![]() Chapter 4A Chapter by ~RoyalVampire~Back to the present day: It was only 1 month before we all graduated from high school and I was getting more and more nervous about graduating because my whole world will collapse way too soon. Me and Grace were looking for graduation outfits in Forever 21 when I realized I hadn’t heard from Austin in a while, so I decided to text him. Hey baby, just wanted to know if everything was alright…txt me back when you can. Love ya <3 I held my phone as I waited to hear a response…nothing. So I shoved my phone back into my purse and walked over to where Grace was standing. “Isn’t this adorable? You should totally try this one on. You would look stunning in it!” I just stared at the dress she was holding and fumed about the fact Austin was ignoring me. So many thoughts went through my head…what did I do? Am I pushing him away? He never said anything? Was that a bad sign? I mean he is moving away, maybe he’s using it as a cover to break up with me? Oh god…no Evelyn don’t think that way…stop it! “Evelyn? Are you okay?” Grace was waving her hand in front of my face. “Uh…yeah sorry. How about I met you in the food court? I’m really not in the mood for shopping, but have fun. Hope you find something.” I tried to smile, but all that really came out was a smirk. “Umm…ok? Meet you in about an hour.” She looked at me weirdly and I left the store. I needed to clear my head, so I decided to go outside for a little bit and shake off these thoughts I was having when I heard my cell go off. I got so excited that it was Austin when I noticed that it wasn’t him, but his brother Tim.…well my soon to be brother-in-law. “Hi Tim, what’s up?” I asked nonchalantly. “Hey Evie! How you been?” “Okay, Tim you like never call me. Is there something wrong with Austin?” “No, he’s fine. I actually just got off the phone with him and he was on his way to pick up some graduation stuff. I was wondering how you and Austin were doing recently?” “Fine, I guess. I haven’t talk to him in like two days and am worried about him.” “Yeah, he told me he’s been meaning to talk to you but had a lot going on right now.” “So he told you to call his girlfriend?!” I was getting irritated now. “No, he doesn’t know that I called you and please don’t tell him. I thought that you might like to know what’s going with him so you two aren’t on bad terms alright.” “Yeah sure…whatever.” I was still pissed. “Well he is having a hard time leaving you. He is afraid that you will forget him.” “Why in the hell would he think that!” I couldn’t control my anger; he had no right thinking that! “Evie, calm down sweetie. I know you are upset, but you have to understand that he will be thousands of miles away from you, and the only way he can talk to you is through the phone and if you get caught up in college and life that you will forget him.” I couldn’t hold in my tears and anger anymore, “Tim you know damn well that I am not going to college. I am waiting for him to come back in a year like he promised and when he gets back we are going to get married and be happy together!” Tears were running down my face. “I’m sorry Evie I didn’t mean to make you cry. I just wanted to let you know what he was thinking right now and why he might be avoiding talking to you. You know he loves you and that will never change, maybe you should talk to him and let him know how you feel without letting him know that I told you, alright?” “Yeah I will. Thanks.” “Anytime lil sis. Talk with you later, cheer up k?” “I will try Tim, bye.” I flipped my phone closed and tucked it back into my purse. All I could think about on the ride home was what Tim had told me. How could Austin think those things? I had to set him straight. I told myself I was going to call him as soon as I got home from shopping with Grace. She had found two dresses and said that the one she didn’t wear I could for graduation. She was babbling on about all the good deals she found, while I blocked out her talking thinking about what I was going to say to Austin. “Evelyn, are you okay? You seem kind of distant lately?” I stared out the window as I talked to her, “I’m fine. Just have a lot on my mind right now.” The rest of the way home was quiet. I flipped opened my phone and scrolled through my contacts till Austin’s number popped up on the screen, I hit the send button and waited to hear the dreadful ringing sound following. After three rings a sad voice answered, “Hello?” “Hi Austin.” “Oh hey Evie, what’s going on?” “I think we need to talk in person.” I was trying to keep my voice steady. “Oh? About what exactly?” “The reason why you have been avoiding me.” “Avoiding you? What the hell Evie, I haven’t been avoiding you at all. I’ve just been really busy.” “Whatever, can I come over please?” “I guess so. Give me 15 minutes please.” “Alright, be there in 15.” I closed my phone and set in on my bedside table and lay back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. As I drove to his house all I could think about was that I was losing him, I felt him slipping through my fingers and I couldn’t do anything about it. I finally reached his driveway and pulled in as I beeped my horn giving him fair warning that I was there. I slowly climbed out of my Mustang; I saw him leaning against one of the posts on the porch, wearing faded jeans and an American Eagle t-shirt that I had bought him. His hair was swept to one side, like a Zac Efron hairstyle, and looked somewhat wet. He didn’t smile when I approached him; instead he looked serious with his hands in his pockets, as he stared me down. I felt like I was going to fall apart into tiny little pieces, but I gained the strength to find my voice and say, “Where do you want to talk?” He motioned toward the porch swing. I walked up the steps and met him over at the swing. As I sat down all the courage immediately left me. All I wanted to do was cry, but I had to be strong for myself and him. I looked forward, scared to look him in the eyes and was trying to gather my thoughts together when he startled me by saying, “Evelyn, what’s going on? Your hands are shaking.” He laid one of his hands on top of one of mine to steady it. I hadn’t noticed that my hand was shaking till he mentioned it. I took a deep breath in and let it out and then finally said, “Why do you think I will forget you?” I turned to meet his eyes when I saw the surprise and confusion in them. “Forget me? When did I ever say that?” I tried to not get upset, “Oh come on! I would be thinking the same thing if I was moving!” I started to get up but he grabbed my wrist and made me sit back down. “Evie…I could never forget you, ever.” I looked into his eyes and felt like he meant every word as tears ran down my face. “Please don’t cry sweetheart. I love you.” He wrapped his arms around me as I placed my head on his chest and sobbed for a minute or two. “I will never forget you Austin. I want to be yours forever.” I could only whisper at this point. “I know darling. I want to be with you forever too. We just have to get through this one year and then we can be together forever.” He placed a hand on the side of my face and leaned in for another passion filled kiss that sent tingles all over my body making me have goose bumps. Graduation day had finally arrived and me and Austin were doing great! We had been together so much that people were getting sick of us kissing all the time, but I wasn’t complaining one bit. I picked up Grace on my way to school and we both were very excited. She had on a pink and black sleeveless dress, black heels and her hair was curled and pinned back on one side. I was wearing the other dress she bought, it was dark purple with a black outline of the flower on the bottom left corner of the dress and had black flats on and my hair was also curled. We finally arrived at the school parking lot and I found Austin’s car and parked right next to it. Me and Grace got out and ran into the building to get our caps and gowns on before the ceremony started. “Can you believe that we are graduating today?” Grace said as she fixed her cap in the mirror. “No, I’m happy and sad. I’m going to miss everyone and…” “I know…here let me help you.” “Proud parents, friends, and students, today is a very special day as we celebrate the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. Let me introduce our valedictorian Miss Lillian Miles.” The principle clapped as Lillian approached the microphone and made her speech. “Now we will hand out the diplomas…Mr. Andrew Ames….” Then I heard my name, “Miss Evelyn Cook…” I slowly moved my way towards the platform and walked up the stairs towards Principle Meyer’s as he handed me my diploma and shook my hand. Then I flipped my tassel to the other side as the students cheered. I sat back down next to Grace. Moments later… “Mr. Austin Taylor…” I stood up and cheered, “Yeah baby!” He smiled and winked at me as he shook Principle Meyer’s hand and flipped his tassel as he lifted both hands in the air and yelled, “Hell yeah!” Then it was Grace’s turn… “Miss Grace Williams…” She made her way up and smiled as she shook Principle Meyer’s hand and flipped her tassel as she blew a kiss to the crowd. After all the kids were announced the principle said, “I now give you the class of 2009!” We cheered and threw our caps in the air as Austin turned me around to face him and kissed me. That was going to be the best moment ever…sadly it would be the last great moment I had of Austin. After we talked to all of our parents and said some goodbye’s to some of our friends; me, Austin, and Grace were standing by our cars. Paul came up while were talking, “Hey guys there is going to be a party at Mike’s ya’ll need to come! Woo hoo!” We all laughed and Grace said she was going to ride with Paul and that we would meet her there, we already had plans of our own. I told Austin that I would meet him at the jewelry store. We both got in our cars and took off. We both reached the jewelry store about 20 minutes later. Austin grabbed my hand as we walked in and I smiled. “Hello, welcome to Tiffany’s. What are you two looking for today?” asked the gentleman behind the counter. “Well, my girlfriend here is looking for an engagement ring.” He squeezed my hand. “What size are you looking for miss?” I looked up at Austin and he whispered, “Anything you like baby.” “How about these?” I asked pointing at some gorgeous diamond rings. “Oh excellent choice miss.” He handed me a 1 karat princess cut solitaire diamond ring. I placed it on my finger and watched as the light caught the beautiful colors in it and I immediately fell in love with it. “How much?” asked Austin. “That one will run you about three grand.” Said the gentlemen. “Oh Austin I can find something more reasonable…” He cut me off. “No if that is the one you like that is the one I will get you.” He smiled and kissed me. “So miss are you wanting to wear it out of the store or is this for a later date?” he smiled at Austin. “She will be wearing it of the store” he turned to me, “do you mind if I do something first?” I nodded. He took the ring from the man and got down on one knee, “Evelyn Rose Cook, I have loved you for the past three years and now I know for sure that you are the one that I want to marry. Will you be mine forever?” Tears started down my face and I said, “Yes.” He slid the ring on my finger and picked me up as he twirled me around and kissed me again. As we walked out of the store, I couldn’t help but keep staring at my hand. I was engaged! This ring was gorgeous and Austin was mine! I couldn’t be happier. “So does the future Mrs. Taylor want to go celebrate our engagement?” “Of course, but first she would like to kiss the newly engaged man in front of her.” I leaned in and melted into his arms as he wrapped his hands around my waist as he pulled me in closer to him. “Hey I will meet you at the party. I need to grab a few things from the house.” Austin said as he climbed into his car. I rolled down my window and blew him and kiss and said, “I love you forever Austin.” “I love you too sweetheart, see you soon.” He backed up and took off. I stayed there for a minute just staring at my gorgeous ring excited to show it off to all of our friends. I backed up and took off towards Mike’s house. I arrived about a half an hour later, there was music blaring from the house and it was starting to get dark. I rang the doorbell and Mike answered the door, “Hey Evie! Come in! Where’s Austin?” “He had to get something, but will be here soon.” I ran my left hand through my hair, “Whoa! Evie are you and Austin engaged?” I hadn’t noticed that I shown it off, “Oh…yeah he just purposed to me.” “Congrats you!” He gave me a huge hug and led me into the house. I was immediately was enveloped with people asking me when it happened and when we planned on getting married and so on. I finally got through all the questions several minutes later, still realizing that Austin wasn’t there yet, but figured he would be soon and I could hold him and show off my ring some more with him there. I walked over and got some punch as I talked with some of my friends, laughed having a good time and proud to be engaged. I just couldn’t stop smiling, I was going to marry the man I love what could be better! It had been almost two hours since I heard from Austin and was starting to worry, but figured he might have gotten stuck in traffic or something like that. Maybe his parents asked him what happened after the ceremony, I knew how they liked to make him late and ask a ton of questions. Me and Grace were talking while she admired my ring when Paul came running up to me and asked if we could talk outside for a moment. I said ‘sure’ and excused myself. We walked out on the back deck and Paul didn’t look so well he looked like he was trying to hold back tears. “Paul, what’s wrong?” “Evie…I have bad news.” I could barely hear what he was saying. “What…what’s going on Paul you’re scaring me.” I was standing by the railing with one hand on it while Paul stood in front of me, staring down at the deck. “Please just tell me.” “There was a bad car accident…” “Who was it? Jessica? Someone’s parents?” “No…Evie it was…its…Austin.” I gripped the railing harder as my knees felt like they were going to buckle underneath me. Paul caught my other arm and led me to a chair. “Wh…what about him?” I could barely speak. “A drunk driver ran a light and ran right into the driver’s side of Austin’s car, he d…died on impact.” Tears were falling down his face. “No! No,no,no,no! This…this can’t be happening, NO!” “Evie, I’m so sorry.” He tried to comfort me, but I didn’t want comfort, I wanted Austin. He wasn’t really dead, he couldn’t be I had just seen him, touched him with my own two hands. No, we just got engaged. We were going to be married after he got back from Italy. I accepted it and told God that if we got through that year that I would be the best wife and mother there ever was. He can’t take Austin away from me now, not now! I didn’t know I was crying till I felt the tears hit my hands and I sat on the deck with my head in my hands, sobbing my heart out. Why me? God, why? You didn’t have the right to take him not now…I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and heard Paul say, “Evie, do you need to go home?” All I could do was nod and after that I don’t remember anything, I was just numb.
© 2009 ~RoyalVampire~ |
1 Review Added on April 23, 2009 Author![]() ~RoyalVampire~Grand Blanc, MIAboutI am 24 yrs of age, and married to a wonderful man, whom I met on here actually =) I am attending college to become a medical assistant, and should be graduating by the end of this year. I am a cra.. more..Writing