Let me dance,
And let me swim amongst the seas of cloud,
I hear the soft whisper of the twinkling eyes above,
It’s always fun to race across the moon,
All in search of you,
My journey has being long,
Long but not hopeless,
I know you don’t belong amongst the clouds nor the seas,
No that would be too easy,
You have been shooting across the skies of deserts of my dreams.

I have found you,
At last,

© 2013 Melissa Ridge

My Review

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Once again a great piece you left for us to read. Middle portion i think is much powerful and you can add few more lines ...hey..even you can write on book on this tittle...it'd be a great book if you write.
anyway, nicely penned 90/100

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Melissa Ridge

11 Years Ago

Thank you! A book? hmm..

11 Years Ago

yeah, A book... you can write a book on this tittle "JOURNEY", it'd be a great...:) it's a suggestio.. read more

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1 Review
Added on June 10, 2013
Last Updated on June 10, 2013