As a rhyme-aholic, first off I enjoy your unstructured rhymes that flow like a rapper (for lack of a better description). I prefer when a rhyming poet still takes the time to make sense with his/her message, & I like the way you've done that here. Most of your detailed observations are not as specific as the "geisha" stanza, so that one stands out in a way that doesn't seem to flow with the rest. I like it all, but it just makes me wonder why you picked that particular example to go into such details. Other than that little distraction, everything else works well (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
I was travelling on the train into London and I always look around at things and people and there I .. read moreI was travelling on the train into London and I always look around at things and people and there I saw here dressed up like one and it just made me wonder in the confusion of illusion why things are the way they are ? I’m glad it passes your standards, many thanks for your time 🌹
This is amazing. This poem definitely sums up the confusing society we live in today. With its fragmentary structure and consistent rhythm and flow, it shows the irregularity of daily life with its ups and downs, clearly illustrating a 'Confusion of illusion'.
It certainly has got a powerful message to inspire and make one think on how to be a better member of society.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Thankyou so much I can see we are on the same page, Thankyou for your tome🌹
wow this is an amazing piece kelly straight from the heart as the words in the poem speaks.
Wanting to be Geisha girl-
Red lips
Little bag
Clip in hair-
Why do you so
Wish to be there? the stanza filled me with awe with the words used and the role of a geisha girl makes me wonder a lot. thanks
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
I’m glad you enjoyed yes I watch and wonder at times, Thankyou for your time 🌹
You are correct dear Kelly.
Rewrite the lines
Collect your dimes
"In time-
Rewind your mind
And clarity
You shall
Find. "
The above lines. Few seek and few shall find. A wonderful and hopeful poem.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
If you do not seek u have nothing, choices, Thankyou for your time I appreciate all your reviews🌹
the gift of retirement eased into your poem,remembrance of the rush, the confusion, the utterly dazed speed of light across so many working landscapes, i remember it all and sit back, dog and me sifting the wind as far as i can see.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
I’m glad it bought good remembrance a comfortable place of being, Thankyou for your time🌹
meaning you are confused of what to do with your plot in writing but you will soon get that taken care of
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Many thanks but it’s actually about the confusion of man and flesh and ways of world that steal th.. read moreMany thanks but it’s actually about the confusion of man and flesh and ways of world that steal the truth away, Thankyou for your time I appreciate it🦋
Oh my lord. I love it. I wright this stuff like men that ware masks to Hyde the scars of their past and conseal who they really are in the world. well wrighten.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
I’m glad you enjoyed reading, many thanks for your time🌹