Chapter 6 Paranoid white rabbits….

Chapter 6 Paranoid white rabbits….

A Chapter by Dreamer

Chapter 6



Paranoid white rabbits….



Two days went by after Sheik’s encounter with Arachnis. Impa was on edge and tended to snap at people for no reason, everyone tended to avoid her whenever politely possible. Sheik still had not woken after he had stumbled in that morning. By now the whole village had heard of Sheik’s condition and offered their support anyway that Impa and Sheif needed it.

“Why won’t Sheik wake up?” Lucius asked Sheif.

Either Sheif or Impa were at Sheik’s side at any given time. Both parents kept up a brave front but as time went on the strain of concern was wearing on them. Lucius sat on the opposite side of the bed from Sheif who changed one of the bandages on Sheik’s arm.

Sheif sighed as he finished the bandaging, “I don’t know.”

Lucius said nothing as he studied his friend’s face. Lost in thought he didn’t hear Sheif get up and leave nor Meria take his place. Meria moved some of Sheik’s hair out of his face, his skin approaching the hue of his hair.

Meria sat back with a sigh startling Lucius, “Some people believe a person will relive a traumatic experience in their mind till they’ve worked it out.”

Lucius watched her closely, “What do you believe?”

“I’m not sure, I guess it’s possible.” Meria shook her head slowly, “What I know is Sheik was hurt, badly.”

“Hyrulian minds are so complicated,” Lucius whispered softly, “and yet fragile.”

Meria watched as Lucius’s fingertips barely brushed Sheik’s forehead. Inhaling deeply, Sheik rolled to his side. Lucius smiled to himself as he stood and walked out of the room. Impa was walking into the room as he was walking out.

She raised her eyebrow at him as he smiled, “Sheik should wake soon.”

“What do yo-“

“Mom?” Sheik called quietly at the sound of her voice, “Is that you?”

Impa ran to Sheik’s side, “Yes, baby, I’m here.”

Sheik blinked and struggled to sit up, “I had this horrible dream, and why am I covered in bandages?”

“We were hoping you could tell us.” Meria helped him to sit up and drink some water, “You’ve been out for two days.”

Sheik’s eyes widened then narrowed in thought, “Guess it wasn’t a nightmare then.”

“What wasn’t sweetie?” Impa asked softly stroking her son’s hair.

Looking at his mom’s worried, haggard face Sheik just smiled softly and shook his head, “Nothing.”

Turning toward the door, Meria saw Lucius had disappeared. Sheif came into the room a few seconds late and Meria decided to let the family alone. Meria went downstairs to the living room where the rest of the group was waiting.

“Hey,” Gerad called to her, “Lucius told us Sheik’s awake.”

Meria nodded, “Yeah, Sheif and Impa are up there now, I figured they needed some family time.”

The others visibly relaxed at the good news. No one jumped up, all of them thinking along the same lines as Meria. Glancing across the room Meria spotted Lucius playing a game of Pagra with G-Link. Walking over to the Zora she studied him as she approached.

“What did you do?” Meria asked him after a few moments.

“I helped,” Lucius replied without looking up from the game, “nothing more.”

Meria waited for a further explanation but none was forth coming from the fish-man. Shaking her head Meria went and sat on the couch next to Aerica and Meko. As she watched the Zora beat the Goron she knew she wouldn’t get any further answers out of him. She had heard rumors that the Zoras had healing abilities and even telepathic powers but she never put too much stock into rumors, but now as she glanced back at Lucius she wondered how much of those rumors were truth.


Sheik was back to his old prankster self within the next day. Impa had calmed down now that her son was apparently on the mend and everyone breathed a little easier. The town had thrown a party that night to celebrate Sheik’s recovery. Impa had given them permission to skip a few days of chores after the party.

“I think I have figured out your power Sheik.” Calhan stated with pride.

 “Really? And what might that be?”


Sheik raised his eyebrows, “Shadows?”

“Yeah that’s helpful information considering he is the Shadow sage.” Gerad said folding his arms across his chest and leaning back against a stone.

They had moved the training to an area outside of the village into Hyrule Fields. Sheik had told the group of his encounter with Arachnis the day he had awoken. Impa had gone into the Shadow Temple with Sheif but had found nothing like the room Sheik described. Calhan had suggested moving the training to the fields to reduce any likelihood of attracting any monsters out of the temple.

“Yes I know that Gerad,” Calhan explained, “but what you don’t know is that he can manipulate the shadows, bend them to his will or even become the shadows if he wants to.”

Sheik pursed his lips, “Become shadows?”

“In a sense, it’s more like you meld into them, according to the book.” Calhan elaborated.

“This melding,” Sheik pressed, “could that have been what happened when I ran into Arachnis?”

“I do believe so, yes.” Calhan thought for a moment, “Yes that’s a good example of what you can do. You can meld into the shadows or even transfer from one shadow to the next or even see through shadows.”

Sheik nodded as he fell silent and stared off remembering the horrible encounter. After a few moments Meria gently shook his shoulder.

He jumped slightly then shook his head, “I’m sorry.”

Calhan cleared his throat then continued, “Well since we know you have powers let’s see what happens shall we.”

Sheik nodded and stepped to Calhan’s side. The others watched in silence as Calhan explained what Sheik should do. Meria chewed on a thumbnail as she waited.

“Ok now according to the book it’s different than with Selene, Shadow is apparently a very subtle power. I would compare it with your Sheika training. Concentrate on fading into obscurity.”

Sheik raised his eyebrow at Calhan’s explanation. Then shrugging he nodded as Calhan retreated back with the others, Sheik closed his eyes and concentrated. Nothing happened. Sheik fell to the ground exhausted.

“I don’t understand it should work.” Calhan said flipping open the book and rereading through the chapters.

“Maybe it has to do with location.” G-link mumbled from his curled up position on the ground.

“What do you mean?” Aerica asked him.

“Well if it’s called shadow melding shouldn’t he be standing in the shadows?” G-Link raised himself up to a sitting position.

“Well that makes sense.” Sheik shrugged looking at Calhan.

“Amazing, a rock outthinks a scholar.” Lucius smiled his half smile.

“Let’s just try it shall we.” Gerad interrupted before G-Link could come back with a sarcastic answer of his own.

Sheik moved into the shadows of an outcropping on the rock wall behind him. Closing his eyes he thought back to when he had shifted in the barn. The others watched in amazement as the shadows seemed to swallow him whole.

Gerad stared at the shadow, “Woah.”

The others nodded in agreement too stunned to add anything. They stood there waiting for him to come out of the shadows. Dahrin was leaning on the same rock as Gerad when he suddenly jumped forward with a yelp that made the girls scream. They turned to see Sheik leaning out of the shadows behind them. He stepped out laughing.

 “You should have seen your faces.” He fell on the ground from laughing so hard.

“Oh great you gave him a new prank to add to his already overwhelming arsenal.” Dahrin said stepping over Sheik to walk back to the village. The others shook their heads and followed after him.

Sheik stopped laughing long enough to realize he was being left behind. This was enough to make him snap out of his laughing fit, jump up, and run at top speed to catch up to them.

Back at the village Impa was preparing dinner when they walked in the door. She smiled as they shuffled past to the back to get cleaned up for dinner. Calhan’s grin was evidence enough of a fruitful day of training.

A week later Sheif was the first to realize the change in Sheik. He never stayed in a room without someone else there even if he wasn’t finished with what he was doing. At dinner he sat as close as possible to a candle. The most convincing turn in his attitude was when everyone else retired he was right there with them and left a candle burning by his bed.

Sheik had always been a night owl and this willingness to turn in early was putting his father more and more in concern that he had changed. Sheif voiced his concern to Gerad one night after dinner.

“With what he went through,” Gerad sighed, “could you blame him if he’s a little skittish?”

Sheif thought for a moment, “I guess you’re right. But I’m just concerned; guess it comes with being a father.”

“I’m sure he’ll calm back down soon.” Gerad tried to console him, “He’ll be good as new in a few days.”

Sheif nodded, “I hope you’re right.”

After a few days it seemed Gerad was correct. Till one night when Gerad had walked downstairs for some water. Dahrin joined him a few minutes later then Lucius a few moments after him. They were sitting around the table when Sheik came crashing down the stairs in a near panic state. He stopped short of barreling into them then grabbed Gerad by his shirt and shook him demanding to know why they had left him alone upstairs, he then broke down crying.

“What can we do?” Dahrin asked Impa that morning. Gerad was upstairs with Sheik while he slept; Gerad had made Sheik a promise to never leave him alone.

“I thought you had helped him.” Meria said looking at Lucius.

Lucius tapped his chin in thought, “As I had stated, ‘The Hyrulian mind is very complicated and fragile.’ Anything could have set off this paranoia.”

“Well what can we do now?” Aerica asked feeding Meko some bread.

Everyone was silent while all of them furiously thought of a solution. The clock ticked on the wall as time passed with no answers forth coming. Impa stood and headed to the kitchen to make some tea.

Lucius watched her leave then sighed, “There is one option. But I will require Meria’s assistance.”

Meria was puzzled, “Why me?”

 “Do you want to help Sheik or not?” Lucius asked her standing up from the table.

“Well of course I do but why does it have to be me, not that I’m complaining, I would gladly give my life for Sheik.” Meria stood and followed him as the others watched in puzzlement.

“Good. Now come with me.” With that he left the room and headed up to the bedroom.

Meria followed behind him obediently but still confused. Glancing back she saw the rest of them follow. As they reached the door they saw Gerad come out of the room. Meria stopped at the doorway and looked at Gerad in confusion.

“What’s going on?” Gerad asked as Lucius waited patiently just inside the room, “I’m gonna need a better explanation than, ‘I’m going to heal Sheik’.”

Meria shrugged as she stepped into the room. Lucius without further word closed the door and locked it. Meria watched him walk and sit next to Sheik’s right bedside and motioned for Meria to sit opposite him. She did so and waited for further instructions.

“Give me your hands.” Meria held out her hands and Lucius held them in his own. His skin was cold but very soft. He placed her right hand on Sheik’s forehead and the left over his heart. Lucius kept his hands over hers their palms face down.

“Now what I’m about to do you must never reveal to anyone. I’m breaking a few laws doing this.” Lucius said staring into Meria’s eyes.

Meria nodded her head without taking her eyes away from his.

Lucius smiled then closed his eyes, “Close your eyes and repeat after me.”

Meria closed her eyes still completely confused on what and how this was going to help Sheik.

“Dontomica, spelchulasa, oldrisa.” Meria repeated the words as best she could. She felt a strange sensation of floating.

“You can open your eyes now.” Lucius voice sounded far off like a dream. She opened her eyes and regretted it. She was floating in a grey mist with no apparent direction of up or down.

“Don’t panic.”

Yeah right. That was weird her thoughts sounded like they were spoken.

 “That’s because they are spoken in his mind. You are still out here physically but mentally you are merged with Sheik.”

Well why aren’t you here? She thought/asked.

“It would take too long to explain but suffice it to say there is only enough room in there for two.”

Ok. Now what? Meria asked looking around her as best she could.

“You need to find Sheik.”

Uh I need a better direction than that.

Meria heard or rather felt Lucius sigh. “Pick a direction and start walking.” Meria smiled and started floating to her right. She kept going for what seemed like hours.

You’d think his mind would be smaller than this.

“The mind is-“

Complex yes I know thank you for reminding me. She kept moving. She felt a presence that didn’t seem to belong in Sheik’s mind. Lucius do you feel that?

“Yes I do and it disturbs me.”

Great now I’m nervous.

“Try to relax.”

Meria nodded her head but kept glancing over her shoulder. She kept going for what seemed like another hour till she heard crying. She floated faster toward the sound. The mist dispersed slowly before her and she found herself walking on dry cracked dirt. She came to a small child huddled on the ground sobbing quietly. She knelt down next to him.

“What’s wrong?” She asked him. He looked up at her; she saw that it was a younger Sheik his red eyes swollen with tears.

The monster won’t leave.

“What monster?” Meria asked, a little bit of concern creeping into her voice.

The one that controls the shadows. Sheik said looking up at Meria and wiping his eyes. “Arachnis.” Lucius voice came as a shock and slightly startled Meria. Meria glanced around her expecting a giant freaky monster to come charging at them from the mist, but nothing happened.

 What do we do now Lucius?

“We have to get Sheik to face his monster. To banish it from his mind, or at least control it. He is going to need your help Meria.”

Great first time in someone’s head and I have to fight evil monsters. She sighed to herself.

Turning to the little Sheik she put on a courageous smile she didn’t feel, “Come on Sheik lets go search for a better defendable place.”

She helped Sheik stand up and they started walking. As they were walking clouds of vapor appeared and drifted past them. One of them was in their path so they walked through it. They appeared in another place, it was the eastern courtyard of the Hyrulian castle. The meeting three weeks ago played itself through from Sheik’s perspective. The vapor cloud passed on and they were back in the grey mist covered landscape.

 Lucius what was that that we just went through?

“That was a memory. You’ll run into those often in someone else’s mind.” Meria nodded her head and kept walking with Sheik beside her holding her hand.

Ok question. Will we have to enter the memory of his encounter with Arachnis?

“I do not believe so, if I’m guessing correctly the threat is not in a memory it’s in his mind loose somewhere.”

Well is there a better way to find its exact location without wandering around aimlessly?

“The monster likes to hide in their memories.” Sheik spoke softly, looking up at Meria.

“What do you mean by their memories? Could you take me there?”

Sheik pulled his hand away from hers and started to back away. “I won’t go to them, they want to hurt me, I don’t want to die!” With that he ran away.

“Wait, come back!” Meria started off after him but something jumped out of the shadows to block her path. Meria halted to face the thing.

Lucius this is part of my mind also correct?

“Yes you can control yourself, in a sense you are as strong as you think yourself to be.”

I meant can I think myself up a weapon? As she said this a quarter staff appeared in her hands. Never mind. She said as she blocked an over arm swing from the shadow creature. She fought back at it. The shadow fought like Sheik did, dodging in and out of her reach; she was hard pressed to keep it at bay. She finally got a good whack at its “Head” and it spun off and landed in a heap on the ground. She was about to give it another whack when it rolled over and came into focus. Meria dropped her staff and knelt at Sheik’s side. This Sheik was his normal age of seventeen.

“Sheik, answer me, are you alright?” Meria shook his shoulder, “Please answer me I’m sorry for whacking you.”

Sheik opened his eyes and stared up at her. “Why are you here? And why are you chasing me?”

Meria helped him sit up as she answered, “I’m here to help you; you’ve given us quite a scare with your paranoia.”

Sheik looked at her and shook off her help to stand up. “I’m fine, you shouldn’t have come here, there’s a monster lose you know.” He headed off into his memories.

“Wait Sheik! That’s why I’m here is to help you deal with this monster.” She said grabbing her staff and heading off after him.

“Stop following me and leave my mind.”

“I can’t do that.” They passed through memory after memory.

Sheik scolded her over his shoulder, “I didn’t ask you to come here for me, this is my problem I can handle it myself.”

“It doesn’t matter whether or not you can handle it I’m here and I’m staying deal with it. Or better yet accept it.”

“I won’t ask you to put yourself in danger for me. I care-“ He broke off  realizing what he was about to say.

Sheik stopped suddenly causing Meria to almost plow into him. When no further conversation was forth coming Meria stepped to his side.

“What were you going to say?” She asked him.

 Sheik turned back around, “Forget it, it’s not important.”

Meria caught his arm as he started walking away, “No you tell me now, what were you going to say.”

Sheik looked her in the eyes, “Look if I let you help me will you let it alone?”

Meria sighed but let go of his arm, “Fine, your younger version said that it hung out at their memories. What memories was he or you talking about?”

After a few moments Sheik motioned with his hand, “Come with me.”

They walked out of memory lane and started off into another part of Sheik’s mind. Images floated past them as they walked further on. There was one of a dragon and ones of other monsters.

What is this place? Meria asked reaching out to touch the dragon image.

There was a whoosh and there stood the dragon, or more Meria was standing in a field that the dragon was also occupying. The dragon roared and charged at Meria. She back peddled but to no effect. Out of nowhere a knight in shining armor rode onto the scene and started to fight the dragon. The two of them battled fiercely for a long while. The knight managed to slay the dragon in the end.

He dismounted and walked to the dead dragon’s head, raised his sword and cut off the head, the head made this disturbing squish sound. Meria started at the sound of the crowd cheering behind her. The knight took off his helmet. Meria stared at an older version of Sheik smiling his goofy smile.

A woman ran to his side a kissed him full on the lips, but before Meria could figure out who it was a hand grabbed her arm and pulled. She fell backward onto the grey plain with Sheik standing over her, “What were you thinking?”

Trying to get to her feet she shot back at him, “Excuse me? What was that?”

“Ever heard of dreams?”

Meria looked at him, and then looked back at the image of the dragon and pursed her lips, “Who was the woman that kissed you?”

Sheik squirmed, “It’s not important; now please don’t touch anything else, before you give me permanent brain damage.”

Meria glanced back at the image then followed behind Sheik once more. They made their way through Sheik’s dreams and came to a black expanse. It might have just been her imagination but it felt like the temperature dropped.

“Here comes the unsettling part, we must travel through that to get to the others’ memories.” Sheik looked to Meria hoping she’d back out.

Meria flipped her hair and squared her shoulders, “Well let’s get started.”

Sheik watched her for a few moments in stunned silence then caught up to her. Nonexistent wind whipped at them as they walked further into the black.

What is this black Lucius? Meria asked after about five minutes of walking.

“It could be anything, minds are very-“

Complex. Meria finished for him.

A light appeared off in the distance and grew brighter the closer they got to it. After a few more minutes they came to a door. Sheik pulled Meria behind him. He unsheathed his daggers and slowly opened the door. He peaked around the edge of the door and saw nothing. They moved into a circular room ringed with statues that moved upward into the ceiling that was lost from view. The last statue was Impa the one next to her was another woman and then the next was a man.

“Why is there a statue of your mother in your head?” Meria asked looking at Sheik.

“This is the room of previous Shadow sages. That woman next to my mother is my grandmother that man is my great grandfather, and so on.” Sheik looked around the room at the statues of the former sages. “Come we must find the monster.”


 Sheik cringed as Meria shouted out to the room. “What are you crazy?” Sheik grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her behind the statue of his grandmother.

“It’s the only way I can think of to find it.”

A chill fell on the atmosphere of the room, Meria shivered.

“You called?” a voice spoke out from the room.

Meria tried to see where the voice came from but Sheik wouldn’t let her budge. He pulled her behind him then touched the back of his grandmother’s statue, there was a flash then they were in her memory lane, for lack of better term.

Sheik pulled Meria after him as he took off through a memory. Meria glanced behind them but saw no sign of pursuit.

“Why are you running from it?” Meria gasped as they passed through another memory her hand still in his.

“Because.” Sheik kept walking till he came to a memory cloud that contained a figure that resembled another one of the statues. He stepped through and they came into the memory, he touched the other person, flash of light they were in his memories. He did this for a while till Meria was hopelessly lost. She kept bugging him but his answer was still “Because.” She finally stopped and yanked her arm from his hand.

“Sheik why won’t you face it? And don’t tell me because. I want a real answer. Is it because you’re afraid? Is that it, you’re too scared. You’re just a little boy too small to take care of his own problems?”

 Sheik looked at her and the pain in his eyes was enough for her to regret her harsh words.

“Yes Meria I am scared, I’m scared not of dying but of changing, I already know what that thing out there is, it’s the Sage spirit.” Sheik replied softly.

His tone made Meria wish he had yelled at her, “What do you mean you already know?”

Sheik took a deep breath, “Those two days I was out, the past Shadow Sage Janor visited me, he told me of his ordeal with Arachnis, how he had sealed her away, her swearing revenge on him.”

Meria didn’t say anything as the memory continued around them. Sheik was silent a moment then continued, “He told me that Shadow Sages walk a very thin line between good and evil.”

Sheik’s red eyes were filled with pain and anxiety as he looked into Meria’s eyes, “If I accept it, it will change me, and I don’t want to change, I’m afraid to change and lose you. I love you Meria and I don’t want to lose that.”

Meria was speechless as Sheik continued, “What if I change and I betray you somehow or I become evil and hurt you? What if-“

“What if frogs had wings?” Meria put her finger on his lips interrupting him.

Sheik smiled softly, “They wouldn’t bump their butt every time they landed.”

Meria placed her hands on either side of his face, “What if, isn’t always a bad thing, but it can become so frightening we forget that sometimes it’s better to take a chance.”

Sheik sighed and closed his eyes. Meria waited for him to look at her again before she continued.

His red eyes starred into her brown as she smiled at him, “I will still be here no matter what happens.”

Standing on tiptoe she kissed him. Sheik held her close to him, as they kissed he tasted something salty and realized a tear had fallen from her eyes. Finally letting him go Meria smiled up at him and blushed. Sheik smiled back as he gently took her hands in his.

 Grinning Meria tugged his hands, “Now let’s go find this monster of yours.”

Sheik nodded and led the way out of the maze of memories into the circular room of statues. There in the center stood a figure, he had black spiky hair, and grey eyes. He smiled when he saw them. Sheik gulped and squeezed Meria’s hand.

“I was wondering when you would get the guts to face me.” The man sneered.

Sheik glanced at Meria then let go of her hand and walked to stand in front of the Sage Spirit. The spirit watched Sheik’s progress with mocking eyes occasionally glancing at Meria.

Sheik stopped in front of the spirit, “I’m here. What do you want?”

The sage spirit smirked as he glanced over at Meria then back to Sheik, “She won’t save you.”

The sage struck out with his hand, it went into Sheik’s chest. Meria cried out and tried to reach Sheik’s side as he knelt down from the pain the strike caused. The statues near her came to life and held her back.

“Give in to the pain and join the side of evil. Forget this twit of a girl she is nothing, you can have so much more.” A black light started to envelope Sheik from his feet. It crept up his legs slowly toward his heart.

“Never!” Sheik screamed at the Shadow sage and started to pull the spirit’s hand out of his chest.

Sweat beaded Sheik’s brow as he struggled to pull the spirit’s hand out. The spirit cursed as Sheik began to stand back up.

Sheik regained his footing as the spirit shrieked, “No I won’t lose to love again!”

The spirit tried to push back in but Sheik was stronger, he managed to pull the spirit’s hand completely out of his chest. The spirit cursed again as Sheik pulled out one of his daggers and stuck it into the spirit’s neck.

The sage spirit screamed in agony as he staggered back, Meria watched in awe and horror as he folded in on him-self and disappeared with a shriek. Sheik stood over the spot where the spirit had disappeared then promptly began to faint. The statues released their hold on Meria as she ran forward to catch Sheik.

“Sheik!? Sheik! Answer me please.” Meria shook him and patted his cheek.

Sheik’s eyes flickered open, “Good morning.”

Meria laughed as tears came to her eyes, “Morning to you sleepy head.”

Reaching up Sheik wiped away an escaped tear, “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”

Meria smiled as Sheik sat up and kissed her.

“It’s time to come out, now that the threat is gone.” Came Lucius’s voice.

Sighing Meria nodded then looked at Sheik.

Sheik smiled, “I’ll always be here.”

Meria smiled then kissed him again. She felt a tingling sensation and then she was back in the room sitting in the chair. Sheik was looking at her his face puzzled.

Sheik glanced from one to the other, “What’s going on guys?”

 Meria looked at Lucius with a quizzical expression. Lucius gave her a small smile; He won’t remember what happened in his head only you and I will ever know. And it must remain that way. Meria’s heart sank but she nodded as Lucius’s words faded from her mind.

“Just helping,” Meria replied softly, “nothing more.”

© 2014 Dreamer

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Added on July 6, 2013
Last Updated on October 4, 2014

Descendants 2nd Generation




I'm just a simple country girl who likes to write the (what I find cool) stories I daydream up in my head. I also have a deviantart account at don't have a whole lot .. more..

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A Chapter by Dreamer