![]() The cosmic f**k upA Story by The dark Hydra
Before I began or end Yes it was me who stoll the donuts. Okay now that that is over.
I'm tired of the way things work and when they don't work the world, my life goes to s**t. I have a phone, i could live without that, people have for a thousand + years, we don't need all this techno-bullshit to run our lives. Homework online, friends are online the world is online witch is all Hunkydory for those who have internet, i don't. The world now runs on machine heads and rich techno-fuckers with way too much money and there just too greedy for their own good. Hell if every rich guy gave a bloody dollar to the poor, the workhorse breed, living pay to pay and barely scraping by, am i supposed to buy the lie that they spend their money to try and not for us to die by the sigh of my people, hell if all the rich bureaucrats would stop flinging s**t at each other and give a damn about the poor the poor would no longer be poor. But instead all the rich burocrap f***s are busy fighting over greed to notice that their banks are full and there bloated a*s’s are fat from overeating, No one realizes the joy of finding a penny in an old couch, Not WORTH THAT MUCH TOO THEM, but probably all WE”ER going to get. Why don't we make it rain pennies hmmm. Then all the penny pitchers would be dead from falling change and we would see a change. But that doesn't make cents does it?. Are they done ranting. are they done Raving, Are the done with this road of destruction they're paving, cus its our blood, sweat and endless tears that they are craving. They're more pain then saving, their more pain that can ever be fathomed yet they sit on their high thrones bilt of greed and all the f*****g politics and look they look down upon us, not of victims of there wraiths but as ants feeding the colony. Their growing stronger as we grow weaker we are just tests in their beaker and the world is only getting bleeker. I don't mean to be mean, well actually on this page i don't care, don't stair, take the news like a man wail your sitting in that chair, the worlds not the county fair, and its not fair, the news is busting with idiocy and horror and all we can do is sit their and stair? The world is a fucked up place, this is how society works, it says it will only hurt a little, then you get hit by a f*****g semi-truck, “ Oh that semi-Hurt” They would say. Hahaha, Im not laughing this time.the irony of freedom is that we have, and must according to some bureaucraps up top, to give up some freedom. We are little lambs following a herd of wolves into a dark ally for slaughter, Can't people get over their own huater and help. Why is the damned governments middle name corruption? So f*****g fucked up that we are the citizens but they are the king. OPEN YOUR EYES and see. The world is FUCKED. Nothing's going to change if we dont chang. Bann Guns? Bad guys dont cair theirs something called the black market and, once again-according to society- black things are bad. Rase the age restriction on buying guns? School shooters dont cair about the age restriction. Almost half of school shooters are under 18. They dont think, Oh I have to wait two years to buy a gun, somehow they still get a gun. Its called the black market or the E-net, wich makes it easer to do things and get things. The fuckers up in the capital think baning guns is the sulution to gun viloance, How about putting some serious restrictions on E-net use. Schools do it all the time, wheir evry click leads to a blocked site. E-nets too big of a thing not to restrict. I mean if your own leader complains about the way things are run, then you know you have an issue. Trash,Trash and More trash, We are going down the drain riding the same crazy train, This is what we have become this is what we have became, no saving that. When we look through the glasses of truth we see this fucked up world for what it realy is, A smoke filled prison of sadness and poisen choked greif. The media feeds on the hunger, the poor, the rich, the helpless, it realy doesint care, its a damn ravenous beast, ready for the feast of blood, pages and pages of tired, twisted, torrmented facts that are half cooked bullshit that came from the a*s’s of thoughs just looking for another score. LISTEN to the words i have to say, they may seem austear or a bit quire, but the world isint going to hell.THE WORLD IS HELL. we look to the stars and think only of society's f*****g scars, the rich driving the shiny cars, going out and getting drunk in city bars, well we are fighting the wars, doing the chores, cleaning the blood off their shoes, listing to all the evil that has pored. Every push and shove is salt in the open wounds of despair. My generation is suffering under the weight of bullying. For them it's a crushing boulder and the problem of bullying is getting bolder. Why cant they leave us be, the media and me. Them or us who do we trust, this nations injust,our bloods turning slowly to dust and our laws to rust, restarts a must but in this nation. Its get rich and bust. It seems like nodody giive a f**k, the nation is a broken down husk. Its getting badder but why does that f*****g matter, the poor our sitting ducks surver on a silver platter, the capitals only geting fatter, our sutiuations only getting sadder , its macking me madder, Mader, MADDER, as mad as the mad hatter, why cant these capitaal f**k get run over by trucks this country sucks it makin me up chuck, f**k it this the way things our going, i was just outside mowing when i herd James J F**k say on the new something, bout buget cuts and crime rates high and i just Have to ask my self why. Why bother to try, when its easer to die, cauch you on the fly, cus i just herd that big ole sigh.Sanity has lost at a monumental cost. No matter the color, race, religion or gender, red blood is spilled and another person is killed. It's madness nothing but badness, bullet for bullet is not the answer. We are Lost and Running. Slowly Slipping away into a painful reality of broken hearts and freezing cold. Were Running without looking ahead, only behind, as terrifying dreams become a nightmare in real life.Police officers see death everyday and they face death every day. Some of these cops have seen the darkest side of humans but they must remember to keep their humanity. They must not give into the dark things that they have seen or they to will become a monster. Why to fight monsters must we become a monster our selfs, it is not fair. Life is not f*****g fair. Its not right. Life is not F*****g right. F**k trump hes a lying basterd, forgett Clinton, shes a b***h as w***e who deletes info. They both our thefts after power. Just wanting f*****g money, they fight, but I wouldnt be surprised to walk in and find them in the same bed. Uhh that thought makes me sick, I feel like puking up the terrible school food. Thanks Miss. Obama, shoddy for shoddy work and crappy food. Its Deception.I don't have a Deluded perception. The theory that our government works for us and is not a tyrant is a huge misconception. The Declaration of independence is not an exception. They are the sheep in wolves clothing. In our national banks the Millions are turning into hundreds, our dollars to dimes, our dimes to pennies. Who knew the hole in the bank account was this big? All with the loss of a few hands turned prey into predator with deception. Riches to rags. lost it all, gone. Even with all the money from taxes we are only growing ever deeper into debt. Our trusted politicians our taking the f*****g money. Leaving us with the watermarked debt. Then suddenly you wake up in a cold sweat, drenched in the darkness and the realization that the dream of a corrupt society were you were a slave you just had is your reality now, and only a bullet to the head can change that. We are cracks of a hummanity that braking, were to busy shacking with all the drugs in our systum, to notice the earth is quacking, tearing itself apart around us. But we dont cair or we would do something. Be the change you want to see in the world, the famouse quote goes but its a quote that only gets egnored by f*****g pesaple who dont give a f*****g f**k abou anything, and thats half the population.F*****g about and just not caring. It doesint have to be this way. This war does not need to be fought but do they understand that? Whair did this lust for war come from? Is it a programed aplience implanted into our heads to make war with our freinds. First with moral idealist. first you have to define what good is. their are many variations of good and all of them could be debatable. Giving money too a poor person could be considered good. He has money for food now, so he wont starve. But on the flip side he could buy drugs with the money you gave him then, congratulations, their are drugs out on the streets and hes selling the drugs to make more money.He is a scenario that deals with Moral idealism. A man's wife is dying from a completely curable disease, He has no money and the government is not helping out. So he goes and robs a bank for the money the government would not give him and helps his wife. Who is in the wrong? Who really defines right or wrong? . But do I feel bad about taking that guys cookies or do I feel bad that I got caught? I often ask these questions about my self. Who is jekle and do I have a Hyde? I mean the resorce officer seamed nice but im sure he is not about to blow this off like a spec of dust. Things like this dont go away and i have too much bad carma to asume they do. Somethings going to happen. My parents probably already know. Why cant peaple leave their noses on there face and out of my bisnese becouse my business is my business and im not open to share. We as humans are as nosy as they come or perhaps more acreatly we are the only nosy speaces.This world is falling apart and peaple are getting whay too trusty. Mabie i taught him a lesion, though we as humans are pron to make the same mistakes over and over and over and over and over and it needs to stop. Can we stop is another unanswered question. We have already proven our self robots. Programmed are habits are wrighten in the code of our behavior, the more we steal the easer it is to steal and not feel bad about it. They say they are rasing the next generation but is the next generation the generation to fall. Will it be disappointment of the next generation. When will they learn their lesson. The lesson's that humanity is trying to teach us. We can’t go around killing each other yet we still try. Back back to the f*****g problem here. We are programmed with a broken code of f*****g things up. Things get so fucked that they become very hard to unfuck. Word of the day Gimcrack © 2018 The dark HydraReviews
2 Reviews Added on October 25, 2018 Last Updated on October 25, 2018 Author