![]() Chapter 8A Chapter by ~RoyalVampire~After a couple days of settling into the new routine, I was starting to like this school. My roommates Isabella and Rose were amazing and they new cute guy in school, which by the way I didn’t care about one bit, and they always were wanting to hang out with me and go to parties. Paul would call and talk to me everyday, making sure I was settling well and that I wasn’t freaking out or sitting a corner all alone and crying. I convinced him I was fine and for him to come up and visit soon with Grace. He said he would try between classes at the community college and work. It was good to know that my friends still cared about me even though I was thousands of miles away from them. Classes were good, I decided on doing a business major for now. I always found any type of business fascinating. Besides it was an easy major to start out with, I mean it was Harvard after all. So after my first set of classes I was in the cafeteria eating with some friends from class when I noticed this guy walk in with like three other guys. “Who are you staring at?” one of the girls asked me turning around to see the hunk I was gazing at when she gasped. “You shouldn’t even be looking at him, Evelyn.” “Why not? Who is he?” “That’s Sterling Hughes; he is a transfer from England. Hottest guy here, and totally unavailable.” “Unavailable like he has a girlfriend?” “No unavailable as in no girl is good enough for him, he only dates girls who are rich, and even those ones he hates to date.” “Don’t worry. I avoid guys like Sterling.” I turned around and continued to eat my lunch. I was walking back to my dorm when I dropped my notebook; I bent over to pick it up but was surprised when it was picked up and handed to me. “Um, thank you.” I said before I realized who I was talking to. “Anytime.” His English accent was amazing, but thankfully I kept control over myself. “Name is Sterling Hughes, yours?” “Uh…Evelyn Cook.” I placed my notebook back under my stack of book that I held in my arm. “First time to Harvard, I see.” I looked at my books, “How can you tell?” “I did the same thing when I came here my first year. Do you need any help?” “No, thank you. I think I can manage, but thank you for the offer.” “Well I guess I will see you around…Evelyn.” He smiled and then walked away. My heart was pounding, and I was trying to breathe right. No, no, no. Evelyn snap out of it. He is just a guy with an accent that is the only reason you like him, now snap out of it! I finally reached my room and thankfully I was alone for the time being. I reached for my cell phone and dialed Paul’s number, I needed guy advice. “Hey Evelyn, what’s up?” “I need some help Paul.” “With?” “A guy?” “Already Evelyn, what happened do I need to kick his a*s for you?” “No, no. Nothing like that, I need to get over the fact that he is just a guy and not get myself interested in him.” “Oh? Why?” “I’m not ready Paul you know that.” “Right, well here is what you do…” After spending almost two hours on the phone with Paul, I finally figured out how I was going to get my mind off of Sterling. By just ignoring him, that’s right, just ignore and avoid any contact with him in general. He will move on to another girl and forget about me. Besides I was still wearing the ring Austin gave me, no it wasn’t on my left hand, but I wore it on my right hand to remind me of him always. He always held the key to my heart and it would always remain that way, till the day I die. Two weeks had passed and I hadn’t made any contact with Sterling, I was getting pretty excited that I hadn’t till something unexpected happened late last night. I was out for my usual stroll under the stars when I noticed someone was sitting on the bench, head in their hands. I decide to just ignore them, but then I realize its Sterling. I debated with myself for ten minutes when I heard Austin’s voice in my head; it startled me since I hadn’t heard it in months. Evelyn do what you know is right, he needs someone. Go to him, be a friend. I nodded and slowly walked over to him. I touched his shoulder, “Sterling?” I whisper. He looked up at me, his face tear stained, “Evelyn?” his voice sounds shocked, “what are you doing out here?” “Well, I usually take a walk at night to clear my head and I happened to see you. Are you alright?” “Actually, I’m not.” “I’m a pretty good listener, if you want to vent.” I smile. “It’s my family. Well more of my father…you see everyone thinks that I am just a normal guy from England but in reality….I’m not. Evelyn I’m not who you think I am. I’m dangerous.” “What do you mean?” “My family comes from a very long line of royals. But there are some secrets that my families’ ancestors wanted to be kept secrets and now they are being revealed more and more to the public. My family has to go into hiding because of what has been revealed about the Hughes line.” “What was revealed that put your family into hiding?” I asked really interested now. His face paled and he stared into my eyes, “I can’t tell you Evelyn. I don’t want you involved. You will be in grave danger if you knew the secrets of our family. I can’t do that too you.” “Sterling, if you need anyone to confide in. I’m your woman.” “Thank you. I appreciate that and I will keep it in mind when I need too. As for now, I can’t let you know anything. I should get back to my dorm.” He slowly stands up and I do after a moment. “Good night Evelyn.” He nods and then walks back up the sidewalk toward the men’s dorms. I stand there confused and then I decide to go back to my dorm. “Where have you been?” asks Rose as I close the door behind me. “I just want for a walk to clear my head and you will never guess who I ran into?” “Who!” “Sterling Hughes.” “What! What did he say to you?” “Well I noticed he looked like he was stressed and I asked him to tell me about it and all he said was ‘his family had a secret that was revealed and he doesn’t want me in danger’.” “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” “I have no idea, but I’ll just let it go for now, the guy weird’s me out sometimes.” “Ya, he has that affect on most of the girls here. Part of the reason why he won’t date any of them.” I could get that night out of my head. What was so important that his family had to into hiding? I mean sure some secrets are bad and some are just shocking, but for one to be this traumatic…I have to know what it is. I was going to find out, but how? There had to be someway to get Sterling to tell me without him actually telling me. I needed to become friends with him, so he would feel more comfortable around me. I didn’t like the thought of trying to get to know him better after I tried avoiding him for weeks, but this was for my curiosity sake and I had to know what his secret was. One month went by and thing were getting better between me and Sterling, we were hanging out he was opening up to me a lot more and I heard the most interesting things about England, but never in that month did I even get a little hint of what his secret was. Sterling was different than Austin, he was a gentleman, but he was also mysterious in a way. I felt like there was side to Sterling that I never knew. A part that he kept hidden for none to see but himself; that was the side I wanted to know, the side I wanted to see come out. One night while we were out with a group of friends he pulled me to the side, “Evelyn I need to confide something in you.” He was whispering. “Anything, what is it?” I was getting excited that it had something to do with his secret. “I am planning a surprise birthday party for Rose and I was wondering if you would be the one to bring her to the location, since you are her roommate. Could you do that?” My heart sank, “Yea sure. Just let me know where and when.” “Great, you’re the best!” We then slipped back into the group we were with. I finally decided I wasn’t getting anywhere with Sterling. He wasn’t going to break and I had about enough of prying and trying to get anything out of him. I decided I was going to give up; I was tired to playing games. When he wants people to know what his secret is he will tell them…wont he? I also decided to stay far away from him as possible, I was hanging around him too much and he was getting the wrong impression…that was something I didn’t want to deal with right now. I couldn’t handle a guy chasing me and trying to date me, not after what happened with Austin. I wasn’t ever going to love again…ever! Austin was my soul mate and God decided to take him from me, so be it. I was going to spend the rest of my life alone then, forever. “Rose we need to go now!” I was pacing the room as I waited for Rose to exit the bathroom. “Alright hold your horses! I need to look perfect.” I walked over to the door that was opened now, “You look great. Let’s go we are going to be late.” “Aright fine, let me grab my purse.” As soon as we got to the huge house…no let me take that back…mansion…we started up the walk and I opened the front door. We turned the light on as soon as I did so everyone jumped out and yelled, “SURPRISE!!!” Rose shrieked in excitement and then smiled. “Oh my god! Thank you guys!! Whose I idea was this?” Sterling stepped forward with a smile on his face, he looked so handsome. He was wearing jeans and a baby blue shirt with a sport jacket overtop and his hair was just slightly messed but like he had styled it as well. Quit it! I told myself, now is not the time for this. “Evelyn, you look gorgeous.” His voice was soft and his accent was smooth. “Thank you.” I smiled and he had my hand in his and he lifted it up to his mouth and kissed it and then smiled as he retreated back into the where the crowd was gathered around Rose. I stood there unable to move for a moment, did that really just happen? I’m sure it meant nothing he was just being polite was all, yes that’s all. The party was amazing, Rose had so many friends and it was so nice of Sterling to have the party at his huge gorgeous home. I mean we were only in one room, but it felt like we were in 3 at once. He had a cake table with the presents on it, and then he had another room with a bar and a dance floor in it and then another for those who just wanted to sit and chat. I was chatting with some friends of mine when I heard a scream and I saw Rose run into the room and look at me her face paled and tears streaming down her face, “Its Sterling!!” © 2009 ~RoyalVampire~ |
1 Review Added on May 19, 2009 Author![]() ~RoyalVampire~Grand Blanc, MIAboutI am 24 yrs of age, and married to a wonderful man, whom I met on here actually =) I am attending college to become a medical assistant, and should be graduating by the end of this year. I am a cra.. more..Writing