This is definitely a good first attempt at a love poem. The fact that the poem was the first of it's kind for you doesn't take away from it's quality. Good job. :)
"That captured my heart/and made me yours" - great last lines! And for your first attempt at a love poem, you did fantastically at expressing your love!
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you so much, I was a little nervous putting it out there :)
I guess I am just use to having the people that I friend or follow, their poetry just being availabl.. read moreI guess I am just use to having the people that I friend or follow, their poetry just being available to me to read, now I need to search
11 Years Ago
Yes that is different. But the more people you friend the more you will see on the feed and the more.. read moreYes that is different. But the more people you friend the more you will see on the feed and the more who will send you read requests.
11 Years Ago
Like anything new, it will just take time :) thank you for your help
Well this is a dozen times better than mine, I suggest you keep writing and hey one day, just maybe....
all good things, N
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you for your encouragement. I don't feel like a romantic person, so it was different for me
11 Years Ago
Even better then & believe me, I would not write it if I did not believe it. In my book, people are .. read moreEven better then & believe me, I would not write it if I did not believe it. In my book, people are not romantic but rather, sometimes they might do, say or write something that may be interpreted as being romantic... Very often though interpretations can be way off mark... N
a seeker of knowledge on a journey of discovery
rediscovery photography - my favorite are black and white photograph; love philosophy, history and literature - trying my hand at poetry more..