Chapter 44 Race the Evil…

Chapter 44 Race the Evil…

A Chapter by Dreamer

Chapter 44



Race the Evil….



Gerad could see the walls of Hyrule far off in the distance from where he and Selene rested their horses by a stream. Calhan’s warning echoed at the back of his mind and made his skin crawl in apprehension. As if mocking his fears the sky was a bright azure and the birds were singing. Selene watched him concern for him visible on her face.

“You ready?” Gerad asked turning to her.

She nodded but said nothing as she stood up and mounted Starfire. Gerad mounted Artimus, glanced to make sure Selene was ready then kicked Artimus into a gallop heading for Hyrule once again. The sun slowly set as they neared the walls causing their shadows to stretch before them.

Gerad jerked hard on Artimus’s reins pulling him to a halt. Selene managed to stop Starfire in time to keep from colliding with him. The crimson light of the setting sun mixed with the spilt blood of the slain Hyrule soldiers. The bile crept up Gerad’s esophagus causing him to swallow hard to keep it down. Gerad urged Artimus forward slowly his eyes trying to comprehend the carnage around him.

Selene lost the contents of her stomach gripping the saddle with a vice like grip. The horses picked their way across the bodies of the soldiers nearing the ruined gates of the city. There wasn’t any sign of the citizens as they crossed the market. Houses were burning or burnt down completely. More soldiers’ bodies littered the streets. Gerad turned Artimus toward the castle and Selene followed.

“Gerad!” Calhan’s voice called to him from a window that was still standing, “Gerad, go to the temple!”

Gerad ignored him as he urged Artimus to go faster. Calhan kept calling to him from whatever reflective surface they passed and still Gerad ignored his cries. Selene finally kicked Starfire to overtake him.

“Gerad.” She said pulling him up short, “We have a mission.”

“I have to see if they’re alright.” Gerad cried, “They’re our parents.”

“You don’t think I want to also?” Selene countered, “Calhan told us what we had to do. If we don’t do it all will be lost, these soldiers will have died for nothing!”

“Selene’s right, Gerad.” Calhan’s voice emanated from the pendant around Gerad’s neck, “You two have to go there as soon as possible.”

“You go,” Gerad spat at her, “I’m going to find mom and dad.”

With that he kicked Artimus into a gallop down the road to the castle leaving Selene in the dust. The smoke clouds from the burning city overcast the sky and gave it an eerie red glow. Gerad gripped the reins in apprehension as he neared the gates to the castle. Glancing over his shoulder he saw Selene had not followed him.

The castle was in worse shape than the town. Whole sections of it were collapsed and smoking. Gerad jumped off Artimus drawing his sword and shield. He quickly got to the left side of the doorway. He glanced through the door and saw not a soul. He quietly slipped through the door and made his way down the deserted corridors headed for the throne room.

He stepped over the dead forcing himself to keep his wits. The dead weren’t only soldiers this time. The main corridor was collapsed causing him to take an alternate route to the throne room. The silence set his nerves on edge as his footfalls echoed back to him.

Coming to the small door that opened into the back of the throne room Gerad swallowed hard and slowly opened the door. Walking into the open space before the thrones Gerad glanced around the room searching, his eyes caught sight of what he was looking for.

Falling to his knees his voice cried out in grief as his mind went blank rebelling from the reality his eyes mercilessly showed him. Slamming his fists into the ground he cried harder with each strike. Raising his head, tears falling down his face, he crawled towards his slain parents.

“Mom!” Gerad cried, “Dad, no!”

Gerad sat inches from his parents’ bodies for how long he didn’t know. He heard something but couldn’t make out what it was in his grief. Again it pulled at his attention.

“Gerad move!” Calhan’s voice rang out from the pendant around his neck.

On instinct Gerad dove to the right just as a sword swung where his neck used to be, cutting his arm. As Gerad rolled back to his feet his grief was replaced by rage as Ganondorf smiled at him. Ganondorf’s armor was blood splattered as was his sword. Gerad guessed all of it was not his own.

“Well,” Ganondorf laughed, “look who we have here. I thank you for saving me the trouble of hunting you down, brat.”

Gerad didn’t hear a word he said as he called on the pendant and made a spirit sword and shield. Charging straight at Ganondorf he cried in fury as Gerad launched himself into the air hammering down at his head. Ganondorf blocked him effortlessly and hit him to the side. Gerad landed skidding a few feet then attacked again.

Ganondorf looked bored as he blocked each attack Gerad threw at him. Gerad on the other hand was getting more exhausted by the minute. Finally one of his attacks landed barely scratching Ganondorf’s right cheek.

Gerad landed breathing hard waiting for Ganondorf’s move. Ganondorf touched the small slice on his cheek and pulled his fingers away bloody. Smiling Ganondorf laughed as he licked the blood off his fingers staring at Gerad.

Gerad blinked and Ganondorf was right in front of him. Gerad managed to block his hit in time but it was harder than any other Ganondorf had used so far. Slamming into the right wall Gerad felt some of his ribs crack.

He fell to the ground coughing blood. Ganondorf didn’t relent as he attacked Gerad again. Gerad rolled forward dodging the downward strike. Ganondorf’s sword cut deep into the marble floor. Dread started to grip Gerad’s heart as Ganondorf pulled his sword out and turned to him slowly.

Slowly Gerad crawled backward as Ganondorf advanced on him. His mind raced trying to think of something to do to save himself. His hand hit something sticky and glancing down he saw his slain parents. Fear took hold of him completely as he looked back and Ganondorf was standing directly over him poised to strike.

His breathing was rapid as he watched Ganondorf’s sword come straight for his head. His mind screamed for his body to move. Time slowed as the sword got ever closer and still he couldn’t move. Suddenly Ganondorf was blown sideways by a giant orb of light. He had pulled his sword back to block it and when it disappeared he glared at who had shot it.

Selene gathered her energy again and threw a light spear at Ganondorf. He blocked it easily but she didn’t relent as she threw one after another at him. Gerad watched stun as his sister screamed in rage at Ganondorf pushing him back.

“Get up!” She yelled at Gerad.

He found himself responding to the authority in her voice as he scrambled to his feet. He ran to her side as she threw more spears at Ganondorf. He thanked the goddesses that she had come. Selene gathered more sage energy and began to glow brighter and brighter.

“Close your eyes.” She said to him over her shoulder.

She clapped her hands together and her light burst. Gerad hid his eyes but it still came through blinding him. He felt her grab his hand and jerk him sideways. He put one foot in front of the other being led by his sister.

His sight slowly came back and he was able to run on his own. The two of them ran full speed through the corridors of the castle. Gerad heard footfalls behind them and glanced over his shoulder to see Ganondorf round a corner.

“Faster!” Gerad cried picking up his pace to the protest of his broken ribs.

Selene jumped and turned firing off a light spear at Ganondorf. He had to stop as it hit the ceiling above him causing the corridor to collapse. She landed and kept running. The two of them made it out of the castle. Selene mounted Starfire and waited just long enough to make sure Gerad made it onto Artimus before tearing off toward the town. Gerad kicked Artimus to match her speed and the two of them raced through the streets. Glancing back over his shoulder he didn’t see any sign Ganondorf had chased after them.

The two of them made it to the Temple of Time and jumped off their mounts. Running up the steps to the door both of them pushed open the door and ran inside. They slammed the door shut behind them and Gerad pulled down the beam to bar the door.

Both of them were breathing hard and Gerad slowly slid down the door to the floor trying to catch his breath. Selene leaned her forehead against the door concentrating on slowing her heart rate. Gerad swallowed hard and climbed to his feet. He coughed up more blood but started walking to the altar at the back of the sanctuary. Selene followed him and grabbed his arm.

“Wait.” She said softly and touched his ribs.

He hissed in pain but as her hands glowed the pain eased and he was able to breathe easier. He caught her when she faltered after she was done. She shook her head and stood on her own continuing toward the altar.

“Alright, Calhan,” Gerad said out loud, “we’re here.”

“There should be three gems on the altar.” Calhan’s voice said from the pendant.

The three gems of time floated serenely on the altar. The Kokiri Emerald, the Goron’s Ruby, and the Zora Sapphire.

“Yeah, they’re here.” Gerad replied, “What do we do?”

“Selene,” Calhan called to her, “play the song of time to open the door of time.”

Selene nodded and pulled out her ocarina. Putting it to her lips she took a deep breath and began to play the song. Gerad closed his eyes as his sister played letting the music soothe him. The song filled the sanctuary, dancing around the rafters. Moonlight filtered through the stained glass windows giving everything an otherworldly glow. As she finished the moon once again went behind a cloud and the sanctuary dimmed.

Gerad opened his eyes, nothing had changed. He looked to Selene who shrugged. Before he could say anything the temple started to shake. The triforce symbol on the wall began to glow and the back wall slowly parted. As the dust settled Gerad felt something drawing him to go through the door.

Slowly he walked up the stairs to the left of the altar and approached the opening. Selene walked up after him but stayed outside the door. Gerad took a sharp breath as he realized what it was that was calling him. Majestically in the center of the room the Master Sword gleamed in the moonlight.

“Take it.” Calhan whispered to him, “It’s yours.”

Gerad swallowed and slowly extended his hand toward the sword. He pulled his hand back after hesitating a second. Selene watched him from the door and walked to his side when he backed up a step.

“What’s wrong?” Selene asked him.

He looked at her with a pained expression on his face, “I can’t do it.”

“Why not?” She asked him, “It has to be you. You’re the new Hero of Time, Gerad. It can only be you.”

He took another step back from the sword staring at it, “What if I’m not? What if I can’t? Ganondorf just handed my butt to me on a silver platter not thirty minutes ago!”

Selene set her jaw and slapped him across the face, “Man UP!”

Gerad starred at her in surprise as he slowly brought his hand to his stinging right cheek. She glared at him in return as she put her hands on her hips in aggravation. He was sharply reminded of their mother who would do the exact same thing when she was mad at their father.

“What’s with all these ‘what ifs’, huh?” Selene demanded, “I don’t remember my brother being a useless ninny!”

She poked him in the chest, “You are MY brother, the only person I’ve ever trusted with every fiber of my being.”

Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes as she continued, “I’ve followed your lead these past three months because I KNOW that you are the Hero of Time and you WILL save us, you hear me?”

Gerad starred down into her eyes, the emerald eyes that had always watched him, his victories and failures. Not once did these eyes ever doubt him and they definitely didn’t now. Confidence came flooding back to him as he drew on the strength in her eyes.

“You’re the hope we have for a future.” Selene continued softly.

Selene took a deep breath and wiped the tears from her eyes. When she pulled her hand away she sniffed then punched Gerad lightly on the shoulder.

“Now,” She said looking at him smugly, “get your backbone and do what needs to be done.”

Gerad smiled at her as he shook his head, “Mom would be proud.”

She smiled at his back as he walked back to the Master sword.

“Your sister is quite the woman.” Calhan said quietly in awe.

Gerad chuckled, “You don’t know the half of it.”

Slowly Gerad grasped the hilt of the Master sword. Pulling the sword out of its resting place he felt a surge of power flow into him. The rush of power felt incredible. His euphoria was interrupted by a sudden sharp pain in his back.

“Hope I’m not interrupting.” Ganondorf whispered into Gerad’s ear.

Gerad starred down at the sword sticking through his chest. Blood fell from between his lips as he sank to his knees. Slowly he turned to look over his shoulder he saw Selene encased in crystal her hand outstretched to him a scream on her lips. Ganondorf pulled his sword from Gerad’s back.

Ganondorf sneered, “Now there is no more hope.”

Gerad blacked out as he fell forward, Ganondorf’s laughter echoing in his ears.




*                     *                                 *



Gerad opened his eyes slowly and found himself once again in the Chamber of Sages. He rolled over and slowly got to his feet, he could hear liquid hitting the floor but didn’t give much thought to it. He was so tired.

“Oi, Hero!” He heard someone call to him from his right, he turned dully toward the sound, he wanted to sleep, to give up. He tripped over his sluggish feet and fell to the ground.

He didn’t know why but he pushed himself back up onto his hands and knees then rolled to the left and fell heavily onto the floor into a sitting position. His left hand propped him up while his right rested on his knee.

“I think he’s a goner, there ain’t much left in his noggin.” He heard a female voice sneer.

“Din, shut up.” He heard another one retort in an angry tone.

Gerad tried to make his lips form words, to ask them what they meant, who they were talking about, but his lips didn’t move. His voice didn’t sound.

“Gerad.” He heard a cold voice speak to him; he saw a shape in front of him. He tried to focus his gaze but his sight had a will of its own. He could hear the other two female voices bickering back and forth but knew it didn’t need his attention. The one thing he needed was to focus on the voice in front of him.

“Gerad, do you know me?”

Gerad knew the voice, why couldn’t he see her, why couldn’t he say her name, “Ngh”

“Gerad, do you want to live?”

Gerad’s sight began to black out; he could still hear something dripping onto the floor, “Yes.”

“Gerad, do you have something to live for?”

Gerad gasped in a breath, and forced his eyes to focus on the woman in front of him, “I….have to… friends…Nayru…”

Nayru stared at him in cold emotionless silence as the blood ran out his body through the hole in his chest. She stared into his eyes as they closed and he fell backward flat on the floor, the remainder of his blood pooling around him.

“Oh, cripes, now we’re screwed.” Din cried in frustration as she blinked back to their home dimension.

“I was sure he was the one.” Faror sighed as she followed Din.

Nayru stared down at Gerad’s face in silent contemplation. She closed her eyes and rested her chin on her fist. She was silent for a while.

Opening her eyes Nayru smiled warmly, “That’s the correct answer.”




The End

© 2014 Dreamer

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Added on October 4, 2014
Last Updated on October 4, 2014

Descendants 2nd Generation




I'm just a simple country girl who likes to write the (what I find cool) stories I daydream up in my head. I also have a deviantart account at don't have a whole lot .. more..

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