![]() Smell the CoffeeA Poem by Kelly Corcoran![]() This is not about coffee![]() Kelly Corcoran 4/23/15 Smell the Coffee! This may seem inane, but there is a meme I’m sure you’ve heard of them One is courage wolf It says: You are the product of 4.3 billion years of evolutionary success. Act like it. Don’t be stupid. You are here for a reason. Part of a grand design. So squelch the ego and embrace the self All lives have a purpose, a reason for being. Just the way they are Every being has a niche, and humans are no exception. Find your place in this world. Wake up! And start living. Remember, we are human beings, not human doings. Don’t waste your life. Better yourself, so that you may lead by example. Be the best version of yourself that you can be. All lives affect the ones around them So be kind. Don’t be stupid! You are part of a grand design Use your brain! You have a mind, now use it! Inane lives, don’t waste your time Time can turn on a dime Soon it may be too late So wake up and smell the coffee Before it’s too late! All of history has lead up to each of us. If any one thing had gone differently, You, me, us; would not be here. So give thanks for your life and live the best you can. We are each special, we are each unique. Like the finger prints that identify us Even identical twins are two different people. Some of us pride ourselves on our uniqueness. But if we are all different, doesn’t that mean that by default We are all the same? Humble yourself before a greater power One existence, under one God. One race, under one light The Human race. We are one. So hold yourself with dignity and grace, Treat your neighbor with respect Love yourself, love the world Don’t ask for much, just what you need. I’ll come to you in due time. You will be fulfilled, a life well spent. God makes no mistakes. Love makes no mistakes. So trust the grand design. Trust in life and love and light. All will be well. All will turn out in the end. So count to ten, take a deep breath, and hold on tight It’s gonna be a wild ride. Called life. © 2016 Kelly Corcoran |