Indecisive, wandering aimlessly
Looking to align yourself
With someone else’s direction,
Living in constant fear of
Someone else’s rejection…
Faux hard rock, middle fingers up
Screaming F**K THA WORLD!
Attitude earthquaking
Inner child steadily shaking,
Crying: “HUG ME, WORLD!
You try to pretend,
To act like it is all good,
But your act is cellophane,
My friend.
I see through.
I see YOU.
You were not loved enough...
Yeah, life for you was rough.
But for you there is a CHOICE.
You CHOOSE to be formed
By the wounds and scars left by those
That left you worn and torn.
You CHOOSE to be laid out,
Like a w***e, face down and splayed out
Left open to be played out,
Time and again.
You CHOOSE to remain
A vulnerable strain on others
Who never caused you pain
While you CHOOSE to allow
Those that treated you foul
To continue to mistreat you
S o m e h o w…
Know that you have been blessed
With a means to rise above the stress
Of what you consider your life.
You have been blessed with the CHOICE
To CHOOSE the gift of your VOICE,
For words cut deeper than any knife.
Whether from your mouth or your pen,
It all flows from WITHIN
And it is YOURS to utilize.
You cannot simply fantasize,
Nor can you hitch a ride to the destination you seek.
You must learn life’s lessons,
And build your own strength to not be so weak.
Realize that strength is not rage.
Strength is the courage to not be afraid.
Strength is putting pen to page,
Directing that anger in more creative ways.
But that CHOICE is yours.
You are the only source.
You have already paid the cost…
Way too high for you to still be lost.