Chapter 38 Towards greener pastures, or clouds…

Chapter 38 Towards greener pastures, or clouds…

A Chapter by Dreamer

Chapter 38



Towards greener pastures, or clouds….




The whole group slept for about a week after their ordeal in the temple. Nabooru had sent scouts back to the temple to check on the situation. The scouts had reported back that a massive sandstorm had surrounded the temple and there was no way through.

“I was afraid something like this would happen.” Calhan said tapping a finger on his chin.

“What do you mean?” Gerad asked.

“Do you remember how the first time around, Ganondorf had all the different monsters hang out in the temples?” Calhan asked, “Well the reason for that was to keep the Sages from awakening.”

“Right, what’re you getting at?” Selene said slowly.

“Well, thankfully, this time around the sages are already awakened, but with that sand demon camping in the Temple, Dahrin’s Spirit powers will be reduced in efficiency.” Calhan explained.

“So what do you suggest we do?” Dahrin asked.

Calhan sighed, “I have no idea.”

Gerad exhaled in frustration and put his head on the table hitting it with a thunk. Selene played with the food on the plate in front of her while Meria and Dahrin stared at their hands.

“Do you think things would have gone better if the rest had been here?” Meria asked quietly.

Dahrin sighed, “Don’t do that. It’s happened, there’s no point in doing ‘what if’s’.”

“So what now?” Selene asked looking up from her plate.

Silence settled on the table as each one thought of what they could possibly do next. Gerad sat back in his chair.

“We move on and become stronger.” He said definitively, “Calhan, how do we get to the Wind Temple?”

Calhan started to answer but stopped a look of surprised curiosity on his face. At his silence the others look up. It was rare for Calhan to not have an immediate answer.

“I,” Calhan said slowly, “don’t remember.”

“Ah, crap.” Selene cried, “Don’t tell me that THAT was the memory Granny took?”

“Seems like it.” Calhan mused quietly to himself.

“Is there a way to figure it out?” Gerad asked desperately.

“Well, everything connected to the Wind Sage was in the town of Parsford.” Calhan said flustered.

“Where the heck is that?” Selene asked.

“Lon Lon Ranch.” Meria answered softly.

“Oh.” Gerad said surprised, “Guess we’re going there.”

“I’ll remain here.” Dahrin said suddenly, “Since, my Sage powers are going to be diminished, I will have to train as much as possible to not be a hindrance in the future.”

“But you’re not.” Selene began but Dahrin cut her off by placing a hand on her arm.

“I also have to keep an eye on the Temple for signs of when it can be entered again.” Dahrin continued, “This is for the best.”

Gerad nodded in agreement, “Yeah, I was going to suggest it if you hadn’t Dahrin.”

Gerad drained the last of his cup and glanced out the window into the failing light, “We’ll set out tomorrow. So we should get some sleep.”

The others stood and Meria, Selene, and Dahrin left the room. Gerad shut the door behind them and walked back to the table. Calhan stared at him in concern as Gerad sat down.

“You seem depressed.” Calhan observed.

Gerad snorted, “How can I not be?”

Sitting back Gerad groaned as he rubbed his eyes, “The group is less than half the strength it was, and on top of that we just lost a battle and a friend. An important clue was taken from us.”

Gerad slammed his fist on the table causing the plates to clatter, “Why does it have to be me, Calhan? I didn’t ask for any of this. The goddesses expect me to save the world from Ganondorf, without them lifting a finger? ”

Calhan listened in silence as Gerad continued, “I’m only twenty, I’m not my father, ok, he did everything by himself, and he saved the world once already. It’s not fair.”

Gerad leaned forward and put his face in his hands, “I can’t keep this up. I’m going to break.”

“Then break.” Calhan whispered softly.

Gerad jerked his head up not completely sure he heard right, “What?”

“Break.” Calhan repeated, “If you can’t handle it, that’s fine. Break.”

“Maybe you missed the part where Ganondorf is trying to take over the world…again.” Gerad said slowly.

“So?” Calhan countered, “True, everyone is doomed if the you fail, and yes, it’ll be hell if our last hope burst in our hands. But, who cares, because after all, you didn’t ask to be picked to save the world.”

Gerad just stared at Calhan.

“Oh, I’m sorry, did you want the ‘It’s ok, nobody’s blaming you, It’ll be alright..yada yada yada..’ speech?” Calhan asked in a condescending tone, “You didn’t ask to play the hero, well I’m sorry, we’re all the world has got, you’re just gonna have to buck up and hold out. I didn’t ask to have to skip my generation to come to this one and save the world but it happened. None of us asked for this Gerad, your sister didn’t ask to have to heal her friend’s wounds every twenty minutes. The rest of them didn’t ask for their predecessors’ past to come and haunt them at every turn either.”

Gerad sat back in his chair, shocked by the tone in Calhan’s voice. He was also staring at the finger Calhan had pointed at his face an inch away from his nose.

“These were the cards dealt to us, and we just have to suck it up and move on. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to see the world I’ve come to love burn because some jerk who can’t stay dead feels like taking over!”

Calhan sighed as he sat back down in his chair, “And if you do break, the rest of us are there to hold out till you pull yourself together.” Calhan continued in a softer tone, “Same as we would expect you to be there for us.”

Gerad stared at his hands while he thought about what Calhan said. Calhan drained the last of his cup, “Well, good talk. Good night.”

Calhan stood up from the table and flopped down on his bed. A few minutes later Gerad heard snoring. He chuckled as he stood up and blew out the candles.

As Gerad laid down he whispered over his shoulder to Calhan, “Thanks, old man.”



Meria left with the guard outside of Gerad and Calhan’s room, waving goodnight at Selene and Dahrin as he led Selene down the corridor in the opposite direction.

 “Where’re we going?” Selene asked after a few feet of silence.

“I want to show you something before you leave.” Dahrin replied taking her by the hand.

Dahrin led her through the deserted corridors of the Fortress, they made so many turns that Selene was hopelessly lost after a few minutes. He eventually brought her to his alcove and Selene drew in a breath of awe at the beauty of the moonlight filtering through the opening in the ceiling. The small waterfall glittered like diamonds in the light of the full moon.

“It’s beautiful.” Selene whispered stepping further in.

Dahrin wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close, “Not as beautiful as you, my star.” Selene closed her eyes as Dahrin kissed her on the neck.

“I’m going to miss you.” Selene sighed as Dahrin continued to kiss her, “Will you be ok?”

Dahrin turned her in his arms and tilted her chin up too look into her eyes, “I’ll miss you terribly, but I’ll count the days till we’re reunited.”

Dahrin kissed her cutting off further doubts. Selene was slightly surprised at the passion in his kiss, but the fire she felt from it only made her want it more. Dahrin gently pulled her down onto the ground. She didn’t resist as he moved his kiss back to her neck. She whispered his name as he ran his hand down her thigh. Everywhere he touched burned and she became light headed from the rush.

He pushed his hand back up under her shirt wrapping around to underneath her back and pulled her tighter to himself. Something in her was yelling that they should stop; she was frightened to go any further.

“Dahirn,” Selene gasped out, “stop.”

Dahrin nibbled on her ear, “Why? I love you, I want to possess you.”

She pushed against his chest, “What’s wrong with you? This isn’t like you. You’ve never done this before.”

Dahrin sighed and pulled back away from her. In the moonlight his amber eyes stared down at her solemnly, he looked like a panther surveying his freshly caught prey. For some reason it frightened her. Selene clutched her arms to her chest staring up at him in fear.

A look of shock crossed Dahrin’s face. He smiled softly at her as he bent down and kissed her gently on the forehead.

“I’m sorry,” He sighed putting his forehead against hers, “for some reason it felt like I was about to lose you. Forgive me.”

Tears filled Selene’s eyes and Dahrin hugged her to his chest, “Losing Ludd must have been very hard for you.”

“Yeah,” Dahrin whispered back, “I just don’t want to lose you too. That’s what scares me most.”

Selene wiped away her tears as Dahrin stood up. He offered her a hand and together they walked out of the alcove. Selene straightened her clothes as best she could when they made it back to her and Meria’s room. She told Dahrin goodnight and went inside.

Dahrin walked back down the corridor to his own room as quiet as a panther. He nodded to the guards he passed on the way. Once inside his room he stood in front of his mirror.

“Told ya’ I could play you.” Dahrin whispered to the reflection in the mirror, “And don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that.” The reflection wasn’t mimicking his movements; instead it glared murderously at him.

The Dahrin outside the mirror chuckled, “What?”

“Don’t touch Selene again, Eshen.” The Dahrin in the mirror spat, “I don’t know how you got out and took over but I will find a way to fix this. Mark my words!”

Eshen chuckled, “Oh, settle down little bird.”

Eshen touched his lips with his fingers in thought. Looking back at Dahrin he licked his lips, “Sparkle’s quite the kisser. She tastes good too.”

“B*****d!” Dahrin cried slamming his fist against the mirror, “Don’t you dare touch her!”

Eshen laughed as he turned away from the mirror, “Don’t blow a fuse, my little birdie. We’re going to have so much fun, you and I.”


“Well, we’re headed out.” Gerad yawned as he climbed onto Artimus. He bent down and gripped Dahrin’s hand in farewell.

“Be careful, with fewer of you now, it’ll be harder should something arise.” Dahrin said, “I’ll let you know as soon as possible if anything changes with the temple.”

Gerad nodded releasing Dahrin’s hand. He clicked his tongue at Artimus who started moving toward the exit out of Gerudo Valley and into Hyrule Fields.

Dahrin waved at them till they were out of sight and they waved back till the rounded the bend. The horses seemed to pick up their pace on their own once they made it out of the canyons and into the green fields. Meria pulled Eyona in front of the group and kicked her into a canter. The other horses followed suit and the group raced off toward Lon Lon Ranch and, Gerad hoped, the Temple of Wind.

Gerad spotted the ranch a few miles off as the sun reached its highest peak. They rested the horses at a spring and ate lunch. Once they were finished they headed off again to the ranch.

“This adventure definitely didn’t turn out like we had thought, huh?” Selene mused as they got closer and closer.

Calhan laughed, “No, certainly not.”

“I don’t know about you, but I haven’t done any reports.” Gerad said off handedly.

The rest of them laughed as they turned up the canyon that led to the gate to the ranch. Meria dismounted and led Eyona through the gates. The others followed suit and followed Meria to the stables. The smell of hay and milk greeted them along with the hired hands.

Meria greeted them and a few rushed off to get her mother and father. Like most greetings names and hands were exchanged and mixed up and what not. Meria’s mom rounded the corner of the door and caught sight of her daughter.

“Meria!” Malon cried running and grabbing her daughter up in a big hug.

“Mom.” Meria whispered burying her face into her mom’s shoulder, “Dad!”

Meria’s dad hugged them both together, “Meria, you’re home! How’s my little girl?”

“I’m fine dad.” Meria grinned as her mother held her at arm’s length to get a look at her, “It’s good to be back. Here, guys?”

Meria motioned for the rest of the group to come over and true to her motherly nature Malon hugged them all too.

“Ralph go let the cook know that they’ve arrived and to cook up a feast.” Malon said turning to her husband. Her husband laughed as the farm hands volunteered and ran out the door.

“Well you all must be tired from the trip, come inside and have some nice cold milk.” Malon said grabbing Meria’s hand and heading off toward the house. The others smiled as they followed along behind her.

Once all of them were inside and refreshed Malon looked around at the tiny group, “Where’s the rest?”

Like an audible click silence fell over the group. They all stared down into their drinks none of them wanting to break the happy mood that was already shattered.

Calhan set down his cup, “The children probably need rest, and while they go I’ll fill you in on what’s happened.”

Ralph nodded and motioned for them to follow him upstairs. Gerad, Selene, and Meria walked after Ralph to the second floor. Meria and Selene shared Meria’s room and Gerad and Calhan were given the guest bedroom. Ralph left them be and went back downstairs to be brought up to speed.

“Happy to be home?” Selene asked Meria as she sat down on the bed and stripped off her boots.

Meria smiled, “Yeah, somewhat. Wish it could be for a different reason though.”

Selene nodded in understanding. She suddenly had an irresistible urge to see her own mom and dad. She sighed as she stretched out the stiff muscles from the ride earlier. Laying back onto the bed she fell asleep within a few minutes.


Malon called the kids down to dinner about an hour later and after supper was over with, they headed back upstairs and passed out again. Dinner had been a banquet like Malon had instructed and the whole household had joined in for the feast. At about midnight the rest of the farmhands had passed out from the revelry and silence fell downstairs.

Gerad woke a few hours before dawn to the sound of singing. Curious he got up from bed and followed the sound to outside. Stepping through the cold grass he caught a glimpse of a figure in the middle of the horse yard. The singing was coming from the figure.

He hopped the fence and approached cautiously and quietly. As he drew nearer he recognized the figure to be Meria. She was singing with her eyes closed, and entranced Gerad sat down to listen.

The melody was haunting and the words were in a foreign tongue. He closed his eyes and listened. The words seemed to flow through his skull and spark his imagination, bringing to mind the sensation of riding, but not on earth. He felt like he was riding through the clouds, soaring higher and higher then plummeting down through the lowest cloud.

“What do you think?” Meria asked him suddenly.

Gerad jerked back to reality, “What?”

“I don’t really know the words. I learned it from mom a long time ago.” Meria said shrugging, “I sing them when I’m sad, and for some reason my spirit gets lifted.”

Gerad nodded slowly as Meria came and sat down beside him. She pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around them, leaning her head on her knees.

“What did you see?” Meria asked him softly.

“I felt like I was flying through the clouds on something’s back.” Gerad said leaning back and looking up and the sky.

Meria laughed, “Yeah, I feel that way too.”

They were silent for awhile, each lost in their own thoughts.

“Do you think we’ll get there?” Meria asked suddenly, “The Wind temple.”

“I don-what the heck is that?” Gerad asked standing up.

Meria looked where he was looking and saw the black shape floating through the night sky, blocking out the stars.

“That’s the Wind Temple.” Calhan said coming up behind them.

“Isn’t that Moon Isle?” Selene asked from where she stood next to him.

Calhan nodded, “Yeah, when Granny told us the story I put the two together.”

“Wait, I thought you lost the memory of where it was?” Gerad asked turning around to face him.

“I lost the memory of how to get there.” Calhan replied still looking up at the floating island.

“Then what do we do?” Selene asked crossing her arms and looking back up at the island.

Crickets chirped in the night air as the group pondered how to reach an island that was floating two miles above the ground.

“It seems kind of far away to the south, no?” Gerad mused scratching his jaw; these past few weeks there hadn’t been much time to shave so the stubble was beginning to fill out into a beard.

“If my calculations are correct it’ll be directly over Lon Lon Ranch in the better part of a week.” Calhan said stroking his goatee, “So, we have that long to find some clues on how to get up there.”

“There might be some in the old cellars.” Meria suggested, “We can look when it gets light, I’ll let mom and dad know too, they might have some suggestions.”

Calhan nodded, “Alright.”

“Well, it’s not getting any lower with us standing out here and staring at it.” Selene sighed after a few minutes of silence, “Its cold.”

The others agreed and they all headed back into the house to catch some sleep in the last hour or two before the dawn. Gerad looked back over his shoulder one last time at the floating island then headed inside, wondering what it was like up there in the clouds.

© 2014 Dreamer

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Added on October 4, 2014
Last Updated on October 4, 2014

Descendants 2nd Generation




I'm just a simple country girl who likes to write the (what I find cool) stories I daydream up in my head. I also have a deviantart account at don't have a whole lot .. more..

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