Chapter 20

Chapter 20

A Chapter by Dreamer

Chapter 20



Snake, silver, and secrets…



The unnerving smile never left Surkaust’s lips as he seemed to float across the room to stand behind Skiff and Don, facing Kailah. Cameron noticed she was shaking slightly and gently reached out and took her hand in his. She gripped his hand like a lifeline, all the while glaring at Surkaust.

“You’re rather late for dinner, I’m afraid.” Xerkieda’s voice broke the ice that had formed in the atmosphere of the room, if only to replace it with burning scorn, “Do join us for dessert, if you’d like.”

Surkaust inclined his head slightly, “Thank you, Xerkieda. I believe I will.”

Skiff resumed breathing as Surkaust floated on to sit next to Xerkieda, Don had gone white as a sheet and his smile had fled. As Surkaust sat, servants came with dessert, depositing a plate in front of everyone. The cake that sat on those plates looked so rich that Cameron felt his arteries wave a white flag.

“Why are you here, Surkaust?” Kailah glared at the small man quietly eating his cake.

Surkaust took another bite of cake then delicately dabbed his lips with a hankerchief from the depths of his robes, “Xerkieda, dear, this is the most delicious cake I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting.”

Kailah shot out of her chair so fast it fell over, “Surkaust!”

The tower shook with the quake Kailah’s emotions unintentionaly sent out. Her eyes glowed yellow as she clenched her fist, Cameron jumped up and back a few steps as cracks appeared in the stone floor under her feet. The only ones to remain seated were Surkaust and Xerkieda as the cracks spread further across the floor and the tremors increased.

“Dear me,” Surkaust spoke softly as he slowly rose from his chair, “having a tantrum are we, Kailah sweetheart?”

He slowly made his way around the table and approached her. As he neared she took a couple steps backward. The pleasant smile had been replaced with a cold smirk.

Surkaust clicked his tongue disapprovingly, “Kailah sweetheart, you know how I feel about your tantrums.”

His voice was barely above a whisper, yet it grated on Cameron’s synapses like nails on a chalkboard, he suddenly felt guilty beyond redemption. Tears streamed down Kailah’s face and she choked back a sob. Anger burned through the guilt in Cameron as Surkaust raised his hand and gently stroked Kailah’s tear stained cheek with the back of his fingers.

Cameron unceremoniously grabbed the scruff of Kailah’s shirt and jerked her behind himself. He glared down at Surkaust who, for a split second, looked surprised. The surprise was quickly replaced by the creepy smile as he looked Cameron up and down.

“Ah, you must be the Sword that stole Kailah from us.” Surkaust narrowed his eyes still smiling, “I don’t believe we’ve been introduced.”

Everyone in the room held their breath. Cameron knew in the back of his mind that he should be terrified of this man. Not only was he a Blood Caster, but he was a Councilmember Blood Caster, that extra word there should have sent all his self-preservation bells tolling like there was no tomorrow. Cameron glared into Surkaust eyes, not daring to blink. They slowly began to turn black.

“That’s enough, Sukaust.” Xerkieda’s calm almost bored voice caused both men to blink, “They are my guests, I’m sure I do not have to remind you of the rules.”

Cameron watched aggravation flicker across Surkaust’s pale face, quickly replaced by the benevolent smile as he turned to her. He floated back to his chair, the whole time watched by Xerkieda’s cold green eyes.

“You alright?” Cameron turned to Kailah; her power had dispersed when he yanked her behind himself.

Kailah nodded, her eyes closed, “Yes, thank you.”

Cameron wasn’t convinced but by the tone of her voice knew she was keeping herself under control, barely. He bent down and righted her chair, grunting slightly at the unexpected weight of it. He then led her by the hand around the other end of the table to sit between himself and Skiff.

Silence reigned in the dinning hall as the occupants went back to their deserts. The moonlight broke through the sparse cloud cover, dancing across the outlying plains, painting the world in shades of blue and grey. In the silence the nightlife of the city could just barely be heard, filtering through the windows. Servants returned and replaced empty plates with cups of coffee.

“Captain Wraithorn,” Xerkieda’s sudden address startled them, “how are the preparations coming for the Sword Tournament?”

Skiff took a sip of coffee before he answered, “They’re coming along fine, Councilwoman.”

Undeterred by his non-commintal tone, Xerkieda smirked, “There’s rumor going around that the Draggus team is going to take the prize this year, any thoughts on the matter?”

“The Draggus fighters are a most formidable opponent,” Skiff replied matter of factly, “as are all the District teams. One can only do one’s best.”

Xerkieda smiled sweetly, a smile that did not reach her eyes, “Indeed. What of this other rumor that attached Swords will be able to enter?”

“Rumors are only rumors, Ma’am.” Skiff narrowed his eyes.

“Suppose it were true?” Xerkieda stared at him through lowered eyelids, “What would you do then?”

Skiff set down his coffee, that had gone cold poised in the air, a little harder than necessary, “I don’t deal in ‘what ifs’ ma’am, its my job to lead my men in the best way I see fit, to get the job done, whether that is winning a tournament or a war.”

Surkaust watched the exchange in contentment, his eyes moving from speaker to speaker, “Well spoken Captain. One must not put stock in rumors, unless provided sufficient evidence to support it. Even still, one must be cautious.”

“Indeed.” Xerkieda said softly.

Cameron felt there were words that passed between Xerkieda and Surkaust, not spoken but understood nonetheless. Kailah's coffee remained untouched on the table in front of her. Stealing a glance, on the surface she was calm, but Cameron saw the signs of the storm of emotions raging under the surface.

"Councilwoman," Skiff stood up slowly, "I beg leave for my group, we have had a long journey from Southlands and have a ways to go tomorrow."

Xerkieda's smile was genuinely soft, "Of course. Sleep well Captain."

At the snap of her fingers, the same blond servant that led them to the dinning hall appeared through its double doors. The group stood and followed after the servant none looking back. Cameron felt eyes on the back of his head and glanced over his shoulder. Surkaust watched him, when he met Cameron's eyes, his narrowed dangerously. A shiver went down Cameron's spine as the doors closed.

No one spoke as they followed the servant back to the rooms. Esma and Chelry nodded their goodnights as they went into their room. As they came to Skiff and Don's room, the captain paused in the threshold.

"Will you two be alright?" Skiff asked Kailah.

Kailah was about to reply with a "yes, of course" but Skiff's look gave her pause. Cameron knew that look, Skiff used it on his kids and squad members when he wanted the truth, and you better not tell a fib. He also knew that if Kailah wanted they would leave now, no questions, protocol be damned.

She took a deep breath, "Yes, captain, we'll be fine. He won't do anything."

Skiff nodded then continued into his room followed by Don who bid them goodnight. The servant was waiting a little down the corridor and smiled when Kailah and Cameron started walking toward her again. She bid them goodnight at their door and disappeared around the bend in the hall.

Once inside the room Cameron locked and bolted the door. He then turned and leaned his back against the door, letting out a long sigh. Kailah stood in the middle of the room clenching and unclenching her fists, breathing deep breaths trying to calm her self down. Cameron took two long strides and wrapped his arms around his Caster.

Starteld, Kailah tensed and tried to pull away, but Cameron just held her more firmly. Her breathing slowed as he felt her muscles relax in his embrace. The smell of flowers and spice flooded into his nostrils as he held her close to him.

“Are you alright, Kai?” Cameron whispered softly in her ear, “Do you want to talk about it?”

He started to release his hold on her but she put her arms over his, keeping them where they were around her body. She didn’t say anything for awhile, Cameron waited in the silence of the room, the fire cracking in the stove the only sound.

Kailah sighed deeply, “I’m sorry, Cameron. I should have had better control than that.”

“Hey,” Cameron turned her around to face him, “none of that. You have no reason to apologize.”

She lowered her head but Cameron tilted her chin up to look at him. The firelight danced in her crimson eyes as she stared into the ice blue of his. Slowly he touched her cheek with the back of his fingers, gently stroking. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch, softly catching his hand and holding it to her cheek. Kailah opened her eyes and smiled softly at him. He felt weak in the knees and his stomach was full of butterflies doing divebombs.

Taking a deep breath, Cameron took the plunge, “Kailah I-“

A siren interrupted him; it was so loud both of them had to quickly cover their ears to keep any hearing they had left. Running to the door Cameron quickly undid the lock and bolt, threw open the door and stepped out into the corridor. Looking up and down the corridor, Kailah right beside him, he saw the rest of the group coming towards them.

He tried to ask what was going on but couldn’t talk over the sound of the siren. Skiff got his meaning but could only shrug his ignorance. Esma motioned for them to follow her. They all did as bidden setting off down the corridor in the vague direction of the entrance.

Cameron was impressed with Esma’s sence of direction, for he was hopelessly lost a few turns after their corridor. Glancing at the others running beside him he didn’t feel so bad, they all seemed as lost as he was. A few minutes later they arrived at the entrance to the tower. Xerkieda and Surkaust were standing in the middle of the grand hall, both turned to the group as it approached.

“What’s going on, Councilwoman?” Skiff shouted to be heard over the siren.

The siren stopped and the silence left in its wake was a different kind of deafening. Xerkieda’s face remained impassive while Skiff waited for an answer. Surkaust’s silver eyes flicked to Cameron and Kailah for a second but soon returned to Xerkieda, his benevolent smile never faultering.

As she opened her mouth to answer the tower shook, sending them all realing to keep their balance. When the quake stopped the doors of the entrance were blown off their hinges heading straight for the lot of them. Kailah quickly pulled up a wall of earth, the doors slamming into the other side. The smoke from the explosion billowed over them, causing them all to cough in the fowl smelling cloud.

“Good evening, mine lovelies.” A melodic tenor, male voice called out to the group from beyond the smoke, “I dare hope you don’t mind us popping by.”

Cameron’s eyes spilled tears as he tried to peer through the smoke. He caught a flash of silver and purple. When the smoke finally settled a male galic elf, with vibrant orange eyes, nape length silver hair, and extravagant shimmery purple robes grinned at them. Next to the eccentric elf stood a small statured human female with light brown eyes and hair cropped close to her scalp. The only evidence to her femininity was thanks to the tight black corset. She carried a rapier and stiletto confidently on her hip.

Xerkieda drew herself up in all her haughtiness and addressed the intruders, “Who are you and what business do you have blowing down my tower door?”

The man seemed legitimately hurt and startled as he looked around at the destruction he had ellegedly caused, “My dear lady, I do apologize for Gan Ainm, she doth so love destruction. Mine name is Opius Von Dirithe,” he bowed with a flourisd, “mon petite fluer, apologize to the pretty lady.”

Cameron tensed; he didn’t like the look in the elf’s eyes as he smirked in their direction. The girl known as Gan Ainm disappeared from view. Cameron felt something brush past him. Turning he saw Gan Ainm standing in front of Xerkieda, the rapier through Xerkieda’s chest.

Opius Von Dirithe whispered sultrily in Cameorn’s ear, “Where’s the Paradigm Tablet?”

© 2014 Dreamer

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Added on April 16, 2014
Last Updated on October 14, 2014




I'm just a simple country girl who likes to write the (what I find cool) stories I daydream up in my head. I also have a deviantart account at don't have a whole lot .. more..

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