Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Kelleth Metheus

Chapter One

As they crossed over the border into Bovert, it was strange, all signs of the drought that had affected the surrounding Partri vanished. Gone were the parched fields, and dying trees and grass.

The coach set an easy pace as it splashed through the muddy roads. Shifting her position, Tyana tried to avoid the lump in the seat. The coach had once been a thing of beauty, but it was a sad shadow of what it had once been. The rich fabric was worn from where people had sat over the years.

Staring out the window, Tyana's fingers crushed the letter in her hand. She was still unsure about all this, she trusted Brigan's plan but.... She shook her head, now was not the time to think about these things, the chance to back out was long past. That opportunity was gone the moment she left the Lake.

Tyana could not resist a smile. The Lake had been a wonderful place to live. She wished she could be back there, in her breeches wandering through the woods instead of wearing these thousands of petticoats.

Closing her eyes, Tyana could almost feel the warm breeze on her cheeks and smell the loam as she slipped through the trees, hunting for her next meal and collecting some herbs to make a few coins knowing Gina was waiting for her at home.

The coach hit a rut, jarring her from her memory and she was once more thrust into the present and all the worry and panic was back. Tyana tried to calm herself as Gyia had taught her, but the butterflies refused to settle. She had been invited by the Baron to come to his house. His sister had been lost during the rebellion twelve years ago. Now after all this time, he had sent a man to find her. After much searching, Brigan had found Tyana. Brigan assured Tyana that she was the one he'd been looking for.

So now she was an heiress, what else could go wrong? She just needed to be herself and everything would go as planned.

Leaning back she tried to relax, hoping she hadn't made a big mistake.

A few hours later, the coach pulled to a stop in front of a sprawling manor house surrounded by large sweeping lawns. Tyana was about to step out of the coach when she stopped, remembering she was a lady now and she needed to wait for someone to open the door for her. Brigan's last words to her echoed through he mind.

Remember who you are, and all will go well. You are a very special person, Tyana even if you cannot see it. Our hopes rest on your shoulders.”

With a sigh she muttered, “As if in this house I'm likely to forget.”

The footman dressed in Bouvert's livery of gold and black rushed out, opening the door and placed a wooden step on the ground. Holding out his gloved hand, he helped Tyana from the carriage. She stumbled slightly on her skirts. Stopping for a moment, she looked up at the house before her and felt dwarfed by the immediacy of it but gathering her dignity as Tyana walked up the stone steps.

A tall uniformed butler stood in the doorway blocking her way. “May I ask miss, who are you?”

“I am Tyana-- Julia. I have a letter here from Baron Bouvert. He's my brother and he has brought me here to Yancy to live and meet my family.”

Surprise showed on the man's face but he bowed trying to hid it. “My names is Phips, Miss Tyana. I apologize, we were told nothing of your arrival. Follow me, I will show you to the library. Also I will have someone find the Baron, I think he's out riding and I'm sure he will want to see you as soon as possible.

“Thank you, Phips.” Tyana answered as she followed him across the black and white tiles of the large entrance. To her left there was a grand staircase leading to the upper floor. The wood was smooth and shinny as it meandered its way up. Tyana wondered what it would have been like to slide down the banister’s shiny surface as a child with its twists and turns? Her next thought was how different her life would have been if she had grown up in a house like this?

Phips headed down the hall and opened a door. “Wait in here, miss. I will have Hennie prepare your rooms. Would you care for anything to eat or drink?”

“Thank you Phips. I'm sure I will enjoy whatever the cook has on hand. I want no one to make a fuss for me.”

The Butler's lips curled into a smile. “You are no trouble, miss. I will see what I can find for you? I shall return in a few minutes.”

Tyana walked into the room and couldn’t help staring. All the walls except the one with the window and bench were covered in books.She had never seen so many. In the ruins of Treeline she and Gina had a few books that had been salvaged from the main house but Yancy seemingly had thousands.

Crossing the room, she trailed her fingers over the titles wondering what adventures or information was inside. She wondered if she'd be allowed to read them or if that would be unladylike.

Her fingers stopped at one large tome: A History of the Bouvert Family.

Using both hands, she pulled it from the shelf. Dropping it on the table, she opened it and began to leaf through the volume. To her horror it was filled with betrayals and schemes. It seemed this family had always sought to increase their power but always failed to do so. She wondered if the current Baron had the same type of plans?

It was the Baron's responsibility to supervise the round up of the Guilded for the Outlander King, and keep them alive and ready to fight in the arena.

There was a knock at the door that made Tyana jump. Her voice shook as she turned to the door hoping it wasn't the Baron. Smoothing her dress she tried to prepare herself to meet him, everything hinged on that first meeting. “Come in.”

The door opened allowing Phips and a footman to enter. “When the cook heard about your arrival, she decided to make you some sandwiches and include some cakes to compliment your drink.” The footman set down his tray. “Dinner will be served in a few hours. Master Joel is on his way back to the house, he should arrive soon.”

“Do I wait for him here or....”, Tyana asked sitting down at the small table, looking over the food.

“Stay, he will meet you in here.” He bowed and turned to leave.

“Phips thank you for being considerate; this looks delicious.”

With his hand on the doorknob, he once again smiled. “It was no trouble miss and the staff of Yancy welcome you home. We could use some life in this house once again.”

Forcing a smile, Tyana spoke, “I'm glad to be here.”

He nodded. “Now enjoy your meal. Once the Baron has seen you, I will send Hennie to show you to your rooms. She will serve as your maid. Hennie is inexperienced but she's a good girl.”

Then he was gone, leaving Tyana to enjoy the food.

© 2011 Kelleth Metheus

Author's Note

Kelleth Metheus
Draft four but still a work in progress.

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Added on January 30, 2011
Last Updated on January 30, 2011


Kelleth Metheus
Kelleth Metheus

Ontario, Canada
