Chapter 9

Chapter 9

A Chapter by ~RoyalVampire~

Sterling’s POV:

          I was getting more and more excited about the party for Rose tonight, plus I got to see Evelyn as well. The only reason I asked her to bring Rose to the party was to make sure that she did come. I hadn’t been the best at pursuing her, but she was so mysterious and carried herself in a way that made it look like she was hiding a secret. I wanted to get closer to her and be there for her when she finally needed someone to talk to, but tonight at the party she was driving me insane. I noticed how gorgeous she had looked tonight and it took just enough restraint to kiss her hand and walk away.

          After I talked with Rose for a few moments and had dinner, I tried to find Evelyn but got distracted by a few friends of mine. I finally spotted her in the room where people were just chatting and I knew this was my chance when I started to feel really weird and light-headed I knew I hadn’t drank much tonight. I suddenly got a major headache and then it was gone in a few minutes. I shrugged it off and that was when Rose started talking to me. She was thanking me for the party and for inviting all of her friends. We were having a great conversation when my legs gave out and before I fell into unconsciousness I said, “Evelyn.”

Evelyn’s POV:

          I ran out the front door where Sterling was laying on the ground, unconscious. “Sterling! Oh my god!” I ran to his side and lifted his head and sat it in my lap and lowered my head to his face to hear if he was still breathing, he was it was shallow but he was alive. “Rose call 911!” I said as I handed her my cell phone. “Don’t you dare leave us Sterling; you stay here with me you hear me, stay here.” I had tears running down my face, and heard Rose on the phone frantic. About 5 minutes later, the ambulance arrived and I insisted that I ride with Sterling to the hospital so they let me in the back.

          We finally got there when they rushed him into the ER where the told me to wait in the lobby, “No I need to be with him!” “Miss I understand. But you aren’t family and when he is awake you will be the first person we will tell.” She then turned and walked through the doors. I walked out to the lobby and spotted Rose who instantly gave me a hug.

          We sat in the lobby for what seemed like hours when finally a doctor emerged from a set of double doors, “Miss Evelyn Cook?” “Yes?” I said as I stood up. “Mr. Hughes will be okay. He was dehydrated and very weak, but we have given him some IV’s and he is waking up and has requested to see you.” “Great.” I gave Rose a hug and she nodded as I followed the doctor to where Sterling was.

          I walked into the room and he was sleeping at the moment, he was hooked up to all these tubes and I almost couldn’t walk in any further. I hated hospitals and it reminded me of the time I was in the hospital and Austin was there when I woke up. I slowly made my way over to the side of the bed and sat down quietly. As soon as I sat down Sterling opened his eyes and looked over at me, “Hey.” His voice was hoarse and he looked so tired. “Hi, sorry I woke you. The doctor said you wanted to see me.” “Yeah.” He tried to prop himself up. I instantly got up, “Here let me help you with that.” I moved some pillows behind him so he could sit up a little better. “Did they tell you what was wrong?” he asked trying to get himself comfortable.

          “Yeah, they said you were dehydrated and weak. They gave you some fluids through the IV’s and said you should be fine after getting some rest.” I smiled. He grabbed my hand and wrapped his fingers through mine. My first instinct was to pull my hand away, but I left it there. “Thank you.” he said. “For?” “Saving my life. If you wouldn’t have called 911 then I wouldn’t be here.” “Well I wasn’t really going to leave you on your own front lawn; unconscious.” I teased.

          “Well I appreciate it. I mean I have no idea what happened. One minute I was fine the next I woke up here.” “Rose told me you said my name before you went unconscious. Do you remember why you did?” “I don’t know, maybe you were on my mind.” He sighed and his eyes were starting to close. “Listen, I will be here. But you need to get some sleep alright. If you need anything I will be right here.” He smiled and then let go of my hand as he drifted off to sleep. I sat there for a while just watching him sleep when I was startled by a man.

          “You must be Evelyn.” He said with an accent matching Sterling’s. “I am Mr. Hughes, Sterling’s father.” “Oh!” I sat up and offered him the seat I was in. “Oh no thank you I am only here to make sure my son is alright, but it looks like you are taking very good care of him, Evelyn.” He smiled at me as he walked over to the window. “Did the hospital call you?” I asked out of curiosity. “No, I actually was coming back from a business trip and I noticed that Sterling was not at home and managed to find out that he was here.”

          “I’m sorry if your home was a mess, we were….” He cut me off. “Do not worry about that, I understand. Sterling was of more importance and I am forever grateful to you for taking care of my son.” I nodded. What was it with this family and thanking you me much, I mean I could understand if it would have been a serious problem; like a car…no I wasn’t going to go that route again. I was going to concentrate on Sterling. “If you would like to get something to eat or stretch your legs I can watch Sterling for a bit?” His father turned around and I swear I saw his eyes change color, but I must have been a play of light. “Um…sure. I need to go tell my girlfriend about him but I shouldn’t be gone long.” “Take your time. I will be fine staying here.” I nodded and walked out the door.

          I finally reached the lobby where Rose and Isabella were sitting they got up as soon as they saw me, “How is he?” asked Rose. “He’s fine. The fluids seem to be helping him and he just needs a lot of rest.” Both girls sighed and smiled, “Good.” said Isabella. “We could have come to the room so you didn’t leave Sterling alone.” “Funny thing, his dad is here.” “Mr. Hughes is here?!” Isabella’s eyes got big. “He like never leaves a business conference unless it’s something majorly important.” “Well his son is in the hospital.” I said sternly. “Well, yeah true.” said Rose.

          “You girls want anything to eat? Mr. Hughes is watching over Sterling for a bit and said if wanted to grab a bite to eat that it would be fine.” “Yeah sure we are hungry.” said Rose.

Sterling’s POV:

          “Father? What are you doing here?” I asked as my vision went from blurry to clear. “Well, I wasn’t expecting for you to change so soon son. I was hoping I would be home when it took place. This is only the beginning.” “Beginning of what?” “Your transformation.” I was so confused, “My transformation to what?” “Just rest for now and I will answer all your questions when you return home, for now you are fine.” I laid there trying to figure out what was going on with me, what was happening?

Evelyn’s POV:

          Rose and Isabella went home for the night and said they would be back in the morning to come visit Sterling. I made my way back to Sterling’s room and his dad was still there. “Ahh, how was your dinner?” “Very good thank you. You can leave I plan on staying the night with Sterling.” “Very well, I will be back in the morning to bring him home. Till then Miss Cook.” He nodded and then left the room. There was something odd about Mr. Hughes, something different.

          I walked over to the chair and made myself comfortable, Sterling was still asleep and he looked so peaceful. I finally drifted off to sleep myself and when I woke the sun was shining in my face. It was 8 o’clock in the morning and Sterling was sitting up in his bed watching TV. “Good morning sleepy head.” He teased. “Muffin?” he pointed to a big huge blueberry muffin on his tray. “No thanks. You sure do look a lot better today.” “I feel a lot better. I get to go home today which is nice. I hate being in the hospital.” “Yeah your dad was here visiting you did you know that?” I asked getting up from my chair and stretched. “Yeah, I remember hearing his voice. Did you talk to him?” He flipped the TV off and set the remote on the table beside his bed.

          “Yeah I did. He seemed nice and said he would be here to take you home.” “He actually just called and said he couldn’t make it to the hospital, so could you take me home?” “Uh…sure. Let me talk to the nurse and find out what time you can leave.” I finally found one of the nurses and she let me know he was ready to leave whenever. We gathered up his things and the nurse pushed him out to my car and I helped him get in. On our way back to his house, he held my hand again. I pretending that I had to use my hand to turn and he instantly let go.

          “Alright here we are, home sweet home.” I laughed and I got out and opened his door and helped him up to the front door where his dad was waiting. “Sorry I couldn’t come up to the hospital to get Sterling.” He said as he helped his son onto the couch in the living room. “It’s alright. I didn’t mind bringing him home. If you need anything please let me know, he has my number. I will back at the campus.” “I will do that, thank you again.” I smiled and then walked back to my car and too off towards the campus.

Sterling’s POV:

          I was lying on the couch watching TV when a sudden pain ripped through my body and I screamed in horror, my father came running in and was holding my thrashing body down. “Listen to my voice Sterling, you are changing son it will hurt to the point where you can’t bare it but you must push through the pain it will only last for a few days and at the end of the change you will be very sensitive to everything around you.” I couldn’t respond to him because of all the agony I was in.

          I felt like I was burning from the inside out and it wasn’t getting any better. It continued for another hour and then suddenly it was gone, but my head and heart were pounding and every little noise was killing my head. I tried to open my eyes but the light just seared. So my dad carried me up to my room where it was pitch black and left me there so continue with the transformation.

          I thought about Evelyn through the times that the pain would get to the point where I wanted to die, but thinking her name and remembering her voice pulled me through. After all of this pain and transformation was through I was going to tell her how I felt about her.

Evelyn’s POV:

          I was starting to worry about Sterling, it had been three days and there had been no sign of him. I knew he was really tired, but he looked like he was doing a lot better. Maybe his dad was being dumb and not letting him out of the house because of the incident at his house a few nights ago. I was hoping to talk to him soon, and after my classes today I was going to go over to his house and talk to him and make sure he was alright.

          I was in my room finishing up my homework when Rose walked in with Kara our friend down the hall. “Hey I thought you were going to Sterling’s today?” she asked as she threw her book bag on the desk and grabbed a water from our mini fridge. “Yeah I am; I was just finishing up some homework before I took off.” I closed my book and set it by my laptop on my bed.

          “I will catch you two later, have a great night.” I grabbed my purse and keys and closed the door as I walked out. I finally got to Sterling’s house and rang the doorbell. The door opened slowly and Mr. Hughes stood there a stressful look on his face, “What a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?” “I was here to see Sterling actually; I have been worried about him. Haven’t seen him on campus for three days. May I speak to him?” I placed my sunglasses on the top of my head as I spoke. “Actually Sterling isn’t in the best condition to speak right now, can you…” Mr. Hughes was cut off by a blood curdling scream from upstairs. “Evelyn you must go now!” he tried to shut the door on me. “No I am not leaving till I speak with Sterling, what is going on Mr. Hughes!?”

          “Fine, come in but do not come upstairs until you are told to do so.” He then let me in and I sat down in the front room as he hurried his way up the stairs. Finally after several minutes he came down, his face seemed more peaceful and he approached me. “Evelyn what you are about to see and be told is never to leave this house, do you understand?” His voice was stern but gentle. All I could do was nod, “Very well. Follow me upstairs please.” I left my purse in the chair I was sitting in and slowly followed Mr. Hughes upstairs.

          I followed him into a dark room; the only light was very dim candle burning by his beside table. I heard the shallow breathing of who I hoped was Sterling. Mr. Hughes grabbed my hand and sat me down on a soft chair it felt like. He then walked over to where Sterling was laying in the bed. I heard him whisper something and a moan came from his chest. “Evelyn, you may approach Sterling just be sure to remain quiet as possible.” “I don’t…” “All your questions will soon be answered my dear.” I swallowed my fear and walked slowly over to the bed, I sat on the edge. I could hear Sterling moaning like he was in agony and then I felt his hand touch mine. It was burning up!

          “Ster…ling?” I stuttered. I saw a faint glow of light coming from a very dim candle. I could make out Sterling’s face, it was scrunched up like he was experiencing something awful but I didn’t understand why. “Evelyn, what you are about to be told will make you think we are crazy. You might not ever want to come back to this house or see Sterling again. But if you are to be involved with my son and I can see that you already are then you need to be told the truth. Sterling will be able to tell you in a few hours himself, but he has requested that you be here for the last few hours of his transformation.”

          I suddenly froze, “Transformation?” All I heard was the door shut and then the faint breathing of Sterling beside me. All I could do was sit there in utter confusion and scared out of my mind. After a few minutes of sitting there in the dark I decided that I wanted to know what the hell was going on. I made my way out of the room and found Mr. Hughes’ office. “Come in Evelyn.” He said as I made my way in and closed the door. “I demand to know what the hell is going on! Why is Sterling in so much pain, what did you do to him?” “I did nothing this is his destiny, he was meant for this change since the day he was born. It has come sooner then what we had hoped, but it has begun.” “What are you talking about? What has begun? You will tell me or I will leave this house at once!”

          Then a voice I recognized spoke from behind me, “There will be no need for that, Evelyn.” I slowly turned and there in the doorway was Sterling; smiling. He looked like nothing had happened to him. “I will take care of this father.” Mr. Hughes nodded and he took my hand. “No! I am not going anywhere with you, not till I hear what the hell happened!” I took my hand back from his grasp. “Very well. Evelyn I’m not human.” “Of course you are.” “I may look human, but I do not poses the human body. I am more powerful and stronger than you can imagine.” “What do you mean? How? You were just in the hospital three days ago.” “Yes, that was because my body was becoming what it was born to be. My human body was becoming weak and eventually gave out.”

          “What do you mean?” I was starting to back up and as I did I eventually hit the wall behind me with a loud thud. “Please Evelyn I need you to not freak out on me when I tell you this. I was born into a family of ancient immortals. That is the secret that my family had been trying to keep for centuries. We are known as Nephilim but to the human race we are known as angels; fallen angels.” “What? Wait…no,no,no,no. You’re kidding right!?” I slumped against the wall and fell to the floor, shaking. “Evelyn please. I am telling you the truth because I want you to know and I think I am falling in love with you. But I wanted you to accept me for who I am and not a lie.”

          “You love me? A lie?” I suddenly felt rage go through my entire body as I stood up and stood inches from Sterling as I shouted into his face. “Do you think this is just some sort of sick joke?! That you tell me you love me and I automatically accept you for who you are and say ‘oh well all is forgiven’? What the hell Sterling! You make me worried sick and then you have this lame excuse that your a…a…what? Angel! Come on, you expect me to believe that crap?! I was really pissed off now.

          “I know it’s hard to understand, but please just give me the chance to prove to you how I feel and show you that I am what I say I am.” He walked closer to me. “No! I don’t want you anywhere near me. Get out of my way!” I looked over to Mr. Hughes who was sitting in his chair just watching everything was taking place. “Evelyn, please.” Sterling begged. “Son, let her go. She will come around in due time.” “Ugh!” I pushed past Sterling and ran down the steps and grabbed my purse as I burst through the doors and got into my car. I never wanted to see Sterling again, I was done with him.

© 2009 ~RoyalVampire~

My Review

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WoW !!!
Wonderfully written !!!
WoW !!!
Very very well done indeed !!!
A marvel for sure !!!
WoW !!!
I can't wait for the next chapter to begin !!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 28, 2009
Last Updated on May 28, 2009



Grand Blanc, MI

I am 24 yrs of age, and married to a wonderful man, whom I met on here actually =) I am attending college to become a medical assistant, and should be graduating by the end of this year. I am a cra.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by ~RoyalVampire~

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by ~RoyalVampire~