The Best of Friends

The Best of Friends

A Story by Kelsey

Something I wrote awhile back for a creative writing class. pahahaha

I remember it like it was practically yesterday; The day I met my best friend. 
I was 10, and my mother regularly took me to the local park. She'd chat away on her cell phone, while I played amongst other kids. Although the park was usually full of kids my age, I never actually played with anyone. In fact, I usually found myself wondering off into the edge of the woods, located near the park. My mother never noticed, for I was always back in time to leave. One fateful day though, while wondering into the edge of those woods, I found my best friend...

That day, I wondered a little further than I normally did, wanting to explore something new, maybe see a few wild animals. I happened to be quite clumsy at the age of 10, and while wondering deeper into the forest, I stumbled upon what seemed to be a loose branch that had fallen from a tree. Looking down to inspect my scuffed up knee (slightly bleeding), I noticed a small hand. Bony, frail, I followed the arm up, to find myself staring into the dark eyes of a girl..a girl that would forever be known as my best friend.

A lot of people complain about their "friends" being "Back-stabbers" or things of the sort. My friend? She was perfect. I could tell her any secret, in complete confidence, knowing she'd never tell a soul. She was the absolute best listener, giving me her full attention every time I had a story to tell. She was rather quite, but that was okay, to me, because I knew she understood me, and to her, I was her best friend. 

Every day my mother would take me to the park, my friend would be waiting for me, sitting under the same tree, waiting to hear my days tales. Occasionally, I'd bring her a small cake to eat, or let her sip a drink of my water. Admittedly, she never ate or drank much. One time, I even brought her a dress of mine to wear. (Her clothes were rather ragged).  I almost brought her one of my grandmas wigs one time, for you see, she had no hair. But I decided against the idea, knowing my grandmother would be upset with me for taking a wig.
Besides...I thought my friend was beautiful, even without hair.

This meeting with my friend lasted for months. Eventually my mother became curious as to who this friend of mine was, for I talked about her constantly. I decided it would be nice for my best friend to meet my mother, finally. I took my mothers hand, and I guided her through the woods. My mother wore a confused look on her face the entire journey, and kept asking me why we were venturing into the forest. I simply didn't say a word, but lead on.

We reached the tree where I knew we'd find my friend, and there she sat, wearing my red and blue polka-dotted dress I had brought her, and a red ribbon I had tied around her fragile head. I turned and looked at my mother..."This is my best friend!", I said with a smile on my face.
My mother dropped my hand and stared with a look of terror on her face. She let out a shrill scream, picked me up, and we ran back to the park.
Before I knew it, a bunch of police were walking into the forest, and out they came with my best friend.
One officer holding her body, while the other was holding her skull, the red ribbon still tied neatly around it.

"Amy Johnson, 7 years old, missing for 4 years? We've found the body", I heard a policeman say into his phone. that was her name.

© 2012 Kelsey

My Review

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Very nice. Sad ending. The characters were great and I really enjoyed reading it. Well written.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you

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1 Review
Added on July 7, 2012
Last Updated on July 7, 2012




I like video games and music. Oh and writing, too. Obviously. more..
