Lady Liberty WeepingA Poem by Kibbs FortilusGive me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Lady Liberty Weeping Two days. That's when mommy Said we were leaving We had to prepare For so long Daddy was able To get "visas" That’s what big people call Visitor books. It’s a small book That lets you Visit other countries I was so excited I really wanted to Speak English with people Who speak it everyday It's such a funny language Even stranger They read from Left to right Last week Daddy bought me A big poster It was a green statue Of a lady Holding a gold lamp "She represents hope. She opens the door And welcomes Everyone". He told me. I liked this green Statue lady She looked serious But nice at the same time. It was like she was Protecting the people Who were coming into America. Two more days. I couldn't wait. "Only two more days." Mommy tells me And kisses me On the forehead. "You’ll love it In America. Goodnight, sweetie." That night I have a nightmare. It's the strangest dream. I see the Americans They are the "American Terrorists" That my family talks about They are holding their God book (A Bible is what I think it's called) Mommy says it's a good book Just like our God book But she doesn’t think they have read it The terrorists are standing On the lamp of the woman On my poster They are waving a flag different from The American flag The “Confetti Flag” I think that’s what It’s called But she's not green anymore They painted her white And they are painting The golden lamp black I see the bully there too The fat one with the funny hair Mommy says, "He is their president. So, we have to respect him." But he acts like the bullies In my school. He is laughing and Telling them to paint faster He takes out his little worm And he starts to pee On the lady. Then I look at the lady’s face No one is looking at her but me She starts to cry But she does not cry water She is crying blood I wake up. Mommy is standing Near my bed. She has tea. “I heard you tossing, And mumbling in your sleep.” She turns on the light She has been crying. “We can’t go to America anymore, sweetie.” Mommy tells me. Daddy is talking to Our neighbor on the phone. “We’ve been banned.” Mommy begins to cry. They are water tears But I think about the blood The woman cried in my dream. --- K.S. Fort Link : Read More : © 2017 Kibbs FortilusReviews
1 Review Added on February 2, 2017 Last Updated on March 5, 2017 AuthorKibbs FortilusBerlin, Berlin, GermanyAboutCapture the Emotion. Captivate the Audience. Blog : more..Writing