![]() Chapter VI: Dylan and Jean Technically Kill MeA Chapter by Kevin Manson![]() Things get explosive when Simon, Dylan, and Jean face off against the Riinok, still trying to get a piece of the key.![]() Dylan rolled between the Riinok’s legs and sliced his inner thigh. Bonehead cried out in pain. Dylan landed in a kneeling position and suddenly, everything went in slow motion. “Simon, go!” Jean commanded. I’d already started running, before she said my name. I felt energy being pumped into my veins. My eyes were glowing an electrifying blue. I leaped up, placing my right foot on his shoulder. Dylan boosted me up with all the force he had. I used his force and mine like a springboard. I felt that feeling of weightlessness again. I was one with the air, catapulting straight toward Bonehead. “Heads up!” I shrieked. With all the strength I had, I buried my sword hilt-deep into the monster’s shoulder. I climbed up, to a crouching position on his shoulder. I pulled the blade out and buried it into the back of his shoulder, not exactly thinking. Bonehead’s blood was like the stench of gasoline, but like a bajillion times worse. It was a strange, clear, blue-tinged liquid. Bonehead thrashed and shook until I went flying behind him. I held onto my sword tightly and willed to keep control. I felt lightless, being thrown in the air. I tried to keep in control, but steadily spun all the way to the ground with a BOOF! I was disoriented, watching Dylan and Jean take on the rhino-man on their own. Jean let out a huge battle cry, her brilliant green eyes glowing with rage. “Hah!” A jet of blue, icy magic flew from her palm, impacting Bonehead. He howled and crumpled to his knees and for at least a mili-second, there was hope. Then it looked like the beast’s body was tinged with red. The ice turned to steam and his palms were flaming again. Jean stopped casting ice. Her eyes dimmed. I mustered all my strength and ran at Bonehead. I charged and rammed my sword into the small of his back. Dylan stabbed just above my sword. Bonehead roared and shook us away. Dylan slammed into a box. and I was flung across the floor again. I saw Jean reach into her bag and pull out a silver spear, with strange, icey blue writing on it. How any of that stuff was possible wasn’t important at the time. Bonehead threw a lava-ball and Jean quickly flipped out of the way. Was she using some sort of speed-spell or was she really doing that? He threw two more and I swear he hit her, but she leapt towards Bonehead, through the smoke and tried to stab him with the blue-word-spear. He grabbed the tip of it and steam arose, making a loud KSSSSHHH noise. It looked painful, but he pulled Jean and the spear and flung her across the room. She slid, uncontrollably across the floor. She was about two feet away from me. I had an idea, so I said, “I’m guessing that’s an ice-magic-spear or whatever.” “Yeah, so?” She retorted. I had no time to explain. I sheathed my sword and willed it to disappear. I took my backpack off and began to climb up a shelf. I heard Jean yell at me, “Now’s not the time for cowardice!” I didn’t care what she said. I had a plan. I reached the top and looked down. Bonehead shot fire out his palms at Dylan (who was starting to recover) and Jean. Jean dropped her gold spear and made some sort of ice-shield from her palm. The fire impacted it with another KSSSSHHH! I didn’t have much time. Jean’s shield would eventually melt. Dylan looked around, “Where’s Si?!” Jean didn’t have the energy to answer. Bonehead’s flames were getting weaker. Now was a better chance than ever. “One of you toss the ice-spear!” I called. I could tell Jean wanted to argue, but she concentrated on the shield. Dylan effortlessly snatched her spear. He dropped it, but then picked it up again with a tighter grip. With all his might, he threw it to me. I caught it and instantly wanted to let go. The spear was so cold that it burned. How could Jean hold onto this thing? I didn’t have time for questions. Time to go forward with a stupid idea. I raised the spear over my head and howled. As I jumped off of the the shelf, time stopped. I saw the surprised look on Jean and Dylan’s face. Jean’s shield was melting and flickering. Her eyes were dimming quickly. I positioned my legs to land just right. I stabbed the Riinok in the back with a loud SSHHHK! The spear was lodged, straight down in his back. His flames stopped and he stood there, paralyzed. the spear began to freeze over and melt away into a wispy frost. I jumped off of Bonehead’s back and watched as blue flames erupted around him. The flames were so cold, that when I put my hand close, my skin went numb and turned blue for a second. The flames ate away at Bonehead’s body, leaving nothing but a pile of bones. “That. Was. Amazing!” Dylan exclaimed. He ran up to me and gave me one of those non-sentimental, hand-shake, bro-hugs. I felt good about myself and smiled. I’d slain my second monster. Then I noticed Jean walking over to me. “Don’t ever do something dumb like that! Ever again!” Was that concern buried deep under that tone of scathing hatred? She pulled Dylan off of me and punched my shoulder. “But...I have to admit...it was cool.” I think she almost smiled. The pile of bones began to melt away, leaving nothing but a burn mark on the floor. “He’ll be back.” Dylan said. “If more Riinok are out there, he’ll be back.” I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” “Haiseus granted the Riinok the power to craft anything. Including more Riinok...once they’ve passed.” “But then wouldn’t it be pointless to even try to destroy-?” Jean cut me off. “What’d we say about constructive criticism?” “Touchy gods.” I snorted. Dylan and Jean weren’t too pleased about that, but I continued. “We need that key-piece. It’s in that back room with the other one.” As if on cue, Therios busted out the back room with a roar. “WHAT IS THAT RACKET, BONEHEAD?! I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!” “Oh, dear.” Dylan sighed. “This isn’t good.” Jean said. “Wow, thanks, Jean, that’s helpful.” I replied. Therios stomped down all the aisles, grunting. “Bonehead? Bonehead?” He made his way to our aisle. He was wearing battle armor that looked Greco-Roman, Norse, and other stuff. An enormous war-axe was strapped to his back. His jaw dropped and he stared at the burn mark on the floor. He looked at us and bellowed, “What have you done to Bonehead?! He was like a son to me!” He sniffed the air. “Mage!” Therios placed his beady eyes on Jean, but I stepped forward. “I did it. I killed your stupid relative.” I got into my battle stance. “And I’m gonna kill you.” “Simon!” Dylan hissed. “Both of you go to the back room and get that key piece. I’ll distract this guy and we’ll get outta here. Okay?” “But-...” Jean started. “Go!” I yelled. They both ran to the back room, leaving me and a rhino-guy with a giant axe. Therios laughed and drew his axe. Different patterns and writing was on it and it glowed a bright orange-red. I guessed it was a magic-fire-axe or whatever. “You will pay, hero.” I put my best death-stare. “I’m not a hero.” Therios ran and swung his axe, going for a decapitation. Time slowed again. I could see what he was about to do. I ducked under the blade and rolled between his legs, stabbing him behind the knee. More of that weird, gasoline, monster blood spurted out. He howled in pain and I pulled my sword out. Quicker than I expected, he spun around and swung his axe at my head again. Apparently he really wanted my head. I jumped backwards and his axe hit a few metal boxes of dark magic. The boxes went up in flames and were cut open. Purplish-black liquid spilled out, hitting the floor with an evil hiss. It looked like little purple orbs were rising out of it. Dark magic looked a little unsettling. Therios created a lava-ball in his hand a lot quicker than Bonehead and threw it even faster. I ducked under a shelf as the ball exploded in the spot where I was. I rolled out to the other side and began climbing. Therios bounded around the corner and threw another lava ball, barely missing me. It was a lot smaller and exploded next to me, blasting me to the floor. “Uh...” I groaned. Therios swung downwards and I rolled away. The heat from his axe felt surprisingly good. Then it started to burn, not even touching me. I gathered myself and got up quickly. I slashed his wrist and rolled away as he sent his fist down. As his hand was stuck in the floor, I thought, Wait, why didn’t I just send one of them to get the key? I cursed myself, but got out of my own thoughts. I climbed up Therios’s forearm and stabbed through a chink in his armor, hitting his shoulder. He roared in pain and tried to swat me away. I pulled the blade out and went for his neck. Therios shook me and I slashed randomly, taking his right eye out. He wasn’t to happy and thrashed until I flew fifteen feet and impacted the ground with a loud WHACK! Therios swung his axe everywhere, destroying boxes and crates with dark magic spilling out the boxes and different bones and metal spilling out the crates. The magic fused with the different parts and half-formed monsters made of ooze were crawling, painfully out of puddles. Some of them had knives for hands. Other’s helmets were fused with their heads. It was a grotesque mess. A thirteen year old did not need to see this. “Curse you, hero!” Therios roared. My eyes glowed with rage and fury. “What’d I say?!” Stupidly, I ran at Therios, somehow dodging puddle-monsters, and lava-balls. I didn’t really have a plan but, I jumped on a shelf and boosted myself flying in the air, ready to stab Therios through the face. His blade met mine and intense heat traveled through my body. I screamed and flew back to the floor, next to a puddle monster. I stabbed it through the chest and it melted. How am I even alive? I asked myself silently. I guess being chosen meant I was quite durable. I still felt weak, but I got up slowly. Therios growled, pleased that he’d gotten me down, “What is your plan now, hero?” I actually thought about that. “Honestly, I didn’t think I’d get this far.” He laughed and tried to cleave me and half. I felt a burst of energy and jumped over the axe. It impacted a shelf, causing a domino effect, knocking over all the shelves on the right. He tried again and I ducked. His axe destroyed the shelves on the left. Therios howled with rage. I smirked. “You mad, bro?” “Yes, bro! I am enraged!” He screamed. I don’t think he got the joke. He swung downward and I rolled under him. I heard Dylan and Jean running. “Simon!” Dylan yelled. “We got it!” I guess they both noticed the mess because I heard them say a combination of, “What the heck?” and “What happened in here?” “I’ll explain later!” I yelled back, anticipating Therios’s next move. I heard them arguing about something: “Jean, you can’t use that!” “It’s all we’ve got!” “But, Si!” “He’ll get out!” I heard a CLICK! And then a metal PINGing sound, as if something metal just dropped. Then a rolling noise and something tapping my foot. I looked down. A little bronze sphere, like the one Kane was making in the car. It made a little clicking sound, like a timer. Jean and Dylan began to run. “Get out of there, Si!” Dylan yelled. “It’s a bomb!” Therios was distracted by the whole situation, but he came to his senses. I swung his axe at me, barely giving me time to dodge. I flipped backwards, the blade cutting and singing the loose part of my t-shirt. Then it occurred to me: I had zero training. How was I doing this? I heard Dylan and Jean yelling at me to run for it, but this lumbering, rhino-dude didn’t really want me to leave. He’d make a lovely host. I needed to find a way out. I backed up a bit and mustered up all the strength and energy I could. I did another stupid thing and charged the Riinok, head-on. I used all the power I could and jumped high in the air, sending my sword into his good eye. Therios wailed in pain and I landed behind him, burned out of energy. He howled and swung his axe in all directions, “I WILL PULVERIZE YOU, CHOSEN!” “Yeah, good luck, dude.” I muttered. He swung his axe in my direction, getting dangerously close. I ran around him and headed for the exit. Dylan and Jean were further away from the storehouse. I sheathed my sword and willed it to disappear. I ran as fast as I could. All I could hear was the ticking of the bomb and I was sure it had gotten faster, coming to a stop soon. I was at the door when I heard someone call my name from the storehouse. It was an unfamiliar voice. Like ice daggers carried his voice and stabbed your ears, demanding to be heard. I turned around, halfway out the door to see a silhouette of a man standing in front of Therios. That’s when it happened. DING! The bomb stopped ticking and force pushed me off of the ground. A comforting heat ran through my body. It made me happy. But the heat got more intense. So intense, I wanted to scream. I couldn’t though. I could just watch the flames around me. Time seemed to drag at a snail’s pace. Everything was silent, but I heard Jean shriek, “SIMON!” I watched as I flew over them, Dylan cupping a hand over his mouth and Jean screaming. I was at least fifteen feet off of the ground. This was definitely too much for a thirteen year old. I landed on the ground, hard, but not feeling anything. I heard Jean and Dylan talking about me, but I couldn’t make out the words. Then my ears began ringing, and the heat wore off. I was shrouded in darkness and officially...dead. *** The dark turned to white. I felt weightless. Not like in the battle. But like I was on a cloud, floating through the peace of my mind. You saved my son, little hero. That was a woman’s voice, speaking into my mind. Soothing and sweet. She talked to me like she was my mother. I felt a gentle hand touch my cheek as she continued, For that I thank you. I will save you. “W-what’re you talking about?” I felt weak, speaking. I felt dehydrated and my voice was crackly. His fate was changed. She said gently. Because of you, child. I liked her voice. It was so soothing, It made me feel safe. I asked, “Who are you?” I am Helena. The Maternal Goddess. Mother of Dylan Penman. She said Dylan’s name like she was so proud. Like he was the greatest hero to have ever walked the earth. He was Dylan Penman and...I saved his life? There must’ve been a mix up. I didn’t save anyone. Okay, people need to stop reading my mind, because she said, Dylan’s fate was entwined with that nasty Riinok. Had he stayed and fought with you, he would have been slain in battle. For some reason I could picture Dylan being killed at the hands of Therios. As if someone had implanted it as some sort of memory in my head. The image made me feel sick to my stomach. I felt Helena’s fingers gently push through my hair. Do not worry, my champion, she said. You must rest, now. To conquer the challenges that lay ahead. The darkness slithered into the light and I felt the pain in my body. I felt like all my bones had been shattered and my skull was on fire. “Is he breathing?” Jean asked. Was that concern in her voice. “Barely. He’ll be out for a while.” That was Dylan. I wanted to speak, but I couldn’t. The pain faded away, as did their voices. A new voice came in. Agatha. Her cute, demon-emo-voice cried with joy, “Baby, you’re alive!” Who’s she calling baby? I thought for a second she was talking about me. But then I heard the unmistakable sound of someone slurping noodles. No, wait. Aw, sick! I wanted to scream. Agatha and someone were like...making out. They took a break to breathe, thank every god, and I heard another voice. Nikon, “I’m back. And I’m gonna kill Simon Hale.” “You’ll do no such thing!” A third voice barked. Alex. His voice had the same ice-dagger-edge to it as the thing in the storehouse. But that couldn’t have been him. Why would he want me dead? He continued, “And you, Jordan. That’s the second time you tried to kill Hale. Do I need to punish you?” Second? Then it hit me. The guy who got splattered by Jean. I could tell he didn’t really view Alex as a threatening authority because he snorted out the words, “No, sir. And tell your little dogs here if they want to bathe each other than do it privately.” I thought he was literally talking about dogs, then Agatha cleared her throat. “It’s called passion, hun. Learn about it.” I realized the darkness around me wasn’t just blank darkness. It was shifting like black clouds. I saw little glimpses of the scene. They were on top of a building at night. Kelly was asleep at Alex’s feet, Jordan was standing with his arms folded, and Agatha and Nikon were wrapped in each other’s arms, in their own world. Nikon was apologizing for being so grumpy on the day he died and they licked the inside of each other’s mouths again. I wanted to gag. They were sickening with that stuff, but a part of me thought that their relationship was sweet. I shook that out of my mind and paid attention. Alex rolled his eyes at the sound of Nikon and Agatha. He groaned, “Oh for the sake of the gods.” He turned around and revealed two rings on both his middle fingers. He pointed them at Agatha and Nikon and two purple beams shout out, turning their bodies purple and sucking them in. The rings glowed purple and Alex turned back to Jordan. “We need that contract to empower our master. And we need Hale. Do you think that form of power comes around everyday?” Jordan rolled his eyes, “How do you even kn-?” “I can sense it. We need him.” “Oh, you can sense it?” Jordan growled. “Clearly, your senses were dulled when your mother, Mabel, and-!” Alex moved at the speed and gripped his neck. He spoke through his teeth, “Mention them again and I will end you.” Alex let go and Jordan grunted. Jordan turned into his cloud-form and flew into the night. Kelly stirred from her sleep and asked, “Mr. Alexander, when will I see Simon again?” Alex’s voice softened and he smiled as he said, “Of course. Go back to sleep.” She nodded and drifted off to sleep. I don’t know what was worse. The fact that Kelly was right in front of me and I couldn’t save her or that she’d formed a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome. I wanted to scream her name. I wanted to save her. This feeling of powerlessness was worse than that day on the playground. The image started to fade and I got angry in the darkness. I balled my fists. I felt rage in my body. I was going to kill Alexander. That’s when I woke up. *** © 2014 Kevin MansonAuthor's Note
Added on September 25, 2014 Last Updated on October 2, 2014 Tags: Young Adult, Teen, Adventure, Fantasy, Monsters Author![]() Kevin MansonColumbia, SCAboutHello! My name is Kevin Manson. I'm a writer (duh) of mainly fantasy. I'm currently working on some books titled"The Chronicles of Simon Hale". Music helps me write a lot. My favorite bands/artists a.. more..Writing