![]() The Creation Of LifeA Story by Kelsey Taylor![]() A scientist with a vision... but everyone think he is insane. He knows what he is doing is risky but he must create life.. create his dream; even if he hits a few set backs along the way.![]() Day one Journal Entry - the creation of life (I have decided it is in my best interest to record my scientific experiments in a journal to ensure that I do not forget) I have been working on creating life for years.. even if it was something insignificant, like one-celled organisms at first. I want to create my own race.. my own people. I could be their hero.. their “god” I think is term.. of course we banished the idea of their being a real god hundreds of years ago.. evolution was to thank for my existence. I have been working on unlocking the key to life for close to 5 years now and I know I am close… I have created unintelligent, dependent, organisms… much like bacteria. Someday I will take that and evolve it into an intelligent people, but no one else believes it is possible. We are an advanced race but not enough to understand how to re-create… we never die, therefore we have never before needed to reproduce.. everything here is perfect.. but I believe there could be more. Everyone would always ask me, “Why tamper with the universe.. there is us and that is all there ever will be. We walk on the finest streets and live in the most magnificent houses… if there were more of us we would have homeless, there would be starvation, the order of the world would be upset, just stop.” I mean, maybe they were right but I still want to do it.. I knew I would have to be secretive about it. So thats what I have done, for the last 5 years I have creeped from my mansion to my laboratory out back in the dead of night and worked on my experiments, thats where I am right now.. soon I will be done. I can feel it.. I'm just so stressed out, so tired. I think I'll take a walk to the milky way, looking out upon the planets and the sun always relaxes me. Someday I would like to see other parts of space though, afterall it is 75% of our world and I have only seen a very small portion of it. But that will be for another day.. right now there are more pressing matters. It was time to put the finishing touches on my new “life.” I wandered back to my lab and went to work… then it hit me, these things I have growing.. where would they live? I must create them a home first. I took a large blue ball like our children play with and carved into it craters to hold water for my tiny people, then I cut a hole all the way to the center and filled it with magma to warm the ball, next I closed the hole and added soft dirt and a bit of mold and algae for food, then I placed it under a lamp to provide more heat. But what were they to become? Would this be enough for them to survive on? And how long would it take them to evolve into something much bigger than they are now? Day Two Journal entry - the creation of life For now, to test the living area for these creatures I would place small insects in it to see how they survive. I chose a few of my favorites, Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Velociraptor, the Stegosaurus, and quite a few others. I placed them in the living area and decided to go to bed.. if they survived the next few days then it was a success, if not then we were back to square one. Day Nine Journal entry - the creation of life It has been exactly one week since I placed the insects in their makeshift environment and they appear to have taken a liking to this new habitat, they have begun to reproduce.. they now cover the entire surface. Living independently, taking care of themselves. Eating the vegetation and drinking the water. This environment will work nicely. My bacteria or “life” are evolving quite quickly as well, they have already grown legs and arms and opposable thumbs and appear to have some intelligence.. they are also quite hairy, maybe this is because they air conditioners been running. They are adapting to cold weather but I'm sure once they are settled into their new home things will straighten themselves out. Tonight I will place a few of the living things that I have decided to call Apes because they closely resemble our primates we have here in our world, into the habitat I created for them to see if they can live with the insects. I will check on them in a few days. Day eleven Journal entry - the creation of life This isn't going to work… the Apes have begun to speak with each other calling the insects what sounds like the word Dinosaurs. They like to attack the insect and stab it with wood from the vegetation that has grown, the insects retaliate by eating them…. some of them have stopped eating vegetation all together and have taken to eating the Apes and the other insects… they are now carnivores. Day Twelve Journal entry - the creation of life I have decided to call the “Apes” Homosapians or Humans for short… they have shed their fur and started developing language.. their attempts at survival are mind blowing.. they refuse to give up no matter how viciously the insects attack. They fight until their last breath.. Day Thirteen Journal entry - the creation of life Something horrible has happened… a colleague of mine was working in my lab and there was an explosion.. he did not know of the tiny world sitting on my desk.. the sparks from the explosion landed on the habitat… killing everything. All there is that is left are ashes and the skeletal remains of my creations. I got angry with my friend. I began shout and rage. He stepped back and told me I was crazy, I shouldn't have messing with this type of thing in the first place. That I had replaced my friends with these worthless beings. He pushed me and I got even more angry. He saw it in my eyes and turned to walk away. I have to start all over again... all my work.. was a waste of time. Day Sixteen Journal Entry - the creation of life I haven't heard my colleague.. Lucifer.. he is missing. But on the brightside i have managed to re-create my tiny world and they are doing wonderfully. I wonder if they know I exist..? Day twenty-four Journal entry - the creation of life They do know! They have begun to call me by many names, God, messiah, Saviour, and many more.. this is wonderful! Wait there is one praying now.. “Dear Lord, thank you for the earth and the animals and even the sun, you truly are an amazing God. Goodnight, watch over me while I sleep. Amen.” Thats miraculous… I have succeeded.. I am a God.© 2014 Kelsey TaylorAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Kelsey Taylordallas, NCAboutWell my name is Kelsey Breeanne Taylor, I am currently 15 years of age and I guess I'm what most would consider a "goth" or "emo", which ever stereotype you prefer. I am a bit shy at first.. social an.. more..Writing