Chpater 13

Chpater 13

A Chapter by ~RoyalVampire~

Sterling’s POV:

          As soon as I uttered the words, “If this is what must be done to keep her safe” I knew I was going to die. I would sacrifice myself for Evelyn, to make sure she was safe and get out alive. My father would be so disappointed if he could see where I was right now. Ready to be killed by a scum of a slayer, and not even standing but lying against a stone wall; like a coward. I was ready to feel the pain; I was ready to experience death.

          But no pain came. No blackness. All I heard was a scream and then nothing. I opened my eyes and there lying in my lap was a bloody, unconscious: Evelyn. “Evelyn?” I whispered; barely able to find my voice. I touched her face and wrapped my arms around her limp body. There was none in the tunnels with us. Weird. I swore Dorian was right here, trying to kill me. Why was Evelyn here? Then it all hit me, Dorian was just about to make the killing blow when Evelyn jumped in front of him.

          “Oh god Evelyn…what did you do? Oh no, please no.” I started to freak. She couldn’t be dead. After all this she couldn’t possibly be dead. Why did she jump out in front of me? My life is not worth that…is not worth the price that she had to pay. If I could do anything I will trade my life for hers. I sat there holding her in my arms; crying. I couldn’t believe that she was gone. She was everything I had left in this world; she was what I lived for. And for her to be taken from this world and leaving me here to suffer it alone; was cruel and unjust.

          I sat there just rocking back and forth holding her in my arms; I wasn’t going to move from this spot. She was my life and now I had no life left to live. I then heard some footsteps and I didn’t care if Dorian had come back I was ready to die anyways. “Sterling?” asked a female voice. I felt a hand on my shoulder and then a sigh. “Sterling, she’s gone. We need to get you out of here.” This irritated me, “I’m not leaving her! Damnit!” I touched her lovely face and her eyes were closed and she looked so peaceful like she was sleeping. I would have thought that if I hadn’t seen the little trail of blood that had dried on her mouth and lips.

She was pale white, the life gone from her. She was so limp and fragile…breakable. Her one arm that was broken was across her stomach and the other hung weirdly, her hand barely touching the dirt floor. Her bloody, bruised, broken body was lifeless and it was my fault. If I had stood up and killed Dorian she would be in my arms…alive.

This thought about killed me itself. Angeline spoke again, “You don’t have to leave her here. Bring her with us if you must.” Her voice was sincere but had a demanding tone to it as well. I don’t know how I found my feet, but I was up holding Evelyn in my arms walking toward the light that was up ahead; light that I didn’t want to see ever again.

I don’t remember much of the trip home or how Angeline knew where to take me. We reached my house and I carried Evelyn’s limp body inside and laid her gently on the couch. From there all I remember is Angeline talking to my father in another room, in whispered tones, and then me falling asleep, crying, by Evelyn’s side.

I woke up to my father’s voice, “Son you need to leave her for a moment. I need to check some things before we…..” he trailed off. I nodded and walked sluggishly out of the room. I felt so much pressure as I walked toward the bottom of the staircase. I sat down and put my head in my hands and sobbed.

Nemamiah’s POV:

          Seeing my son like this was taking its toll on me. There had to be something we could do for Evelyn. I have seen many people brought back to life many times, and they seem to have never died in the first place. As I checked her heart and blood, she had only been dead for a few short hours. She was a good candidate for one of those resurrections.

          While Angeline was still here we of course discussed that possibility, but even she was reluctant on even using the powers it took to bring her back. “Nemamiah you know the ramifications if we do this.” Angeline put her fingers to her right temple rubbing it slowly. “You were supposed to protect those kids in there Angeline, I trusted you with everything. You even let Dorian get away.”

          “I told you what happened, Nemamiah. You were the one that wanted the revenge not me. I only did this to save your son, nothing more.” she removed her fingers from her temple as she looked up at me. “I had no idea there was a girl involved, you left that minor detail out.” Her tone was getting irritated. “I didn’t think she would get herself killed!” I tried to calm myself before I spoke again, “But now that she has we need to find a way to bring her back. If she remains dead, my son will also remain dead.”

          Angeline knew all too well what I was talking about, she to had lost the love of her life many centuries ago. “Do not remind me of Liam!” her eyes got wider and then she turned her back to me, “You know how that memory haunts me, Nemamiah. I know what Sterling is going through, but like me, he must learn to continue to live on. I couldn’t bring Liam back…” she turned to look at me again, “even if we can bring Evelyn back that doesn’t mean it will last. Even you know this.”

          Yes, I did know what would happen. There were many things that could happen, but they were chances. “We have to try.” My voice was barely audible, but Angeline understood. “I will be back tonight with someone who might be able to help us.” She turned to walk out of the room and I followed her to the front door, “Thank you.” I said and she nodded and was gone.

          As I closed the door and began to walk back up the stairs, I heard Sterling; sobbing. Mourning the death of his love: Evelyn. I had to do something for him, but even now I felt helpless.

Sterling’s POV:

          My father had finally allowed me back into the room with Evelyn’s pale body. I sat next to her, holding the once delicate hand in mine waiting for her to just wake up. I sat there for hours, memorizing her and remembering what she was like…alive. My father had not said much to me and I didn’t hear what he and Angeline had talked about, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was for Evelyn to be alive again.

          Every once in a while I would pick up her head and lay it down on my lap as I stroked her beautiful long black hair. I would close my eyes and remember her smile and her gorgeous green eyes. The way they used to look at me…full of love. I knew Evelyn loved me, even though she never said it. The way she acted and the way she looked at me made me know she cared.

          As I remembered I dreamed, I dreamed of Evelyn alive and in my arms. We were talking and laughing, like old times. So in love and together. Suddenly, I was being shaken by a hard hand, my eyes flew open and my father, Angeline and another man were standing in front of me. “What’s going on?” I demanded trying to make myself sound more awake. “Son there is someone I would like you to meet. This is Raphael; he is here to help Evelyn.”  

          “What do you mean help Evelyn?” I asked as I started to wipe my eyes. Before my father could speak again, Raphael spoke, “Sterling, you must leave the room.” His voice was stern but kind. “I’m not leaving Evelyn again.” I was trying to keep my voice from cracking. “We are not asking you to leave her Sterling; we are asking that you wait out in the other room while we figure some things out with her body.” Angeline’s eyes looked so sincere and compassionate and I believed her. She led me to the set of white double doors and out into the front room.

          “Sterling I want you to understand something.” She looked at me with those dark brown eyes. “We are going to try to bring Evelyn back.” My eyes got bigger at the thought and before I could say anything she spoke again, “But…there are many risks involved in doing a resurrection like this. You have to know the consequences that are involved before we bring her back.” All I could do was stare at her, and the only words I heard were Bring Evelyn back…and that was all I concentrated on.

          After Angeline explained all the risks and consequences to me she returned to the room where Evelyn lay, still motionless. I agreed to stay quiet if Angeline would let me in the room to at least be there if she woke up. She finally agreed after a few minutes of debating, and I sat in a chair about 5 feet away from where they were hovered around Evelyn’s body talking quietly and quickly.

          After a few hours Raphael finally spoke, “If she doesn’t wake up in the next few minutes then she is lost forever and her body must be buried so her soul can rest in peace.” He was holding her pale, cold hand in his and closed his eyes as spoke in an old Angelic language that I had heard my father use before. I sat there listening to the utter silence as I concentrated on hearing Evelyn’s breathing come or the sound of her heart beating….but I heard nothing.

          Not one thud of her heart restarting, or one breathe that signified that she was starting to come back, there was nothing but utter, dead silence. This couldn’t be happening; she had to come back to me. She was a fighter and I knew I had to do something. I stood up and walked over to the where they sat staring at her still lifeless body. “Son what are you doing? You need to stay over there till this is over.” My father demanded me. I didn’t say anything all I did was take her hand in mine and stroked her long black hair.

          “Sterling, please go back to your chair.” demanded Raphael in a stern, hard tone. “No.” I whispered and I leaned my head down to where her heart would be and I closed my eyes as I thought over and over, Live, please Evelyn. Come back to us. As I laid there for a moment, I suddenly thought I heard a thud. I automatically sat up and stared at her body and so did everyone else. I thought I saw her chest move up and down slightly, and then another loud thud…


© 2009 ~RoyalVampire~

My Review

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At first I couldn't belive Evelyn DIED but then when you wrote that there gonna bring her back to life I was liike "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Im going to stalk you by your computer and force you to tell me the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!
he,he I wish I was that smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How far are you on the next chapter???????????????????
OHHHHHHHHH, I wanted to ask you about the book you and someother writer created, I
think thats great that us writers can come together and share our great ideas by this web
site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND GOD BLESS WRITERSCAFE AND AMERICA , AMEN!!!!!!!!!(hehe!!)!!!!!!!!!
Well im suposed to be doing research so I guess I have to end this veary long review, so farwell!!!!!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 26, 2009



Grand Blanc, MI

I am 24 yrs of age, and married to a wonderful man, whom I met on here actually =) I am attending college to become a medical assistant, and should be graduating by the end of this year. I am a cra.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by ~RoyalVampire~

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by ~RoyalVampire~