another brilliant metaphor...I am reading several tonight.
This goes to the top..."the bristling screech of a brillo pad/ scouring memories I'd rather not/
have to forget."
I have gone through so many brillo pads, I cannot afford other groceries.
I don't have the dead stems...but some old wedding rings.
oh that Journey.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
thanks J. don't have quite the collection of rings you do, but I do have a graveyard of dead stems
The scent or stench of yesterday is our haunting bliss.
It feels too real. I’m sure the new bouquet will die in its time.
Why do we bother?
I know I’ll keep trying.
Great series.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
12 of them in all, to be opening suite in my upcoming book. these 3 are the ones I am most satisfied.. read more12 of them in all, to be opening suite in my upcoming book. these 3 are the ones I am most satisfied with at the moment, others will follow as i finish their polishing
This one has an "if only" sound to it. The years can make retrospectives seem attractive, but of course, there was a reason this one didn't work out. Time has just eased it to the back burner, and the doldrums
of the present have roused the ghost called nostalgia. Nothing wrong with daydreaming, but you probably wouldn't want to go back there.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
You are certainly on the right track John. Not quite certain if its nostalgia so much as long overdu.. read moreYou are certainly on the right track John. Not quite certain if its nostalgia so much as long overdue recognition of my appetite for destruction. The Roses (12 in all) are to be the opening suite in my upcoming collection. Still workshopping their final cuts but find that the thoughts and reactions of reviews here help to hone the line cuts I am after.
thanks for the thoughts, on this one, and all the other works I've posted
You know I have done that myself, left flowers from a relationship to completely decay. Part of the grieving process and it is damn painful, I can attest to that. I felt that pain here Ken.
A very painful poem of a special kind of loss, the rotting flowers showing the darkness that veils the house; perhaps this is the best way to mourn …but it seems this relationship may not have been the happiest……or perhaps it was a long loving any case you give much to contemplate in this gloomy , well crafted piece.
Best, B.
Wow, talk about a downer, this poem makes the dumps seem like a good place. : ) Now this is a broken heart speaking if I ever did hear one and trust me, I have listened to myself enough and still hadn't heard a conversation like this. Really good, you are very talented my friend.
This is such a sad poem. Yes, you did well to leave the dead stems rotting. Its better to remember that stench and what lead to it. Romance mostly sours somewhere along the way. It always better to walk away before it gets really ugly and at least preserve some of the good memories. Very well written!
I do like this poem. Leaving black memories to remind us, not to do again. Thank you Ken for sharing your amazing poetry. I needed some motivation to write.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
and we need the inspiration your writes provide, so best of luck john
2 Years Ago
I agree Ken. I use the Jazz now. Steal me back to my wild days.