Last two lines're nicely penned, again you did a great job. Our body's working only cause of brain, if our brain's dead, we're dead. Our life's moving and moving only the cause of time cause the time's moving as well. You've well described about this write... in your own few words.
Keep writing.
A witty poetic tribute to becoming an emotionless zombie.
You slay the dragon that would defend your castle or kill Glenda the good witch to save the wicked witch of the west. Better still how about sitting a rusty metal tool shed in the middle of the Taj Mahal's courtyard?
So much destruction to quiet a small nagging that one would desire to divide and conquer the brain.
This work shows how much power can be demonstrated and the amount of thought that can be provoked with a few words. Might we conclude that you wield a talented pen.
:) Very witty, my friend. On the surface, this seems simple, but yet upon further inspection there is a primal depth to your words and thoughts here. Freedom from a spike in the head...sometimes I could see this being a luxury. Haha
Hi everyone!
It's nice to be back more often now.
I read and review a lot, but I don't like read requests. It seems forced.
I write when I want to or feel that bit of inspiration. But, .. more..