. ha ha ! ... sheer genius ! ... amazingly skillfully written ... love the use of repetition ... that's how it sounds ... that constant commentary from those who believe in everything else except poetry ... i have no money these days ... and no commentary either ... it is fun ... has its moments ... though ... eventually ... money shall have to be earned ... one can only stall the inevitable for so long ... and not longer ... a delightful read ... despite the painful moments this is about ... i think you kinda sliced that commentary with your wit and skill ... :) ...
Told with such humour, living inside you head composing words that leads to no payment no gain , just pure pleasure. Writing and Art has no value yet can be the basis of creativity and innovation.
. ha ha ! ... sheer genius ! ... amazingly skillfully written ... love the use of repetition ... that's how it sounds ... that constant commentary from those who believe in everything else except poetry ... i have no money these days ... and no commentary either ... it is fun ... has its moments ... though ... eventually ... money shall have to be earned ... one can only stall the inevitable for so long ... and not longer ... a delightful read ... despite the painful moments this is about ... i think you kinda sliced that commentary with your wit and skill ... :) ...
oh yes. I can imagine this is so, when a creative genius is surrounded with logically thinking people. This is the tragedy of genius I think. Creative people must get understanding by a loving environment ....this is feeding their creativite forces and they create more and better... how said if that is what was your experience. yes, with "no money cannot buy your futures ...with no money free to buy your guture but lie." this was my favorite, so greatly composed this twisted into itself... this is the slight difference between creators and possessions collectors. and, because they cannot create > > > they need even more and more possessions. and what do we? we laugh.
I like the reflection you show - a mirrored image of what she claims to see - spinning them around to show us they are ultimately useless words from her - instead of you....good job - yes, a writer lives inside their head and the people who do not truly understand that - have no ability to appreciate the value of those words and thoughts - for it isn't marked by money.
Ken, I think this is one of your best. Did you write this so it could be read backwards or have I also lost my mind? I don't know who "everybody" is but they clearly don't understand how necessary it is to write if we're going to feel alive. Really a good self-revelatory poem, with several twists in it. I think it bears repeated reading.
They are right. We writers are all mad and waste our lives. A few seem to break through some invisible wall and then become gods of intellect worshipped by less animated beings. But to break theough the invisible wall you need to be really, really, really mad. But by whose standards are we mad? How does one know if one is mad enough to make it? Being a little bit mad, or medium mad might not be enough. But then really, really, really mad people don't know they are mad! But being even a little bit mad is better than being one of 'The They'. And where would 'they' be if we were not mad enough to write wonderful books for them to wonder over, but never really understand? Writing is one of the finest ways to pass an hour of life. Beats golf, watching TV, sunbathing, drinking whiskey, snorkling, sex, hang gliding, skiing, shopping, playing poker.
Take it for truth Ken it's a complete waste of time. you could have built a Taj Mahal instead of composing useless stories(BTW write faster)and painting pictures that no one wants to see unless it's free. If you just spent the time gardening that you spend so uselessly writing we could sell tomatoes. Why don't you listen?
Arabian, Tennessee Walker, Thoroughbred.
Haha - that is one of the things I like about you.... those thoughts ramble around inside there.....and then they escape so very cleverly..... insane - me thinks not.... talented, creative, amazingly smart.... those kind of words.....
even this is brilliant in the word choices and effect they have on the reader
Sorry, but, flippant first thought: selfish, nagging creature!
Poetic words and form to express yourself, your way of thinking, your use of words and imagination 'battling' with someone who thinks more of the material world than of thought and creativity.
'... do something sane instead .. of sitting there with blamed .. words infesting in your mind'
'... with no money free to buy .. my futures all but lie .. insane inside your head'
Although brief, this is an expansive, almost complex piece.
How easy for some to believe that using words to create and display thought has little value. (And, that a living can be made from just that.)
'I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well. Unfortunately, I am confined to this theme by the narrowness of my experience'
For all those who .. more..