

A Chapter by Khance

Just another chapter written out of sheer boredom :D


A brisk knocking echoed through the room, causing both Creeks to snap their heads around to look at the hall door. “House, who did you let in?” Mentel asked cautiously as he ushered Osiris to go to his room. “He had your pin code, Sir.” House replied after a moment.

“Dad, who is it?” Osiris asked worriedly as he took a step forward. “Osiris, don’t make me tell you again.” Mentel said as he nodded towards the stairs. The knocking resumed, this time a little louder. “You know that we can hear you?” A voice sounded from the other side of the clouded glass. Upon hearing the familiar voice, Mentel’s face broke into a wide smile. “Why didn’t you say so, you had us worried sick! House, let him in.”

Osiris took a step back as the door opened, but he too smiled in return when he saw the form of Xavier Quentin walk through the doorframe. Behind him was another man, about the same age as Mentel but with lots of stubble, and strangely enough, sunglasses.

“Mentel, it’s been quite a while.” The second man said with a warm smile as he extended his hand. Osiris noticed that his father’s face lit up even more as he saw the man, “Rogue!”
Remembering that his son was in the room, Mentel gestured for Osiris to resume his seat at the table. “Son, I want you to meet my former teammate. I used to work on his car when I worked on the track. Osiris, this is Rogue.” Mentel said with a smile as he just leaned back in his chair. “What are you doing here anyway, I’m delighted to see you after so long, but it’s a little unexpected.”

“Rogue was my racing name, but I suppose it’s easier to say than the real name.” Rogue said with a wink as he smiled at Osiris. Xavier dragged one of the chairs back and sat down, “I won’t lie. It’s because of that display at the Thunderist Exam.”

Mentel’s smile faded slightly, “What exactly is it that you want, Xavier?” The older mechanic smiled as he spread his hands wide across the table. “You’re still as suspicious as ever, which is why I’m going to have to be blunt about this. I need you and your son.” Mentel stared at Xavier for a moment before they were interrupted by a cough. Xavier rolled his eyes slightly, “Yes, I need you too Rogue.”

“Are you making a new race team?” Osiris asked excitedly as he looked between the three men. Xavier smiled slightly as he looked at the boy, “I can’t believe I didn’t see the resemblance, Mentel. I just keep expecting him to ask about Turbo Mechanics.”

Mentel blushed slightly as he grinned in response. Noticing his son’s look of confusion, he answered the unasked question, “When I was about your age, I was obsessed with making the cars go faster. I wanted to understand more about Turbo Mechanics. I suppose Xavier regretted ever teaching me about them.”

Xavier’s face hardened slightly, “You took too many risks. That car was a deathtrap and you know it.” Rogue looked down at Osiris and grinned, “Both of them are bias, so I’ll explain this one. Xavier taught Mentel as much as he could about the Turbo Mechanics, but your dad, being stubborn as he was… wasn’t content with that much. So he went and studied Turbo Mechanics in his own time. His final year project to complete his apprenticeship was to construct a unique motor with his own parts and prints, a concept similar to what you attempted at the Entrance exam.”

Xavier snorted disapprovingly, “By the way, I want to talk to you about that one son. I can’t believe you thought that thing would work properly.” Osiris’ mouth dropped open; it was the first time that his mechanics had ever been criticised. The elder man was continuing though, “You have far more intelligence than anyone in this room, yet I could construct what you did with my eyes closed. You’re going to have to push that brain of yours if you really want to succeed.”

Mentel sighed, “Xavier he’s just a boy, let him enjoy it. Not all of us get that chance.” Xavier laughed, “You think that I’ll go easy on him just because you thought you had it a little hard? After that exam, he’s not going to be able to enjoy the life he did. Do you know how many people Rogue had to hold back as I entered the password? They’re probably trying to read which buttons I pressed right now. Your boy lost all hope of a childhood the moment he hit that ignition.”

For the first time in a few years, Osiris saw his father’s face become angry. “He can do whatever he wants. That’s the life she wanted for him, that’s the life he’ll get.” Mentel said levelly as he looked at Xavier. Rogue placed a hand on the elder mechanic’s shoulder as he was about to retort, but he just shrugged instead. “I’ll get to the point then. The Thunderist Academy is launching a new quota. Energy efficiency is at an all time low, we’re burning through the crystals faster than ever. Mining has reached an all time high. The Sections have gone way up to about thirty or forty.”

Osiris looked to his dad, “Mining?” Mentel sighed, “Osiris, our planet’s resources dried up a very long time ago. For the last number of decades, we’ve been trading with our neighboring moons and planets for the resources that we need. More than anything else, we’ve needed to get Energy crystal to power most of our industries.”

“But what does that have to do with Mining?” Osiris asked as he looked around the table. Rogue was the one that answered this time. “A lot of the planets didn’t want to give up the resources that we needed. At that time, we were feeling a lot of stress because we weren’t able to maintain ourselves sufficiently without their resources. It was then that the Thunderist Academy was commissioned to start up the Arms Trade. Funding was allocated accordingly and companies like the Grove Family and Dalthon Family took over the market. There are numerous others, but they are the sector leaders.”

Xavier grinned, “And it was then that we went to war for the first time. There were only a few casualties before the other planets realized how far advanced we were. They then tried to negotiate deals with us where we could take the crystals from the earth ourselves. That’s when we started to get some mining crews together. Now we’re able to gauge how much of a strain we’re under by the amount of mining crews being sent out to the other planets to get crystals.”

Mentel sighed, “But if it were only that simple. A lot of the planets that we mine from are being oppressed. So they aren’t too happy with us taking their resources by force. A lot of them form resistance groups… which then made armed convoys a necessity. Cost of crews went up, which affected tax payers. Then there was the energy crisis a long time ago that cut off about seventy percent of the sectors. We weren’t affected to heavily because we live near the capital.”

“So what did you mean by the Academy taking in a new quota?” Osiris asked Xavier. The elder man sighed, “It means that the small businesses in the sector are taxed more because their income isn’t sufficient enough.” Osiris snorted, “That doesn’t make any sense?”

Rogue laughed, “You’re telling us! The corporations can afford the taxes, but the medium businesses have energy costs to pay, and if they cannot meet a certain financial requirement or an energy conservation plan, they lose their business license and in the worst case, they’re evicted and sent to a lower sector where the requirements are more fitting. We’re in one of the most competitive sectors, so it’s a little difficult for us to pay the bills and make things work.”

Mentel sighed as he placed a hand on his brow, “There have been numerous increases, but why now? What are you proposing?”

Xavier smiled, “I want him to give you control of the track.” Osiris’ eyes widened, “Wait, you said that it was only a lump sum of money. The inheritance was the track too?”

Mentel frowned, “I don’t think that it’s a good idea, why do you want to take it over. It was dying anyway before it went out of commission. The repairs on it would be extremely costly as well as the fact that all our equipment is outdated. There are many other speedways in neighboring sectors, we wouldn’t be able to compete… and that money is for Osiris when he reaches the right age. I don’t want to take that from him at all.”

“Why do you want dad to take over the track?” Osiris asked with a confused look on his face. “Separately, none of us can hit that quota. I’m half sure that your father has been losing money since he left me all those years ago. That company went to sleep when Osyria passed away, now I think that it is time to wake it up. I want to bring the Creeks back to the Byrne Speedway.”

Mentel shook his head, “I suppose you made up a business plan?” Rogue laughed, “You know that’s not his style, Mentel. He went and did something else.”

Xavier grinned. “We have a list of suppliers and drivers that all want to work with us again. All of my contacts are feeling the strain and the entire sector wants to hear about the wonder boy Osiris. Just imagine what would happen if an engine made by him was being raced by your old team?”

Rogue looked at Xavier with a confused expression on his face, but the elder man gave him a reassuring wave. Mentel was quick enough to pick up on this, “Inconsistencies ruin a business, what did he promise you, Rogue?” The driver laughed, “No, he didn’t promise me anything. It’s just that I know he had another idea that he’s not telling you about.”

Mentel raised an eyebrow at his old mentor who grumbled and elbowed his driver in the side. Osiris started to laugh out loud as Rogue pretended to be grievously wounded. “I originally wanted to split up the teams to make a bit of a competition.” Xavier said with a wink. Mentel laughed. “You wanted me and Osiris to be one team and you and Rogue on another? I don’t think that’s fair, I’m not driving and neither is Osiris.”

“It sounds like you’re considering the proposition.” Xavier said innocently as he looked back at the smiling Rogue. Mentel sighed, “I would love to get a look at motors again, but it would need a lot of planning. Besides you haven’t answered the driver problem, if you want me to think about this seriously… we’re going to need coffee.” Xavier grinned as he slammed his hand on the table. “House, make some coffee.” Mentel blushed slightly, “Actually, we make it ourselves… we don’t have the best House unit. It only takes about three hundred commands.”

Xavier nodded as he got off the stool and walked over to the kitchen area, picking up cups from one of the countertops. “What about you Osiris, would you like to make engines with your father and me?”

Osiris looked around to where the elder man was leaning against the counter, “I think I would like that very much.” Xavier smirked, “It will be harder than any of the stuff that they’ve shown you in school. Do you think that you’ll be fit for it?” Osiris grinned, “Yes!”

Mentel laughed, “Well, we’ll go over the details now… but I want to be sure that it’s in our best interests, I’ll only be handing over the excess of the sum since Osiris was born. I won’t allow any more of it to be invested. The original fortune was for him, the excess however I can justify because it was you that helped the company get to where it is now.”

Xavier smiled, “Mentel, you’re making me blush!” However Osiris was smiling, “Dad, I know you won’t let me, but I would like you to use my inheritance to build this company.” Mentel paused and looked at his son, “Why do you want that, son?”

Osiris smiled, “I wanted to work together with you for years, and I think that Motor Mechanics would make you happy again.” Mentel sighed, “We’ll use the excess to start this venture, consider it re-payment for all you’ve done for me. If it’s a success, we’ll consider it, but only if it’s needed.”

Osiris was elated as he turned back to Xavier, “There is one condition though.” Xavier regarded the young boy with a raised eyebrow, and turned to Mentel. “There are times that he’s just like his mother.”
Mentel grinned, “You’ve no idea.”
Osiris however, just cleared his throat, making Xavier turn back to him. “I’m sorry for interrupting, what is the condition?”

Osiris looked around the room for a moment before he answered, “I want that engine that my dad built. The Turbo one.” Rogue smiled, “I don’t think you’d like that car, it wouldn’t turn… at all.”

Mentel grinned, “But it was beautiful when it went straight.”

© 2009 Khance

Author's Note

Whoooosh, another thing. I accidentally wrote 'have on' in my last Note... it was supposed to be 'Have fun'. Just the guys were screaming 'Hard on' whilst i was touch typing.

My Review

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Wow, that was a lot of catching up! You have to let me know when you've posted a new chapter, Khance. Otherwise I forget to check. :(

It's coming along great though!

and I liked the new character. She's kind of cranky. :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 2, 2009



Dundalk, Ireland

People are reassured when they think you know what you're doing... Being honest, I make all of this up as I go along... When somebody complains, then i might stop :D more..

Altitude Altitude

A Chapter by Khance